03-423ORIGINAL Council File # �3 . � a�1'i ReSOlUtion # Green Sheet #�d O 3 S e,g RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �` Committee: Date 2 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation administers the applicants and grants program established 3 by Ordinance 409.235; and 4 WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board was formed to implement the administration of the 5 ordinance for the Division; and 6 WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board met on December 19, 2002 to add organizarions to 7 the eligible list for the 10% Club for 2003; and 8 WHEREAS, this application was approved by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Boazd but inadvertently 9 omitted from the original resolution approved by City Council on February 5, 2003; 10 11 1. 7ohnson Area Baseball Boosters 12 13 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials ara hereby requested to add this organization 14 to the list of eligible organizations for the 2003 Charitable Gambling 10% Club retroacfive to February 5, 2003. i 3 .cil Secretary Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation BY' ' v//��J3L� OFE'ICE oF PARKS �n Date: GREEN SHEET " ' RECR}3ATION " April 22,, 2003 Bob Bierscheid, Director NO . 4 0 3 5 0 8 a , _�, 266-6409 ' CONTACT PERSON & PAONE: 1 &Pax1Tffi''T Dixect'°R 4 ='rY muxcxL Christine Rozek (266-9108) �,� 2 I � " _� � USt be on Council Agenda: vncaT nz=ascrox IN. E MCT. SVC_ DZR. ' S.S OOIl AS Possible 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: pproval of Johnson Area Baseball Boosters Organization to the 10% Club list of eligible recipients for 2003. � COMMENDATZONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT m) BRSONW, SBRVICB CONTRACTS MQST ANSWSR TI� FOLIA97ING: PLP.PNING COINAISSION CSVIL SERVICE COMIIISSION 1. Has the person{fiim ever worked undea a contract for this department? . CIS COM1IMITTEE HUSINESS REVIHW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ DISIRICT COUNCIL 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DIS7RICT COVRT _ YES NO - 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO laiu all Y85 answers on a separate aheet and attach. "SNITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): :'This organization was inadvertently left off the original council resolution ' approving its eligibility to the 10°s Club list for 2003. The application was , screened by the Youth Fund Board in December 2002 and was recommended for ' approval. Council approved the original list on February 5, 2003. This group � needs to be formally approved to the 10% Club list retroactive to February 5, . " 2003: VANTAGES IF APPROVED: '=Improved youth programs for Johnson Area Baseball Boosters. , ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ` The organization will not be eligible to receive direct donations from charitable gambling groups, and thus will not be able to provide a youth aseball program on the East Side. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO " FUNDTNG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBfiR -FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �� �,���'�;�3 `, , ta � ��' ���� � 2003 - YOUTH PROGRAMS FUND 90% CLUB EUG/B/L/TYAPPL/CAT/ON �� ������� � � ��: � 1 � �EG�i DATE' December 16, 2002 E3;�. J:= �i:-`.'�t�` ORGANIZATION NAME: Johnson Area Baseball Boosters & i- CONTACT PERSON OR C.E.O. O3' y°� Name Address2lP Day Phone Jeff Plaschko 8240-83rd St. South, Cottage Grove, 55016 651-293=8890 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------°------ Fiscai Agent: (If applicable) Contact Person (of Fiscal Agent): Name Address2ip Day Phone ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANlZATIONAL MISSION: (Briefl describe) The J.A.B.B. will support youth baseball (traveling) for the Johnson attendance area. ORGANIZATION PLAN FOR USE OF FUNDS: The funds will be used for equipment needed to play traveling baseball. The funding will h elp develope the skills through training specific to baseball. CITY COUNCIL WARD SERVED & NUMBER OF YOUTH PARTICIPANTS: students served = 75 NON PROFtT STATUS: (Check non profit status held by organization. PLEASE A17ACH PROOF) Non Profit Corporation under Chapter 317, State of Minnesota? YES xxxxx NO IRS 501 Status: YES NO xxxxx Applied For no NOTE: Each applicant MUS7 attach the following information. Please check-off each item to be sure it is included. ❑ Proof of Non Profit status ❑ Organizational8y-Laws AND Articles of Incorporation ❑ CURRENT list of Officers or Directors. Include name/address/zip/day phone ❑ A�davits - Signed by each CURRENT Officer/Director, and notarized ❑ Evidence that insurance can be, or has been obtained by the organization - if needed RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: For further information ca11651-266�6362 YOUTH PROGRAMS FUND 200 City Hatl Annex, 25 W. 4th St. SAINT PAUL, MN 55702 N:\GROUP\DIV�WP�Youth Progrems FundlWeb Documents\YouthFundlO%ClubApplication.wpd E-Mail: eriathomoson@cistoauLmn.us Revised 10l02 11 � of lVlinnesot z:�=�� �j a o� y a3 SEC�ETARI( OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ZNCORPORATION I, Mary Kiffineyer, Secretary of State of Minnesota, do certify that: Articles of Incorporation, duly signed and acknowled�ed under oath, have been filed on this date in the office of the Secretary of State, for the incorporation of the following corporation, under and in accordance with the provisions of the chapter of Minnesota Statutes listed below. This corporation is now legally organized under the laws of Minnesota. Corporate Name: Johnson Area Baseball Boosters Corporate Charter Number: 1T-62 Chapter Formed Under: 317A This certificate has been issued on o3/08/1999. • . /i � Ii'tfi,'� i �i_ � , :� : ��� - iII.�;NESOiA Depa of Revenue Registration Services JOHNSON AREA BASEBALL BOOSTERS C/O JEFF PLASCHKO 8240 83RD ST S COTTAGE GROVE MN 55016-3282 Mail Station 4410 Phone: (651) 282-5225 (800) 657-3605 Minnesota Relay Service o3-y� St. Paul, MN 55146-4410 Fax: (651) 297-2265 TDD: (651) 297-2196 {800) 627-3529 April 1, �999 This letter co�firms that your business is registered with the State of Minnesota, Department of Revenue, and has been assigned a Minnesota Tax Identification Number. Please keep this letter as proof of registration. The number assigned to your business is 4207460. Your business has been activated for the foilowing tax(es): Tax Type Nonprofit Org Franchise Tax Effective Date Mar 8 1999 Filing Cycle Annually if sales tax is listed above, this letter constitutes your permit to make taxabie sales. If sales tax is not listed above, this is not a sales tax permit, and you are not authorized to make taxable sales. Tax permits are not required to be displayed. If withholding tax is listed you wiil receive a book of customized forms in four to six weeks. Start using the customized forms instead of the blank forms as soon as you receive them. Keep the instructions and tables as you wili need them throughout the year. The Department of Revenue provides information and services to help you compiy with the tax laws. If you have questions about how to comply or if information about your business changes, piease let us know. We can be reached at {651) 282-5225, toll free 9-800-657-3605 or you can stop by any of our offices. We are open Monday through Friday from 730 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. �3- K�3 Johnson Area Baseball Boosters Officers President/Treasurer 3eff Plaschko 8240 — 83 Street 5outh Cottage Grove, MN 55016 (651) 459-1199 home Vice PresidenUSecretary Don Bross 2047 — 151 St Lane NW Andover, MN 55304 (651) 290-8395 work AFFIDAVIT FOR 10% GAIVIBLING CONTRIBUTIONS (For 2003 10% Eligibility Applications) DAT'E: December 1 6, 2002 03 -y a3 Affidavit must be filed annvally for each offrcer of the organization. It is your responsibIlity to notify us of any change in officers. 1� Johnson Area Baseball Boosters Name of Organ'vztion 2) Name and tide of officer authorized by the organ'vation to accept gambling donarions. Jeff First Nazne I Jeff Plaschko Name Plaschko Last Nazne President/Treasurer as of Tifle President/Treasurer Tifle Sohnson Area Baseball Boosters Name of Organization do certify that I have read Section 409.235 (attached) of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code pertaining to the receipt of gambling funds and I certifv that I am authorized to act for Johnson Area Baseball Boosters jn thj5 R13tteL; Name of Organization that information provided in this affidavit is true and correct; that all gambling contributions will be eapended for a lawful purpose as defined by State Statute 349.12; that all previous contributions (if any)have been expended for lawful purpose; that no conuibution will be or has been used for capital expenses, salaries, or travel expenses except as allowed in Section 409.235 of the I.egisla6ve Code; that the Johnson Area Baseball Boosters Name of Organizaaon does not operate or participate in any gaznbling activities; and that 10% conaibutions/graius will not be accepted by this organiz�yon in any cale�c}az year in exc�ss of the amount ailowed under the ordinance. Date State of Minnesota County of Ramsey � ' Subscribed and swom to before me this ._, `L� "�y of ;� ��.e�GZt�+�L f 02 OQ3 (Circle o�) Notary My Co� Signatu � � C "- "'° A g :� T�PoNE A BI.iMtik^t.� � ; No IaRr �U�.,� e -� �_ Mtr{ir::r3�s a '°s3'� �k�C`�trifii:in�. � 3 ` ,.�-a E:�z�t;;�;z�-,n �7 �.,, � N:1GROi7P1DMWP�Yout6 Pro�tams Fmd�Web Doc�rnts\YomhFundlO°/aCiubAppiicatioawpd AF�AVIT FOR 10% GAMBLING CONTRIBUTIONS (For 2003 10% Eligibility Appiications) DAT'E: December 16, 200 o3-�Ia3 rlffidavit must be filed annually for each officer of ttie arganization. It is your responsibitity to norify us of any change in officers. j� 7ohnson Area Baseball Boosters Name of Organization 2) Name and title of officer authorized by the orgaaization to accept gambling donarions. Don Bross First Nazne Last Name j� Don Bross y � Vice President/Secret��y Natne Tifle Vice President/Secretary Title Johnson Area Baseball Boosters Name of Organization do certify that I have read Section 409.235 (attached) of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code pertaining to the receipt of gambling funds and I certify that I azn authorized to act for Johnson Area Baseball Boosters jn thjs tnattei; Name of Organization that information provided in this affidavit is true and correct; that all gambling contributions will be expended for a lawful purpose as defined by State Statute 349.12; that all previous conuibutions (if any)have been expended for lawful purpose; that no contribution will be or has been used for capital expenses, salaries, or travei expenses except as aIlowed in Section 409.235 of the L.egislative Code; that the Johnson Area Baseball Boosters Name of Organization does not operate or participate in any gambling activities; and that 10% contributions/grants wIll not be accepted by this organization in any calendaz year in excess of the amount aliowed uader the ordinance. Signature State of Minnesota County of Ramsey (2 Date ) ) ) -^�, r � Subscribed and swom to before me this�day of .�u�� �2�2003 (Circle one) _.� Notary My commission Signature of Notary MId 3%1�5 � �(��� y � :�`%s�' CATHES'JNE 0. BL.fX�A�`,�?::-,i rtY:`=-� `�� NOTARY PUBLIC-MIFPI�SFSfA ' �4 .`e: � `-�. �,�y MY CAMMI88iG3FJ L� � � ����� EXPIRES JAN, 31. � . � =- �- - - - - N:\GROUP�DIV�WP\Youth Programs Fund�Web Doc�ents\YouihFundlO%ClubApplication.wpd O� -'-�l� BYLAWS OF JOHNSON AREA BASESALL BOOSTERS ART'ICLE I PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to support traveling youth baseball for the Johnson attendance azea. ARTICt E II MEMBERS Any pezson eighteen (18) years of age or older who pays the prescribed dues shall be a person of Ehe organization. ARTICLE III OFFICERS The officers of the organization shall be a President, Vice President, SecreEary and Treasuxer. They Shall be elected by the members as prescribed in these Bylaws. ARTICLE IV DLTI'IES OF OFFICERS The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the organization. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the organization. The Vice President shall, in case of absence or disabiliYy of the President, perform Ehe duties of the President. The Secrefary shall keep and report minutes of ail meetings of the organization. He/She shali register all membership applications and receive and transmit to the Treasurer all dues and other funds received by Him/Her. In the absence of the Pxesident and Vice President HelShe shall perform all duties of the President. 0 � -y S3 The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the organization and shall deposiE the same Eo the crediE of Ehe organization in such bank the organization shall designate. He shali pay all obligaHons of Ehe organizafion after such have been approved by the President and the Secretary. He shall submit sEaEements of accoun{s at annual mretings of Ehe organization. In general he shall perform ali dufies usua2ly incident to the office of Treasurer and in the absence of the President, Vice PresidenE and Secrefazy shall perform fhe duties of the Presi- dent. ARTICLE V MEETINGS IZegular Meetings: Regular meetings shail be held at leasE bi-monthly throughouE the year, aE a time and place announced by the President. NoHce of time, pIace and agenda for regular meetings shall be mailed to Ehe members at least one week, but no more than two weeks, in advance of the meeting. QuesHons not included on the agenda shall not be voted on at a regeilar meeFing if there is objection Erom a majority of inembers present. Anntta�: The annual meeEing shall be"a regular meeting held during the month of February at which time elections shall be heid. Spedal Meetings: Special meerings may be calied by the PresidenE ar by three (3) members of the Board of DirecEors, but notice of Hme, place and agenda of the meeting shali be mailed at least one week, but no more than trvo (2) weeks, in advance, of the meeting giving full informaFion about the purpose of the meeting and the questions to be decided. Special meetings may be cailed by peEition of Een (10) members if this tequest is made in writing to the Secretary of the corporation at least two weeks in advance of the meeEing date. ARTICLE VI QUORUM A quorum at any meeting of Ehe members of the organization shall consist of twenty-five (ZS) registered members or 20% of the registered members, whichever is less. ARTICLE VII VOTIIVG The right Eo vote sha�l be restricted to members of the organizaEion who had been regis- tered as members by the Secretazy at a previvus meeting. VoEing by proxy and comulative vofing, for boFh meetings of Ehe organization and of the Board of D'uecEors, shall not be permitEed. (continued) �3 -�� a-� The president officer, for both meetings of Ehe organizaEion and of the Board of Direcars, shall have the righE to vote only in case of a tie vote. ARTICLE VIII DUFS Dues for membership in this organizafion shall be$1.00 per member for each yeaz or parE thereof and shail be payable aE Ehe April general meeEing. � ARTICLE IX ELECTTGi�IS Elections of officers shall be conducted at the annual meeEing of the organization. Only regisEered members of the organization shail be entitied to voEe in such elections. Only registered members of the organization shall be entitled to be elected as officers of the organization. A Nominating Committee of five members shali be elecEed by the membership at a meeting held at least three (3) months before the annual meeting. It shali be the duty of this com- mittee tc select candidates for officers and, with fheir approval, to place Eheir names in nominaHon at the meeting preceding the annual meeting. The commitEee snall select one candidate for each office open for election at that annual meeting. Notice of the names of the Nominating Committee's nominees shall be given to all mem- bers, in writing, at least one week in advance of fhe annual meering. Notice of Ehe names of the Nominating Committee's nominees shail be given fo all mem- bers, in wriEing, at least one week in advance of the annual meeEing. Nominations for all officers may be made by any regisered member of the organization at the annual meeting. Nominations for all officers may be made by any registered member of fhe organization at the annual meeting provided the nominee has consented. Each nominee must indicaEe his/her consent to his/her nomination; consenE may be indi- cat�d in wriEing to Ehe nominaflng cotnmittee or organization SecreEary prior to Ehe annual mee6ng. 03 -��a� ARTIC? E X IZESIGNATIONS AND REMOVAL Any officer or board member may resign by £iling a written noti�e with the SeffeEary. In fhe evenf of a vacancy in {he office of Ehe President for any reason, Ehe Vice PresidenE auEomaticaIly bernmes PresidenE for the balance of the term of office. In the event of a vacancy in any of£ce or directorship, except the P�esidenE, the vacancy shall be filled by Ehe Boazd of DirecEors for a term expiring at the next annual meeting. Any three (3) consecutive uneccused absences from Boazd meetings on the pari of officers or directors shalt constitute grounds for automatic zemoval from thaE office. An officer or a member of the Board of Directors shall be subject to removai for cause at any time by a two-thirds vote of thse members presenE at a regular or special meeting providing notice of the intention to seek adopHon of a removal motion has been mailed to each member at least one week, but no more than two weeks, in advance of that meeting at which the motion is to be introduced. ARTICLE 7CI PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Parliamentary procedure shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order unless modified by fhese ByIaws as such Bylaws exist or may be amended. In that case where there is oniy one nominee for any office, t�e Secretary may be instructed to cast a unazumous balloE for such nominee. All elections shall be by written ballot. A majoriEy vote of inembers presenE az�d voEing at Ehe annual meeting shall constiEuEe election. - ARTICLE XII T'ERM OF OFFICE The term of office for ali officers shall be one (1) yeaz. All officers shall asume Ehe duties oE their offices at the close of the annual meeting at which they have been elected and shail serve until theri successors have been elected. No person shail serve as President or Vice President for more than two consecufive terms in Ehe same office. �3-Ma� ARTICLE XII AMEIVDMENTS The Bylaws and Arfides of inmrporation may be amended aE any regulaz or special meet- ing of the organization when such amendment is approved by two-Ehirds of Ehose mem- bers present and votingm, provided notice of the time and place of the meeting and, pro- vided said noEice sets forEh the propsed amendment fuIly in writing . ARTICLE XI�� AUDIT An annual audiE shail be made of the organizafion books in january. An audit wmmiEEee rnnsisting of three (3) members of the organi2akion shall be appointed by the President to conducE this audit. ARTICLE XV - DISSOLUTiON Upon the dissoluHon of the organization, the officers shall, afEer paying ormaking provi- sion for the paytnnebnt of alI of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of ail of Ehe assets of the organizafion exclusively for the purposes vf fhe organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exctusiveIy for cl educational, or recreationaI purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Inernal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corre- sponding provision of any future UniEed States Internal Revenue Law); as the officers shall determine. Any such asseEs not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Dis trict CourE jof Ehe county in which Ehe principal office of Ehe corporaHon is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizaHons, as said Court shall determine, which aze organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. �EEJR�,� C��'tFf�A�E OF �fABtL1TY I�tS�1RANCE m000cert� TH[S CERIlE7CA7E 15 ISSU GHGLfARDt IMSFIRAWCE SERYICES, INE. OMLT pN� CONFER5IYE 2�S HOLOE� THIS CER71PlCf4 CAMPBEt3-, CA 95088 AISER ki ao�srr ns� �a�r�sn-osss ? .,,�.,.. t� 'a�'. — -- - --�_ ---- c�{wst�vwe�s� — —}'"'.._.,a I NSURETiA 1_ �ZTI �-��'�.SEB/��/$����f�.. � �j NSIll�Hg: �E"�$�C.��:�N��'�A�� `� �� a7STi0l�4L YDUTN wsuRErea � �f.F.V�. JR. BASEBA4,� �.1).E1(12.'-�i$$$ .INSUFiEFiD: _ " ___—"_ "_ —.�_— _ iA{d'3EJSE 9'S1$Q aNSURE�e "' —" — — %�ES THE POLICIESOF INSURRNG�ttSTED'BECOWHAVEHEENISSUE�ZQTIiF INCI IRED NAtd�..nanVFFOR7HE B47tLEXP€�i1061WDICATE6 NOTW[THSFAN91N6 ANY REQWftEmENC.ffBO�QB.CONQCA0I3 OE-ANX-CANIRACF OR-6THCiF80GU6M1E#F W••• ••_='� : fiE) FfitSEEATIFICA7E tNAY 6E 7$$F1Ep�'pF; - 6fh1= FERTANIA�-, 7HE�NSt7RANEE AFFORDEPBY PpCIC�ES�DESCRIBED'HEFlEIN7SSOWECTT6/GLL THE TEpM$, EXClltS2Dy5 ANp GpNptTi4NS.QFSUCFt ��eiE& MAl`F+A5E8�R'REDUC€B�BY�ND-CCAIMS. tt�tGm'tT --r__.._:_� _ _'_---.—__--___—r---- .--. A. �c,�taennttusrtttv F � CAMMEHCIAL_�F (].9NACUnnc A�'���' QLt OWNE6AN�5 SCHE00[E[T/lCfT[}$ HIPEDA(ROS N6P1-0WNEDAUTpS ANYAUSO �fEE5SN11A9NEt3ALABHfFY . �ocec� �� DEDUC776�' RETF.NTtON § WONKEtiS CAMPENSpTONAND Eeewnvcae�ua6ltiJ]4 __ .,_ PRYPROPRlETOp/PAHfAElyEJ(EC�LIVE �VI$ _ � �/ica3ert Medicak Cn�erage '���1�Q �� $PS �32Q�7�Q- IV/A- . 1� c3'1 � 3� Oq4Ej�qyp�pll'yT`() srzriz ��� (Ed3L9d9M� �••a um� � $ 9007CYINJOR4 $ 17erPerson) HOOiC�'IIPJURY $ 1Pefaccitler� PROPEH7YOAMAGE (por. aeN_,n�n � 8 ,`.� �0. PerToWhLimit 'FB,ii00 AD&D Pnawaror�s V.F.IRF. JR. &k&EBktk 2237 tttAC EAhfE V4f'{ffE SE(1t� fRKE' 1 � ��$� MP� Srt10 urtre mE onTO �,w� 30 onrs w�xsren- N°^c�i°'T��Ear��� Np�v�o m��Fr, F ro oo so sxnLL IRNOSENQDBl1GATfjp.YY,�q&UfT OF IWY�cIND UVO � E I� RS AGENfS OR � .. . o�-ya3 City of Saint Paul YDUTHPROGRAMS FUND ADVISORYBDARD N11tVUTES SUBJECT: PRESENT: 200 City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th St., Saint Paul, MN 55102 — 266-6362 YOUTH PROGRAMS FUND ADVISORY BOARD December 19, 2002 Biliy Collins, Jennifer Bozicevich, Jim Kelley, Michael Lohman, Mirriam Rykken. NOT PRESENT: David Zeller. There were no grant applications reviewed. A total of Sixty-One (61) 10% applications for 2003 were reviewed. COPIES TO: Bob Bierscheid, Judy Barr, Vince Gillespie, Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board, Kurt Schultz - Mayor's Office. SUBMITTED BY: Eric Thompson. MEETING START TIME: 6:22 P.M. MEETING STOP TIME: 7:08 P.M. PREV10l7S MONTH'S MiNUTES Bozicevich moved approval. Seconded: Kelley. Vote: 4-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS . Status Update Staff met with City Council Aides on Monday, December 9`" to present the proposal to abolish the Youth Programs Fund grant program and change the ordinace for lawful gambling in Saint Paul. Briefing documents were presented to afl aides with statistics which reflect disbursement patterns. Follow-up up conducted this week indicates Council Member Jerry Blakey (Ward 1) is willing to "sponsor" the proposal. Council Member Kathy Lantry (Ward 7) is initially opposed to the proposal, but wants to discuss it further with staff. Eric Thompson and Chrisfine Rozek (LIEP) will be attending. That meeting has not yet been scheduled. Councii member Chris Coleman does not seem to have any major issues. No other responses have been received. Staff wiil keep all board members informed on the status of the proposal. 2003 10% CLUB APPLICATIONS - For review by Youth Fund Board Hamiine American Legion Baseball Booster Corporation - denied Staff met with this organization to assist them in understanding the compliance issues they faced in the past. Despite their efforts, Keiley had concerns that although their by-laws had changed to reflect a youth serving purpose, their non-profit fiscal entity was still the American Legion Post - which is NOT a solely youth serving organization. Thus, Kelley feit they did not tneet eligibility requiremenfs. Keiley moved to deny. Seconded: Bozicevich. Vote: 4-0. YPFAB Meeting -1- �, D� -4" 12/19/02 2003 10% CLUB APPLICATIONS - For review by Youth Fund Board - continued Timberbay/Youth Investment - Denisd Kelley noted that this organization's principle o�ce is located in Hennepin County, as stated in their by-laws. He felt this indicated the organization is not committed to primarily serve Saint Paul residents (their activity page states they were formed for "...outreach for high-risk youth from suburban, urban and small town communities). Kelley thought this group wouid have a difficuit time complying with the requirement to serve 75% Saint Paul youth - and adding them to the list to receive direct donations would leave no mechanism in place to monitor how they spend their funding. Keiley moved to deny. Seconded: Lohman. Vote: 4-0. St. Paul Fire - Explorer Post #624 - Approved Lohman moved approval. Seconded: Bozicevich. Vote: 4-0. 2003 10% CLUB APPLICATIONS - Reviewed for eligibility compliance and recommended for approvalby staff: 1. Arlington Youth Club 29. Junior Royaity Support Group 2. Baker Recreation Center 30. Langford Park Booster Club 3. Bike Safety Rodeo 31. Linwood Park Booster Club 4. Blackhawk Soccer Ciub 32. Margaret Booster Giub 5. Boosters East, Inc. 33. Merriam Park Sooster Club 6. Boy Scout Troop #174 34. Midway Area Youth Athletics Club 7. Boy Scout Troop #294 35. Midway Little League 8. City Swimmers 36. North Area Fastpitch (Softball) 9. Como Park Youth 37. North Area Football Association Wrestling/Football 38. North Dale Booster Club 10. Duluth & Case Booster Club 39. North End July 4'" Booster Club 11. Dunning Booster 40. Northwest Como Booster Club 12. East Side Hockey Club 41. Palace Booster Club 13. Eastside Soccer Club 42. Phalen Youth Ciub 14. Edgcumbe Soys Basebatf 43. Portage For Youth 15. Edgcumbe Hockey Booster Club 44. Rice/Lawson Recreation Center 16. EI Rio Vista Booster Club 45. St. Paul Science Fair Support 17. Friends of KidsPark Group 18. Friends of Oxford Pool 46. St. Paul Urban Tennis Program 19. Frost Lake Ath. Memb. End. 47. Scheffer Booster Club Society 48. Sounds of hope, LTD 20. Girl Scout Council of SCV 49. Star Swim Club, Inc. 21. Groveland Booster Club 50. Summit/U. Giris' Athletic Assn. 22. Hayden Heights Youth Alliance 51. Twin Star Baseball Club 23. Hilicrest Booster Club 52. Upper East Side Football Assn. 24. History Day Suppor# Club 53. Venture Crew #613, BSA 25. Hurricanes Wrestling Club 54. Wiider Youth Club 26. Indianhead Council, BSA 55. Youth Association Hockey 27. Johnson Area Youth Act. Assn. 56. Youth Express 28. Johnson Area Youth Footba{1 Lohman moved approval. Seconded: Rykken. Vote: 4-0. -2- YPFAB Meeting 12/19/02 2003 10% CLUB APPLICATIONS - Late applications Two appiications were received after the December 1�` deadline, but before the Youth Fund Board meeting. Staff has asked if the Board is willing to approve them and add them to the current list: Battle Creek Booster Club Johnson Area Baseball Boosters With the status of the Youth Fund and 10% Club in question, the consensus of the Board was to move ahead and approve these 2 organizations which would allow them to receive direct donations for the entire year. Lohman moved approvai. Seconded: Bozicevich. Vote: 4-0. ADJOURN Lohman moved to adjourn. Seconded: Bozicevich. Vote: 4-0. Next meeting is tentativelv scheduted for Thursday, February 20, 2003, 6:00 PM at the Pha4en Golf Clubhouse. o�—W>> -3-