248368 ' COU:�ICIL FILE NU.� ����„r,
,� �
In the metter of ��de�n i nq and tak i aa an ease�aent i n the 1 and necessarv for tha s 1 opes, cats
and fi l is, inciuding right of remaovai of lateral support froaa subjact land or re�ainder
thereof, occasioned by axcavations thereof or constructioa of slopes in the grsding and
surfacing vrith bitu�ni�ous �at�rial the al ley in Ef3�lIN• DEAN'S SUBDIVISION, BLOCK 5 from
Fisk St. to Avon St. , es psrt of the S�rnit-U�iversity Ren�wrai Ares, Contract 6-1g04 B.
under Preliminarq Order 2�� , approved Decea�ber 2, 1969 �
Intermediary Order 247�3 , approved Merch 17, 1970
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and havimg fully considered the eame;
therefore, be it '
RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8sint Paul that the preciee nature, extent and kind of im-
• provement to be made by the eaid City ie
Condeanr�ing a�d taking an �as�ent in the land neces�ary for the siopes, cuts a�d fills,
inctading right of reaac�vat of lat�rai s�pport from subject land or remai�a�er thereof,
occasioned by e�ccsvations therec�f or construction of slopea in the grading aad surfacing
Kith bit�ninous n�aterial the atley in EDb11N �EAtI'S SlBDIVISION, BLOCK �, fraa Fisk St.
to Avon St., as part of the Su�nn+i��-�Jniversity Re�ewal Area, Coatract G-1904 B•
aad the Council heraby ordere eaid improvemente to be mede.
RE80LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or easemente thereia be end the same are
herebq ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making eaid improvemente, via.:
Condea��ing and taking an ease�ent in the land nec�ssary for the slopes, cmt� and fills,
i�cluding right of re�evai of latersl support fr� subject land er remaiader thereof,
occasio�aed by excavations thermof or constr�ctio� cf slopea in the gradiAg and surfacir�g
with bitunirwus mat�rial the alley in EDWIN DEAN'S SUBDIYISIWi, BLOCK 5 froa� Fisk St.
to Avon St., as pa rt of the S u�m i t-Un i v�rs i ty Rer�ewa 1 A rea, Cc�at ract G-1904 B.
ftESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and ie hereby inetructed and
directed to prepare plane and epecificationa for eaid improvement, and the proper city official8 are hereby ,;
authorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
Adopted by the Counc>> �� 1 4 19�� lg
�� l � �,7d
City Cle
Approved_ , 19
Car1 son
Dalglish .
lE�G10�1�HE0tX Spr�l�ka � n �BLI�IED APR 18 1970
Meredith � i�
Peterson �
Tedesco �
Mr. President, gyrne
` „ - 3 - S
- S
Decennbe� 9. 19 69
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul :
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
o�der of the Council known as Council File No. 2�►9� approved
Deca�b�r 2, 19„_ relative to ��d�1ng aqd taki�g an easaNant in ths land
�ecessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, including ri4ht of re�wval of lateral support froa
smb,ject land o� re�alndar tMsreof, occasivned by excavations thermof or cogst�dction of
:lopas ia the grading snd �drfacing with bituminoas waterial the sliey ip EDiMIN �EANS S�JB.,
BLOCK 5 from Fisk St. to Avon St., as part of tl�e S�aait-E�ivarsity Renewal Area, ✓
Cc�ntract 6-19048. �
and having investigated the matters and thtngs referred to the�ein� hereby reports:
i . The estimated cost thereof is $
V !
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and 1
ma de a pa rt he reof.
3. initiated by the Corrmissioner of Publ ic Works x
4. Improvement is asked for upo� petition
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