248336 aRIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �L�8�36 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,, c . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' ���j� DATF COMMISSIONER , RE�OyVED, That the Housin� and Aedevelopment Authority of �he City of Saint Paul be and hereby i� gran�ed a permit to in�tall a 51-car parking lot to be lea�ed to Twin Gity Fed�ral on propert� loeated on the southeast csorner of Minnesota and East Sixth Str�ets, more p�,rticularly deseribed as follows : Lots 6-9, Block 11, St. Paul Proper Addi�ion; all in accordance with revised plans dat�d Reeei�ed Mareh 5, 1970; sub�eet to �he eondition �hat an attendant be on du�y to park the cars; further sub�eet to the �ondition that said `�_i applic.ant-pe�mi�tee, and its succes�or� and assigns, sha11 make "� ' `+� due complian�e with all appli�able provi�ion� of r�unieipal ordinan�es, state st�.tutes and rules a�d regulations of publie �; authorities having co�nizance. � � � n `g � � o �� � � o a Q. a U � �R1o1910 OUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays APR 10 197� Carlson . . e�, Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka J Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBUSHEb pPR 18197� 0 � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 �1���i�V' March 25, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for a permit to install a 51-car temporary parking lot to be leased to Twin City Federal on property located on the southeast corner of Minnesota and East Sixth Streets. This property is further described as: Lots 6-9, Block 11, St. Paul Proper Addition. This matter was considered at the February 19, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the application requests a temporary permit for approximately one year and is intended to provide replacement parking for the First National Bank until the bank parking ramp is completed. The staff noted that revised plans have been requested which will meet design standards and the recommendations of the Traffic Engineer. Parking is to be by attendants only. After some discussion it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that this application should be approved, subject to the condition that requested revised plans be submitted to the zoning staff and that an attendant be on duty to park the cars. The Board, therefore, reconanends approval by a 5-0 vote, subject to this condition. Revised plans showing the requested changes were received March 5, 1970. Very ��ly yours, ,� ,.�'�� � �-1/''.�t ' � /7 j 1 � ` f : t�:.,,�_ �, ', �fy / � � ,y" "� �,l",!,R �i ��� r%' .;-�" , PETER J. ��ET A „ Secretary;' Board of Zoning PJM:ga f CLS � Z.F. ��6940 /���"i' , �� � . , . , � , City of Saint Paul, �innesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PTsRMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�ONORA,BLS MAYOR AND CITY OOUI�CCIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an euisting y install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: j� PARKING IAT for (customers) (indicate type) Capacity of parkin� lot sj ��,�,N To be used in connection with: �� �� � M � 1M� � �� Of�tqr s.i�r.l �..�.�. L�. �...s�.tl+�.. (� n�iscEr�.axEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refre�hment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area• *Location . � s��� � ��� � �� ��� Legal Description : Lot • f� �� S � � Block 1� Additioa �t• �l t��K Applicant's Name : �� yj ��� L���i/�'1!� � ai Q��' �� �L1R ��* ��M�f�t� � M�'�it�M U. Home or Office Address: � �p� ti� ��� � Pbone umb fstslC la�t, l�t�ta Si102 � � N er s !!)+4r'il (� , � � � �F� ��� �� l�, � �, ��Y � ,��.��, C�Tp , v , .� M� � �� %���� � l a I l [ I�9 ��'t Ps�rlt�� � L � ! � �� ���4�h�� �l'a{l��� Address : � �t l�� �tt�M! ��i �� Phone No.: �.,��, � When completed: file three copies of this application form and tbree prints of the preliminary lay-out pians of the proposed facility aith tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Safut Paul, Minaesota Z-3 6/11/56 'KEXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of A�ain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between Firat and Second St. za���� ���� :r...�-- . ' • ' - , ,I�ARD �I' ZONIN� REPORT AND ACTION February 19, 1970 nlat Ma� �61 . �.., " � 'Act.inn under Legislativs Code Chapter 60 thru 64 �3ssA�i Au�;ust 22� 1922 aa amended to April 6� 1968 6940 : r':'';'Li�A;JT`S NA'�lE ; Housing and Redevelopment Authority 2. CL!'�S�IPICA'I'I�N , ! t Amendment 0 Appeal 0 Permit �dther X _ �;5 Install a 51-car temporary parking 3, 1'URPOSL' • lot to be leased to Twin City Federal u, L�CATIOPI : Southeast corner of Minnesota and East Sixth Streets 5� L��AL DESCRIPTION ^ � Lots 6-9, Block 11, St. Paul Proper Addition 6� P:2ESI;hlT ZOPJING: Commercial 7 , PURS�JAN; TO Zoning Code Chapters 60 Section: .23 F�arapraph: 4,2 8 � STAF'F ItJVESTIGATION � REPORT: �ta; 2/13/70 Bys ATB A. HISTORY: None. B, AREA ZONING: The area is zoned Co�nercial. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The application requests a temporary permit for anproximately one year. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority makes the request to provide the lst National Bank some replacement for parking lost due to the Kellogg Square construction and until the bank ramp is completed. Points of ingress and egress have been negotiated with the Twin City Federal parking lot and the Northwestern parking lots adjoining. A double row of parking will be adjacent to Minnesota Street with an attendant on duty. New plans were requePted and' received 3/S/70. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: 196 feet along Minnesota Street and 85 feet along East Sixth Street result in an area of 16,660 square feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Has reviewed the plan and recommended attendant park the tiered cars. This recommendation will be followed. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The vacant area resulting from the removal of Commercial buildings has been filled, graded, and fenced. Cars are parked on the site. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The proposed lot adjoins two parking lots in this block. The new Super-Block structure is under construction acroea Minnesota Street. , Council Letter 9� 3�ARD ACTION; To Recommend LJApproval 1_._1Denial Dated ' 3/25/70 I "doved by; Maietta Ye3s Nays Date of tie3rinQ 1 x Ames Seconded byt Rutzick � 3/26/70 ""' " `11i' Co�ncil A�.tion x ('�dler I x Gaug�r I Secretary's remarks: x Maietta Date i4cPartlin (Alt) Subject to an attendant being on Mansur (�r) duty to park the cars . x Rutzick LE�AL NOTICES ON THE 9ACK OF THIS SHEET � \ \ g'-. `i _ � \� � / ! ` �,' •� ,•� . �� � r'�' ' �r..��/.`� � � � ` � \� I \ / '. . \ . \� � � � � � ,' � �� \ \ ti - , k / � �� � . �� ��,� X'f � ' ,, �, / p i'� � %l \ � _\�` s y '/' �� /�� , , -' f:, ,�. S � � ,. . / � ,� .��,`a'� !r C)� • � ., � .�� ' � !� N � � , � ,�`� ', c,P�, ',p s �P ��`�` � ��� J �C. N ��,��,,K � � Gd�� ci��' . v -C O _� ! '_ - � _� �. \ � �� � 5�' 1�,�,,, ♦ � � � A ! ��G��� 5 �9,� � ° � �C ,%� <`� � \`� ✓ �� . c� • � � �,� ?,% ,\. �, �p� � �\� �/j� \ \\ , , ,/ / , ' �a'� ��� ,��� "%'� , • tit�� � Q � - ',, � o��r���y \ � �,�� ��, � � 0 y �� �` j/ , NA �1L � v ', \'� :'� �� �'��� .,o`'�• , � r��� \ • �� 1 s� aP , � � o��� � -\ �r - �� � . �� �. .��. -v_ __ /_ � _ __�_ _ � . .�. _ APPLiGANT Housing & Redevelopment Authority LEGEND Ins ta il 51-car temporary parking �^A�^ �cc PURPO.,�l� lot to be leased to Twin City a11VIJ JG Federal O ONE-FA(\11{LY PRESENT ZONING Commercial -�- TiN�-i=AMILY � THRE E- FiaNiILY PETITION SIGNERS . - FOUR-F��.�;1 LY � MU LT I- FAP�1 I LY 6940 • •�CO`�1MERCI�L FILE No. nIpRTH n n lNDUSTRIAL U VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date� 2/l0/�0 � Property under consideroiion MINU�'ES OF 1':iE PUBLIC HEAR�NG BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONTI�TG on Thursday, Febru�sry 19, 197U, at ?:00 PoT;< PRESENT: Messrs. Ames' Gzc�'ler� Gauger, t��taietta, and Rc�tzick of the Board; (Mr, McPartl�n was present but did not vote); Messrs. Brow� and Sorenson, Mrs. Frsntzen., and Miss Sperr of the staff; and Daniel �:�as, �orpc�r�tien Caun�el� HOUSING AND �tEDEV:ELO�'MENT AUTHORI'�Y: An applic�tian for a permit to install a 51-car temporary �arking 3.0� tc� be l�ased to �win City Federal on property located on the soLtheasi c�rner of_ Minnesdta and East Sixth Streets. Mr. Sorenson sur�rr�rized the staff �-epart stating that the application requests a temporary perrnit for approxim�te�y on_e yer�r. fioeasi.ng and Redevelopment Authorit� makes the rec�uest� ta provide the F�.rs� Nation.sl S�nk some replacement for parking lost due to the lLellogg Square canstruction and until the ban.k ramp is campleted. Points of ingress snd egrevs have been negotiated with the Twin City Federal parking lot and *he �orthraestern parkim� lots adjoin.ingo A double row af p�rking wi1L �e ad�acent to MiYinesota Street with aa attendacx� on duty. New plans have been reque�ted. No communicac:fo� has b�en received fram the Housing and Redevelopmen� Authority. Following a q�.�stion, Mr. Brown ex�laira�d that "temporary parking lots" range from or�e-t�,ao years, and the applicant cvouldn't be expecCed ta blacktog a full two inches. 'The lot will, hosaever, be cSa�stMfree with a gravel base. Mr. Maietta moved for approval of the pern�it, subject to �he condition that revised p�.ans be �ubmxtted to the zanzng sraff, �nd an attendant be on rluty t� park the cars. Mr� Rutzick second�d the m�tion, wl�ich carried un�nimouslyo Submitter3 by: Coionel Lo Sore��son Robert Lo Ames, Chairman -6- . , . � . • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �S� APPLICATION FOft SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT `� (Please print or type) �Sr�;,b TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No, of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot _�1 autoanobiles To be used in connection with: temvorary parkin� lot to be leased to Z�in City Federal Savings and Loan Association. � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreahment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location • 3$ corner af Sixth and Minnesota Streets Legal Description : Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 Block 11 Addition St. Paul Proper Applicant's Name : Housing and Redevelopment Author ity of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation Home or Office Address: 55 BasC Fifth Street Sainfi Paul, Minne�ota 55101 Phone Number : 223-4751 FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, ld�rl �6`� Edward N. il�e �e�de xecuti e Direc�or e Address : 55 East Fifth Street Phone No.: 223-5335 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. r , ' City Clerk . • CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Flouse 55102 March 13, 1970 File X855, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hduae at 10:00 a.m. on March 26, 1970 on the application of Housing and Redevelopment Authority for a permit to install a 51-car temporary parking lot to be leased to 1�ain City Federal Savings and Loan Association on the property described es follows: Lots 6 through 9, Block 11, Saint Paul Proper Addition. The property is located on the south- east corner of Minnesota and East Sixth Streets. Fox further information, contact the Ylanning Board, Raom 1010 Commerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. JA1�II:S J. D�AL6LISH Coaomissioner of Pinance O " 1 _ . _ _. . __ . ._ .__ __ . __ ___ _. ._ _ _...._ _. ! 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