248356 ..� ,_ . .. .e. �� . ���: ' . . � . . ., . -.�' . �. �-y� ' .= YiFE+a •-S� � - ; � ;.. �. �'. 5 � � �� . � ,� �� .. .. . .f..�. . ' ' . . .. . < , . . � •y . . . , COUNCIL 1�L� NO.�� , - , FtNAl ORDER � �� � , � , $y A . . . � � . . � . ..... � . � . .. . . '., . . � � ' .. � � . � .. . . � .. � � � . :��. , , ., in the Matter of ` _ =--- :_— ----j ._ - - — - - ____ __ — . _. -- _ _-- _ __ _ __ _ - _ . _�.. , . ..,,�4 9 4 J . . , , ... . , � ' . � u ,.�r ... ., , "' ^ p w �, �. , ... ...�... . . ... . ,. .. . . � . . � . . . . . . . . p &tesurface t��ith bituminous material the fol.lowing alleys; T'�e�i.zn. br�e� P�A. �proved File No. Description 246526 Dec. 2, 1969 L-321 Brown°s lst Addition, Block 4 and Sanborn's Addition, Block 4 and Hallers Addition, Block 4 £rom Milton � St, to Victoria St. � � Bryants Addition, Block 1 from Victoria St. to Avon St. Bryants Addition, Blocks 3 and 6 from Victoria St. to Avnn St. � , Forepaughs Division A, $lock 4 and Smith and M �; Taylors Addition, Block 4 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. Palace Additi.o�, Block 1 from Avon St. to Grotto St. ttogers Addition, Block 2, Lexington P1ace Sub. from _ Lc�xi.ngton Pkwy. to Oxford St. ��, � � Summit Park Addition, Block 29 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. Summit Far� Addition, $lock 30 from Chatsworth St. to MiZton St. � Summit Park Addition, Block 31 from Oxford St. to Cha t.s�aor th S t. Summit Park Addi.tionx Block 32 from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. Summit Park Addition, Block 42 from L�xington pkwy. to Oxfard St. 246519 Dec. 2, 1969 L-301.G Milton Addition, Bloek S, from Chatsworth St. to - Milton St. _.T. n, 246511 Dec. 2, 1969 T,-:305G L. K. Stones Addition from Chatsworth St, to �iilr_on St . 246509 Dec. 2, 19b9 T�-306G Fairbanks Adclition, Iilock 1 and Stone and Rogers Addition= Block 3, from Milton St. to Victoria St. 24b507 DeC. 2, �96� I�°3Q7G B. Wilgus Addition, Block 2, from Lexington Pkwy. tn aXfoxa sc. 246491 Dec. 2, 19�9 L-309G Summzt Park Addition, Black 20 from Milton St, to �ictoria St. COUNCIL FILE NO��`-"'�� FINAL ORDER By �� - . In the Matter of �,z- - - ; _ , � � �2�su�f�ce ��ith bituminous material the fol.lowing �lleys: Pre�i,z�. , dr��� �Io. L���roved File No. Description 246526 Dec. 2, I969 L-323. Brown's lst Addition, Block 4 and Sanborn'� Addition, Blocflc 4 and Hallers Additio�x, Block 4 fro� Milton � St . to Victoria St. � � Bryants Addition, Bloc�C 1 from Victoria St. to Avon St . Bryants Addition, Bloc4cs 3 and 6 frarn Victoria �; S t. to Avnn S t. '�� :�� , �,. �' �'' � Forepaughs 1?ivision A, �31ocPc 4 and Smith and Tayloss Addition, Block 4 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. ��_ Palace Addition, B31oc�c 1 fro�n Avon St. to Grotto St. Rogers Addition, Block 2, Lexington Place Sub, from Lexington Pkwy, to Oxford St. � '�. i, Suinmit Partt Addition, Block 29 from Chatswortl-�' St. to Milton St. Summit Park Adc3ition, �iock 30 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. � Sumznit Park Addition, Block 31 from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. Suminit Park A�3dition, Block 32 from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. Summi.t Park Addition, BZocic 42 from L�xington Pkwy. to Oxford St. 246519 Dec. 2, "1969 L-301G I+�ilton Addition, Bloek S, from Chats��orth St. to ' riilton St. 246511 Dec. 2, 1969 L-3�5G L. K. Stones Addition from Chatsworth St. to ` Milton St . 246509 Dec. 2, 1�fi9 I.-306G rairbanks Ade�itions Block 1 and Stone and Rogers Addition, B1ocic 3, fror� �lilton St. to Victoria St. 246507 Dec. 2, 196� L-307G B. Wilgus Additian, Blocic 2, fro�n Lexington Pkwy. to Oxford St. 246491 Dec. ?.., 19f.9 L-309G Suzsunit Park Addition, �lock 20 £rom rliir.on St. to �'ic t�ria S t. _ Miltoxt _S_t _ _ _ _ _ � -- --- �_. �� _ _ -- _ . _ _ 246509 Dec. 2, 19b9 T,-3Q6G P'airbanks Addition, Bloc�C 1 and Stone and Rogers Addition, Bloc[c 3, from Milton St. to Victoria St. 246507 Dec. 2, 1969 r _zn�r n ,.:, _ . . .. . :; „ � + � _ . - 3 - + � _ Preii�: + Order No. Approved File No. Uescription 2464.85 Dec. 2, 1969 L-314G Greves Subdivision A, Block 2 and University Subdivision Block 4, from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. 246487 Dec. 2, 1969 L-319G Slater and Rileys Addition, Block 1, from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. Resurface with bituminous material and construct sewer for storm water purposes the following alley; 246521 Dec. 2, i969 L-327_G Palace Addition, Block 2, from Avon St. to Grotto St. Part of the Summit-University Renewal Area, Contract G-1904B j . .. ___-.._-.___� �.�-..�...'___T�__�_._.__ . . . _. .. . . . _.. ._.._�.._..___,._�..__.�-.___._... ......... ....... . . _. ... _._. . � _ -� • � � 1 i � S 1 . • ' ! � i . � i . ; . � , i ; 1 , a � ' i � � , . , . � � , , LEX•IPIGToN PARKWHY a`IYORTN , ` _ _ _ ; � , F . ' ; .. ; � �^ y . � � i �-�. �y "� � ; a ! .,* , o ' . F = m ' �", 2 , Z � ' �, � _ � '�.� �. i � ; ` c p , _ ' . i. .� -� , { Vi ,, � , � � : __.. ... _ f Oxrowc ST. • ,. �� i � . : ._w_....... _ _ : f . U � . I ; � ; . , � � i � , :� :� (.Jl � � . � � � � a ._. � � _ � , � ... � :_ , � c� � ; CNAT5wo2-rH ST _ �{ - � '1 .... 0, �. , I �. w i . � ' � ; , , . � t� ; F' � � ' � � ' . y i } � ` M��.-roN ST ,�:'y . . I i � � � i � . � ; < � 1 , �, � , i _ A ; � � — -- � � i , � � � i� R M � � •, 1 � � ; i � � � . ._ : _ _ _ . , � ✓JG-roatA . ST. � i ; . � , i � . � ' � � �,,. _._ .:�... _ ._ _ • ' _ ___._---- .,-• �.^_,._.._..,._._.r-._ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ____ ____ _ __ _ , ! ` ' i . , I �i j i� • 1 � . � � � ' ' � ; � � � � � 1 ; . N. LEn�r� G�-oN PARKWAY NoRTH i . I � ,. � D - - -- �' --- r -- ---- � ------- Z j z �' Z � ' ; � � � o � = N, p �o m o ➢ D N 1 � x r _ � ` �, -�I z 1 � { `N ! � N 0 XFO RD ST. � C�' .� � � . 4 � • � � i � n � � o (J1 i . � � ; . g � . ' � 1 � ' N. CHAT'Wo2T►-1 S?. ' . � ; N ' � �, �� � � � � � � �, i Yi � 1 �fr � f� W ;f� . .. �� � . . i �r � � . i' i� I� � t� �i ��� � i ' �� �; � N. M��.-ro N � � � s-r. � . � ,� � � ' i , . :� . ; � i �, � A. �„ ; , � ; D � M � � i ' � . rtt ; N v�c-roRtA s-�; � � � Q i. �y.. ., . .„ - _ . � . � _„� .� ......_ — .�.,. ._._ w..,,��. .._.....,.... . 1 � � , , � ; . s � ; . . . � j a � � � , . ; ; . � � � , ; � � � , � , � � � , LEJ� (P1GToN PARKWAY '.'IYORTH . ; , � . � � � k. - � � i � , � � i � r ' °"' � , o - A ; - �. = r+� _ � ��' z Z , . j.� � _ � -�' , o ..� . ! � D o � � . �.=� "� ' i , , �' � f \ i �:. ._ ; � Ox F'o 2 0 ' ST. _......_. T �� i _ U 1 ' � ; � i � � : �. � i z � :� ;-� (.11 � . , � ' � . :-1 � � .i _ .. � � ' I � � ' ,, �1'1 � CNATSwoR-rN ST. + _. � _ _ � � . � —I � . . � o � j w � ' � o N I � , • f ' ! k� �° . � l �� � � ; , � � � �. � � . . , �� � � � � � � M,L-ror� � ST.� � ' - ', � _. � � '. j I � . , , � , , ;.. � . � � A I ; . - -- - � , ; � � � � � ! � . A A i . , � ; ; . . i , _ ._ . �• ✓I c-to R�A ST ; i ; ( ; , I • � , � N . � _ v � '�, ._... , ,.�........�.�:..-._..R_.__�___..._..._._..._.._......_�...� V ' � ^�o � - G . , � .: - _ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Of PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINAI�E � Dec�nbsr 9, 19 69 To the Commissioner o� Finance of t�e City of St. Paul : The Cortimissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary o�der of the Council known as Council File No. 2�'9� approved ��e� 2• 19 69 relative to regrading and sc�rfacing with bitn�ir►ous �r+aterial the ailey in St1MWIT PARK ADDITION, BLOCK 2� from M;ilton St. to Wictoria St., as part of the Su�ait-Univ�rsity Renawal Area, Contract G-19046. '� and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,273.� 2. A plan, profite or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa rt he reof. ��� 3. Initiated by the Canmissione� of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � ,�t�''����� . � � �� - '.(. :r:.0 Can�nissioner of i ic r t�: RECE1V�p � -. DEPT. OF ..�' ;.- FiN1�NCE � * � � �- .�. . - � - -G OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Of PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Dec.�ber 9, �g 69 To the Corrnnissioner of Finance of t�e City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had unck r consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 246507 approved D�ce�ber 2, �g 69 relative to grading and-surfacing Ktth biteaainous _._..._ watsr ia i the a 11 ey i n B. W I L6US ADD IT I ON, BLOCK 2, f roa� Leac i ngton Plcvry. to , O�cford St.. as psrt af th� Suaiwtt-t�niversity Reneaal Area, Contract 6-190�6. i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. he�eby reparts: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2�366.47 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � 1 made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Carmissioner of Public Works X 4. improvement is asked for upo� petition � `�°�1� ., �.�. ,� �' �::; ' . • �:_� +��`'9 C issioner Publ 'c o ., �ECEIVED ,� ,��._. �Ep^f. OF ,� ��,NCE t��� � :��������� � • �:i OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT 70 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Dece�ber 8, 19 69 To the Canmissioner of Ftnance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under conside�ation the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2�5� approved Dece�ab°r 2� 19 69 reiative to regrading and surfacing with bit�ni�ous - �aterial the sll�y in FAIRBANICS ADBITI�N, BLOCK 1 � STONE AND R06ERS AD�ITION, BLt�K 3, f rom Milton St. to Yictoria St., a� part of the S wn�it-University Reneaal Aroa, Contract 6-1944B. � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,408.31 V 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 1s hereto attached and � made a part hereof. 3. initiated by the Commission�r of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upo� petition � ;', i;%�_''� P� . '4� �, ti \I �/ „ � �' -�59 �•�; ,�= R�F'C`��V`D � C issioner o Publ ic Wor!/� � �EP�; �F ,� . � ..� �NA,�c$ ,�,� �����. R,�,,���. . • _ � � �� � , ,,.,.,� � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Dece�nbe r 8, �9 69 To the Commissioner o� Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Cortxnissioner of Public Works� having had un�r consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. ��511 approved Dece�er 2, 1969 19 relative to �9radi�g and surfacing with bit�,inous �aterial the alley in L. K. STONES ADDITION f ro� Chatsworth St. to Milton St., as �art of the Sum�nit-tl�iv�ersity Renewal Area, Contract 6-19046. � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,242.20 V 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � made a pa rt he reof. �, 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upo� petition . ', ;� ,� -��ti � %r�. , � x . . REC�I`J D .�f�'` ��+ssio r of ic Ics . ��i G� DEPT. CF -. ; .�^. � i,� .FINANCE ��` � ; ;,, . _<;��', � . . � 3J � � SUMMARY OF Et�iNEERiNG RECOMMENDATION Tuesday, Aprii 14, 1970 ADVISABILITY ANO DESIRABi�ITY GRAOE SURFA E RESURFAC &. SEWER� Part of the Summit-University Renewai A�ea. Contract G-i B. Resurface with bituminous material the fotlowing alleys: (21) Brawn's ist Additio�, Blotk 4 and Sanborn's Addition, Block 4, and Haller's Addition, Block 4 fram Milton St. to Victoria St. (25) Bryants Addition� Block 1 from Victoria St. to Avon St. (33) Brya�ts Additi.on, $locks 3 and 6 fran Victoria St, to Avon St. (20) Fo�epaughs Division A� Block 4 and Smith and 7aylors Addition, Biock 4 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. (2b) Palace Addition. Block 1 from Avon St. to Grotto St. (16) Rogers Addition, 81xk 2, Lexington Place Sub. fram Leocington Pkwy. to Oxford St. (29) Summit Park Addition, Block 29 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. (24} Summit Park Addition. Block 30 from Chstsworth St. to Milton St. (23) Summit Park Addition, Block 31 fran Oxford St. to Chatsw�orth St. (28) Summit Park Addition, Block 32 fran Onford St. to Chatsworth St. (22) Summit Park Addition. Block 42 from Lexington Pkwy. to O�cford St. (5) Milton Addition, Block 5, fram Chatsworth St. to Milton St. (9) L. K. Sto�es Addltion from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. (10) Fairbanks Addition� Block 1 and Stone and Rogars Addition, Block 3, f rom Miiton St. to Victoria St. (ll) B. Wilgus Addition, Block 2, fram Lextngton Pkwy, to Oxford St. C30j Summit Park Addition. Block 20 fran Milton St. to Victoria St. (17) Ro�rt AcielltJon, B►lnek l , from Oacfo+'d St_ to Chetsworth St. -2- (2) Chute Bros. Division No. 16 f�om Victoria St. to Avon St. (27) Summit Park Addition, B}ock 41 from Leacington Pkwy. to Oxford St. 6rade and surface with bituminous metertai the following alleys: (6) Milton Addition, Block 3 from Milton St. to Victoria St. (7) Lindananns Sub., Biock 4 fran Oxford St. west app�oximately i50 feet. (8) Do�nellys Additior�, Block 2 from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. (19) BroMm's lst Addition, Btock 3 and Sanbor�'s Addition, Block 3 and Haller's Addition, BI xk 3 f rom Milton St. to Vi�toria St. (18) Forepaugh's Oivision A, Block 1 , and Smith and Taylor's Addition Block 1 , from t�atsworth St. to Milton St. (15) Edwin Dean's Subdivision Block 5 from Fisk St. to Avo� St. (12) B. Wilgus Addition, Biock i, f rom Oxfo�d St. to Chatsworth St. (4} Milto� Addition, Btock 2 from Milton St. to Victorfa St. (14) Fairbank.'s Addition, Biock 2 a�d Stone and Rogers Addition, Block 4, from Mitton St. to Victoria St. (13) Marshall Boulevsrd Addition "A" from Chatsworth 5t. to Milton St. Grade and surface with bltuminous material and construct sawe� for stonri �ater purpo:as the following alieys: (31) Bryants Addition, Biock z, from Victoria St. to Avo� St. (3) Greves Subdivision A, Block 2 and tMiversity Subdivision Block 4� from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. (i) Siater and Rileys Addition, B1ock 1 from Chatsworth St, to Milton St. Re�urface with bituminous materiai and construct se�war for storm wetar purposcs the foilowing ailey: (32) Pa i aee Add Ft Inr�, 81oc}e 2 f rvm Avon St, to 6 rot to S t. -3- SLOPES Pa�t of the Summit-University Renewai Area, Contract G-19046. � (4) Aliey in Milton Add. B)k. 2 from Milton St. to Victoria St. (14) Alley in Fairbanks Add, � Blk. 2 and Stone and Rogers Add. Blk. 4 f rom Milto� St. to Vfctoria St. (13) Ailey in Marshall Blvd. Add. "A" fram Chatsworth St. to Milton St. �31) Altey in Bryant's Add. Bik. 2 from Victorta St. to Avon St. (3) Al1ey in Greves Sub. "A" Bik. 2 and University Subd. Bik. 4 from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. (i) Al1ey in Slater a�d Riley's Add. , Bik. 1 � from Chatswortfi St. tv Milton St. (18) Alley in For�paughs Div. "A", Blk. 1 and Smlth and Taylor's Add.� Bik. 1 f ran Chatsworth St. to Miiton St. (6) A11ey in Milton Add. Blk. 3 from Miiton St. to Victoria St. (7) Alley in Li�demanns Sub. Bik. 4 from Oxford St. west approximatoly 150 ft. (8) Alley in Don�elly's Add., Blk. 2 fran Chatsworth St. to Milton St. ��9) Ailey in Browns 1st Add., Blk. 3 and Sanbor�s Add. Bik. 3 and Haller's Add. 81k. 3 from Miiton St. to Victoria St. (15) A11ey in E�in Dean's Subd. Bik. 5 from Fisk St, to Avon St. (12) Alley in 6. Wilgus Add, B�k� 1 from U�cford St. to Cfiatsworth St. The project before the Counci 1 thts morning ig e.� �.`•� a�e..e� Project for the rasurfacing, grading and surfacing and slopes of att.� and the construction of storm s�wers in alieys in the Sunmit-University Renewal Area. Inforn►ational m�settngg on these proJoata ►.�•-� e��tiod..te�cf for 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, Apri 1 9, 197o ac�d for 9:00 A.M. . 7uesday �wornt��g ��-f 1 14� 1970 in tha CouncJl Chambers, 3rd flcwr City Hall . Be c ause it was necesssry to get some of the work started last fall , the alleys referred to in the Final Orders for this heari�g were not included in the Contract let last fall . �� The estimated cost and method of financing are as foilows: Urban Renewal Bond Funds S 72,343.00 Estimated Property Assessment 2 '00.0,0 _ Total Estimated Cost �0a, 3.00 The property assessment is based on the foliowing estimated rates: Overlay or resurface alley with bituminous materi�l : A and B Residential Property $0.70 per assessabie foot C Residentiai , Comnerciai and Industrial Property $1 .05 per assessable foot Grade and surface alley with bituminous meterial to the foliowing average widths: 16 foot width $1.20 per assesaabie foot 12 foot width $0.$5 par assessable foot Grade and surface or resurface �Iley with bitumi�ous material including the construction of a sewar for storm water purposes: A and B Residential Property $1 .90 per assessabie foot C Residential , Commercial and Industriai Property $2.20 per assessabie foot. The Engi�eering recomnendation is for approval of the orders. Respectfully submitted� Richard A. Schnarr Chief Engineer � !i . �' �t ti �. �! �,� �. ' � `� i . � ; � � , ► � � � � � �; ; � . - �� � �_1 l._.�._I I -; ,� � r . � ; ; . . . � � L E,n��t•�G-r o r-� PA R K wAY NORT N . I � � � , . _ , � , • o i � r- = U A f C � � � � � m � z r ; (' �. . � , OXPORD: ��: Z � � \` � �N Z " ` � � ' .� ` . ' � � GI� on �� ' C H A?31nlo 2-r H S�T: �'�`V i � y�i o _ � , W � a ' °�1 � . � � . j � i ' i � . � , �:. � � • � � Y ' � I � i • , � M��'ro r� .s-r. � � � ; . ; i � � � � ; �� . � , f' . � ' D � < < ; i �' < � �' , �' � ' 4 � � . � ; �. � � � � ; ✓,cTd¢�a �� � � s-r: � � ; . I � I � ZV '�, � � R � � . � . I _--. ___ .._ -- __ .. _ _ r , l f j i i j ( ; i � . ' � � � � a + � I N• VICTOR.IA ST. � I N � � . � D j �n n c c :'� n K z . r A � � � _ '" .� � p - , i � D o � � j� M �0 ' < : � � r v y � D � � o . r � F�s K � s-r. � � � { E � � i � ' AVO .N ST. __- z i ' � �� ' . `t� N. Avo � � t-+� \ � ��� P t�1 , w� � N• GR�TTO s—r: :� : i o ± . , , ---I � � : �� : � ,: � �i . W � � . • iN• 5-r, qL.B�wS ST. • � . � (' � _ { f � I ,M, , f ;I a D D a � � C � � � < < < , ;; � ,� � � ►� !� � � ; � , ` � , . N. DAI.E 5-r. i ; I r s ; , � j � �: G • �� � ' — _-_._�_ --- _v.......�.._�._.___, __ _ __.. _._. �� ` , _.__ ,__ , __.._._......_._..._.__,._ .___......,._,. _._..� �� _ � ,_ ____�: . , _._ __ _�______ ; ' ; � � � � � . �� . � 4 � � ' � � � � � i ' • � i � � ' 1 ; I � � � � i . ` • N. LEh�rJ G-rOrt . PARKWAY NORTH i t � � i . � �-►� D c � � Z - - �-�--- Z --- r -• ---- � ------ Z j . i � P � p m � . � Z y � � N I r � � � " { Z � � - N OXFORD S-r `U _i � . . ` i . G � . . � � .) � i • � 3 . , iU , 0 .' �� 1 . . � . � � � , N• G HAT3W o 2'r�-1 S?. . �{ � r! N � �� • � �� � � ; i.; , . j� i � I, j i; � � � � � � � � ; �; _ W ; ,j �� ,! , j , ;� i ,� � � � �, � . I� N, M��.-roN ; � s,-. . 1 : . . � � a . ; , . 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The estimated cost thereof is $ 6,620.16 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4, improvement is asked for upon petition � � �� OEC 1969 RECEIVEp Commissioner of Pu ic Wg� �� DEPT. 4F � ��I �'S,�tAI�CR �r y�� .��''"�- . ^ — � . �.. , : � � t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS r�� � ♦ � ``�� QFG' � R )q� � ;,. , .�, ��c�/�� .. x REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,�� �� ,, � , xl.N�' O� ��. �, `�c� � , Dmcaa�b�r 11, �g 69 To the Canmissionec of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under co�sideration the preliminary orde� of the Council known as Council File No. 24�7 approved Decaaber 2, ig 69 relative to 9rading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in SLATER 8 RILEYS ADDITION, BLOCK i from Chstswcrth St. to Milto� St. Also construct a sawar in the ailey fcr storai water purpose�; as part of the Sa�it-University Renswal Area, Contract 6-19046. v and having investigated the matters and things referred to theretn� he�eby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 8,204.36 V 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and I made a part hereof, r� 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X "' 4. improvement is asked for upon petition Corran i ss i one r o b���rlc . �.,.,r.. � - � �- - ' G G _ ��,�1- � � ���� �� '�F °F�, �� OFF ICE OF THE COMM 1 SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKSr� d�,�'F,`��9 � � ,�, .��� F� �� 0 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER Of FINAt�E ir�� ��� �r~ J.f C ,� � .. �h!r •� " � Decea�ber i i , �g 69 To the Comm i ss loner of F i nance of titie C i ty of St. Pau 1 : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary o�der of the Council known as Council File No. 2�5 approved Becanb�r 2, 19 69 relative to 9rading and swrfaciAg wtth bitun+ino�s a+sterial the alley in GREYES SUB "A", BLOCK 2 s t�lIVEftSITY SUB. BLOCK 4 from Oxford St. to Chataworth St. Also construct a seMror in the alley for sto� aater purposes, as part of the S�uaait-lMiversity Renawal Area, Contract G-19048. � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therefn� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ $�82$•6� 2. A plan, profile o� sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � �"`r""�,�i �, ma de a pa r t he reof. '`'' 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Publ ic Works X ,�;.,� 4. improvement i s asked for upon pet i t ion �,k,.,�,,, �� � C issioner of ic Wor s � ► , . • . _ o G . �::.4:�� �f� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS RE PORT TO COMh11 SS IONER OF F I IdANCE Dsce�er 9, �9 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Com�nissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2�3 approved Dec�ber 2, �g 69 relative to regradiAg afld surfa�cing with bite�inous a�aterial the alley in BRYANTS ADDITION, BLOCK 2 frcNa Victoria St. to Avon St. Also eonstruct a_se�e� in the alley for sto na water purposes, as Rsrt of the S u�it-University Renaaai Area, Contract G-1904B. � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 7.77�.68 _ V i 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � ; a' �;. made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. improvement is asked for upon petition :��+'�� ,�,� � :.\ � �: �� ��C ��_a ,� r;9 RE����`,� Commtssioner of bi ic Wo s �,. D _`� - , - ��'L. ". �'IN� �'F . � . . � � ,. , C� :�* ' ' � � a _ �TM `:� �.;� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE D�ceaabe r 9, �g 69 � To the Commissioner of Ftnance of the C1ty of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Councii File No. 2�503 approved Decaaber 2, 19 69 relative to regra�ing and su�faciag with bitdmiAC>ws material the allsy in MARSNALI BOtJLEVARD ADDITION "A" from Chatsworth St. to Milton St., aa part of the Su�it-tJwiv�rsity Renmwal Area, Contract 6-19046. '� and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: i . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2.39b•62 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and �� ma de a 4 �� part hereof. �� '� � � 3. initiated by the Commissioner of Pubiic Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upo� petition .�;�a����� � ��� � � °`�'� '�` '�°;9. ;� � }`,� � ''`� ,�'-; Cortmissioner o Pubi i r! � RE�E�,��� `�� � r��. '.�... V . .�•.. DEPT. - C�F �,►`� FIN�CE �_:.���.-�' . , � , � ; _ I� � �� � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS � � D� � � � �'�cC ��,��9 �, REPORT TO COMM{SSIONER OF FINANCE +� d��F�/i� ~ d ;� ;% ��� ; .:. . � y, � \- . December 12, �g 6� To the Comm(ssioner of Fi�ance of the City of St. Paul : The Commtssioner of Public Works. having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2�5�1 approved December 2, i9 69 relative to regrading and surfacing with bitc�ainout � a�t�rial the aliey in FAIRBANK'S ADDITION, BLOCK 2 8 STONE AND R06ERS AD�ITIf�N, BLOCK 4, fran Milton St. to Victoria St., as part of the Summit-University Renervai Are�, Contract G-19046. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein} hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3.209.29 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � mada a part hereof. � � 3. initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X � �.� 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition Comrn i s s i one r of b i i c r� ' � ` � ^ � O ,.��i OFF!CE OF THE COMM I SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS �i� � DFC� •' `r� ��t d�,�'�`���s�,�y �" REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FiNAI�E �,. '�,�fr�' �� `���� � �� °� �f �.� . h. 4, . Dece�be� 11 , �y 69 To the Cortmissionet of Finance of the City of St. Paui : The Commissioner of Pub11c Works, having had un�r consideration the pretiminary order of the Council known as Councii File t�. 2�525 approved Dec�er 2, �g 69 relative to re9radiaq and swrfacina with bitwninous a�aterial the alley in MILTON ADDITION. BLOCK 2 frwa Milton St. to Victoria St.. as part of the Su�na+it-tMiversity Renewal Area. Contract 6-1�04B. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,316.31 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attathed and �� � `��f� ma de a pa r t he reof. �``-' �� 3. initiated by the Commissione� of Public Works X :;��� �- 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition �, . Commissioner o Publ 'c or � � /� , � � 0 . • �� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBL{C WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FIPWNCE December 9� 19= To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had u�der consideration the prel3minary order of the Counc i 1 known as Counc i 1 F i 1 e t�. 2�+93 approved Decaaber 2, 1g 69 relative to regrading and surfacing with bitua�inous �nat�rial the aliey in BROWNS iST ADDITION, BLOCK 3 S SANBORNS ADDITION, BLOCK 3 � HALLERS AD�ITION, BLOCK 3 f roai Milton St. to Victorl� St., ss part of the Suiaait- , Un i vs�s i tr Rene�wa i Area, Cont ract 6-194)46. � a�d having investigated the matters and things referred to therei�� he�eby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is � 3+341 •�� — V 2. A plan, profile o� sketch of said imprcvement is hereto attached and _ � made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Pubtic Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition ^����1a� ,R�� ,,,. .��� �• �� �.._ "�� ._ 1;� � � � _ j�� �����V�p a Comnissioner Pubi ic Worlcs . � DEp'I'. CF �� �. �s.... -�, �N�iyC� �w r, ° . ; L� � i �� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Dece,a,ber 9, 19 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paui : The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under consideration the pretiminary order of the Councit known as Council Fiie No. 2'4b505 approved Dscembsr 2, �g 69 relative to 9radTng and surfacing with bituminous material the slley in B. WIL6US ADDITION, BLOCK i , f raa Oxford St. to Chats�rth St., as part of the Sun�it-U�iversity Renewal Ares, Contract 6-19048. � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2�545•�+0 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is he�eto attached and � made a part hereof. � r � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X �}�� 4. improvement is asked � petition �,�,,��I��,�,��� _,<::�:��' �b '�' ,,, ,-�. . F<,: ., _C �t y c, ,,� '`j� �', �. :�; RECEiV'�D Commissioner f Pubi i Wo �`� � DEPT. GF �`'� ��_ .:�, FINANCE , , t� � �?� ,��_'< �,� ��-� �� .� � � - ,3i � - G _� � ....,� p ... . � � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i Deceaiber 9. 1g 69 � To the Commissioner of Finance of th�e Ctty of St. Paui : The Commissioner of Pubiic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary orde� of the Council known as Council File No. 2�� apprcved D�canber 2� �g 69 relative to 9rading snd surfacing with bitumi�ous �aterial the a)ley in EDMIIN DEANS SUB., BLOCK 5, frd� Fisk St. to Avon St., as part of the Summit-University R�newal Area, Contract 6-19046. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, he�eby reports: i . The estimated cost thereof is $ � .293.72 V � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa rt he reof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Pubiic Works x 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition ,�,��1"�i11,�j,� ,° •�► �.�`�`.�. 4. _V �.�.� ��� � �` Commissioner of bii r ..� RECE�V�D ��`: � s DEPT. CF ,`�" �: FII�TI�NCE � y �� K� .. ^����e�.�'-` � � . . � . s�- .�: s �" . w';�' ��;£'wa.,�- ,��3' .. �. ::; , . f >/t � ,k 3h .` . .. s� . i',�.�a."cE.�3;"'0.'a,.: �,e. ?t ' .• � � .� N .� � �' ' £� �z �`��'. � ` RICHARD A. SCHNARR �PI7Ht��.� � . j CH16R EN6INEER C I T � .<{,��� '.:: S A:I N�n �,����U L ' �. DEPUTY� �: �• .. . ` .,.�.. • :;- . . � , .: . ' ��Fel of MinnesaFa` � { ���;,•�` � - � � , � ::�����.�, : . , . , ,� � �. a DEPARTMENT OF P��LI� '1�l+�KS .;� . \�c � ��,� , , , ;: 2��� � � � 1�e�r 5�#02 � � � �� ; �;��£� � � . . w� s� € r,a� � ��,_�- .. . � ., � � �G U pt -.:'Sf� � 'A( �ar '� 5- �: . . t" �).E` o .. fl� � � : ��� . . ` �r� .. ' ,.-� .� s� r� . +� i' � .. . ,�QjG�.,�`� � � ��� x�,�:;: � �,� a a � ��� ' "`;:�►O�i1 _ � �� � r .,. � �l1MSSIOB@I'„ i i,<Fa��/�s/, r - �" '�.�.���': a,�« � 3,. _ ��; � � „ ,,, r., �� , < , ..a' ., „ --...�. . . ? . v_ . � � ,Q �,.� . .. ._ - , � ���� , '�,, . _ � �, -. i i+N3i�+ib,a�ifi��Gi�k3'�<.,+Y .. . .;.aa.,...'/°i ., .,..,. , � . '�a.v' _ ' � �' . . . �F� E7�.. ... ... . . A �eceanber 9, 1969 Nonorable Ja�es J. Dalglish Co�issicner of Finance City of Saint Pawl Re: G-19046 Dear Si r: I trans�ai t herewi th pral i�i�ary esti�te of cost for gradi�gv and sarfaci�g with bitr�iaous anaterial the alley in FOREPAt16HS DIVISIOW A, BLOCK 1 � SMITH AND TAYLORS ADBITiElt�, BL�CK 1 fran Chats*ro�th St. to Milton St. , as part of the Summit•Uni�rersity Rer�evral Area, Cor�tract G-19t�6, under Preliwinary Order No. 246495, approved Dece,mber 2, 1969. Estia+ated Construction Cost $2,9�3.43 Engineering 362.93 inspactioq 5$•�7 Tota1 Esti�ated Cost $3,32�.43 uly, . �� Robert F. Peterson �/'����•.-.- � drks Comaaissioner of Pabl w 1 T.� RFP/GB/bp ��� �`� cc: Ri chard Sck�narr Richard aheeler - - '� Jaa�es Schv+artz , ,�Y�l�� i ��r�A'�;, � _ :; Joseph M i tchel l ``°' 'Q' � ��� _,, y � � ;: ,� R E - ;, ,,.. cEiv.-,� .�.. DE�T. CF ,.� ,!�-, �NANC� �'���. '� v 1 �t � � -� ,� OFFICE OF THE COMMtSSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMh11SS10NER OF FINANCE �c.�ber 9, 19 b9 To the Commtssioner of ftnance of the Ctty of St. Paui: The Commissioner of Public Works. having had under consideration the preliminary o�der of the Councii k�own as Council File No. 2�495 approved Decaaber 2� 19,�9 relative to grading an�i surfmcing with bit�iAOUs �at�rial tha atley in FOREPAt�6HS DIVISION A, BLOCK 1 t SMITH AND TAYLORS ADD{TION, BL�CK i frcm Chatsaorth St. to Milton St., as part of the Su�it-University Renaaal Ar�, Contract 6-1904B. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $�„3,24.43 ,_„� _ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. lnitiated by the Commissioner of Public Works x 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition -,c,"1��'�1�! � -�:�,, � � � � �,` ; �►� ,,�,� � , i� . . ,.} x+ i , -- C omm i s s i one r f Pu}�1 ' W ��: RECEI��'�rD `:+ lj�, � . ` DEPT. C F �;, FINANCE A `f►� `�y�.e .. � L o �`:. -�� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Decea�be r 8, �g 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary o�der of the Councii known as Council Fite No. 2�513 approved Dec.e�ber 2, 1969 i9 relative to 9rading and surfacing with bituminous materisl the alley in DONNELLY'S ADDITIDN, BLOCK 2, fro� Chatsworth St, to Miltcfl St., as part of the Su�it-�Jniversity Renewal Area, Contract 6-lgttb6. f and having investigated the matters a�d things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 1 ,642.21 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Canmissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for_ upon petition �' ,�.,,;;•,�=�; i1 1:�'� ���� '�' � ��� .- � ,� ..:{.. ,, �r� ,, _;. +;;� R�C��V�� �� ' Cortmissioner bi ' k,r DEPT. OF' � ��--�- ' � FZNANCE : � -�, .., ? �'�` . t ' � lS � -G OFfICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE D�c.e�ber 8, 19 69 To the Commissiorter of Ftnance of tlte City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, havi�g had under conside�ation the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File 1�. 2�515 approved 9ece�ber 2, 19 69 relative to grading a�d surfacing Nitb bitrr�ainous �aterial ths aliey i� LINDEMANNS SUB., BLOCK 4, fran �xford St. west approxiwtely 15� feet, a� psrt of the Su�it-Hniverslty Renewal Aroa, Contract G-19046. ` and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 852.16 V 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and I made a part hereof. , � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upo� petition . 1�.� ,.,i.. . F Canm i ss i one r of ub� W<yK� ,i- R��rd; . ����� c,`� �-` r'�' T . '��� .e�.> D�'��'r� �.�F��' �� � � �y�.h . . � ; �'�. _,�4jrt�r�f��j ,`. 4}, vf+; ,�qlr{' `�►�j;�%�'y- . � " �_.. � OFFICE OF THE COMMlSSIONER OF PllBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Decea�be r 8, �g 69 To the Commtssioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2�5�7 approved Dece�ber 2, lg 69 relativc to 9rading and surfaci�g with bit�i�ous �aterial tha aliey in MILTON ADDITI4N, BLOCK 3 f rcm Milton St. to Yictcria St., as part of the S�ait-University Renewal Area, Contract 6-19048. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,523.59 � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition e J t,��,�. � f�J'�j +.�y ��-'�. CE�vE� "','.� Commissioner . Pubii s � RE v, Y �t; E.� F �.:� � D , O ,`r �C� � �,; � ,�� � i I � ', � � c LEXINdTON PKW�: /VORTH ' I ,c'ti'�, � ��.S,� -. d ='� ' i'' ' . � r#� � <�`� . � ��� `p ,4� �,' � O �Aj, T' 3O e��a� �� � 3 P r � � � C1��13�a �,= . ' ,. 3 r Y q b96� ��, � ➢ I ;�;� � i� :, z o r '� �,►.- ;, 0 5!��-�''" ;1 � . � r I:� � , �. � �:� �: OXFORD ST. ' � � � � z �'' , � � ` � �: � � ..�: �:� .��y �, �� , pk6 �� , _ � E�_ Fy,�ry-; � I�1 <�' _ � � � l'� � 'N �' - � � ', _ � � C NAT3wott-rK ST. � � � o, �:� � i • • QO i i � � � � + � � W 1 i I ; � { , M i�-ro ni sT• � I i t . ; , 1 i , ��� � � � D � � ' ' a � �. ` D D � . ,� � � , . � � � b �n . � � ; r� VIGT021A 3T. ' � � -- f � � �'._ . � � , �1 ' � . L �-� z� - Cr OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLtC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FIiVANCE ; � � �` ��`� r December 16, 19 69 � � � �-'/ To the Commissloner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council Fiie No. 24�9 approved December 2, �9 69 relative to regrading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in SUMMIT PARK ADDITION, BLOCK 41 , fro�aa Lexington Parkway to fbcford St. , as pert of the Summit-University Renewal Area, Contract 6-1904Q. � and having investigated the matters and things �eferred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,198.55 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attach�d and ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � ,�, DEC 1969 - � REC�IVED � Commissioner of ub� ����` �, DEPT, �� � �- F.iI�TANC� ����r � `�. 3 _ -� �,.. ` -�'�,"� �14S�'� ,>�., �.. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ;�,� � G' - � F��s. �. � ,.;, 'r�` d,���'`jL ',� �� RE PORT TO COMM I SS IONER OF F I NANCE '�.�� , � �� ;,' "� � � �!� �� .�� . :; �, , . � �'=�x:._ Dece�ber 11 , 19 69 To the Commissioner of Flnanc� of ti�e City of St. Paul: The Cortanissioner of Public Works� having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. ��'S�3 approved Dece�absr 2, }g 69 relative to regrsding and a�rfacing with bituminous matmrisl the alley in CHUTE BR�S. DIVISIOl1 N0. 16, fran Victoris St. to Avon St. ss part of the Summit-University Renewsl Area. Contract G-1904B. ✓ � and having investigated the matters and things referced to the�ein, hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is � 3�2�9•86 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is he�eto attached and made a pa rt he reof. ;� �a,:, 3. lnitiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition Cortmissioner of Pubi ic W r!c .��Ltk..-.-- � . � �^ . _ :�� � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS �� � 0 � +;r, � F � d FC' �'�9�, � REPORT TO COMMfSS10NER OF FINANCE `,�,�, '��.��Ii�9 �;� �� -�.�o.� a ��% �`� � � �� � Dacepnbar 12, �g 69 To the Cortxntssioner of Ftnance o'F the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under conside�ation the preliminary orde� of the Council known as Council File No. 2�97 approved lfece�ber 2, �g b9 relative to 9rading and surfacing with bituminods �atertal the alley in Rt)6ERS ADDITION, BLOCK 1 f ro� Oxford St. to Chatsworth St., as psrt of the Sc�it-University Renaaai Area, Contract 6-1904B. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,356.84 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attathed and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Pubiic Works x "�'° 4. {mprovement is asked for upon petition , �� �� Commissioner of P biic !c �r � � e �.. „ .�x � i�' '�� � � � ,8' ��� ��� J�� • ° .,.. . ��� � . -� � ,��.���� ;:-. �3 � , „ ..,. _ . � �. �.,. �'.,�°"4.� , .. � , . . � , ;i z.� ::.� .�r�: . �', RICHARD A. SCHNARR § A�ITMt7��y`�/ F.: ��"" � CHIEF EN6INEER C I T '�+"` ���•'.., S.A I:N � ��.:U L .. � DEPUTY '��� :�:r:.� ' '_ � ; , . ; . � � �. f. .. � � `���'al of Minneso�a � `�� � � � ,� ; _ ��'�.�, ° ; . . ��Q;�';`�'Y b.��.. . �v, . , DEPARTMENT Q�. P�BLt� '�'�tKS � �� � €�� ��� < , � Z�`��t �, &. �ur! �► $�S#02 �� ���� .. � � �.� � �� �'�,„� "{Y*�`. . �1 �:' ��:�3�Q�-� . � � ��za � �`�S # t�. 3 . �� � ' $i F�i�; � t �:,d 5� �i f 3.� � � , � �. ak� �e � ,�1:'� � . � ' . .._ ... . . . .,,. � #" :��"� t . • t k'a.A< � � •^�, � '. .:��,.-����RIB'lISS10/I rRl',. � , � Y.. � � �� �' � .t '�+,° , . . s..= .. ���<�� �q`� s �`� ��, a,., �n.. .v9i3�. .�. . . : .,. � . . . - �...... . , . � o k � � � . ..n .�-,�,...., rF r .,, ... . ... p p'F' . . , �� ���., , : .,e- � " _, _. . '�"'�F . � � . f �,%{ .r�:ms�.6''��'c,�'9'. . . . .. . .�:!:'�'�'�'�at}4 .�,t. y�. .� .�r�- _ . .. ' . . ,��•, .. .. . J . �. �ecember g, 1969 Honorable Ja�es J. �alglish Cam�aissianer of Finance City of Saint Paui Re: 6-1 g046 Dear St r: 1 transmit herewith preli�inary estimate of cost fo� regradi�g a�d surfaciqg with bituaiinous material the alley ia StMMIT PARK ADDITI�N, BLOCK 20, fro� Milto� St. to Vtctoria St., as part of the S�ntt-tJr�iyersity Rener+al Area, Contract G-19046, under Preli�ninary �rder No. 246491 , approved �ece�aber 2, 1g69. Estimated Construction Cost $2,858.86 Eng i r�eer i ng 357.3b 1 nspect t c»a 57.18 Tctai Estimated Cost $3,�73.�� Yours truly, � ��� .��� Robert F. Peterson � � Co�i ss i oner of P�bl i c Murks c � v RFP/66/bp j cc: Richard Schnarr �""`°'rtc Richard Wheeler � � James Schwartz �` Jose h M�i tchel l ��F' �`� w ,� 4 ; r b L: .�='; �; �EC r9�9 y�* R E(;E'f�,��-D ;r, �`" ' ::�, { � ri �[�.,� o- 1� . � �� �� �.�f Ny )`�l a�,.�, � �1���E � , .�,, ,� . ;s`�s-�r�'..�� . �k �� RICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER C I T Y� O' F -..� S A I N T�� P A U L DEPUTY COMM18810NER Cepital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC' WORKS ' 234. City Hall &: Court.:House-: 55 f 02 : � BOBERT-F. PETERSON : - .. , , , , .,... „ ;:,. Eommissioner ; _ __ , . O uecemt�e r l F�, i i69 t�otic�rabi� �GIiF�S ,i. iiai�l i�t� ;;ari��i ss i�s�er oF t=i narEce L i�y uf Sa�i ttt Pau i Ke: �-i 9U46 �:ea r S i r: S tr'ans���i t kierew��;� pr�1 ir;�E R81'� est ir;,ate of c�sC far regrac�i ng and �ur�acir�� witn 6it�aninous r��ateria� th� �� ley ero F�Nt_A�� �'iJ€iiTlOF1, 3�.��K 2, fran� �vc�n St. ta �ra�to 5t. , as part of the 5eHr�rtit-University �tenewa) �rea, f�c�ritr�ct v- i y�4�t, ur�cier i're? irii n�ry i�r��;r Edc�. i4C,521 , n��rcvecs u�cembsr 2, ;>Fi�. �stimated L'onstr�;ctian Cost $S,��SI .o� �ng i r.ee r i ny 722.72 lnspecti�n ii�.6�t Totat Estimat�d Cast $6,620.i� Yuurs tru}y� � . �'*.� Rabert �. �'etersart Gc�r��rni ss i o�t�r e�f Pubi i c 1�'arks RFP/GB/bp cc: i;ici�ard Schnarr � " Rlch�rd Wheeler Jar.�es :;chwartz }'"" *�s ��� Joseph iti i tche 11 ' � �� , �� .� .� ,� �}v' �+�:3�'��x� '°� � .. �-`" ���?��3$�.��.. J� ,�;, `-- __ � �}�.'df. ��,�'�k� J..^�� ... . ��: �.1 ' ���*e�'"'+�t"M"�. �,� � •�%�,,� _ a,,� , �y�x�'� �.. {�':3F� �� . t Y Y / .1`�<:,s �,y'�� ' �'`�. RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA CHIER ENGINEER . : . , ��DEPUTY.COMMI8810N6R Capital of Minnesote DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City ;Hall & Court House 55102 ,_ ; ROBERT F. PETER,SON ': �� � � .,.. , � ` Commissioner �"�� z�-�, _ �„ �k . - . . - ..._. ._ ���� . � 4��' � ���. e�. ,, . .� . , . . . _- .,s� .,.... ...O . .. . . n.vs. 'y��,.?�,. � - . n r � 1... Q:.. ' y'y . y Gecerr�ber 11 � I�69 - . Hcnor�b 1� Jas��:s .�. Ua 1 gi i�;i � Cc7s�xr.i ss 1 aner af �t na��,e City af Saint �'�ul Re: G-i9a4� Dea r 5 i r: I transrnit her�vitl� prei �minary estlrs�ate of cast for gradfng and surfacing w3th bifiurnfnou� ;�ateriai Lhe alley in Sl.,qTER g RILEYS ADDITIaN� 3�QCK 1 fron� i.hats�rorth St. to tii lton St. R1so cons�trezct a sewer in the alley for storr� wa�e�° �rurpc�s�s; as �arfi of the Summit-tlr+iversttp Rersewai ;�rea, Contract G-19t��B, �nder i�rei iminary t�rd�r hlo. 2��€f3�, app�-oved �ec�ber 2, 1569. Estimated CanStructaon Cost $j�}6�,38 Engineering ���.�� Inapection i43�3� �'otal Esti�ted Cast $8l���.�6 Yours truly, Robert F'. Peterson v Cc�aiss ioaer of �ubi tc Works � R�P/GB/bp cc: Richard Schnarr Richard Whe�ier Jaraes S chwe rta Joffieph M��t�hel i i' ;,, � RiCHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y ' O`F S A I N T P A U L ANTHONI' J. CREA CNIEF ENGINEER . � . DEPUTY COMM16910NER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Cour} House 55102 BOBERT F. PETERSON '< ,. °' Commissioner _ _ >` O _ _ Uece�ber 12, i96� � Nonorable .��mes J. Dalglish Commissioner of Fia�ace City of S,�int Naul Re; G-lqo4� pe�r S i r: i trensr�tt her�ith prei ir�inary e�tirn�ts af cast for gradfng end surfacing with bit�+inous rnatertal the aiiey in GREYES SIJB "A", BL4CK 2 � tiN1�lER51'fY 5U6. BLOCK 4 frcxn Oxford St. t4 Chatsworth St. �1so construct a sewer t� the a� )ey for stor� water purposes, �a part c�f the Summlt- tSniversity Rener�ral A�ea, Gor�tra�t G-19048, u�cfer Preitr�inary Orcier No. 2��5� apProved Dece�nber 2, 1969. Esti�ated Conatruction Cost $����4.5g Engineering 963.87 ir�spaction ���.�1 �ot�t Estimated Cost ��3,828.61 Yours truiy, Robert F. Peterson v Co�xntssfvner of Publ ic 4forks ( �.z � RFP/6Blbp =,=� iN cc: Richard Schn�rr A ��; Rich�rd Wheeier Jarn�s Schwertz k }�- J�seph Mftchelt � � � ,, ,^ �. �� w �� ��� RICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEP ENGINEER C I T Y �O F- S A I N�T P��A U L . � �� � DEPUTY COMMIS810NER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Ci4y Hall,;& Court House 55102 R.OBERT F::,PETERSON - .. , - . _ Commissioner ' _ _ _ '. O ���cember 9. 1�b9 rics�arab 1� �Ean:�s J. Ca 1 gl f 5h Ccxr�:sission�r of rinanca City af �ai7t �aul ;�e: ��1�c�+►� t3ea r S 1 r: t transmit herewtth prslirrinary �sti�s=�te of cast for r��rading and surfacing wlth bituminous materiaD tht alley i� 3RYr�tdTS ADJITd�td, 3Lt�CK 2 from 1lictoria St. t4 Avon St. Also cor�struct a ses�er in t�e alley for storm water purpos�s, as part of the Sumsnit-Univ�rsity R�newai �rea, Contract G-19048, under Preltmin�ary Ord�r No. 2�t64$3� approvad Dec,e�nber 2, i 969. €stimated Con�traction Cost $6:794.48 E�ginemring �49.31 IRS�lC=lOR ���j $� . Total Estic�ated Cost $7,77g.63 Yours truly� ftabert F. PBte1'SOn `J Ce�,rr+i ss toner of pub i i c Wnrks � ;,.:.�:::�� R�P/6B/bp � cc: �tichard Sch�arr � �.:� Richard �th��ier James Schwartz �''� Jos eph M f tci��l i � � � {' ��� �:��,���; `� ':.�a , . ��� y.} .. �, �.;-� �. ` . �,; ��...�'�. r.n _�, . ;�-:., ::';�,.� '''� �'f+��':��`''p` .,�.�, - t": '.. YA`�,�C`y, �`�:u.. .. . . if f' ,'hj . _.' _ , �'� s�'r F2ICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONY:J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER C I T Y ��O F . S A I N�T P�'A U L � � � " DEPUTY:COMM.ISBIONER � � Capit�l of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Cify Hall & CourF House 55(02 KOBERT; F: PETERSON < _ . . ' Commissioner - > _ O Decembcr 9. 1969 i�ono rab i e .fames J. Da�g i i s h C�issianer of Finance City bf Saint �'aui I�e: G-1�Q48 i?ear S i r; i transmit hercwith prelimtnary �estimate of cost for ragrading and su�fsci�g with bitumi�ous matertal the a11eY in MARSHAt,i. BOUt�EVARB AD81i'IOki "A" from Chstswcrrth 5t. to Miiton St. , as part af the Summit- Untversity Renewal Ar�a, Contract G-19t7�+B, under Prelimtr�ary Order No. 2�b5Q3, approved Decenaber 2, lgb9. Estia+ated Coc�siruction Cost $Z�pg�.�� Englneering 26� .6�t. InspectTon 4i .86 Total Esti�ated Cast $2,3g6.62 Yaurs truiy. Robert F. Fet rsc�n � � � Corn�t ss i oner of Pub 1 I c Works RFP/G�/hp f�,'� cc: Richard �chnarr � ��� R i cha rd 4Jhea i er James Schwerta ;r.' � ,laseph M i tchel 1 � ` y ti�L g � ���'n F. � �� �;.. M• r k r � �� ,.. _.. 3.... � � . j��:�_���_t� . . � 4..".C'_�.5� t ,. � � ��'��v� 2 �f • :+; .`�S.,E d' .. vi. ' y RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P'A U L ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF EN6INEER . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Capitai of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF ,PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall;& Court.Houte ..55102 .. , ROBEftT F::PTTF.R,SON . >. . ; . ..... . > ' -Commissioner - �> . O _ �ecer.�be r 12, 1969 Honarable J�mes J. Dalg� tsh Commissioner of Ftn�nce City of Saint Paul Re: G819�3�6 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith prel tmire�ry estir�ate of cost for regrading and surfacing with bite�rr�inous r�aterial the alley 1n FAlRBANi�'S Ai3[?tTfON, BLOCK 2 €- S74NE AND ROGERS ADQ IT 101�, 9�.t�GK 4 from 1�i i ton St. to V i ctor i a 5t. , as part of the Surtrnit-Lan[v�rsity Rer�ewat Area, ContracC G-1�Ct4E3, und�r Preli�afna�y Ord�r Na. 2465di , approvtd Decembar 2, 1969. EsLEmated Car�struction Cost $2,$(?2.87 Engineering 35�.36 Inspection 56.06 Total Estimated Cost $3,2€�9.�9 Yours truiy� �obert F. Petersan ('� Co�anissioner of Public Works v RFP/G�/bp 1 cc: Ri cttard Schnarr Rf chard Whesler r-�`= ,;�:;''^�� Jsm�s :;chwartz ° � .lraseph h�itchell � �'" a ' �;'�,� `�`'' ��' P ?"` �=�,� , _,.,.::� . . 3r: , . ^�� � � '� A ' ��� �i. C�\� �� RICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONI( J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER C I T Y O'F S A I N�T P A U L �. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hali;:& Court House 55102 ' ROBEftT F. PETERSON ' , " ��c'� R. Commissioner �,,��`"; 4� �:.���� � �.j; � . . . _ _. .. . � . , � . :,, � �,^:;� . . � .. .. .. . � �`�i; . -, �' .:��;; . ' .�- �.:�.� .v ��� .._ . . . ..,,L .�.� . � . . . . . . . - � . " . _� - ., .,. a,-'f� � :�ecer?ber ��, t';i69 � :;� �.> ;�. hcnnor��1� J�res J. t��1 gl i�,� . Cc�r!miss3�rte� Q� �in�nce Lit;� :�� Sain*_ �G:�! ��: G-1�t��S pear Sir; 1 trans�it hereweth prelininary e�stirr�t� �f cost for regr�digg and surfacirs� with bituminous a�atertal the �lie}� 6rs �"+lLTQN ADDITlt3M, BLOCK 2 freu�4 hi� ltc�n St. tcs Victoria St. , as part of t9�c Su+r�cr+it-University Ren�rai Are�, Gas�tract C-19446, unu�r Prelimin�ry Orc�er �do. 246�25, �pFrove� C��ce�bcr 2, i�.Fi9. �stirnated Constrc�c�inn Ca�t ��,�9�.3�► Engineering 362•�J� lns�ectian 57.93 Total Esttm�ted Ccst ��.31�.31 Yours truly, ftc�b�rt F. Pet�r�on ��/ Carrr�r3i�siQt��r cf Public '.�orks � r� !i�'P/�8/bP °���...`_ �� cc: Ric�ard 5chnarr Riehard ldhael�r Ja�aes �chwertz � Jpseph M i ficirel 1 p . �K�•. _'� � �3 :` ' l • `,� i� ��� RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER . . � DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTiVIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - 234 City Hall & Cou� House. 55102 � ROBERT F. PETERSON _ ''Commissioner: _ _._ _ . � _ uec���e� �. $9�9 Honorabi� Jame� J. Da3giis�s �or�rn i ss i�ner o-� F i nanc� City c�� SaY�t t�acs) l��: �-i�Q43 D�ar Sir: I transmit herewith pretia;�inary �stir�a�e of cos� �o�- regrading and surfacing wixh bituminous materiai the �lley i� BROWNS iST ADAITIOPf, SLOCK 3 F+ SANBORNS A�bIT1UN, �LOCf� 3 � HALLERS ADDI'fl0t�t, aLOCt� 3 �rom Mi lton Si. to Victoria St., as �art c�f th� Sacr�it-Unlvsssity 42er��.w,ra1 Area, Contract G-i9p4B, under Preilminar}r !Drder No. 246493, approved Decamber 2, i969. Estimated Construction Cost $2,91�3.26 Eng I neer i r�9 364.7$ Inspection �8,37 Total Estfmated Cost $3,341 .�1 Ycrur� tr►�ly, V Robert F. Petc�rso� � Com�rissiac�er of Pubtic Works x .,.� RFP/GB/bp � cc: Richard Schnarr 44 ��`� Richard 1�lhesler James Schwarta , __ � Joseph Mlt tch81 1 ` h -.'.��"�,. �a � ��.1 � �� �� � . ,,� , ,. r./7 �' 'i ,, • 4 D F . ... ... �.�. l��i'�,i?'..�i.:.. . �;.: �F �k �'.���� . �. . - .....�::._.3 R[CHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER C I T�Y ��O�F S A I N:��:T P�A� U L �DEPUTY COMMISSIONER . Capita) of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hell & Court Hous.e;. 55102 ROBERT: F: PE1'ERSON ; Commissioner : ;. . _ � _ _ = ; _ O Ue��nber �, 19�� -;�nor�hle ..Gr���:, ..1. i.��i�f i;k� ,:'<�ru�7 i ss i cner c�'r' E=i nancy �'s*_y� �f S�in� �r�I � ^ '�'?4�B :ke: e�- � Ge�r Sir: ! transmit herewitt� �r�liminary �estimate of cost �Eor grading and �urf�cing ��ith t�€tuminous materta! the a11ey� in B. NiIG� RDDITION, BLQCK � , from Ox�ord �t. to Chatsaa�rth �t. , �s p�rt �f �he Sur,r€�it-Unive�rsity .en�wal firea, �ontract G-1�048, under Pretiminary Order No. 2465fl5. apQroved Oecernber 2, 1969. Esttmatec! Construction Cost $2,22_3.Ub �ngineering 277.8$ Insp�ction 44.�6 Total Estin�ated Cost �2,545.40 Yours truly, �obert F. Pet�rsor� v Cor�missioner of Public Wflrks � RFP/GSlbp cc; Richard Sct�narf E�ichard Wheeter .iar�es Schwartz F-�.-x . ., Jnseph Mttchell � ����t,����'" .,--:, �=�- RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N`T P A U L ANTHOTVY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER � � � . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall '& Court Hou;e 55102 ROBERT F. PETERSON > _. " Comtnissione� _ , . _ . _� , i7e.cern�r�r 9. 196� Honorable J�rres J. Dalglt�h Cor�i ss ioner of Fi rzan�e City of Saint Paui Re: G-19�4�3 Dear Sir: 1 *_ransmit here�wit� preiiminary es�imate of cost for grading and surfacing wtth bitu�inaus �ate�ial Che a11ey in ED4�tN DER�1S SUB., BLOCK 5, frorn Fisk St. to Avon 5t. , as part vf the Sur�ntt-University Rencvoal Area� Contract G-1�t14a, und�r Pr�1 imtnary Order f�lc�. 2'4649q� approved Dec�mber 2, 196�. Estimated Constru�ction Cost �d ,i29.$8 Ertgineering l41.24 I�spection 22.6Q Tota� Esttrreated Cost $1 .293.72 `�ours tre�ly, Rabert F. Peterson Cc�Iss�on�r of �ubiic Works ( � v �tFP/GB/bp � cc: Richard Schharr -� °=� Richard �lheeter Jarr�es Schr�rartz ' Joseph Mitcheli . , s . � 3 ' � . ... �;g . �� v'�,µ }.�'i.r'j�YY :f'�:' 'Jr �3.�'+1.�{�.5:'�'�.. :�, ��-::+. ,, µ'. RICHARI7 A. SCHIVARR ANTHONY J. CREA CHI_F ENGINEER C I T Y� ��- O F S A I N T P�A�-U L � DEPUTY COMM153iONER ' . Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROBERT F. PETERSON : , . :. Commissio�aer �.�._��,�.��� t�ec�r�t �, ���9 �o,�orable .ia�� �f. i�igi ish C�Iss��rr�er �f �'ir+an� ���p of ��►�r�t i��u 1 �: G•��E� i�ar Sirs t tr��s�it h��e�ith pfel isnin�ry a�tia�te of Gost for gr�di�g ar�d surf�cing wi�h bet�ir�ous �ateria� ths atl�y in �t11�L�i.�»Y�� At�QiTt��, �l.Q�K 2 fr�n +��atswc�rth St. tu I�i i�kon $t., as pa�rfi Qf th� S�it-�niversity R�anea�al Ara�a, Contract �-��9���, �+nd��r �'re1 ic��naryr �rcl�r t�o. 24fa513, approved �c�t�r 2, i�(a9. Esti�sa�e�i Cons�r°c�c�iara Cost �E,�3�.�5 �ngtneeri�g 1?9.2$ !r�s}�c�i�n 2$.68 1'a��l 4:�ti�ate� £�a�� �1 ,642.21 Yov�rs tr9�iy. R��ert �. �tsrsc�r� Car�nissis�r vf fl'ubt i� Mtori� �Pf�iB/b� I CC: ��C�B�"t� SG���"�' . � �i�hard �+el�r �"'� ,�a�aes �ch�a�t� �- ` �z+a� i�tt�h�ii .,�, ,�:�_� ,,,j ; 1J t;,. :::� �, ' !�"'� �,, � ` ,. �: - � _� � s �` � 3. � � �4�f�'" +"��,r�''� � °s. � .2^� �'r t ,�ijr a. y.: , �+;o,;°�u',v�:�`.:.` W.rS•� i.� �e����" ms�.-.-� RICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONY J. CREA CH+EF ENGINEER C � T Y ����O F S A I N T P����U L . OEPUTY COMMISSIONER . , . Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 BOBEftT F. PETERSON _ . Commissio�er _ ��,� i�cers�b�r 8, i 9b� Honorable Jarr�ees .!. aa1gl i9h Catur�i ss T one r of F i c►anc� C i ty of Sa i r�t Fau i Re: G-i 904� Dear S i r: 1 transmit herewith preiErnin�ry esti.s�ate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in LINDEMAHNS Sf1B., BLOCK 4, fr� Oxford St. v�st a�proximately i50 feet, as part of the Su�nmit-University Renew�8i area� Contract G-19048, unde�r Prellminary Order No. 24b515, approved t3ecember 2, 196g. Esttmated Construction Cost $74�.2y tnyineeriny 93.Q3 3nspection 14.88 Total Estimated Cost $$S2.lb Yours truiy, � Roi�rt F. PBtersan � Co�aisstaner of Public Warks ( RFP/68/bp � .�� cc: Richard SchAarr �� Rlchard Wheeler �"`" '� Jarr+es Schwartz Joseph l4itchel } � f �� .� �,.. ,� _ , . , ��� +�.: � � . � e� �. h�l y ;,� �M . ���� �' � :r' '�"�;.._., � RICHARD A. SCHNARR T ANTHOMY;J. CREA cH�EF ENGINEER C I T Y ����.0 � S A I N ! P A:�U L � DEPUTY COMMISSlONER Capital of Minnesota DEP�►IiTRAERIT OF P6J�LIC WORKS 234,City Hall`& CourF House 55102 ROBERT F. PETERSON Gommissior�er _ ���Q '. A��b�s 8, igb�j l�or�blc� .��g J. Aatgl i�h �o�fssicnar of Fir�s�ce G��y �f Sair.t ���� �• �M�� ��kY ��t'. ! tr�n�mit hera�rit� p�eti+�ir�at}+ �sti�ate ofi cos� f+ar �radJ�g ar�d surfa+ci�g +��th b�tu�^+inous ��te�rial th�e ai1��r in id1�T�� AD�fi'�ittt�, SL6iClC 3 frc� �tlt4n St. &+� W#c�qri� �t., �� part u� th� �ait-W�i�r�ity l�rae�al ��a, Catstract ��«1�8, +�n�� �"�1le�tnary drder �v. ��t651�, �pprc��d D�c�be r 2,1 g69. �stt�satsd Car+�truc�ion G�st '�3,��7•�� ��g3neect�� 384.67 1�►spe�tlon �i•55 T�t�l �s�is��terl C�ast ��,5��.�� Yrsc�r�s tru1�� �tta�be rt �. l�te�son ♦'` �r���si���^ flf lh�b�ic l�or�ts v �'P/�B/bp � ccs �tch�rd �chr�a�r ' Richarrd Mhseler �i_..,<,.,`-�'� ,�aa�s �cl�wattz Joseph M)t+cl�e�i , � �•� .it�^ — .4"' , ��~��� + '�'� �,4���p�' a � � ¢� y�qw .y � ._ . ��4������!'+�jrt, J`i�,� ,�'� .� o . y�.�sy��. .. E� � RICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHOIVY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER C I T Y O� F.�... S�A I N T� P A�U L �� � - DEPUTY COMMISSIONER. � � � Cepital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Ci}y;:Hall & Court House< .55102 ,.;:, , .:: v-<. , � ' ROBERT�F ;PETERSON : �T�; �: � _ . � Commissioner ;: _ ,. , ,. . . ,, O � �����:�er 1 t�, i�b9 iiJ�tC3t'elC;� a .;cti:.r,a ,r. '�:��C?'t t5�s t,i`kii��:�.:�.-`_i ;(liZ�i� tr�i v'�t 1(GrS(�.t.,"' L{ i.��l i1 e :;a{tl� ��a i4! . F�: t�^�i j���3 G�ea r s i r: i L�'ati5,�ii C �:t.��h'I�F) ��f:� i"s;11Ci81`�' CS$itilc'��e:G i;r"i :;u5� '�r?E" aE:�l`aC1ii1�,.' e'3�1t� suri=aci€��� w�€.h u:�u��iir�:;us �r.ate��Eni �:��e at i�� ir�� ��1°i!�`�I i �RRR�, n,�UITI�Si�, SLOCK jt� � cC,�}i�l ';�`!w?i:I tiC��JiI �'ar�w�y �C3 i�}i£�1i3't'� ;J��,. � da P3c1Y'� �7r lilC' :sLJ'i�Rl i^�n i vers i ty =�5!�:Nu� f��'E;i:y �,t}i"I�E"c�t�c ia" �:j:i��:� Ui'3C�k:t°' C"r�� liit�C1$C'�/ :'Cii�E" ({O, �.�tE?��)t <iEiEil'OVE,'t� :;E.'C�14:i7�'i �� i j��. �:�i:liila�G^`l� Ltitt5L1"Ut:Li�(i 40S`t i�rly.l.�'� Engineerir�g 3�+9. 19 ins�c�ion 5`�.�i iotai �s�imateri i:ust �3►+`�.55 Ycaurs tra�iy, µ � �,. ..,�:. Ftobert �'. t�et�rson Gonu?iissi�ncr a�` teaE�l ic idorks ,-; ,n.. , , � I��f�/GB/bp -. cc: Richard ;chnasr �' � � i�i ch�a rd t�t-eeei er �.5; Jae�z�s �cktwa�-tz �-. .x.. `� �°'� aoseph w�t c che l i � '� �'� A � � ����� _ , ��� �,� ..< �;t� ' . . f, a,_ ., . "'6t+ „ i� , � ' .*�. ,i � � ., � - . . ,.ip;'. � i�'+�� RICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER C I T Y � 'O-F� S A I N T P�A U L DEPUTYCOMM193IONER Capital of Minnesota DE�ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 �fy Hall:& Court House 55102 , , ROBEftT F. PETERSON Commissioner _ � Dece�ber il � lqf9 Nonorabie .l�n�s J. I3algi ish Cvm�t�s i oc�er af Fi nartce City �f Saint Pau1 �e: s-�gc�4B Dear Si r: I transr�it herewith preltrninary sstiu�ate of cost for regrading a�nd surfacing with bituminous mater(ai the ailey tr� CHUTE Bi�05. f11ViSi�N NU. 16 froa� Victoria St. to Avon 5t., as part of the 5�ait-U�iversity Renetwal Ares, Contract G-i904B, ur�der P�eiiminary Arder No. 2�+6523, approved DBCember 2, 1969. Estlmated Constructton Cost $2.86�+.51 Engin�ering 358.06 �f1S f?�Ct E OR rj�s�g Totsl Estimated Caat $3,2i3.$b Yours truly, Robert F. Peterson V Cc�,xr+i a�s ioner of Publ t c ��iorks � RFP/GS/bp � ` cc: Richard Schnarr � ,,,<� Rict�ard Wh�eier Ja�es S chwa r tz "': k�. ,,�, ,�� �;s, "�'' ���� .�C>Sl�itf �"f 1 tG�'!�� � .� �`'�e. �9C. v} .. . . ..fi� ����* � "G ti::� ...^_c.:21 ����� }.r ,. _, .,.....,� . 3 �S ��.; . � . � . � ts{���.,. - .. RICHARD A. SCHNARR �~ CNIEF ENGINEER C I T Y O F..��- S A I N T P A-.U �L �� �,Ap p HOCOMM168 O�N RA Capital of Minnesota ' DEPARTMENT OF P,UBLIC WORKS 23,4 Ci Hall :&.CourF House; 55IO2 ., �!, " ` ROBERT�F PETERSON . ; , , ; ,, :: . ,., - �� ,`,�.�..;�..�.�Comm�ssione�,� �. .. .<: � . y .._. .. .. ..__.. �t.#'- ,� � � �... . . . .. . . � m'+.,t�'.�'s.�'i +,E�.sr�}`.C�,. tr:t�,, . . . . .. +g�' ���'� . . � `,.: `F �` �}GC�f��3�F' ��� j�E� �.. Honorable .tBE:,�s J. D«1�;4 jsh ::' . Ccx;xrissi�ner of Finartce C i ty �af S�i nt Pat�i ' � Re: G-i��}4B Dear Sir: I Lrsnsnit h�rewitf� prel ir�in�r�r estdr�ate caf ccast fc,r the gr�ding ar�d surfacing �ithbPtu��inous raterfai the �iley ira !tUGERS �Dt31TIU#V, �L�lCK 1 fro� thcfosd St. to Chatswc�rth 5t. , as p�rt of th� esur�mit�l3niversity Rene�:�i I�r�a, Contract G-1�n4B, under f'rel imirsary (�rd�r t1a. 2�fi��7, approved Cecenber 2, i�E,9. Esttmated Constructian Cost $2,931 .74 Engineering 3b6.47 tn�pectton 5$.b3 Tota1 �stimat�d Cost $3,35b•+�� Yc�urs truly, Roberfi F. Peterson � Gc�missia�er o� Fubifc Works � RFP/GBfbp � tc: kichard Schnarr �:� �� Ri�h�rd ��7heetc;r Jasnes Sch�artz JoseFh Pi i tch�l I �} , ci,f� � � � �� RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O'F S A I N � P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER � . . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Capital of Minnesota : DEPARTMENT OF;,P.UBLIC WOitKS 234 City Hall'; & Court House 55102 ROBERT F. PETERSON ', Coriimissioner . ` , _ . - O C�ccn�er �, i96�? �-;,<<s�orai�fie .�ar,�e� J. u�1c�i i�i� ��;r,�r,i ss icner of Fi nance ��itti• <,f �uint F�tR1 ���:- G-1�1(?�B �ear Sir: I trans►��it herewrith preli�rinary estimate of east for grading and surfacing ��vith bitur�inous ma�erial th� �lley� in �. WILfRSS AUDiTiON, i�L'3CK 2, fres� L�xington PI��}�. tc� (?xf�rd St. , as �sart of the Sumrntt- Gni v�rs t ty Rer�ewai Area, Co�tract G-19Q�6. under i're1 imi r�ary Orcler tdo. 246507: �Pprovad Dec,er�ber 2, 1969. Estimatad Construction Cost ��.Q�'�•7� Engi�eer�ng 258•35 Inspectton �1 •34 Totaf Estir�ated Cost �2,36£'•�� Yours truly, �iobert f. Peterson ( ` / C�issianer of Public Works v R�P/GB/bp ' cc: Ri chard schnarr ��`� R1 chard tJheel er �� Jar�cs Schwarta Joseph Ftitch�ll .v{ - � a � r � �i:"- �: '�<<�` ;,,, �� �.., �,�,�.��. , �,',, � �� - , � �� :� ��_,:, �' s�. s-� ��.� �. '�:a��' :�'`.. � �-� . �°'°°��� � �,�,� �*� �.`.° - >;����."`� � ,�-�- �;� ,. , � _ �. � ; ` •.� � .. N kf .,i!i.�' �r' �': . � peRy • � �" r.� y �� �`°: `f ' ;,� -?y7 P � '' • �n RICHARD A. SCHNARR T � � �G ~ � Tt-i0 � Ct17GF ENGINEER � � I ■ � �..� ' :. �� ��S. �• y y� N Rt�PU•,T,l��� ,. � .. �� ' .�� l` . � � �� p,�_ai of Minneso# �` } " � .,�c# , p E � , t � � � r .. . ;. � -`' ' ,A „" _.._ ' . .. . .. DEPARTMEIVT �OF.'.�P C S k �� � ' ' ��p: _ . � Y ■ S � .. �S �, .: a �. . r �� ? ' z o q=1' g� s�,� 1��� s: "����� �'`� ,`��' `�.�;. f �e ��,yy'�"$` �` i 9 iij 1��j 1191 . E3#i itrr � r.�� //� , �`dS[bC "+".^'.. �1 ��. . Fi. ,,F Y � x t�s ::a. �a� ea l i�i' _ �� r . �e�� - � OPI@C, a' '�i3,,.:S..a.,},'�i ,!t�.t��,�<�..s�+.'r�_- � r�� ,r° ���. �n� �'�` ,� , ..�.. " +G2sr�'"_� . . , .. � � '�,. ?.'��p:rxT^°,. �,;.�5.,...��aY�N��,� .. ; � �_....._ � -r � . a;e �,» . ^ • . �. ,.: . .... ,�.�...—»�^ . ...��,....... .� .. , ..- �.,� � � . eR P ��OO � � � . ��+,y:iq-. - � �. ,. . . . ._.,__ �.___.._. ��� - ' ' �� "' ..�.: � ;. ,. ....r,. .._.. . . .. � . . . . .., 4 . ... .. ,�. _�: ��t. ...,.. . .., . , ., . . `,.� . v n ," t /�� �1,'"�lr'�,i,` �� s fy.i�..? !. .�t.t"^+}^ ? . . . . . . .�• � .� `';;l ft'i'. l.':��1- �.�.°, i t.... � o� � e t;.<.. . ! #` _ . ...: . ..,. . _,il . f'��: CM$rE�19� t�ear Str: i _'" . ,_, tT.. t;::!'�. 3;1�ft � , ..s _r;iC3dC°";i S=��ii�?c:l..:� 4ei C.Gs.� f(:e' '�t�=lB'3��6P1c� 351� Sl.Irfac�nc.,, �:� Lh 't�i*_uniit�<:�i.as r,i��ers`a1 fiFec: a� 1e•? i��E FAi6�Htl1'�iKa �DVi1'lu�. �Lf�C€Z 1 � ST'C;=t�� ,•;�aD RO�P�S !��t�8Tt0?d� 5�1.�}G� �� fr�,r� 'r;i ��or. St. t� 'ti`ici.ori� St. , �5 '�'Jc1C� 7� tF:� j;cn7�-;b?'.m�'ii�'i/E�CS�t� ii�Pi£::';�� /�i"E'.u/ 4CiR�YraC� tx°�yS���Sy U(1(�C t'`i�''1 " .�;�C"�:'v JI�G1�i :��'J. —"'G">�Jj� a3�U{�aV£,'V Uf:'G�i�L-�F' r�� uj�:�. CSCi'sf;�tci�. CCC1�:�::';?C:� 6^E� �.�JSC �G�j��:7.�.� e;���in�erir��, :j74,J� t nsr�:ct�=rs� 59•53 Tot�T Es*i�nat�d Cos� �3,��3.3� tt'uiYr ! � Rob�tt F. peterscsn � • ( � Comr��i ss i ane r ot Pub D c orks � RFPlGSlbp �> :�f-r:-:� cc: Richard Schnarr � R t cha rd Whee��r �w,�`',��;z�� James Sct�wartz Jose;�h M i�che i 1 J ^�w•�s°� arr'�'�� . e�:�x� .. ..� :.: ;,k✓ . �. 1 • � ♦ �fiy„ �..ww,�:."`ir: . \ y -3 .� .� er.. M tl � ,�+���� 1 . � - � „ ,� ... ..:,. . � M • • . �. , .: „ .. a : ; � ��,,> � �' P ' "�`^ : �- - ,w .p � R + �� _ a "��VTH � R3CHARD A. SCiiNARR C I T � �'A I U 1.. _",!EF Ei.GINEER f _ � �.� � ����� a �EPUTY' � . . ��y ; ' � �,�u�.a � al of Minnes�. ; a .,� , a; „ .' . :i �2"t33:.._ �`1�� u >�:_ r . �� � . DE�ARTIVIENT '';OF��P C .S - � � � � � � '�� .' Y : ra � e � . " `���,. ' � � � � ? - ;,t s �i4' �� ��f �►�� ; � �. �a1t� � �' � „� ,`��,,� ; ,� �; . tata s�F: �;.; > � �j tf i��j9 3�� �S�j 1�9� :F � � � � ����R n� 1� �J „s. qt n 3 x��t ,_ '. �� i �>. S'yi 9' � . � i i s ! cy� ��. .,sf .s'4� �'�c'�a��"' ._ , 10118f�: t` '�..tL•a�.� i } �.����..£`sSm � � �, ? � , � ���^' r'� rs� �f�� �� � . _ 3'_ .,:z �w,+ � '� b�' ' . , •! ..�. .�. .n—':� _. . :^� »,.. �. ,.�. f '' 4�wT � r<.. '" ,._ .,�,_._-..—^'-' ...,. ._ . r :. : � P '� O ....... .�'�" .. .,, , . �b ���klnt �c+"` <�..' _�_ . __" ____..�... .'� � - .. .... .y�=�'� � '�.• , s ' ;S 'u.p�TMi' ... ,.,... �;f?s: .... ,...Kt,..,.b.�./..... . . _... . . _. . . " . . . . L��r�rrr��° �z ���� F�cr►orabie ,la�� J. Aal�?� ��f� Ca�x�����i:ir,ei° �f ��r:a�?vs i,rty �si= �a1r�� S���a� �:�;; ����v�3 �ar Sir: i tr�nsrnit �r����� ;���� im�;a�oPy �����:u��+� c�f ����G ft�� ��c�r��€��€c� and surfacwng �vi�h �itu���evu� m�t�rEa� �h� �il�y in E�. �. 57i3�dES A��fT���P frorn �i�a�.�.vor�h ��, �c� �# �t�n ��. , �� ;�ar� �a�' ��w S�s��`a�:-�.5���Fe rs���;� R�;��;i3:} Are�, €:ureLra�� G-a��4�, .ar+a�r ���.� �r�inw-:a°�� �r�s° i��o ��i�3 � , ��f�t-��r�� l��c���E_�. ::� it,�{��. �5t1'Fis��a2t� �mC�CPSXi''.k�.LDtJ:; e�L�`v: ti- y ..: :ta� �E'l�111�8i'Et'EC� :3�_r.�r r�.Gl'J �r;��:rr€:c.t 1 L'�6t � TUt�� ����€�t3tefS �L)Sa �;����:'..2€� '�t���t•� �;$'F.s��'� �cts�.�r: �'. 6�:�=wr�e�., V �;txrua�is�i�r��:r� �s �'�b� Yc �'z�r�4� I �PA�/�p c.�: Richa�'� S:�ht���'9' k��eh�ard �h�:�(�r .�ar��es Sc��rart� Jc���a� �t i t�i�e i 1 3.';_.•�.: ' � - RICHARD A. SCHNARR ANTHONY J. CREA G.I:EF ENGINEER C I T Y ��� O F�� S A I N T P A��U L . �� DEPUTY COMMISSIONER` ' � Capital of Minnesota DEPARTAAENT OF PUBLtC WOR@CS 234 Cify Half & Court House 55102 ' ROBERT F. PETERSON Commissia�er ��O �3ecer�iha r $, t�6g FiQnorable James J. Dalgiish Gommiss+oner o�F Financ� Cdty of Saint Pa�i Re: G-19048 Dear Sir: ! trans��it herewith prei imirsary estia�ate of cosfi for gradiny ar�� surfacing with bftuminous material the �a11ey in MILTON ARDITION, 3LOCK 7 from Chafisworth St. to FSllton St., as part of �he Su�it�University Renewal Area, Contract G-i90�t8, �nd�r Pr�:l iminary Order No. 246�19, approved Decen�ber 2� ig69. Estirnated Construction Cost $z,89$.99 Engineering 3�2.3% inspzction 57•98 Tota; Estimated Cost $3,319.34 Yours truiy� Rc,bert F. Peterson Ca�missioner of Pulalic Works � RFP/G6/bp cc: RTchard Schnarr :;, Richard Hheeler ' James ScM�rartz ' -:-,. Joseph Mitchell `? � -: � _ � , : ,, , _ ;,:�.r, . ` - I . _ f. RiCHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y 'O F S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER . DEPUTY�COMMISSIONER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & CourF House 55102 ROBERT F.,PETERSON ' . , _ r Commissioner ` _ _.... _. � �;F,������.r l�, i�;69 ;.,.,o��<-�`.:<��, -�ci�;:c:s ., . ,�i�l i�t� ,.:;�,':1��5t'3t��:F' c3� ?'4ii�6"!�� i,i'�y �✓i `.;j ci i tl i, f'u i!� 4t2.': li�1���'r.� i:���s' Sir: "s '.r:�ns;:i�� :�cr����i��e ;�r�i i��+'cr�ar�� �:stir,;ate of �a�t �=or resurracing ;.�; :�� 3i�uni�o�s r;�teria� �i-�� �i1�ys i�� i=�t��ci�S i�U�iTt�61, �L�CK 2, i_EXlt�G70Ai �-�:� i;w ���l�3. fr�:x;� ?«:x�n�``son �-�c�,�>f. to i:;::fo�'�� ;;t. ; FG:il:i't�U�NS UI'Ji�6vtv f�, t3LC1CK �i '�f'i�Tt`'`� �_ 7t�`i��ea1Z� /-tii's��!�'.sF'd' i3!.:tLF. �� TCC7i�1 i.�Ci��.�aia�3C�:� �°�. iCy ;li �t4f1 ��t. � �`:�:,�1�IS i5'':' :\�'i�E i iUt1, :��GCd': � � St?�i�30f'tPd'5 Nut�17 101e�, s�k.t3�6C G � N.t1LLERS s�UpITIOPl, ,;:'�;.���; Er t r•r�;, F�;i t�ose ��. �:>> �ricturia 5t. ; 511��i3�i�� s'f�f�i�; t"�Cs�i9'!-tUPi, WLOCt� 42 frcx� t.ex�:;�t�an t'to,�y�. tv �x��c�E•d ;,t. ; StJi�f� P�RK �ipDIT#at��, �lf1CY: 31 fron� Gxford St. ta �;hatsworth 5�. ; Sl�sl�iii l�Nr�K RDGITIt�N� BLOCK 3Ci froc� Chat�worth 5t. to Mtiton St. ; 3!�YkhTS NDU17�I�i�, B�.�CK 1 froas Victs�ria 5t. to Avon St. ; PALACE A1�t31T10t�t, BLC;Ct: 1 i=ra.; /�von Si. Lo Grotto St.; Stlh�,l�IT �l�FtK H!)UI71C3t�, BLOCK 32 fro�n � Cx�ora ;;�. fi� CheLsworth St.; 5t#�9MIT PARiG kUD1710N, BLUCi� 2g from Ghatswarth 5t. tc f;i3tczn St. ; 6+RYl�t�3'S ATiUiT1UN, BLUCKS 3 i+ �i fresm Utctoria St. to Avort - �t. ; as �art �;1` tt�� �.�tr:u��it-Univers?ty Renewai Area, �ontract �-19Q�a, uade� f�'re1 i��i��ry ilrder s�+o. ��-b526, appraved [�ecer�s�er 2, 1�69. �s t i rn�ted Cons t ruct i on Cos t $i i 3d7..43 . Eng i r��er i ng 1 ,42C1.3Q inspection 22%.25 �� �zx 1"otal Esti�ated Gost $13,QQ9.� � J: �.;,� �-.--� Yot►rs tra�ly, f%"` .� �r;i '=.I",y,l iiobert F. Peterson "x�` �� ` ' Ccxnmf ss ioner of Pubt i c blarlc�,r;`� �a ` 'pF¢y.�± FiFPiG6lbp '�.� f� `s� �.�. ,. cc: Richard Schnarr ��� ��;�'��.'�°� �,°r�; ' R i cha r d. i�t�ee 1 e r :;�-� '� �.. "' `� Jar�es S chwa r tz "w� ''��'�`�. -�*.��,� Jos�ph Mi tchel 1 � �'��'��.� :_�'�',�� ��y* . � � � � � � � i * - - � � �� . � �oa csT �PR ,4 �o �BOO9 � R E C E I V E D � �! LLKOS2 RS PDF TOM ST PAUL MINN 14 740A CST r�j� �►��4 � 19�0 � i�lAYOR TN�►S BYRNE � `j�`�� MAYAR'S QFFIC� � CIT�' COUAtCIL ST PAUL lIINN � � ilE TME ST PAUL M�DEL. NEIGHBORH000 PIANNIK�G CCUNCIL QUESTION � THE ASSESSMENT. Of PROPERTY 0�1NERS Ih THE MOOEL CITY NEIRHBORN000 i FOR IIrPR011E!'£NT OF STREET� ANO ALLE1lS TMAT IS SCHEDULED T� � � HEARO IN TME. PUBLIC kIEARIt�G ON TUESUAY APRIL 1� 1970 10AM. M A(alY W(�'3K GOMPIETED IN TME AREA MUST CONFORM TO THE. MODEI NEIQM80RH00D � PLANNING CRITERIA t� LANO USE INCIUDINGi (1) QUALITY_ OF NORK - � (2� PROCEDUAE E�R ANARDIIVG C4NTRACTS (3) SUBMISSION OF AN. AFFIRMATIVE � ACTION ElrPlOYt�£NT PRpGRAM SETTING fOR THE CONTRACTORS. INTENTI�NS � A�wwO r�THOOS TO_ EMPl.OY, TRa iN� ANO USE a�u►TEV ER IND iQEMOUS ExPECT i s� � THAT CAN BE- �BTAINEO IN THE COMMUNITY. (4) METHOD OF . PAYI�lENT � TO AVOIO OVER BUROENING OF' PROPERTY Oi1NERS ANO RESIDENTS IN � THE MOpEI NEIQHBORHOOD AREA . 8F1201 (Ft60Y� • � � . . � � � � � � �o • � ���$ � � MODE� NEIGHBORH000 PLAfdNING COUNCIL � � C��' • � � � � � � � � � � � � sF.,zo, cr� � I . � ' �� '^I�� � w a �m � � - I � N �d�' Y 4� N��Ua I + N a 'N �' � -� � ;� W � �� � � I I � �,�� �i m ' W — �,. � z..LL Q L[1 �c z � � -- `--- 'z o�E'i ;� � II, �_I------- l•OF'�,9'0+ '�- , I I �� U1 L , '--l�_-k'_A'�- LL � O i ---J� • � I � N U � �_� --- Y M a � a ,� � � � ��� � 3 - N iI W . '_'_ N � , , W �W i �� _ � J� i --�------------------_...----1-- � � '"�-r�=-='— -----------—---- I I [n 4� °I S'°� ''1 'J \� --____� v � I " I ti o+�s�,-��- I O v � w �� I 3 � _ "" a �L I Z , O � �4 � U � __.___._. ^�.� i .____�__�___" -.._. N �___�-_*',- i ---- --__-- Ov i }\J W _ �� m i . 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