248318 OR16 NAL TO CITY CLBRK ,y p � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ; `�U��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES 10 —GEN L RM PRESENTED BY g0�ert F. Petersen A ril 9 1970 COMMISSIONE s n�,n�_ Af Pnh1 is vsTt�� RESOLVED, That the Nhirlpaal Corporation, 850 Arcade Street, Ramaey Conntq, St. Panl, l�inaes�ta, oxner of en�ject premises, hereby is granted a perait, pe�rsuant to their application therefor, to wid�n an existiag' driveMap entraace iate their property to a total width cf 37 feet. The entraace is located ua the iaest side of Forest St. approxisately 275 fe�t south of ilells Street, abgttiag Lot 1, Auditors Sgb. No. 57, aad to there- after maiatain and operate the sam�e as so constracted snbject tc said �/ pereittee's co�liance With all apglicable 3tate Statu;�es,Citq Ordinaaces �.P�� and rnles a�� regnlatiana of public anthorities haviag cogaizaace. / �1f?R 9 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� � 1'7� , Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 1'UBLISHED APR 11 1970 0 1 ��� ��.4� � DUPLICATB TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rd�1elY� F• PBt���Ot1 A Y�� �� 1.g7O _ CO M M I SSI ON EIL DAT� i�wnt_ nF *a�hl.$C Ti1 rtr� x$S0L'i�, That t�e i�Thirlpc�ol Cerparation, 85t3 Arcact� Str�et, 8sm��p Gounty, St. Paul, MinaeaoLa, �et+�r oE eubj�ct gremise�a, hereby ia graatsd a permit, pursuant to their apprication thereEor, to �rid�a aa exiffiting' driveway entraare into their p�t�erty to a total xidth vf 37 feet. Th� entraace is located on th� weat aide of lbrest St. approsi�ately 275 fe�t souCh of Wellg Street, abuttin� Lot 1, Auditor� S�ab. �o. 57, and to there- �.fter msintain a�d o�erat� the sam� a� ao coastruc�ed sub��c� �o ��ic� permitCee's cm�pliance �aith �1�. �:pplicable S�at� Statues, Cf�y 4rclinancss and rules �nd regalations of public auChoritiea havi�g cogni�aace. .��l�4� �: �'��� .. C",•W.Y. ,1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays :`� ;'' Carlson Dalglish Approved 19-- Meredith T�n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka �" A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O