248257 � - �� • 248�5� k � INTERMEDIARY ORDER . �OUI�CIL FILE Na � By File No. _ 1746lIS In the MattQr of chang3a� the grad� o� the alley in BLU. 2, SIIi��ITBCfl'S 5�8. af ELB�. 11 and 14 of fl?DB PA81C fra� Leximffitoa P'kwq. to Oxford St. to coafmrs to the �rade as sha�► os the grofile cni file i� the Depart$eat of Pnblic Warta. ". Also, coade�aiu= aad taking aa eas�aest ia the land nacesaarq for the slcpes, cut� and fills, _iaciu�ing right of r�oval of lateral support fros ,sn�ject lsad er resaia�er thereof, oaca�ioaed by excavatiass thersof or ccn:trciatio�>of slope: i� � the gradi� aad smrfacittg pfth bitutiaous �at�rial the aZley ia aLK. 2, �I�IOI�ITSCfl'3 SIIE. of ELR$.. ll and 14 of HYDE PABIC fro� i�xiagtva P�Wy t0 thcfard St. (6-19�1) under Preliminary Order 247141 approved Jancsary 23, 197� ThE Council of the City of St. Paul having receiveti the report of the Commissioner of F'inance upon the above i�nprovement; and having considered aaid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ` 2. That tfie nature of the improvement which `the CounciL recommen�s is to cl�auffie the grade of the alley in EI.R. 2, 3IMpitl?�C�'S 3US. of ELBS. 11 at�d 14 of MYDB PABR fros� Lexington Pk�. to Oxford St. to c�fors to the grade as sho�aa on the profil� �x fila ia the Departaeat of Pnblic Works. Alaa, cotideauixg atid taki�g,an eaae�ent ia the lssd aeeeasary f�+t the slepes, cnt� ast �ills, iacluding right of rea�ral of lateral s�pport fr�n s�bjsct laad or raaaiager thareof, occasioa�et by excavatio�s th�reof or constractio� of slopes is th� ffir�diag aad a�rEaeiaa �ith bitu�iaous :aterial the sZley is ELIC. 2, �IM6UITSGS'3 S�'B. �f 3�. 11 aad 14 of llYHS lA1tR �rae L��inffitmn pkay. ta Ozfor� Se., ix aca0rdance Mith t�e blgaprint h�reto attach�d asd �a1e a psrt hereof, the t�:atch�d � portioaa shcrwing tha cuts aad the shatded p�rtious akaaing the fills. . with no alternatives, and th�t the estimated cost thereof is $ 2�•�� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on �he 5th d�y of �y� 197� , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Cauncil Ghamber of the Court House and City Ha11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner af Finance give notice of sa,id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chaxter, stating the time and plaee of . hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. : APR 7 1�J1�1 �. COUNCII�MEN Adopted by tt}e Council , Yeas Carlson Nay� � l 1,�� Da IgI ISh APprov Meredith , - , Peterson ��n Favor Sprafk8 Mayor .. Tede.sco � Byrne : Ag�inst 1�U8LISHEU APR 1 �- 191(� 6-86-2M ��� R.1