248360 a .. � COUNCIL FIL� NU. 24��0 BY . FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter ot CO�dOE"�i ng and tak i ng an easen+ent i� the 1 and necessa ry for the s 1 opes, cuts and fil{s, including right of r�moval of laterai support fraa sub�sct la�d or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or coastruction of siopes iA the grading and surfacing Nith bitrr�inous �aateriai tMe aliey in BRYANTS A�DITION, BLOCK 2 from Victoria St. to Avon St., as part of the Su�nmit-lMiveraity Re�ewal Area, Contract 6-19c�+ B. under Preliminarq Order Z�2 , approve�i DeceAnber 2, 1969 , 247910 rove� Ma rch 17. 1970 Intermediary Order , app , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having T heard sll pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it ' RFSOLVED, By the Councit of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature� e�ctent and kind of im- provement to be msde by the eaid City ie Cor�de�ning and taking aA easea9e�t in the land necessary for the slopes, cats and fills, iacluding right of re�oval of lateral support from sub�ect lar�d or re�aainder th�reof, occasioned by @XCaY�L�OAS thereof or construction of slopes in tMe gradiag and surfacing aith bit�inous aiat�rial the alley in BRYANTS A�DITIBN, BL�CK 2 froa► Victoria St. to Avon S t., as pa rt of t�`4,{S umai.�t�Un i vers 1 ty Ren�wa l; p r@a, Cont ra ct 6-1924 �8�.; , • aad the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made. R,EBOLVED FURTHER, thnt the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, nppropriated and condemned for the purpose of making enid improvemente, vis.: Conalemning aad taking a� easdnent in the land necessary for tha slopes, cuts a�� filis, inciuding right of removal ef lateral suppo�t from sub,ject land or re�ainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or constructio� of slopes in the grsd�ng and sarfaci�g with bituminous eaateriaT the alley in BRYAMTS AD�ITIEIN, BLOCK 2 from Victoria St. to Avo� St., as part of fihe Sr�amit-lfiiversi�ty Renewal Area, Contract G-1904 B. , AE$OLVED FURTIiER., That the Commiaeioner of Public Worka be and ie hereby inatructed and directed to prepare pland and epeoifications for'said improvement, and the proper oity officials ere hereby ,:; suthorised and directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance theraraith. Adogted by the Counc' AiL���.4 lJ/V ; ; �I!R 1 4 1970 City k. Approved— , 19 Mayor. Councilmen: Ca r 1 son �BLISHED .�R �� �97� Dalglish )Htl(0(O�HqCX Sprafks Meredith - Peterson � .'��n . 7edesco G.� Mr. President, gyrne r ' - � - 8 - S • ,. � . • ��. �,�Q OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Of PUB�IC WORKS ,� ��t� REPORT TO COMMtSS10NER OF FIMANCE .jQ Decanber 9, 19 69 To the Ca�missloner of Finance ot the Ctty of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under conside�ation the preliminary o�der of the Council known as Council File No. 2'�2 approved Deceaabar 2, �g 6� relative to conde�ina aad takina a� aase�ept in the land qecessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, includige riaht of rea�ovat of tataral svpport fraa subJect land or remaipder thereof, occasioned bY �xcavatic�ns thsraof ar construction of slopes i� thm regrading and surfacina with bitaainous �st�rial the all�y in BRYANTS ADOITION, BLOCK 2 from Victor�a St. t� Avon St., as Rart of the Su�ft- University Rea�val Area, Contract 6-19046. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost the�eof is $ V/ r �. i: 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa rt he reof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X ��. 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition �;;� '�'�l�w���,� ���A�` � `� ,�;(:,9 ,,�,� � . RECEIV�:D `��� Commissioner of bl • rl ''�' ' � �� DEPT. C`F ��'� � �A �ANC;E y S z V, d W I- _ _� ' I � J 3 - � �i I L� d n , � d�--� ° J � 9 :� N o � ,, � o � �. � J I • � l � �� �.N_�._._ I .—. __."'__"".._.._._'-__ __...__.'.'"".___.__. 7u , '*'_ , _ _.._..- _—'-_'____-___" ,i LJ d'i I af ,q r "_ ' Qr O I � `l s d J� '__ ..__.-..... _. �e_ ;� 3u � �b ,� '� I N � N d �.� � � ,� � �_ _�_ � ��� r' , u �, � � • J", $� d.� � I J �� � �'� 3i � '� ' � . s �.� M -- --------------:s ��-�-x-�._ s a EO O'U . 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