248367 A 24����
. , '
BY �
In the matter of condauping snd taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts
and f i 11 s, i nc l�d i ng r i ght of reawva 1 of 1 aters 1 s apport f rc�aa sub j ect 1 a�d or rema t nder
th�reof, occasioned by excavations thereof or canstruction of slopes in the gra�ing and
surfscing with bituminous �atariai the alley in BRO�WNS 1ST AD�ITION, BLOCK 3 apd SAMBORqS
A�DITION, BLOCK 3 s�d HALLERS AaDITION, BLOCK 3 froai Milton St. to Victoria St., as part of
the S�it-l�niversitr Renewal Ares, Co�tract G-1904 B.
under Preliminarq Order 2�92 , approved Dece�ber 2, 1969 ,
247901 March 17, 1970
Intermediary Order , approved ,
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame;
therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the preciee nature, extent and kind of im-
� provement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie
Ccaada�niag ae�d taktng an easem�nt in the lan� necessa�y for the slopes, cnts and fills,
i�clading right of removai of lsteral swpport fraa s�bJect land or remaindar thereof,
occsstcine� by �o�ccavattons therecf or construction of slopes in the gra�ing and sarfactng :
with bituminods aiateriai the allmy in BR041NS IST A�DITION, BL�CK 3 and SANBORNS ADDITit)N,
BLOCK 3 and t1ALLERS ADDITI�I, BLOCK 3 from Miltpn St. to Victoria St., as part of
the Su�ntt-tMiversity Renewai Area, Contract 6-1904 B.
sad the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be me.de.
RF�f30LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the eame are
hereby ordered to be f,aken, approprinted and condemned for the purpoee of making eaid improvemente, via.:
Condanning and taking an ease�er�t ir� the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and filis,
i nc 1 ud i ng r i ght of remova 1 of 1 atera 1 s uppo rt f roao s ab j�ct 1 and or reiwa i nder ths�eof,
occasioned by excavations thereof or constraction of slopes in the grading and surfacing
with bitu�inous �nateriat the a1Jey in BRt�tNS 1ST AD�ITION, BLOCK 3 and SAFIBORNS A�DITIOFi,
BLOCK 3 a�d HALLERS A�DITION, BLOCK 3 from Milton St. to dictoria St., as part of
the S�i t-Un i vers i ty Ranawa l Area, Cont ract G-1904 B.
R.ESOLVED FUftTHEft, That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and ie hereby instructed and
directed to prepsre plane and epecificatione for esid improvement, and the proper city officiale are hereby ,,.
suthorised snd directed to proceed�'�ih� �j�g of eaid improvement in accordance therevwith.
Adopted by the CounciL . , 1�
�R 1 � 1�1d _�
ity Clerk.
APProvecL_ , 19
Carlson .
Da 1 g t i sh PUBLISHED APR 18 1970
�bckka�aalcxx S�rsfka � �
Peterson .
Mr. President, gyrne
, .� .
. � .
. � 1 - -S
Decea�bmr 9, 19 69
To the Commissioner o� Fi�ance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissione� of Public Works. having had under consideration the preliminary
o�de� of the Council known as Councll File No. 2�92 approved
Becen�aber 2, �9 69 re 1 at i ve to �A�i ng se�d tak�n� an ease�ne�t i a th�
laad n�cassmry for tho slopes, cuts and fills, inclwding right of �e�noval of lateral
suppc�rt fro� swbject lan� or r�nainder thereof, occasioaed by excavatio�s thsreof or
constre�ction of slopes in the regrsding and surfscing with bitu�inoas �asterial tbe
BLOCK 3 froa� Milto� St. to i�ictoria St., as part of the Su�amit•lfniversity R�AeMal Area, ✓
. ' - ntract -19046.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports:
1 . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and `" �
. r
ma de a pa r t he reof.
3. initiated by the Commissioner of Pubiic Works X
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
�,r,'t"�121�l��� �
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' ,� J�! •
�`� C r; Commissioner of biyr� r!
,, R G���°y�� ;�`,{ (�� I�'�....
DEF`x'. K:'::;
��,,� FlNtiiv C;�:
LL�,, �
� �� O � � .
� �- ,
. y 11�
, 917 Iiague Avenue
` St . Paul , �tinnesota 55104
D1ay 27 , 1970
City of St . Paul .
� t>ity-County Court;iouse
St . Paul , `•Iinnesota 55101
re : ob 'ectinn to condemnation of land at
r�a�tie Avenue , St . Paul , i� innesota
or an easement to expan al cy : o . 9
ursuant inal or er No . 2483 7 a roved
A ril 14 , 1' 7C� ; also re : notice o liearings
ile :vo. L31US ate ��fay 12 , 1970-
Attention : :�iem�ers of the City Council , 6ity of St . Paul ;
Jarnes J. Dalglis:l , Commissioner of Finance ;
Robert F . Peterson, Commissioner of Public lVorks .
As record v�aner of property in I3ro�ans First Addition, Block
3 , commonly referred to as 917 Hague Avenue , St . Paul ,
�liiiiiesota, I iiereby object to the condemnation of said land
for an easement in land for slopes , cuts and fills , inc�uding
right of removal of latera•1 suppart from subject land
or remainder thereof etc . in surfacing alley 19 .
Tliere is no indication in the notice of hearing whether
possible expansion of or excavatioii of alley 19 will include
destruction and lience the total taking of my garag`e which
abutts the alley; it �vould appear such taking mi;;it be
necessary for which I herewitli demand reasonable compenaation
under la�v and waive no riulits to a later objection in
the courts to tlie amount of the a��ard made by tlie City of
St . Paul .
Please consider this the written objection required by
the notice of� iiearing dated `�iay 12 , 1970 and file �accordingly
� with tne Office of City Clerk .
. Yours very truly , �
� �� /
. �l
Ste }ien R. Van llrake
cc : files
\_J �,� �J� .
��� �.�,,*.,Dr�r���, 3a r�,.ta:'��FpA/1�;��A V' `C,'.li, .�:.. . ��y, 1'��i#N,•Mr�`RAM'����y��`���`"24tMTPS����1�c5^',��Sr'1 '�.
4 � � � � � � � ��, , a � ,� �i ^4 �. �W ��;y
� .f. WILLIAM OONOVAN � 4, ,��`' `�, .
�t* s,�,� , 'V'�luation Enginear � � r '�223-531T ''}�
��n � `b. y*� ,g i- �', .. . �. . . „
� u ROYE. �2E�AHL, Jr ; CITY OF SAINT PAU ` � �J '`
�� `� �k, ,� .Ass't Valuation Eng�near � � � � � �
�` � � 286 City Hall � � � ' � �� �^�
Seint Paul, Minnesote 55102
.: . -U
Jizne 2, 1970 ...
Mr. Stephen R. Va,nDral,e
917 Hague Avernze
St. Paul, A�linnes.ota 55101�
, , �e: �111ey Blk. 3
�ro;;�rl'; Fi rst Addition
� 1� .G. ?'r�3�'j
Dear P�9r. VanDrake:
This letter is �,-ri-t�en i.n �°�,,��ly to s,rou-r )_etter of 2?ay 27, 1�70
concernin�; the Ci-i;y`s order in concle:��i���t_ion ot ea.sements for slopes cuts
and fills in connection ��ritn the ;r:^.di��; a.nd sur:facing of the alley�in
B1ock 3, BroT,m's Firs� ilddition.
To clarify tre Ci-ty's -t�xopos�al I h<��ve �.i,t;�:ched ;; r�1an of the �nroposed j
gradi�� �:.nd surf�cin;; ;�rork adj��cent ;,rour ;;ro-�erty a:t 917 Ha.E;ue Avenue. '
:'�s 5'ou m�y note or sa,id �lans, it zs rlo�,; ��ro-�osed to iriden or cha.nge (
�he {;r�des of �ne _,resent �1..le;;T ^xe^. -�h^r �r��� si�nificantly a.ffect your �
'',Y'O ;�Y'��T OY' ��']E IYQ,�'lO�JE.'"ilErii;S Z.00.`_'�eG'. .'J:1 �Jl'."l :�10^,C'Y't'i�T•
ho�-re��rcr, �ha.-t tn� concrete bloc�L ��r�1�. loce,�c.ci ,^.t tize rear�of�yours�aro�erty ����
lies :rithi� -che 1i:n'.;s o��' -�ne 1��.tte� ���1e;;- l�i.ne �.nd ?rill require removal
under the Ci�,-,;-'s �or„�ructic�n ,ro�aos�_1.
If ;jOL1 il^',,'E ;:ri�jr i'itr�;:]er C1liGS';,'i OYlti cor�cc�.rr�in; t}11S :ri�tteY'� p.12uSE' �eEl. I
Free to c��.11. I
Yours ver�r truly, I
� �� ���� _ ;`i
� I
Ro�E. �redahl, Jr. ;��
tis� 't. V^.lue�tion Ln�ineer
P,I�u3:10 �
cc: �'�i��y C1e�'_
ri1_e L-��0;
. , 'I
May 28, 19'�0
Mr. J. Wn. Donovan;
Valuatior� b Assessment Engi�eer.
Dear Sir:
The City Cou�cil re ad t the atta�hed letter
ot' Stephen R. Van nrake, 917 Ha , ob�ecting to the
condemna,tion of land at f�or �n eaaement to
exp�tnd an alley wlder . 67, avect Ap�i� ��+, 19T0.
truly yours,
City Clerk
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