03-418oRI���A� Green Sheet # �. O S _3 ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # O 3— y�$ Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. APPOINTMENTS Name Charissa Bryant Ellie Kidder Kelsey Neumann Roger Schwagmeyer Expiration Date June 30, 2005 June 30, 2005 June 30, 2005 June 30, 2005 o� -y�g DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DA7E1NRU4ED . , , . r� Office 4-3o-Z003 GREEN SHEET No 2Q5364 COMACT PERSON 8 PFIONE � NMWIDaa In�s Rurt Schultz ov�ue�rtowecr« arrcpnc� MUST BE ON COl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DAi� Maq 7, 2003 0 ."'�" ❑ ❑ xuMBERwR arrwnontEr arcumc ROUTIMC. � Rl�ticYLfErtVICF3OYt HW1CULaErtY/ACCfC � WYORIORAfSI5TAl11) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED � " � " Approving the appointment o£ Charissa Bryant, Ellie Ridder, Kelsey _: Neumann and Roger Schwagmeyer_to the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. RECOMMENDATION HPPfOV2 (A) OFR2JEC[ (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER iHE POLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has this persoNfiim eHx worketl untler a contract for Mis tlepartment? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. FiesthispersoMimeverheenacilyempbyee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO .. 3. Does this P��Nfinn D� a sldll no[ nomiallYP�%� �' a�ry curreM citY emWoYee't YES NO 4. Is this pe�soMrtn e tarpeted vendo(7 VES NO F�Win all yes arisvners on separate shed and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoRTUNI7V (Who. WMaL When, Where, Why) , ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUOtiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINC SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPWN) oa -��� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kel[y, Mayor To 390 City Ha1! I S West Ke[logg BouLevard Saint Paul, MN 55702 Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schuitz Date: Apri130, 2003 Te[ephone: 651-266-8510 Facsirrzi(e: 651-266-8513 RE: Mayor's Advisory Committee for People With Disabilities Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Charissa Bryant, Ellie Kidder, Kelsey Neumann and Roger Schwagmeyer to the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. The terms of these individuals shall expire on June 30, 2005. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as their applications. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments cc. Karen Sanchez � ���-�� eGd� ��•�� �ni�urtciti/rHMtLY b�KViCtS 6123484918 P.02/03 � O�ce Of The Mayor 390 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Name: Charissa Bryant Telephone: 651-266-8525 Fax: 651-266-8513 Iiome Address: 706 Ftiller Avenue, St. Paul, MN Zip 55104 Telephone Number: (Home) 651/2246214 (Work) 612/348-2249, Fas Planning bistrict Couacil: 8 City Conncil Ward: 1 Preferred Mailing Address: samc as above What is yonr occnpation? Socia] Worker Place of Employment: Hennepin County, Children, Pamily and Adutt Services Committee(s) Applied for: Mayor's Advisocy Committee for People with Disabilities W6at skills, training, or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have worked in various azcas where I have practiced social work I am currently employed as a social worker with Hennepin County. My job requires me to license and regulate foster homes. I was previously employed with Hennepin County in Adu1t Protecrion and as a Hospital Social Wozker at Regions Hospital. I have Masters of Socia] Work (M51� from the Univetsity of Minnesota, a Bachelor's of Social Work (BA) from the College of St. Catherine and i am currently worlting on a Master's of Business of Adminisuation (MBA) at the University of St. Thomas. I am a union steward for AFSME Local 34 and tlte co-chair of Project Diversity for Hennepin County, Children, Family and Adult Services. O� -'-l�8' During my course of Study to become a social worker and subsequent experiences have exposed me to some of the problems that peopie with disabilities faca regarding accessibility and employment. I would 11ce to increase my level of participation in advocating for people with disabiliries and become involved in problem solving in the city of St. Paul and or surrounding azeas. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the genera] public. icJ.� . i � c� �.n.V.�ncnirn�'�1Li b¢rtvil.cb � � Personal References Name• GWnthia Cazlsnn Address: Henneain Counfy, Chi]dren, Familv and Adult Services 300 S_ 6"' Street A-1400. Minneapolis. MN 55487 Telephone: (Home1763/566-0504 f1X�ork1 6 1 213 48-6 63 8 Name• John Sellen Address: Hermepin Countv. Children. Familv and Adutt Services 30� S. 6 Sueet A-1344 Minneapolis, MN 55487 TetepLone: (Homel 612/823-0894 (WorkZ612/348-4368 Name• Jean Diederich Address: Hennenin Cauntv. Children, Familv and Adult Services Juvenite Justice Center. MC 880 Minneapolis MN 55415 Telephone: fHomel 612/822-5661(Work) 612/348-0266 Reasons for your interest in this gatticular committee: q3 -`1,\Y I am seelring agpointment to this committee so T can urilize my advocacy sldlls on bet�alf of individuals in the city of St. Paul and or surrounding azeas. I am confident that my voice as a citizen can make a difference. I am interested in improving the lives of others by inforaring and influencing etected officials and other citizens to be proactive in meeting the needs of others. Have you had prevlous contact with the committee for whtch you are making application? If so, when and describe the circumstances. No Ia an attempt to ensure that committee cepresentation reflects the mal:eup of our community, please check the line applicable to you_ This information is strictIy voInntary. White (Caucusian} ffisoanic X Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Native American or Alaskan Eskimo Male X Female Person wtth a disabiliry: Date of Birkh: OS/10/1964 Xes X No If special accommodations are needed, please spec[fy: None required. How did you hear about this opening? By compledng my own research. OlG..J404J1b I".I�JJ/ YJJ TOTqL P.c� U4/U//ZUU� 11:32 ktlA b1LGJUJbUl xJ bQ2R ALL1�VLk4�dYAK1PIJ �dUUJ � .. Application for Comm�ttee, Board, or Commission •�: Please zeturn to Mazk Engeliretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall � 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 Thc Minacso�s Govcmacnt Da[a Prxtices Att (Minncso[a Statutcs Chaptcr 13) govcrns tbc City'S use of thc info*macioa containcd in chis appl��atioa. $ome 6tche inForm>tion souSht in thi5 apptica[ion is priva[< data undec thc wet. Thc rcaucs�ed informscioa will be used by chc uppoi�ting autSority to carry ouc �he City's official appoiatmenc r<sponzibilici�5. You are not requircd to provide sny iaiormation, Howeve:, Failure to snswer tTc appl�eation ques��ons msy cause LFe appointiag auihori:y to rejeec your applitatian. Tbe mejor�ry of items eontained in �hir spplication src ynblie, inoluding aame, address, employm<at, skille, training sad experience, aad ntt eherefore avaiisble to xnyoae requeetiag i�. TLe remainiuS itemt on [he applicecion �orm src clastified as privste. The priva[c data is a�ailabl< orly co you and to o[hor pecsont in SLe Gi[y a�fio, bccausc of �+ork assignmenes, reasonubly rcqui:e acccss to the informetior. Name �^'j1t� �i�.�r�1 •�� `� re t ' ch� " ' s[ace z�p Telephones� r�.-�D .3� PlevseineludcArcuCOAtf��ome �orX SeY k �-mailaddress �ryr���"��I����ar � �nn'�11^a/ Cdn Home address Planniag District �ouncil City Council Ward Pieferred mailing address °� as �-c� ��-alt� . zave� �e�ry sta[c _�p Occupation ' �;S'F' _ Placc of employment Employment address � Committee(s) applied #or ��� What skills/training or exgerience do you possess foz the committec(s) foz which you scok appointment? �Q i' Yr� n �u a i'�'�."C rS � �N� 1 T [ 1C � f 0' l.r �n �� !w� S!� !� (�( '�' I�V n) G �` �f`��-- 'c �r � r C�N�-YY\li n i A,�, [1 � � � o3-y�� u . �` page 1 of 2 „; , 11:3G rae tilze�u�soi xs �aen aLLi�ncr'vaY�RTUs i � PersonalRefezences �-�-+.v' �iC�cE�e Name Addre Telephones 7E Ple.xe include A7ea Name Addre • .nv ^ k Clr4YO� �r 'H^x C1 G o�b�t �'elephones ^ `� — ?A 6 ��`.� �r"b t � Picese include Area Codes tiom� �(� L'pyr�vYUS`s�a Name Address Telephones (o,�” �� o�6cr Pleascin<lude A1'ea Codes home Reasons for your interest in this pazticulaz committee _ a r. . . � i , � 6�-y�r 3'7 '-- - �--' - -- -' _ --•.ti_.� -_. .. --.. _. ...` —' --.�.. - ---- ... -- --- �_... -._.- .. _. -. _ -`_-`. Have you had previous contact with the comtnittec for whicb you are making applicxtion? If so, when, and under what circumstances In aa attempt to ensure chat committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, picase check the box applicabte to you. Thi< information is strictly voluntary. hite (Caucasian) � HisPan« �Black (African-Amcrican) � Asiaa or Pacific Islsnder � American Indian or Alaskan Pskimo �Male Female � Date of birth y Disabied: es �10 � If specia] accommodations arc necded, please specify �Jlpnj ��Q'�y�r�kP Eiow did you hear about this opening? p, S�q� A t.{ D� OY� .Y'�G' Gt��-- kn , UD �� 1�002 ►I age 2 of 2 � _- - � Y + ,�� ` � a �' �1�� V �� iJame: Offlce Qf The Mayor 390 City Hall P-M `� Satn2 Pau1, MN 55102 Telephone: 65i-266-8525 Fax: 651-266-8513 Home Addrsss �/N I r�w II� � ��,�7 Z KGIIq _,�� � L� Telephone Number: Home��o5�� 501 ${(, wa.k�5�1 ai� g ay�� � Planning District Cou�cil: City Gouncil Ward: O i ��`� Preferred Mailing Addr¢g8; ��, What is your occupatic Piace of Employment: Committee(s) App��ed for: r ! . �e What sktlls, training, or experlence do you possess for the �ammittesls► fo� which you seek appointment? 1 /�a,w ., .�i.-� _ �,. J ....,, i. _ _. i The informat[o� included tn this application is consid�red private data aecording to the Mlnnesots Government Data Practicea Act. As s result, thig lnformatlon is not releaSed to the general public, T9 39Cd S3�bf1053� 71�ti2113�I� 6ZEZ-59Z-IS9 LT�bT L00ZlEZ/LE ti Name: � Addre$ T��BAAone Name: Addregg_ TelePhone: Nam�_ Addre8 TelePhone: Reaso�a for you� interest fn this _ G,, _. er nIR rn particufar Committes; Gn,_ _ ii , Have you had preyious co �f $�. when and describe t �tact w(ch the committec for he circumatan which you are m ces. akinp �pp��c�t(on? �_ In an enQR,pt to ensure tha[ commtt[¢e r ep��$entatia� � �ammur�rty, p�ease check the line apA►icabie to You_ Thfaf ( nformati �aa of our � Whlte 1 Caucasian� �jctly voiuntary. �—_ Black (African Amer(can) �---_ Native Amer(catt �— Hts panlc or qtaskan Eskimo '!� Aa'an or pe��{(� �Sjander ---�_ Male i /' —�� Female Date of F'erson wf� a / 8irth: o? ( disebility --�_ Yes �_ No �f sPecFa► accommodart�.._ �� ale needetl, please specify; — H Ow d�d You hear about o3-y�� 39Cd -�.-: �� Office Of The Mayor 390 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: 651-266-8525 Fax: 651-266-8513 o3-y�r Name: Roqer G. Schwaqmever Home Address 872 6�' Ave. So., South St. Paul, MN . Zip 55075 Telephone Number: Home 651-455-0428 , Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: Fax City Council Ward: _ What is your occupation? Retired and Universitv Instructor Place of Employment: Cardinal Stritch Universitv Committee(s) Applied for: Mavor's Advisorv Committee for Peoqle with Disabilities What skills, training, or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have been the Citv resource aerson for this committee for seven vears. � arofessional work has been Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance for the Citv of Saint Paul. I teach human resource courses on both araduate and underaraduate levels for Cardinal Stritch Universitv for the qast four vears. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to , � ' the general public. Personal References 03 -y� g Name: Ron J. Guilfoile, Risk Manager Address: 240 Citv Hall Telephone: (Homel (Workl 651-266-8886 Name: William Strom, Pastor Address: Luther Memorial Church, 3'15 15"' Ave. No.. South St. Paui, MN 55075 Telephone: IHome) (Workl 651-457 -2400 Name: Walter Warenka, Chair, MACPD Address: 709 Universitv Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 Telephone: (Home) (Work) 651-265-2371 Reasons for your iRterest in this particular committee: I believe the committee can add to the aualitv of life for people with disabilities in the Citv of Saint Paul. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when and describe the circumstances. I was the Citv resource oerson for this committee from 1995 to the qresent. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, piease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. x White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Native American or Alaskan Eskimo x Male Female Date of Birth: over 40 Person with a disability: Yes x No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? Web site and knowledae as a Citv (former) i / � / : 6� -y�Y