248381 f n • ' y� ' ,� � � � . ' e ���.�!�$,,,� . � � INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE N0. $y File No. L-2�1 __ --- _ _ . I ` Improve CONCORD TERRACE - �970 (City Pro�ect P-0517A) oa: � i �. � ADA STREET from Concord Street to Congress Street, y i ANITA STREET from Concord Street to Congress Street, ' BANCROFT AVENUE from Concord Street to Congress Street� ' � CLINTON AVENUE from Congreas Street to Delos Street, . ' CONGF.ESS STREET �rom Robert Street to Greernrood Aveuue� and _ � from Ad,a Street to Bancroft Avenue� . . DELOS STREE'r f�om Clinton Avenue �0 200' Eas� of Greernrood Aveuue, } GREENWOOD AVENUE �rom Congress Street to Delos Street� YSASEL STREET f`rom Robert Sicreet to State Street, . � ROBIE STREET from State Street �o T.�i. 56, � - ' un WINIFRED STFZEET flrom Ada Street to T.H. 569 up,; as follows: gracle and surface� constx�xet curb and gutter; construc� stree$9 a11ey e.nd driveway returns; construct and reconstruct sidewalk; construct isr atorm wa�er dxa�.rxage Pac3lities; conatruct seWer, water and gas service -- connections; constraxc� axa ornamental� ligt�ting system (N1-o5o5); and do all . othes� work which 3s nece�sa�y and inciden�a�. to co�►p1e�e said i�uprovement. � LL-- Also, cornstrrxc� �n ornamental ].igh�ixag �yatem (M-0505) on ROBIE STFtEET 1 � � (realfgned.� P�dn S�t:af.� S�reet to Co�s� St�ee� �nd, WIlQYF�tED B�RFBT �gro� ' ' �a Street to Sta� S�ree$. 4,. ;' _ �_ : _ ___ �:�,� �ancord 5treet to Congress Street� `� _ _ , ANITA STREET from'Concord Street to Congress Street, � BANCROFT AVENUE from Concord Street to Congress Street, CLINTON AVENUE from Congress Stree� to Deloa Street, • CONGRESS STR�TET f'rom Robert Street to GreeuFrood Avenue� �nd. . ' from Ad.a. Street to BancroFt Avenue� ! DELOS STREET from C13nt�n Avenue to 200' East oP Greenkood Avar�ue, GREENWOOD AVENUE �'rom Cpngress Street to Delos Street� - � YSASII, STREET f�om Robert S�re�t to State Street, ROBIE STREET f'rom State Street �o T.Yi. 56, WINIFRED STREET flrom Ada Street to T.H. 569 , . es follows: grac�e and surf�ce; cons-truct ci,yrb �d gutter; construct stree$, alley and driveway returns; construct and reconstruct sidewalkA construct � stornu wa�Ger drafnage �'�c3litie�; cona�ruct seWer, water and. gas servicP -- � connections; construGt an ornamen�al� lig�ting �ystem (N1-0505), . aud do all r other work which fs �ece�ea�y and. incicien� to coffiple�� sai�d improvemento D Also� cor�s�ruc� �a ornamen�a]. l.igli�isn� syatem (M-0505) on ROBIE BTREYsfi . (realigned) fron S�ate S�ree� �� �o�rese Sts�ee� nan�d WII�YF� STREE'T Sroa , . �da Stre�t �+ Stafi.e ��sre�$o Yes — .� `�aiglish _ . _-�— • - � /,� _ --�-- a2�P .-.., ... :._ Mered ith �� �'etersc,n �=���`afka n Favor + � � Mayor �y rne gainat �lBL1SHED MAY 2 91970 6-88-2M �� B.i