248361 r �� ' COjJNCIIs FILE NU.� 248��1 BY • FINAL ORDER IN C4NDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the mstter of COAd��i ag and tak i ng an easdsent i n the 1 and necessary for the s 1 opaa, cuts and fills, i�cluding right of raaoval of laterai support from subJ�ct la�d or remsinder thereof, occasioned by sxcava#ioe�s thereof or constraction of slopes in th� grading snd surfacing with bituminous �at�rial the alley in GREVES SUBDIYISION "A'', BLOCK 2 and UNIVERSITY SUBDIYISI�I, BL�CK 4 from Oxford St. to Chatsv�rorth St. as part of the SuwAit- University Renewal Ares, Coc�tract G-1904 B. under Preliminarq Order 2��� , approved DeC�nber 2, 1_969 � Intermediary Order 2�'79�9 , approved March 17, 1970 � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereons, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the eame; therefore, be it ' RFa50LVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the preciee nature, extent and kind of im- - � provement to be mede by the eaid GSty ie Coadeaani�+g a�d taking a� easemewt i� the lac�d necessary for the slop�s, cuts and filis, inclnding right of removal of lateral support frc�n �ubje�t lap�l or ren�aiAder ther�f, occasioned by excavations thereof or cc�nstractioa of slopes in the gradiag and surfacing :. with bitc�ainous material the alley in GREVES SUB�IVISIOM "A", BLOCK 2 and l�IIVERSITY S�I i11 S i t�1, BLOCK 4 f roao Oxford St. "to Chatsv+acth S�. .a� ;p�vrt ef-+t�r�"#��t- �{ ,. . i�i vrsrs i ty Re�ewa i Area, Cont ract 6-1904 B. � � .;,., .,� _ �. s�=�, �. ; . . :,. and the Couacil hereby ordere eaid 'improvem�ente to be made. <; R.E$OLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, sppropriated and condemned for the purpoee of making enid improvemente, vis.: Condemning and taking a� ease�+ent in the land necessary for the slop�s, cmts and fill�, inci�ding right of removai of lateral support frc�a� smbject land or r�mainder theracf, occasio�ed by excavations thereof or construction of siopes in th� gra�diAg ac�d surfaci�g Nith bituminous �aate�ial the altey in 6REVES SUBDIdIS10h "A", BLOCK 2 and UMIIVERSITY StlBDIWiSION, BLOCK 4 frc�nn Oxfcrd St. to Chatsaorth St., as part of the Sr�mit- tlniversity Reneaai Area, Co�tract 6-1904 B. BFSOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiesioner of Public Works be and ie hereby inatructed and directed to prepgre pland and epecificatione for eaid improvement, and the proper city officia18 ere hereby ,, suthorised snd directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therawrith. Adopted by the Council �PR 1 4 �7-0 9 A�QR 14 197d City Clerk. APproved_ , 19 � Mayor.. Councilmen: Carlson _ - Da 1 g 1 i sh ��SHED APR 1 8 19�0 . 7tiA(bt�tl�(X Spraf ka .� ^ Meredith (� Peterson . 7edesco Mr. President, Byrne � � J . . • �. 3 � �' s f � • � � 24���1 �. .�:- �„��--, ..'���.\�. �� � (��� / .�) ' � OFF ICE OF THE COMM 1 SS IONER OF PUBL IG WORKS�:.�' �Q�. �'FCrv �:-, • -'�' ,d�C'F/ �y ,,.� '�`� ��' �FO .�-� RE PORT TO COMM I SS IONER OF F I NANCE c � O� =" r✓`� � ��, ��� :��' ., � - � `���� Deceiab�r 11 , 1969 To the Commissioner of Finance of ttre Ctty of St. Paui: The Commissioner of Publ ic Works, having had under consideration the prel iminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2��4 approved Decanber 2, �g 69 relative to �ondeaaning and tsking an ease�nt i� the land necessaryr for the slopea, cuts and fills, including right of rsmoval of laterai support fran snbJect land or ramainder thereof, occasioned by excsvations thar�of or constrnction of siopes in th� grading snd surfacing with bituaninous material the slley in 6REVES SUB "A", BIOCK 2 S UNIVERSITY SUB. BLOCK 4 fro� Oxford St. to Chatsworth St., as psrt of the S u+a�nit-Unlversity Rener+ai Area, Contract G-19�46. r- and having investigated the matte�s and things referred to therein, hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � I made a part hereof. � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � ..� �� Cortan 1 s s i one r of b 1 i�c �(o r fc,g,q�� �r J��/ � I�Irn � I � •� 0��� i I ' .-r�� � i � ' e H °: '� f� �'f �3 �� N,,,�C - ... ... � ., . � � f I A � �:w �� � , -___._.__ � � ... p� _ ---------- `e a' " � " � �, I ♦ � ° GD � ° ` ° ��g' � a d Ir � 0 p ,� n � = � Z a � g � � �' � O/� 1 O R (' I n ��i ... o a � i r Q �► er<e e�a d _ __------- S T. ' .. .._.._____-_-___. I 'Ul � `�Y N �� ���Q. ____-.__-_- �,._ I..J O � O.�O�. 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