248364 , .
� COUN�IL FILE NU. 24��;U4
BY •
In the matter oi co�de�nn i a� an� tak i�q an ease�at i n the l��d necessarv for the s l opes, cats
and fills, incladtng right of removal of lateral support frcro subJect laod or rea�si�der
thmrsc>f, �rccsaton�d by excavations thereof or coe�str�ctTon of slopes in the grading and
surfsci�g aith bitu�ai�cc�a a�aterial the alley in MILTON ADDITI6N, BLOCK 3 frc� Milton St.
to Victoria St., as pa�t of the Summit-U�iversity Renawral Area, Contract 6-1904 B.
under Preliminary Order 2�5�6 , approved ���ber 2, 1969 �
24�89� rove� Ma rch 17. 1970
Intermediary Order , apP �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame;
therefore, be it
RF130LVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul thet the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be me►de by the ea,id Citq ie
Condemning aAd taking an easdaent in the land necessar�► for the alopes, cuts and fiiis,
i nci ud i n� r i ght of re�va�t of l atera l support f rom svbJ ect l an� or rans i n�ler thereof,
occasioned by excsvatio�s the�eof or construction of slopes in the grading and
surfacing �rith bit�ainous �atsrial the all�y iA MILT�N AD�ITION, BLOCK 3 fro� Milton St.
to Victoria St., as part of the Summit-Univsrsity RenaAVSI Ar�, Cont�act 6-1904 B.
snd the Council hereby ordere said improvemente to be made.
RE80LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or eaeemente therein be and the same are
herebq ordered to be taken, approprinted and condemned for the purpoee of making eaid improvemente, vis.:
Conde�ning snd taking an easaacnt in the tand necssssry for the slopes, cc�ts a�d fiils,
incimding right af renwval of isteral support frw� subject lap� or remainde� thereof,
occasioned by excavations therecf or construction of slopes in the grading a�d
surfacing Nith bituwainous msterial the alley in MILTON AD�ITION, BLOCK 3 fraa Mi1toA St.
to Victoria St., as pa�t of the Seiaan�it-t#+iversity Ren�vai Area, Co�tract 6-1904 B.
R,E90LVED FURTHER., That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plane and epecificatione for esid improvement, and the proper city o�'iciale are hereby ,.�
suthorised and directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therewitb.
Adopted by the Counc' >
� 1 4 19�� City Cierk.
Approved__ � 19
Ca r 1 son pU6LISHED' APR I $ 1970
Dalgtish ,
dncki�mkx Sprsfka � �
Peterson �
Tedesco �
Mr. President, Byrne
. �
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t � � � � s
, Z_ .�. _
DeceaAbe r 8, �g 69
To the Commtssioner of Ftaance of the City of St. Paul :
The Commissioner of Public Works, havtng had under co�sideration the preliminary
order of the Cou�cil known as Council File No. 2�516 approved
D�ce�aber 2� �g 69 relative to condea�ning and taking sn eaaea�nt in the
la�d necessary for the stopes, cc�ts and f i I ls, incinding right of re�noval of lateral
support frcro sub,ject land or remainder thereof, xcasioned by excavstions thereaf or
constrnction of stopes in the grading and surfacing with bituiainous �aterial the alley
in MiLTON AO�ITION, BLOCK 3 f raa Miiton St. to Yictorta St., as part of tHe Sw�mit-
University Renewsl Area, Co�tract 6-1904B. �
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
1 . The estimated cost thereof is $
' � /
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and r
made a part hereof. ,. 'e�
3. Initiated by the Commisstoner of Public Works X
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
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