03-431�,m.e...d,�A - ���. a� a�s3 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Date �S 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the 3anuary 14, 2 2003, decisions of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Appeals for Letters of Deficiency, Correction Orders, 3 Correction Notices, and Summary Abatement Orders for the following addresses: 4 Propertv Appealed 5 A�pellant 376 Fuller Avenue (Deficiency List dated 11-12-02) Shoua Xiong Decision: The number of occupants in all units will be brought under compliance by January 1, 2005. The building will otherwise be maintained in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances 1953 Wilson Avenue (Correction Notice dated 12-4-02) Patricia Whitney for Frank Stelnhauser III (appeal withdrawn) Requested by Depar[ment of: � Approved by�}�or: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Council Fi1e # 03 -y3 Green Sheet # 200563 � Adopted by Council: Date p Adoption Certifie,{1 by Council Se retary Citv Council " Marcia Moermond, 265-8560 � �rnrrtwe+aR aneeuea ,.�_�? BEdNCOUMf.�LACBZY1BYld�7EJ - � ANIGM � y:.� MAi�FOR ❑tlITA1fOMfY ❑tlIYCYII ,: .� AOUiNG �. #r ORG9t �A14RJY.Y111�COC�1. ❑IiU11rJLLaplfFCtfG �: "u� �YYOR/�Af�RTAYtI ❑ .� � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� oN�at�s�m 'F, Approving the 3anuary.:14; 2D03;-decision"of the Legislative Hearing Officer on a Letter of °�'�`. Deficiency appeal for 376 Fuller Avenue. �' y , wa ;.. ;,. RE MM N TIONAPProve( Or eyeCt( ) . PERSONILLSERKCECOMSMCiSMUCTIWSWEiIHEFOLLOWINCQtlES130NSt t. MestM1iepe�eanlfi'me�erwwknCU�dwaai#(adiorndadepaNneM? PUWNMG COMMISSION ' YES NO - CiBCOMMI7'TEE � tasttes peen " 9 CML SERVICE COMMISSION Jan. is zoo3 GREEN SHEET perwNfmm asr a Gtr a�byee YE3 ND Does tlY¢ PersaJfxm Pw� a sk� nat rqnne�!poee�eetl EY anN arteM ckY emPbYce9 YEu MO Is Uia pe�eonlfimt � htpetea vl��tloft Y6S MO 0 � ��. -!l3. No 2-oUS�3 - TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRATiSACiION COSTIREVENUE BUDfiETm (CIRCLE ON� YES � FUNOIN6 SOURCE �NaNau wFatMniael fow�-aM I-�+7i i i �T`,1?"�t=la�1 �� Nancy Anderson Item 15 on January 22 City Councd Agenda ��� � �� � Page 1� ` a3 -�i3 From: Racquel Naylor To: Anderson,Nancy Date: 1/17/03 4:32PM Subject: Item 15 on danuary 22 City Counci! Agenda Nancy: I inadvertently left out a part of Marcia Moermond's decision regarding 376 Fuller Avenue on item 15. The first sentence is correct. This second sentence needs to be added: "The building will otherwise be maintained in compliance with all applicable codes a�d ordinances." Please make this correction at Wednesday's meeting. 1 apologize fior any inconvenience this will cause. -Racquel CC: Blakey, .lerry; Erickson, Mary; Moermond, Marcia 0 3 � `'t3 L�= u� �5. NOTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING FOR LETTERS OF DEFICIENCY, CORRECTION ORDERS, CORRECTION NOTICES, AND SIJMMARY ABATEMENT ORDERS Tuesday, January 14, 2003 Room 330 City Hall Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was cailed to order at 1:33 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Machael Urmann, Fire Prevention 376 Fuller Avenue Mazcia Moermond reported that there is a letter of deficiency from Fire Prevention, which relates to a number of things, including the occupancy of the sleeping rooms. Shoua Xiong, owner, appeazed. Michael Urmann reported the oniy issue being appealed is the overcrowding of the units. He and the field inspector were on site. They agree with the number given to Ms. Moermond by the building owner regarding the number of people in each unit. A11 the units are overcrowded. The Fire Marshall has agreed that he will accept the overcrowding at this time and with only these tenants. When the apartments are re-occupied, the units will have to have the correct number of tenants. Ms. Moermond asked are any of the tenants looking for new housing right now. Mr. Xiong responded one family is planning to move upstairs to the two bedroom apartment, and they have three children with the oldest being five years old. They have applied for public housing because they just had another child about three months ago. They have waited for about a year already. In Apartment #4, the tenants are his niece and her husband. They have no place to go. They told him they have been looking for a different apartment. His niece is working part-time, and the husband does not work. Their rent comes from Ramsey County directly to him. They have not applied for public housing. Ms. Moermond asked is it her understanding that the Fire Marshall is alright with this present occupancy, but it is a borderline situation with too many occupants per bedroom, and the Fire Marshall does not want to see this continue indefinitely. Mr. Urmann responded conect. Ms. Moermond stated the family that is moving to the two bedroom unit will alleviate some of the pressure. The present occupancy can continue unless there are more inembers to the family that would exacerbate the situation any fiirther. For the cutrent people there and anyone that is pregnant, the situation is okay for two years, but no additional people shouid come in. If there aze more people that will be coming in, Mr. Xiong should talk to the Fire MarshalL The present situation is borderline safe. 0 3 ` `'t3 MINUTES OF T"fiE LEGISLATIVE HEARIlVG OF Jt1NiJARY 1�F, 2003 Page 2 Ms. Xiong stated his nephew's family only had one child when they came in. The family in Aparhnent 1 came with two children and now they have three. His niece's family came in with three children already. He cannot refuse them because they are his relatives. Ms. Moermond responded they are okay being there for two more years, but there should not be more people coming in. When the families leave, Mr. Xiong should replace them with the conect number of people. Mr. Urmann stated there is only one small item: the building shouid otherwise be maintained in code compliance. If there are any code changes to the build'ang and it becomes unsafe, the appeal wili no longer be enforced. Ms. Moermond asked has there been a problem with this building. Mr. Urmann responded not that he is aware of, and that is why he is �villing to temporarily allow the present occupancy_ Ms. Moermond explained to the owner that he has a good history which is why they are willing to bend the rules far him. Ms. Moermond's decision is as follows: The number of occupants in all units will be brought under compliance by January 1, 2005. The building will otherwise be maintained in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. 1953 Wilson Avenue Marcia Moermond stated Patricia A. E. Whitney, on behalf of the owner Frank Steinhauser, has withdrawn the appeal. (withdrawn) The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. rrn