248314 � ���ts�,�,L� Counail Fik No.... ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' T6enndere�nedhereby propoeeethemslcingof t,hefollowtngpublioimprovement by the City oi Bainti Psul�vis.: rec�astrnct the si�e�ralk on the aorth si�e of Laurel Ave. from Fsrschel 3t. to Wheel.r St. am� by doing all other Nork vhich is a�cesaar� aad iacideatal to coa�- l�e�te._aaid_i�rove$ent:............................................. ............._........�.................._..........................................._.... Dated this...7th'..�.�......d�y�.............................�ril...... . ................._ ..�� ....--- - . .............��.�:�/�!.��.�.�. ^.. ............... � Counoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER,EAS, A written propoesl for the malring of tbe following improvement� via.: recoQ�tract tM sidevalk on the north side of Laurel Ave. fro� kersch�l St. to Wheal�r St. and by.doing,all,.other_�ork xhich ia necesaas�,►.and..iacidental to cas- plete aaid iaproveaent. ~ ��.�..�.. � _............................................................•----•----------_........---•---...........-•----•--..........---........._..............................._......................... 6aving been preeented to the Counoit of the City of Saint Paul......._.---.._...................................................... ._.... therefore,be it R.E80LVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Works be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To investigate the neceesity for� or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigste the nature, extent and estimated ooat of eaid improvement� and the total coat thereof. /j� 3. To furnieL s plsn, proSle or eketah of said improvement. • �.Jr� 4. To stste wheth�or not esid improvement ie seked for on 4,he petition of three er more ownere. 6. To repo r�npon a l l o t t h e goregoing ma t t e r s t o t he Gmmissioner o f�n s noe. Adopted by t6e Connoil..._.................._.�.....APR.9......�s�e......�� Ys.s ArR � t47� Councilman .Carlson Da1 g 1 i s h Approved.........................._......-•----•----....................... -!���c_e�-- tf��-�end Meredith Peterson � . Tedesce -- - • ---- ••- Mr. President BXzrre Mayor. �000 �-s� PUBLISHED Iq_PR 11 1970 7 ! �