248372 ������ Conaail I+YIe No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereigaedhereby propoeeethemsidngotthefollowingpublioimprovemeat by the Clty oi 8sint Psul.vis.: reconstre�ct the sidewalk on the east aide of Wilder St. fros l�rriam Lane to .....�....�kh�...A�tse�.aa��..aq...tb�..aa�,h..�.i.d�..t�£.�r�.�.ama..�oaa..I�aRC:xs..�....ta..Yi].d��_.... St. and by dcing 811 other work vhic� is aecesaarq aad incidental to cc�plete .....:satid..imgx�ajrraaeeut......................................._....---.............................._..............»......................._................__._......... Dsted thie.,.._.lOth.�....»dsy og...........................�ril... .. .... . lg 70 ......._....���2��•!�:�.�_..�..�.. ...�. .............. ' Qounoilman. PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the maldng of the following improvement�vis.: reco�struct the aide�ralk on the east side of Wilder St. from l�erriam Laae to ..............._................................--•-••-•--------..........................____.............-•---........---------.............-•---..........................................__ St. Anthonq Ave. and on the north side of l�erriaa Lane froa 1�4cor� St. to Wilder .......................................•----•--------........................____..---................................................---...._.............._.........._......................... St, and by d�ing all other w�rk which ia necessary aad incideatal to esm�lete .... said_i.�e�roveneSt...............................____...................._.._..------•--................-•----..............------......-----._..... ............ having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul......._......_................................................._._ ...... t6esefore, be it R,ESOLVED, That the Comm'veaioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvemeat. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated ooet of said imprnvement, and the total coet thereof. 3. To furniah a plsn, profile or eket,�h of said improvemen� • ��• 4. To stats whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for oa the petition of thr�ee or more ownere. b. To report npon all of the foregoing mattere 4��e,�mmieeioaer of Fine►noe. APR 1 � Adoptedby the Conncl.._.............•----........................-----........................ Y�ss pPR a � 1970 Councilman Carlson Da1 g 1 i s h �PPtove�......................._.__--•--•--...-----------................ .���r�u�L FIe.la.a.Ad Meredith Peterson � Tedesce _.....» . .. ....... ... ..... Mr. President Bpzrte Mayor. �000 �-s� �' (� PUBLISHED APR 1 � 1970 . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 March 13, 1970 File 17462, Page You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of Che City Hall and Court Aouse at 10:00 a.m. on March 31, 1970, on the advisability of proceeding with Preliminary Order 247226, approved January 29, 1970, a�ctid Preliminary Order 247227, approved January 29, 1970, which propose to: Grade and surface with bituminous matezial the alley in Block 3, Rice St. Villas from Idaho Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. and Ideho Ave. to a width of 16 feet from Marioa St. to the alley in said Block 3. Also condemn and take en easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts aad fflls, including right of removal of lateral support fr� eubject land or re- mainder thereof, occasioned by excevation thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with b£tumfnous material the alley in Block 3, xice St. Villas from Idaho Ave. to Larpeateur Ave. (G-1911) The estimated assessment is $5.22 per assessable foot, based oa an estfmated cost of $7,297.00. If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvemeat, you are invited [o meet with the techAical advisars in Roaa 286, City Hall, at 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. , the same day as the hearing. You may also telephone 223-4139 for coastructioa information; or telephoae 223-5241 for assessment information. JA1�S .�. DALGLISH Ca�issioner of Finance O • � . \\� ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� MINNESOTA ~ -� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 CouA House 55102 � Ju�.�e 12, 1q7U William A. Reiling � 505 Como Avenue � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 � � REIiEARING NO'PICE � � File 1'7452 ! T}iis is to advi.se that the City Council will conduct a pub.lic heari.n� ; i.n i;he Council C.hambers of the City Hall and Court House at lO:UQ A.M. on �Tuly 1., 197�J, to reconsider t�neir aei;i.on under C.F". 248370, aciopted Apr.il 14, ly'(0, based on �. petition of Gera.ld Frisch and others and revised cost estimates as indicated below. '�'hi_� order proposes to: Grade and surface with bi�tuminous ma.terial the alley in B1ock 3, Rice St. Villas f'rom :Cdaho Ave. to La,rpenteur Ave. and Idaho Ave. to a width of' 16 feet from Marion St. to th� all�y in said Block 3. Also cond�mn and. take a.n easement in tY�e land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal c>f l�.tera�. support from subject land or remaindex thereof, occasion- ed b,y excavation thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bit�inous material the a11ey in B1ock 3, Rice St. Villas from Idaho Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. (G-1911) `I'ne revised estimated assessment rate is $Ea.4?. per. assessable foot, based on a t;�tal bid price in the amaunt of $8,66'7.00. You are further advised that the hearing sr.heduled for June l7, ].97U, being C.r'. 2.�+�,i;'j:1, adopted April 1�+, 1y7U, on the ratification of sl.opes, in cun- nection wi_�:h the above referenced matter, will. be r.ecommended for continuance to .Tu]_y l, ].�70. If you w9.sh detailed inf'orma.tion rega.rding this prc�posed improvement, yau are invi.ted to meet wil;h the technical advisors in Room 2Kb, City fIal1, at 9:U0 to 9:30 A.M. , the same day as thP. hearing. You may also telephone 223-�+139 for consi;ruction information; or Leleph�ne ?23-5241 for assessment information. _ � , Q � < < C�2�`t' �z.�.z- .�-E' �-��/� �1 � �'�� -� RO.�ALIF L. BUI'LER � l� y Coramissioner oi' Fi.nance � '� / S / �-�-� �- �' t / - � � ��-�-� 1 �,z,,:-� /'�� �c��.-��c .� , � � � �� c��� �� �',�,,� ?ti1 � � . � ~ � � ' C, /�2�`t � '��� : ���� 'f .u t... �U CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 June 28, 1968 William A. Reiling 505 Como Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 File X532, Page 2 You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and Citq Hall in the City of St. Paul at 10:0U a.m. on July 10, 1968, on the petition of Gerald E. Frisch for the vacation of that portion of Idaho Avenue West aiti�z��ed . between Marion Avenue on the west and extending to the west line of public alley in Block 3, Rice Street Villas. For further information contact the Valuation Bureau of the Finance Department, Room 286,: City Hall and Court House, or telephone 223-5317. JAM�S J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance . �. . � � � ; �O � �� ��,�- i , � � - �� � �4 .. ' ^ _� � }I fn , � I . _+E� � �" � � , j , • — � ' .j i � , , . � � i ' w ���:�•�.s � � z-, , �'` _--� � ..,�/ I c �'.o � � i_"'.__.._._....... "._"..�__ — w .. LJ _ "."'__p__ —.-. E%;, ; �� � ; �;r: ^� � ; _ o :.��� j I � ; �.i�� ; ���a — = N ' � � � �� _ � .N � � -'?� , � �. C! .0 j i 6',n% •'f� �—_' �C>� �, � v __'_ ....v. Q -- --�---�----�m,x;, � Z, !-_ �. ----- � I �"°' ' �4ZTe.oi ,�; 9 f� Q ' i � � � ' = t0 � �+ ; 1 _ N � ; c� �,1 � '� I ' �' � " ' � ':' '� I j � I � � � , '';, I � � G� C � ;;' `� --� — � _ � � �7 � m � � ��• _. � i�^i i � � � ._o., _�.��:, _ N �-- = 0� r ;; � �.� �� � �s , /^ m m O� v l r ��'��; iJ/ � �c ���: n � � � �► i�% I �;. r � /!1 . � � D � I� i.a> —� � s �;' s � r �; ii � ! � � i ;f i � i i i�:! I i � _ N �.:: I i ' � I �'� - � ,.z.e�-z.o! ' I I ; - � �a.2___.'o... � . � r I ��..:'�. � � � I �f r I �i1 � ; _ , - � � ��� - � � � � - , � _ N i ' ^? i j � U1 ' � ' �' ; I i � ,y�i,yi-3�� { CONC. BLK. WALL � -- m -- --� i�'I'—s�c�.._ -- � � � , _.. �.�.i�— � � ..� � (Y.7 i� . _ I �� i _ � _� � Iy _ � i i ��S i _ � � i � � � � � � ' i �o.Y•a2 . � . � � i o.G o.3 � � . I, � � � �� = N ; _ � i �i � � � �, � i i� o IpL.� - � _ � ��_ _-- _- � _ __--- _ - - May 20, 1974 1Kr. J. Wm. Donovan, C Va�.uue.tion � Asse�sment Engineer. T�Zr. Walter Hurtle.y, Dep�rtment ofi" Prxblic Works. G�ntlem�n: `Phe City ��ounc' day r c ived a petition af Gerald Frisch and others as�i . CQ �. ta re�onsider.� an Order � to Grade FLTIC�. S�.1rj L1C� h ba.t;urn us ma.� i.�,.7. tt�e all.e� in Block 3'�. �Zice St. Vill.a.s :f"rom � daho �ve. I�.ra�nteur. �ve., �nd Idaho Ave. to a �ridth of 16 f'ee fro� x��i�.rio t. Uo the a1ley in said Blac�C 3. The Counci eed Qld a, public hearing on July 1, 1970, with o to p ners to decide Wheth�r this Order should be consider�d. The Counci also d�cided that on that da.y they could hold a h ring on a ther alley� �rhere the r..ast mi�ht exceefl th� eatimate �.t�,�. PIe take the rieec�ssary action to have property awners notiP�.ed of the hearing an July lst. Por the alley in Block 3, Rice Str�et Villas, and any other alley improvements which may exceed the estim,ate. Very truly yaurs, City Clerk AO�hp rsa.y 20, i97o Mr. J. Wm. Donovan, Valuation & Asses�ment E�in��r. bir. �rlalter Htut�.eY, I�epartmen.� of k'ublic Works. G�r..G1eme n: Th� �it.y Cauncil today ' ed a �etition of Ger��.d �'risch and others askin?� � Co '1 to rPC�nsider an Order to �x'ade ar� surface zo' - I�itt��ax'� u� t i�..l t.�� �,ll.e�° in Block 3,: T_?ice S^�. `�Iil�.�,s fxum c� 1�o A�%e. t; I��r�c...�.ee�.r� ���. , �.r,c�. Ida.ho Ave. �« tt �ridth �i 1.a �'�:;�'� 'ram P�`aricn � . trs tY�c a11ey in said I31ock 3. Th� Counci �reeci ta ld a publir. heaxin� on July l, 1970, witY� no ta rt ers to decide whether tk�is C�rder shauld be red. The Counci sn decided that oz� that da.y they couZd hold a h iz� on ar�T her alleys �rhe.re th� cast m3ght exceed the est�.m�ate 14°�0. � e the n�cessary action to ha.ve property awnern notified of" the hea�ring on July lst. f'c�r the alley in B].ock 3, Ri.ce Street Villas, and �,ny other a11ey im.provements which may exceec� the estimate. Very truly yours, City Cle�k A4�hp � . ,,/ � : . . � . .� -r . ! To: ?he Honorable Maypr and City Council of �,�e City of Saint Paul Co�rt Ho�se � Saint Paul, �linc�esata 551�2 PETITIO�I REQUESTING RE�IIEIN C1F PtlBt.IC IMPROVEMENT We, the undersigned ownexs a�dfor occupant�, do hereby a�ake and file this Petitior� requesti�g the City Council to recor�sider its Order a�thorizing the fcllowing public i�prove�er�t, to-wits Grade ae�d surface Nit!► bit��iacus material the alley in 81�c�C 3, �ice St. Vi�,las froa� Ida�►o Ave. to Larpe�te�r Ave. a�i Ida�o Avc. to a Nidth of 16 feet frv� llarios St. t4 the allel► fn said Block 3. Previously, tl�e Ci�y Co�e�eil aut�orixed ti�e street •nd alley i�aproveme�t. Mle believe ��# the propo�ed street acad a12e� improve�ewt is unraecessary, ia�practical a�ad arbitraxy; that the i�toraaw�t iAVOlves a� upreaso�able expendit�re of public funds, tt�at tt�e pr�pcsed i�prpve�e�t is extr�tly expec�sive and will not provide ac�y generai benefit to the s1�tLing prc�party orrr�ers a�d occupants. That the �ndersigned do bclieve t�at the Order a�horizing the proposed grading and surfaci�g of said all�y should be reconsidered and �ere�y petitior� the City Cor�r�cfl to recoasider its Order. Le�al Dsscription of Preperty A�r�ed �e nai Ad ress f �ex � ----. ...__ �_r..... Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, , �, 24 a�,d 25, Block 3, �ice St. Yillas; erald E. Frisch aAd Part of Lots 29 and 30, $lbcic 6, 2330 lrest S�wer�tl� Stre+et Rice St. Villas, accordieag to the 5aint P��1, l�innesota 55116 recorded �plat,tl�ereof. � Lot4 26 'arrd 27, Block 3, Rice St. - Villas, according to the recorded Dale M. Ne�an �ilat thereof. 1668 Marion Street Saint Paul, Minnesota � � s. Da�e t�ew a��)���"'�-� � . `� ;`� ' Lots 10 and 11, Block 3, Rice St. ' �-1u��'.����� . Villas, according to the recorded �lichael R. S�ie�a � plat thereof. 1639 Woodbridge Saint, Paul, Minn ta . ��-r��.���� - ��' � Laurentia J. ieja �i � � k+ 1�'`_4:,v'w`,f"+9° . � .,� , � �z: P � � _. � ��.�- ' ,�.u,.�.� ' � � � 2�. r '�p[• .c-.�: .a f .;�,.�4�,�,�,..,F . SKn.... ��4 3 /! � i:b',. , . �� � � � f n-.j�'r' , �. � . / ' , � � . . _. PETITION �EQUES7I�IG REVIHN OF PtJBI.I� IMPROVF1MEIiT Leqal Descriptio� of Proaert�r Owned �lame �nd Add�ess of Owner � �� � Lats 2 and 3, Block 3, Rice St. V311as, � � �/�' „ according''to the recorded plat thereof. �y��, � ��-=7��,-��,,.�-✓ Mar�E. Gunderson �'� 7.=:��� �z'�4--�-fi��`�.�` '�.�L�, Lots 2&, 29 and 30, Block 3, Rice � � St. villas according to the �Herber�t. B�le�"�C���-'�'`z- recorded plat thereof. z,�,,-�.�-Y� � � � � �" � Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, Rice Street Villas, l � ,� � � Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, f�ice St. Villas, �;�; ---�,��- � � � � �"' '��� accord�.ng to the recorded plat thereof. Rosalie A. Va ento� �,� ��, �:1,,�-�.-� ��� � t 1.1�-L���zT �rvin G.��Valer� l E: 5 '� G✓��-e-����� --� l- � : , ;i� _ ' � . � .�. . .. . PE7II'ION REQUESTING REVIEM OF PUBLIC IMPROVFJNFNT � ;�� §� Legal Description of Property Owned Name and Address of OMrner _je - 1� . r� Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Rice St. Villas, i'� according to the recorded plat thereof. , � �> �'/ ' �G�t � ,.�h'-c� ,� Ma�H. Gunderson , � ,/� 7� ��'�� . �' r Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 3, Rice .� �-Z,�,�y��°� /� G //,� St. 1►illas, according to the �Herbert H. Bdrle� -���-�'`;��- � recorded plat thereof. l� � � ,�,Q ( ,� ,v Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, Rice Street Villas, � � 6 ������' ;�. Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Rice St. Villas, �,,.-� according to the recorded plat thereof. Rosalie A. Va�nt,�����y� c ;: . �rvi��G Vale „ p L ��5 � �,,� .o :r - ;* . ,, ; z . .� � , , . �. , ,, , . , . _ ;;�; . , , . . _ ' ,� . . , ,� :�,, � , �, , • � � . � _. � 'fi,�. � .. . � . . � � � - � . -i. 1 ; i Tos ?he Honvrable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul Court House � Saint Paul, Mi�nesota 55102 ; PETITION REQUESl'ING REVI�IiI OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMEN? INe, the undersigned owners and/or occupants, do hereby make and file this Petition requesting the City Council to reconsider its Order authorizing the � . , follc��►ing public improve�eent, to-wit: Grade and surface with bit�inous material the alley in 91ock 3, Rice St. Vi11as from Idaho Ave. to Larpentetrr Ave. and Idaho Ave. to a width of ' 16 feet frow Marion St. to the alley in said Block 3. Previously, the City Co�ncil autAorized tf� strc�t •nd alley iAprove�sent. llt � � believe that tAe proposed sLreet and alley ieprovement is unr�ecessary, impractical attd srbitrary; that the i�proveaee�t i�volves an unreasonable expenditare of public funds, th,at tl�e proposed iaprove�ent is e�ctrem�ly expe�sive and �ill not provid� . ' aay general beneffL to the sbutLing property o�ers and occupants. That the bndersigned do believe that the Order autAorizing the proposed grading and surfaci�g of said alley should be reconsidered and hereDy petition the Ci,ty Coancil to reconsider its Order. L�a1 Description of Pr�ny� . N ae and Address of eer Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, �, � 24 aad 25, Block 3, Rice St. Villas; �Gerald E. Frisch and Part of Lots 29 and 30, Slack 6, 2350 Mest Seventh Street Rice St. Yillas, according to the Saint Paul, Minnesots 55116 retorded plat thereof. � i ^� Lot� 26 �and 2'7, Block 3, Rice St. - y / Villas, eccording to the recorded Dale M. Nearman plat thereof. 1668 Marion Street Saint Paul, Minnesota ��� s. Da�e I�eaman`�����'�'L-� Lots 10 snd 11, Block 3, Rice St. ,�G�fi.����� Villas, accordi�g to the recorded Michael R. Smie3a plat thereof. 1639 W�odbridge Saint� Paul, Minn ta � 1 G������G.�-C�ti ' Laurentia J. ieja ��. , . y ,. . • � . . � ,. ,� ,.�,<,.�,. ,. ., . � � , . � � � . , . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. , . � . �a r. � . . , ,y,�