248331 Oei;inal to City Clerk • .. '� ' � ��^��� � � �- ORDINANCE ° � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO ' ' " � An ordinance granting pera�ission to Northern States Por�+er Caapany of the City of St. Paui , Minnesota, a duly constituted public utility coaapa�y under and pursuant to the taws of the State of Minnesota, to reconstruct and �aintain a curb and sidewalk on Mill Street from (Gellogg Boulevard to app�oximately 150 feet west. THE C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI!!T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I That peraaissicm and authority a�e hereby granted to Northe rn States Power Co�pany of the City of St. Paul , Minr�esota to reconstruct and �aaintain a curb and sidewalk on Hili Street fro� Kellogg Boulevard to approximately 15� feet w�st. SECTION 2 That the Coaimissioner of Public i�forks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Northern States Power Coaopany of the City of St. Paui, Ni�esota for the reconstruction of said curb and side�ralk upon and subject to the � following provisions, terms and conditions: �,� a. That said pe nuittee shall coastruct said curb and sidewalk at its own expense and to the satisfaction of the Co�missioner of Public �forks and ia accordance witb the approved pians and specifi- cations as ar�nded r�arked �I.S.P. Drawings NN 22687-1A and NH 22687-2, said pia�s o� file in the Department of Public 1�orks; b. That said penaittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to this ordinance; c. That said per�ittee shall pay the costs of ac�inistration, eng i nee�i ng and i nspect ion i'ncurred by the Department of Pub 1 i c f�brks because of this undertaking. Said costs to be accounted for under Department of Pub i ic 1�brks Project Number 6-1015; d. That said per�ittce shall properly protect ail eucavation, both day and night, so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; e. That said per�ittee shall notify the Bridge Er�gineer of the Departa�ent of Publ ic �lorks when the construction starts a�d notify the s�ne said Bridge Engineer when the project has been co�pieted to allow for a final inspectio�; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson Dalgliah Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Orlsinal to Cih Clerk . .; . ,, , � .� ` � - ORDINANCE �48��1 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Page 2. f. That the permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully i.ndemnify and hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasicmed by the performance of the work and the permission and authority granted herein. g. That said permittee sha.11 furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or in- cidental to its execution including but not limited to addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, "as built" plans and tracings. h. That said permittee shall, �rithin thirty days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. SECTION 3 -�Ik This ordi.nance sha.11 take affect and be in force thirty days from �` and after its passage, approval and publication. �R 2 � ���o Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish _„�_�n Favor 1 Meredith Peterson C� L� Against Sprafka Tedesco ANk 2 �i 1'70 Mr. President yrn ) Appro A st; `� . Cii� Clerk �ayor �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHED �pY 21970 Dupliute to'Printer - ,- ORDINANCE ������� COUNCIL FILE NO � / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- � ���'r{— Pa�;e 2. f. That the p�rr��ittoe exprsssly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and holci harmless and def�nd tlze City a£ Saint Paul, its a�ents, officers and employees frorr, anv and all dama�;es, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expens�s arisin� out of. or occasioned hy th� performance of the �vork and the permission and authority �ranted herein. - �. That said �ermittee shall f.urnish ttie De�artment of Public ��orks all documents af r�;cord that ,ase a part of the Contract or in- cidental to its execution including but not limited to e.ddendwns, award or contract, sum of contract, "as built" plans and tracings. h. That said permittee �hall, within thirty days after the passage of this ardinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. SECTION 3 This orclinance shall talce affect and be in force thirty d�.ys fram and after its passage, approval ancl publicatian. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CouncilAPR 2 �, ��]O Carlson �f Dalglish � In Favor Meredith Peterson A gainst Sprafka --� Tedesco ,., .,; w�a=,, Mr. President (Byrne) ��'�4"� =' � ���'� Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnpl3cste ta Printer , ORDINANCE �`����� � j COUNCIL FILE NO. � `PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ! An ordinance gra�ting permtssion to Northern States Pow�ar Company of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, a duly constituted public utility caapany under and pursuant to the laws of the 5tate of Minr�sota, to reconstruct and malntain a curb and sfdewalk on Nill Street from Keilogg Boulevard to approximat�ly 150 feet west. THE COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF SA1NT PAUL OOES ORQAIN: SECTIQN 1 That permission and authorlty are hereby granted to North�rn States Power Company of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota ta reconstruct and maintain a curb a�d sidewalk on Hill Street from Kellogg Boulevard to approximately 150 feet west. SECTI�N 2 That the Coa�aissioner of Public Works is hereby authortzed to issue a perr�it to the Northern 5tates Pow�er Company of the City of St. Paul, Minnesote for the reconstructfon of said curb and sidewalk upon and subJect to th� follawtng provisians, terms aRd cc�dittons: a. That said pern�ittee shall construct said curb and sidewalk at tts own expense and to the satlsfaction of the Conmissionetr of Public 1�farks and in accordance with the app�oved �lans and specifi- cations as amended marked N.S.P. Drawiags N!! 2Z687-1A and NH 22687-2, sa id plans on f i le in the Dep�artaAent of Publ ic 1�brks; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of thls ordinance and all resoluttons passed in relation ta this ordlnance; c. That said permtttee shail pay the costs of �c6ainistration, engineering and inspectlon incurred by the lkpartment of Public trbrks because of thls undertaking. Sa1d costs to be accounted for unde� Department of Pubt ic 1�brks ProJect N�ber B-1Q1$; d. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavation, both day and night, so as to avoid all daniage or i�,jury to persons or property; e. That said permittee shali r�otify the 8ridge Er�gineer of the Department of Publ tc I�brks wFie� the coristruction starts and notlfy the same said Bridge Eng�neer when the proJect has been completed to altow for a final inspection; APR 2 � 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: ����� `� `"� 'l��� Attest: City Clerk Mayor � � Forni approved Corporation Counsel By 11TS1� N O R T H E R N S T A T E 5 P O W E R C O M P A N Y MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA SS401 May 18, �970 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of St. Paul 386 city xall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We hereby acknowledge receipt of the publication notice of Council File No. 248331, Ordinance No. 14�+68 and Council File No. 2485�5• We hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions contained in Council File No. 2�+8331, Ordinar�ce No. 1�+�+68, as adopted by appropriate resolution of the Council on April 28, 1970. Very truly urs, .�t.�� : V. WELK, Director Land Procurement and Management msf �� ��� ����'�� �� � �� �� ; 1 , i...��:�'`. . Z97o Narthern States P�wer 3�� Wabr��tia ;�f-,, � St. Paul, �iinnesot�. C.,entl�ut�n; We enciose a� Td'a. Z�t�f�8 , �rantin� you ��rr�issi*an to recon uct and �naintain a curb and sidewalk on Hi1.� S�c. �'r�m �'e11og,� vd. to app ximafie�_�• 15d �'��t west; �.��� a copy a�' a r�sol ion, Caunci File No. 2�C8585 pertaining to t he same mat�er; nd � 'bi�l the sur.� af �28.35 to c�ver the eost of pu���-�$ of the dinance and the resoluti�n. �Te eall oi Y ciai attention to Para�raph h of 8ection 2 which r�r�uir�a th.e �ilin� of an acceptance �f the terms of this ordinance. �'ne �ccep�anL� �ni:st t�e filed ir3 this of�ice, Room 336, City Ha'-1, within 3Q r:a;,�s. if�ot �o �iled, the ox•di.nance becomes void. �Texy truly yours, n� City Clerk t f '''' ` /-� I st- �Z` � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app.��___Adopted ' " Yeas Nays Y\ Nays Carlson \ Carlson Dalglish Dalglish Meredith `` � ��'f \ �vlere it . ����i� d h Peterson J�eterson S rafka \. 5 rafka ` P , P Tedesco �edesco U Mr. President B rne \Mr. President B rne Y Y O