248359 ` ✓ COUNCIL FILE NU.- 2483:59 BY • FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the mattsr of CO^d°�^i ng and taki�g an easea�ent i n the l a�d aecessary for th� s i opes, cuts and fills, including right of �e�oval of late�al snpport froa� sub,ject la�d or remaiader thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading a�d surfacing with bituminoas mat�rial the alley f� MARSHALL BOU�EVARD ADDITIOl1 "A" fraa Chatsworth St. to Milton St., as part of the Summit-University Renswal Area, Co�t�act 6-1904 B. under Preliminary Order 2�502 , approve�l DeCember 2, 1969 , Intermediary Order 2479�7 , approved �rch 17, 1970 , A public k►earing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ` heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the eame; therefore, be it ' RE80LVED, By the Council of Lhe City of 8aint Paul that the preciee nature, eutent and kind of im- pmvement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie Cond�ing and taking an easea�ent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts a�ad fills, including right of ranoval of lateral support fran sabject land or ren+�inder theraof, occssioned by excsvatio�s thereof or construction of slopes in the gradi�g ar�d surfacing Nith bituninous material the alley in MARSNALL BOULEVARD ADDITION "A" fran Chatswoorth St. to Milton St., as psrt of the Sua�it-University asnawal Ares, Contract 6-T90k B. sad the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the eame are herebq ordered to be taken, sppropriated and condemned for the purpose of making eaid improvemente, vis.: Conde�Aing and taking an easement in the land necessary fmr the slopes, cats and filis, including right of re�oval of lateral support from sub,je�t land or re�aainder ther.eof, occasioned by excavations thereof o� constractioc� of slopes ip the grading and surfacing with bitu�ninous a�ate�ial the ailey in MAt3SHAll BOULEVARD �1D�ITION "A" from CMstsworth St. to Milton St. , as part of the Sun�it-University Renewal Area, Contract G-19t�4 B. R.F.SOLVED FUR.THER.� That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and ie hereby inetructed,and directed to prepare plane and epecificatione for eaid improvement, and the proper city officiale are hereby ` ;�. suthorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � Adopted by the CounciL_�.�.��� , � 1 4 19�Q City Cle APProved—_ , 19 . Mayor. Councilmen: Ca r 1 son �UBLISHED APR 1 $ 1970 Dalglish ltki�DtOdffd(X Sprafka Meredith ,� Peterson � . Tedesco � Mr. President, gyrne , � ` _ � . � � ��� ,� o _ �.. , - � . 2 . ���90� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMIS510NER OF FINANCE Dec.�a�e r 9, 19 69 To the Commissioner of Ftnance af the City of S.t. Paul : The Comnissioner af Pubiic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary o�de� of the Council kncwn as Council File No. 2�502 approved Dece�ber 2, �9 69 relative to �d��tag end taking a� easea�snt in tha laad aecessary for tha slopes, c�ts and filla, iACluding right of rea+ovat of laterai support fran subJect lsnd or re�ainder theraof, occasioned by �ccavations theraof or constrnction of slopes in the r�grading and surfacing with bituainous �aterial the sliey in MARSHALL BOULEVARD ADDITION "A" fr�w Chatsworth St. to Milten St., as pa�! of the Suarait-IMiversity R�newal Area, "Co�tract 6-19046. � and having investigated the matters and things� referred to the�ein� hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2. A lan, profile or sketch of said improvement is he�eto attached and � P � made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works x 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � .�r `�'i�,�f ��� ;n,'� s��� k ,�.. r1�' '�' '�`j,. - �' r'X k �;_ /� 'cC !:-4J�' �' • �� RECEIVED `�± Commissioner Pub1 ��_ '°�' DEPT. pF ,��>. f ,.FTNR.NCE j�,, '°� ������ r � . � i r H , tn -�..1 �` N � ____ -------- ---- �n ___- ---- , __ --------._- i ------- , ___ _ - _ � M _ ' � Q � � ' S� � � � n I � oil ' _. N ' ----- _ .__. . . _..___ ._ ._. o' : __ ___- __. ,s � on a Q � .. 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