248322 ORt61}AL TO CITY CLERK ��8��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. w OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE zzc�s� corma�r�:; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �pril 9, 1.970 COMMISSIONE DATF WH�r�S: Proper notice has been �eceived as to chan�e of the n�,.me of an officer and sole-stockholder in Stephen & Victor's Bar, Inc., 1905 Stillwater 1'�venue, holder of On S�.le I,ic�uor License i�o, 7733, e�iring January 31, 1971� therefore, be it Rr;SOLVED: Th�t the name of the President and sole-stockholder' Bettie Cardelli, be �,nd the sa.me is hereby amended to read Bettie Cardelli Benson, and ap�roved. i�mendment to Officer's name. Informally a�proved by Council April 7, 1970 Apin. 1039 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci ° �`R 9 �,O 19— Yeas Nays Carlson APR 9 1910 Dalglish proved 19_.._ Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka Mayor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 'PUBLISHED APR �11970 O . ...� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota C"— ( �e a�tisce�t o u��ic �a et r � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets --�"'''" " x�,(t,T�`��� FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammiasioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, DeDUty Comrnla�ioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN. Lieense Insyeetor April 7, 1970 Honorable rlayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlenen: Currentl;r Stephen & Victor's, Inc. at 1905 Stillwater fivenue are holders of On Sale Li�uor License No. 7733, and miscellaiheous licenses, all expiring January 31, 1971. The officers of record areBettie Caxdelli, President; Victor Schloff, Vice-president and Ida Cardelli� Secreta.ry. Bettie Carcielli is the sole-stoc��holder. Recently Bettie Casdelli married Gordon Benson and re�uest is made of amendin�; the na,me of the president �.nd the sole stockholder to l�irs. Bettie Caxdelii Benson (I�irs. Gordon Benson�. Mttached is a copy of her letter of request ;::nd information relative to this matter. Very truly yours, v � �C ti ��� � Licen.:e Inspector �,? � ���. U,,, `�� ,;��- �� � r;�� 0 � � . .�''�'S� / • ,��iC--t�t ,f�!,t_��it�� I , . � . , r �i�Z����- � /� /� �4 , � G � /J � /��,i�/ - :� - �' l"( '!� ��—'��'� - � _ _,.,/, _ <�� CC^� /'L�t.��c�(� �G�C"'�—�*s . T � � � ) /I'1l�� .�'�� ��yt.i s-.4►Yl'�-i ✓L� ',"".t'�� i '/�L�t�'�_� � �_..A—.� ._ /� �,-�-,.-c�e---�-�.-,-C�:-' /� ;,-�y�"�-�-y ` l'�-�-�--�,./ �)`�' �'t-�rr-f12..L . �� � /� � � . ��� L�'' �C-' ^ `-c�:-t�G�-�� / `7�:`�t.o . ' ..�,.cC.e�.�..� - � / z.,, �vr �- —t_c.,� � ' /""`—�''—�`'Z`� �y�� �'...�,.'.�. • ���� ___ ,���Q31 123� _ _ _ � .�'� ,S . ti 1 _ _ : �`� � �F,�19�0 � _ _ _ _ _ , : �, f� u / � . � ;.� M �F,�r��Errs �F 4 °� � �jf�;,��,��jV,y �� ��6�81 LL 9'���'��� : _ _ , ;,r r _ ,s. r �. . Ap�il ?, 19QA Hon. Wa. 8. Carlaon, Camsr. of Publia 8atety, Terrtb snd Mi�. $t�.� St. Paul, I�timz. Attna Mr. Daniel P. �iaLsvighlin Dear 81rt The City Co�mcil tod�,y gnr�ted intaa7al apparc,yval of tDe applicatioa of Stephes► b VYctc�'a� Ina., at 1905 8tillxater Avem�s, hold�r� of On 8s].� Liqnwr Liaea�e Ito. T?'33s and aia- cellsasovs liaense�, ali �xpiring Jan. 31, 1971, !or a c�ng�e in o!liaer as iollc�►s s Bettie Card�elli, Preeid�nt, havin� reaent�r ■arried Ga�don Bensoa, �rill rem�ain as Pr�sidg�ot under t� m�se o! M�. B�ttie Csrdelli B�n�on (Mrs. (3o�don Bensva), snd who xill rem�in as tl�e •ol��-atocl�hold�er. witl �t pl�aae prepare the custt�ary re�olutioa? Very tru�y yanrs, City Cl�rk hp