03-429.,.. . Presented By: ��ii '�,,.; ! 3 v i i�V 1 !.� L CTPY F PA Council File # Q"� � t.�Zq Green Sheet # 205013 �a $eferred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Grand Avenue Business Associafion, sponsor of Grand Old Day 2003 has submitted 2 a request to waive the 60% consent requirement for a block party/special event permit required by 3 Chapter 366 of the Legislative Code; and 4 5 WFIEREAS, Grand Old Day has become a tradition on the first Sunday of June on Grand Avenue 6 between Fairview and Dale and brings over 100,000 people to the fes6val to enjoy all that Grand 7 Avenue and Saint Paul have to offer; and 8 9 WHEREAS, it would not be practical for the Grand Avenue Business Association to obtain the 10 neighborhood consent for Grand Old Day 2003; and 11 12 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 60% consent 13 requirement for a biock party/special event permit for Grand Old Day to be held on Sunday, June 1, 14 2003. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 iTMENT/OPFIGEIGOUNCIL Y DATE INITIATED 03l2G/03 GREEN SHEET �G No 20501 �;� �GT SERSON 8 PHONE wrtuvoare . wnwoqre _ on allow waiver of ION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has Nis person/Frtn ever warketl untle( a wntract for this tlepartmenCl VES NO Has Mis perso�rtn ever been a ci[y employee? YES NO Oees Xaz perspJfirm posuss a skA iwl nemay possessetl by any amud aty eniployee? YES NO Is Mis persoNfmm a brgeted vendo(+ YES NO eplain ati yes answers on sepa22e shee[ antl attach ro green sheet ock Party Permit requires 60 percent of property owners along a block party, to sign a petition to allow a stival. in cases where it would be a hardship to collect 60 percent of signatures, the City Council fias authonty �, waive requirement Grand Old Day celebration scheduled for Sunday, . r a.�',;1, �``�' ine 1st, 2003, is over 1 mile in length and would therefore be considered a hardship. :� ' - — - ,�, ��yt'�' - ���`� �`� � - a permit for their communiTy festival. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Jefferson651/292-3525 �UEPARTMQnaRECTOR �crtrcawa���y+q AGENDABY(DAT� � _ I OIYAiTORMEY� `❑CRYCLERK ❑iY41KlALSERVICESqR ❑FPlPNCliLSENVIACC�6 _ \ wl1tlAYONlORO545TAN[l ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) _ meet AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIO $ T/A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE General Fund (001) ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAiION (EXPLAIN) ' � 04/24/2003 13:23 FAX 6512923584 SPPD: COMMUNITY SERVICES i � Gx�D �� � �� AvE�E Urban Tradition. , Hometown Charm. GRAND AVENUE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 867 GRAND AV_NUE, 5T. PAUL, MN 55105 January 2003 Williatn Finney, Chief of Police City of St. Paul 100 East 11` S�eet 3t. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Finney: �jooz 0��4?`� PHONE:651.699.0029 FAX:651.699.7775 I am writing on behalf of this yeaz's Grand Old Day planning committee to request a waiver of the required signatures for the biock pazty permit we are submitdng to your office. Grand Old Day will be on June 1. The block pertnit application requires written consent of 60% of the property owners to tenants adjacent to the portion of the public street, sidewalk or alley that is used for the community fesrival. Grand Old Day is celebrated along 2.5 miles of Grand Avenue, beginning at Sale Street and ending at Fairview. To satisfy the signature requirement would be an insurmountable task for any person... or volunteer commiuee. The additional challenge of absentee landlords and thousands of tenants make sit even more daunting. Therefore, we aze requesting that again this yeaz, you waive the signature requirement far the block pernut. Grand Old Day is a well-planned and executed event in cooperation with many city " -- - offices� iricluding�e police department, city Iicensing, the mayor's office, the fire department and the city council. As a matter of fact, we have had minimal complaints from our neighbors or security personnel over the lasY several yeazs. It is our intention to duplicate these successes and continue a St. Paul festival we can all be proud of! If you have any questions, please fell free to contact me atlhe Asso�iation off'ice� Sincerely, ����1<� Amanda Schultz Festival Director � RE��'d YE� APR 2 4 10Q3 APR-24-2003 15�32 6512923584 97% P.02