248285 �j��`,��5
; . _ _ , �--_-Tbe _ __ _the�otthefollowingpubl�aimprovement by t„�e Cit�of ' t Paul.v'�„�
reconstruc: the �i.c;ewalk and replace �.�ith inte�ral curb anci sidewalk on th� w�st side
250 ft.
of Tnc�c._��n St .__frc�n lOth. St, to th� ;torth nn�rox. / to^cti�er with all �rc:�w-�;�s,
co�l-l�c�les , t:-;i;�cioors, tunncls and other ��nder�;round �acilities of every de::criation,
anc3 p<<�vi�ird tl,at all per�;�its hereto�ore �;ranted by saici City of St. Pau1 for the
installation and%or r,aintenance of such area�aays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and
oiher underr;rou;,d facilities ot every description �.ill be and ttte same are hereby re-
voked unless sa:d area�•;ays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels anci other underf�ovnd
£acilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a
date wi�ich is °� dr.�� after the date oi rinal approval of this order; and that,
further, the Department of Public �dorks, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby author-
ized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels
and other underground facilities of every description, the permittees of which area-
ways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities o� every descrip-
tion fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before
the above mentioned date.
�eco:�strUC� t'.:e sidewalk and replace with inteoral curb 2~d sidewalk on =��� wca� siae_
. ?�n :
of Jrcksen St, rrom IOth. St, io t�� rrr��� ^-,zo-�: / to�et!ier wici� alI c:re::�ways,
coal-ho:es , tr,,;::?oo:s, tunnels and other �:��der�;:ot;r.c Eacilities of every description,
.�;:d pro��iced _..at all per:nits heretofore o:-<nted by s�ic' Ci�y of St. Paul for L'ne
�i1SC31i3C1Oi1 ?_:,GjO:' f^11i1��i111:CE.' Of SllCtl 8TC3W3yS� COc11—:101E?S� tTuPGOOT'S� tl1T::1C1S and
other �:nr.�r�,round :acilities �r every description w��ll be and tne same are i�ereby re-
vciced tzn?ess said areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunrels und other under�round
facilities of c•�ery description are reconstructed by said permittee on or hefore a
date �i:ich is ;"J dvy� after the date of final approva? oi t�is order; and �hat,
f�rther, ti�e Departr;ent ot Public �dortcs, t;zro��gh i�s Chief Enoineer, is hereby zutnor-
ized and directed to fill in and remove suc!: ar�a�aays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels
and other under�ro�nd facilities of every description, t'r.e permittees of which area-
ways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under�rcund facilities of every descrip-
tion fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before
the above mentioned date. �
AwpwH vy �uo ww�wa.........--"--»...ur.assilba,...aA�wd..........,.�.....,..,.....+.s..+r�----------._._.._.._.�., .� .
_/'' ��.. y�
Councilman Carlson �R 8 I'�
Da1 g 1 ish APPtoved.._......»........................................................
���.,e�.��-.e`' �o-L�arrd
�� Meredith
Tedesce --- -•• ----�---�---
Mr. President Byzne Mayor.
�000 �-�
7 �" �,;