248371 . _ __ _ . .
� " COIINC +F E NU. Fr4C7�(1
BY f,`
In the matter of condemn i ng and taki ng an eas�nent i n the l and necessa ry for the s 1 opes,
cats and fills, including right of removal of lateral sapport from subJect land or
ranainder thereof, occasioned by e�ccavations thereof or construction of slopes in the
grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in BLK. 3, RICE ST. VILLAS
from idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue (G-1911).
under Preliminarq Order 24�227 , approved Januarx 29. 1970 ,
Intermediary Order 2477�2 , approved Ma reh 3, 1970 �
A public heQring having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame;
" therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Psul thst the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
• provement to be made by the eaid Citq ie
Condemning and taking an easdaent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fiils,
including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof,
occasioned by e�ccavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing
with bituminous materiai the alley in BLK. 3, RICE ST. VILLAS from Idaho Avenue to
Larpenteur Avenue (G-1911).
aad the Couacil hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made.
RF.BOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or eaeemente therein be and the eame are
hereby ordered to be taken, approprinted and condemned for the purpoee of making eaid 'unprovemente, vis.:
Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills,
including right of removal of lateral support from sub,ject land or remainder thereof,
occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing
with bituminous material the alley in �LK. 3, RICE ST. VILLAS from Idaho Avenue to
larpenteur Avenue (G-1911).
BESOLVED FURTHEB, That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and is hereby inatructed and
directed to prepare plane and epecificatione for said improvement, and the proper oity officiale are hereby ,�
authorised and directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therewith.
Adopted by the Counc'1�1� ���_ 19
�R 1 �! 19�0 City Cler . _
Approved_ � 19
Carison PUBUSHED APR j $ ]970
Dalglish . .
Meredith J
Peterson � �
Tedesco � ,� �
Mr. President, gyrne
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w _, ' r� r� February h, � 70
� �, 9
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To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul :
The Commissioner of Pubiic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
ord�r of the Council known as Council File No. ��'7��7 approved
Jannary 29 �9 �� relative to condew�i�g and taking an ease�eat inthe
laad pacessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, inclwdiA� right of rd�val of la#eral
suppc�rt fro� s�b,ject land or re�si�der theraof, occasionad by excavations thersof or
conatrnction of slopea in the grading and surfacing with bitua�ino�s �aaterlal th� alley fn
BLK. 3, RICE ST. VILLAS froaa Idaho Ave. to Lsrpeatenr Ava. (G-1911 ) �
and having investigated the matters and things referred to the�ein� hereby reports:
i . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
made a part hereof.
3. Initiated by the Commissione� of Publfc Works
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X
Commissioner of bl ' o
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IDAHQ AVE., 582.48� N. TO Q
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RICE ST. VILLAS ;,� ,�'� . ,.. �
iDAHO, 582.48� N.,LARP�R � --=� � �
SL. DR. 2 N0. 2100 ..
' Theundereigaedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowIngpublioimprovement by the City ot 8sint Psul,vis.:
recoastruct the sidewalk on the east eide of Wilder St. from l�rrian Lane to
St:µand�by doing�all._other._work,which. is aecessarq and incideatal_to cc�nplete._._� .
.....�taid..imgutxea�eat.............................................................................._. ........ ...._.......................__._.........
Dsted t�his......l�th.:......dsy of............................April... .... .. lg 70
...........�.y�����.� �� ..� ............_
'� counoilman.
WHEREAB� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement,vis.:
reeo�struct the aide�ralk on th! east side of Wilder St. from Merria� Laae to
St. Anthoa� Ave. and on the north side of I�eerria� Laae fro� Moore 3t. to Wilder
St. and by d�ing all other ��rk which ia necessarq aad iacideatal to c�mplete
__,aaid i�prove�ent.
having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..._.........._.....................................................................
therefore, be it
RE80LVED, That the Commieeioner of Publiu Worke be and is hereby ordered aad direoted:
1. To investigate the necesaity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveatigate the nature� extent and eatunated coet of said improvement, and the total eoet thereof.
8. To furnieh s plan, proSle or sketah of eaid impmvement. •
��• 4. To stste whether or no8 eaid improvement ie aeked gor on�,he petation of three or more ownere.
fi. To report npon a11 of 4,he foregoing mattere 4 yhe,�ommieeioner of l�nsnoe.
APR 1 ly�u
Adoptedby the Conneil..--..................................................................._..
p�R 1, � 1970
Councilman Carlson
De1 g 1 i s h APProved....................................................................
.2�,,�yi 0 ..�Ie-L�.aud
� Meredith
Tedesco »....»: .. ....... ... ............
Mr. President Bg�rte Mayor.
�000 �-aa
f � PUBLISHED APR 181970
. �
113 Court House 55102
March 13, 1970
File 17462, Page
You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will
hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of Che City flall and
Court House at 10:00 a.m. on March 31, 1970, an the advisability of
proceeding with Preliminary Order 247226, approved J�nuary 29, 1970,
and Preliminery Order 2G7227, approved January 29, 1970, which propose
Crade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, Rice St.
Villas fzoa� Idaho Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. and Idaho Ave. to a width of
lb feet fran Marion St. to the alley in said Block 3. Also condemn and
take an easemeat in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills,
including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or re-
mainder thereof, occasioned by excavation thereof or construction of slopes
in the grading end surfacing with bituminous material the alley ia Block 3,
xice St. Villas from Idaho Ave. to Larpeateur Ave. (G-1911)
The estimated assessment is $5.22 per assessable foot, based oa an
estfmated cost of $7,297.00.
If you wish detafled infora�atton regarding this proposed improvement,
you are invited to meet with the technical advisors in Room 286, City
Hall, at 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. , the same day as the heariag.
You msy also telephone 223-4139 for constructioa information; or
telephone 223-5241 for assessment information.
Commissioner of Fiaance
. + \��°
113 Covrf Hwse 55102 �
Ju�e 12, ly7U �
William A. Reiling �
505 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 �
File 17452 '
T}iis is to advi.se that the City Council will conduct a pub.lic heari.n� ,
in the C�uncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:U0 A.M.
on �Tul.y 1, 1970, to reconsider t�heir aeti.on under C.F. 248370, aciopLed
Apr.il_ 14, ly'(0, based on �. petition of Gera�.d Frisch and others and
revised cost estimates as indicated below.
'I'hi� order proposes to:
Grade and surface with bituminous ma.terial the a11ey in Bloek :;,
Rice St. Villas from Zdaho Ave. to La.rpenteur Ave. and Idaho
Ave. to a width of' 16 feet from Marion 5t. to th� all�y in sa.id
Block 3. Also condeinn and take a.n easement in the land necessary
for the slopes, cuts and fil.ls, including right of removal c.>f
lateral support from subject land ar remainder thereof, occasion-
ed b,y excavation thereof or construction of slopes in the gradirag
and surfacing with bit'�inous material the alley in $lock 3, kice
St. Villas from Idaha Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. (G-1911)
`I.'ne revised estimated assessment rate is $6.42. per assessable foot, based
on a t;�tal bid price in the a.mount of $8,66'7�.U0.
Yau are further advised that the hearing scheduled for June 1'T, �-��7�, being
C.r'. 2t��,ti;'r�L, adopted April 11�, ly7U, on i:he ratific�.tion of s].opes, :i.n con-
nection wi�th the above referenced matter, wi11. be r.ecomanended for continuanr.e
to ,7u]_y l, 7.y`lU.
If you wish detailed information regarding this praposed improvement, you
are invi.ted to meet wil:h the technical advisors in Raom 286, City lial:l., at
��;UO ta y:j0 A.M. , the same day �.�s the. hearing.
Yuu may alsa telephone 223-4139 for cons�;ruction informa�i�ra; �r telephvne
?2;j-5241 for assessment infcrmation.
_ ,f' � .
� , , i� ��- .�-� �,,i� �,� c��' -�
itO.�ALI� L. BUI'LER ��� � l�'` �
Commissionex of �inance c � '�
/ �
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113 Courf House 55102
June 28, 196$
William A. Reiling
505 Como Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55103
File X532, Page 2
You are hereby notified that a public hearing wi11 be held in the
Council Chambers of the Court House and Citq Hall in the City of
St. Paul at 10:0U a.m. on July 10, 1968, on the petition of Gerald
E. Frisch for the vacation of that portion of Idahv Avenue West
sitts��ed : beCween Marion Avenue on the west and extending to the
west line of public alley in Block 3, Rice Street Villas.
For further information coneact the Valuation Bureau of the Finance
Department, Room 286,: City Hall and Court House, or telephone 223-5317.
Co�issioner of Finance
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May 20, 1970
Mr. J. Wm. Danovan9 C�
Valuation & Asse�sm�:nt En�in�er.
I•�s. Walter Hurt3.ey�
Depa.rtment of Public Worlss.
`Phe City �"aunc da.y r c ived a petition �f Gerald
Frisch and otYaers aska. t ,. �0 1 to 1^PCO[l9j,C�@C• an Order
� to Grade �.nd. s�..rrfiac� h ba.t;um us m� ial the �.11.e;� in I31ock 3,�.
Rice St. ViZla,s f'ram ` da.ho Ave. L�,r;oenteur. �i.ve.� and Idaha Ave,
to a. width of 1.� �f"�� :�ram T�iaria t. ta the a11ey in said Bloc�C 3.
The Counci eed old a publi� heaxin� on July l,
19'j4, with o to p ers to decide whether this Uarder
�hould be consi,d.ered.
Th� Counci . al�o deeided tnat on that day they coul.d
hold a h ring an a ther alley� �rhere th� rost might exceed the
estimate 14�.
PIe take the r�cessary action to have property awner�
notified of the hearing on July lst. fbr the alley in B].ock 3, �iice
Street Vil2as, and any other all�y improvements which m�ay exceed
the eatimate.
Very truly yaure,
City Clerk
Ma,y �o, �970 '
Mr. J. Wm. Donovan,
Valuation & Ass�ssment Engin��r.
1�1�°. Wa1��r Hurtley,
�3��artm:en.t of �'ublic Works.
Th� �ity Council toda,y ed �. �etition o.f Gera�.d
�risch a.nd athers askin� � Co '1 �o r���nsi_de.r an Order
tt� �r�.d� �,r�c:i su�face s�'_ � bi�u1.x'.� us . t .i�,l.. t��zc� �zll.e,, :�n Block 3,:
r�ce S*. TI��.1.'�.�.s fxc,m c� l�a Avc. t L�,rpc...auee�r� .����. , �n� Idaho Ave.
�Lo �. �*idtt�i r�1 .1� :�'U:�1: 'rom i�ta.r;ion S . t� tl�c �l�.ey in ,��.id 131ock 3.
The Cc3unci greed to ld a public hearin� an JuZy l,
1970, witYi no ta rt ers to decidc whethe�° tk�is Qrder
should be �. r�d.
The C�unei sn decided that ar_ that da.y they couZd
hold a h izig on an�r h�r alleys �rhe.re the cast might exceed the
estimate 10�'�,.
� e the neces�axy �,ction tv h�.ve property awner�
notified of th� hearing on July l�t. f'c�r the al].ey in BZock 3, Ri,ce
Street Villas, and any other +�.11ey improvements which may exceec�
tb� estimate.
Very truly yours,
�ity Clerk
: . -
_. �r � . . ..,
� •
1'0: The Hanorable �dayor a�d
City Council of ��e
City of Saint Paul
Co�rt House
" Saint Pavl, �linnesota 55102
We, the undersigr�ed ownexs a�dfor occupants, do hereby �eake and file this
Petition requesting the City Cou�cil to reconsider its Drder a�thorizing tlae
fallc�ri�g pwbl ic i�aprove�ent, to-wit s
Grade ar� suxface Kit�i bit��imous e�aterial the
alley in �loc�C 3, �ice Sti. Yi,�las frc�n Idaho Ave.
to Larpente�r Arre. a�l Idstu► Av►e. to a width of
16 feet frc� �lerios St. tq t�+e alley in said
Block 3.
Previously, the Ci�y C.o�r�cil aut�orized ti�a stre�� and �lley iaprovement. Mle
believe ��a# the pxopoaed street and alltr iAprovement is unr�ecessar�, i�practical
arad arbitrary; that the fa�tow��t i�rolves a�►► r�areasenable expenditar� of pe�blic
funds, that tl�e pr�poaed i�rove�e�t is e�rtr�nely expensive aAd wi11 �ot provide
any general besefit to the sbwtLing property oaaers ar�d occc�parrts.
That the �ndersigned do believe t�at the Qrder aut horizing t�e propased
gradi�g ar�d sUrfaci�ag of said alley showld be recansidered ac�d �►ere�y petition
the City Cour�cfl to recor�sider its Order.
Legal Description of Propert��ed .e �d Ad ress of r�er
Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, �. �
24 aad 25, Block 3, Rice St. Yillas; ��erald E. Fri"�sch
and Part of Lots 29 and 30, $lacic 6, 2350 west 5ewe�t� Street
Rice St. Yillas, accordiag to the 5aint Pa�l, Minc��sots 5511b
recorded plat•thereof.
Lots $6 'and 27, Block 3, Rice St.
Villas, according to the r�corded Dale M. Newiaan
�lat thereof. 1668 Marion Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota
s. Da�e Newrnan`���J
�� _ .
Lots 10 a�d 11, Block 3, Rice St. ' �1��� � � .
Villas, according to the recorded IA;chael I?. Smie,�a
plat thereof. 1639 Woodbridge
Saint, Paul, Minn ta <
_ �
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���rentia J. ieja
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Lega1 DescriAtion of Prce,erty Owned �lame aricl Add�ess of Owner
Lots 2 and 3, Block 3� Rice St. V311as, � ,
according`to the recorded plat thereof. �y�Q�, ��=�=!- .�
Mar� ,. , z�< �2,,z.���../
E. Gunderson
/��=�,7:y;� lZ' t`-;<`_''�G-i.c�f��/ �.
Lots 28, 29 and 30 Block 3 Rice � � �� � �� / ." �
S t. Y i l l a s, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e .�Heibe�H. B le "� ��
recorded plat thereof.
l .� '�7 L-�- Al�z�-�` �
Lots a and 5, Block 3, Rice Street Villas, ,l �/�,��
Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Rice St. Villas, ,;,� --�,.�x_. � ° � �
accord�.ng to the recorded plat thereof. Rosalie A. Va ento' 1
(�, (, �
'1,!l ��,l.,rv-+-�., �_ � �l.x-t=�1�.-�?T
INarvin G.�Valer� �
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. � . . . , , _ - .
. . . .. ... �. .t
Tos The Honorable Mayor and '
City Council of the . '
City of Saint Paul
Court House
Saint Panl, Minnesota 55102 �
INe, the undersigned owners and/or occupants, do hereby make and file this
Petition requesting the City Council to reconsider its Order a�+thorizing ths �
follo�►ing publ ic improve�eerrt, to-wit:
Grade and surface with bituiainous eiaterial the
alley in 91ock 3, Aice St. Yi11as from Idaho Ave.
to Larpentetrr Ave. and idaho A�e. to a Nidth of '
16 feet frow Marion St. tq the alley in said
Block 3.
PreviouslY, the City Coe�ncil authorized tf� strett �nd alley ieproveAent. M�
� � believe that t�e proposed atreet ar�d alley iaprovesent is unr�ecessary, impractical
and arbitrary; that the i�eprovewest involves an unreasonable expendit�re of publfc
funds, th,at the proposed iaprove�ent is sxtrem�ly expensive aex! will not provid� , '
aay general benefit to the abutting property owners and occupants. �
Tha! the dndersigned do believe that the Qrder a�tt►orizing the proposed
grad�ng and surfaciag of said alley should be reconsidered and hereDy petition
the Ci.ty Cour�cfl to reconsider its Order.
Lee�e a�criation of Property Orn� . N'ais and Address of eer
Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, � �. ,-�
24 aad 25, Block 3, Rice St. Yillas; �Gezald E. Frisch
snd Part of Lots 29 and 30, 81ack 6, 2350 Nest Sev�tA Street
8ice St. Yillas, according to the Saint Pavl, Minnesots 55116
recorded plat �hereof. �
� �Lot• 26 �and 2'7, Block 3, Rice St. -
Villas, eccording to the recorded Dale M. Nerrman �
plat thereof. 1668 Marion Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota
s. Da1e�t�ew�man ��
Lots 10 and 11, Hlock 3, Rice St. ,.C�������
Villas, according to the recorded Michael R. Smie�a �
plst thereof. 1639 Wcodbridge
Saint� Paul, Minn ta � �
G%'�.r��r�� -
Laurentia J. ieja
., , .
, -��•. ..,r; ��+�
� � . ,�_� . . �
:� *, , .
:,� .
::� • ' ' � ,� ,- .�
� Leqal Description of Propertx Owned Naa+e and Address of O�rnes
;; �-
r� Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Rice St. Villas, , � ,
i' according to the recorded plat thereof.
�C�t � ,�-r�-��
;� Ma�E. Gunderson ;
/'� 7'� ���� . �'
Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 3, Rice .� �-z,�,`��°� (�
St. 1►illas according to the �Herbert H, Bdrle�'7��i�;��--
� recorded plat thereof. , j / � � (
b �
LoLs 4 and 5, Block 3, Rice Street Villas, � , � 4 ������
�,. Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Rice St. Villas, ,,,�,,��-
accordxng to the recorded plat thereof. Rosalie A. Va nt 1 /,
� ,�.,,�tl�-�� ��. ,V c�i"���J"
; . . �rvin G. Vale _ L
/�57 � '�
.� .
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. : . . ,.
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