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Theundereigaedhereby proposeethemal�ingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8aint Psul,v�s.:
; constrnct se� sidewalk oa the aorth side of Hillsdale eve. frc� McF,ni ht xoad to
..........................____.................................................. .............................................�...........................
Wiathrop St. and by doing all other nork vhich is ascessarx and incid�atal t•
coaplete_said i�r�ve�eat:..�................................ .»....................................................�..»................................
Dated this....14th.........daq og.............»....... April ............, lg .. � �
............................ ..... ..... .
................��i�4�.�"�..�: ....�. ........_....
WHEREAB, A writtea propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.:
��constract_ne�►.sidewaZk.oa.the.north side__of .Rillsiale_Ave. fra� �[clCaight µ�oad..ta �
�iiinthrop.St...an�..bq _doie�g_all other wort_which ia_aecessar�r.axd.incidental_ to _�.__�
ee�le te_sa id...inproveae nt�..._...___.................................••----.................---.._.............._......-----............ ....
6sving been preeeated to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul............................................................ ...... _....
therefore, be it
R,E$OLVED, That the Commieeioner of Publio Works be and ia herebq ordered and direoted:
1. To inveatigste the neceasity for� or desirability of,.the making of esid improvement.
� �. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eatirnated coet of eaid improvement� and the total eost thereof.
3. To furnish a plan� pmfile or sketch of said improvement. -
4. To etete whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked gor oa P,he petitio�of tbree�r more ownere.
b. To report upon all of 4,he foregoing mattere to the Commieeiones of Finanoe.
Adopted by the Conncil..._..........................................�.��.�.4_b��Q
Councilman Carlson A�R 1 4 1��0
Da 1 g 1 i s h �PPtovec$.................»......._...-------........_......_...........
�L�y�.�r� �aad
Peterson �
Tedesco ......». .. ..... .. .--••------•-
Mr. President BX�rte Mayor.
�000 s.aa
� � PUBLISHED APR 181970