248247 � f�
Counail P�le No.............
' and
' Th4nndere�tnedhereby propoeesthemal¢in�oithefollowingpublioimprovemeat by the City of 8aint Psul,vis.:
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ceconstruct the afft`e�ialk and replare �ieh inte�rA1 curb and sidewulk on the nortlr
' �ide of tiuiversitv�Ave: fro� Albert St. to Psscal St. together with all areaways,
coal-l�oles� trapdoors� tunnels and other underground facilities of every description,
and provided that all permits heretofore granted by said City of St. Paul for the
installation and/or maintenance of such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and
other underground facilities of every description will be and the same are hereby re-
voked unleas said areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground
facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a
date which is 90 daye after the date of fiaal approval of this order; and thal
further, the Department of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby author-
ized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels
end o[her underground facilities of every description, the permittees of which ares-
ways� coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every descrip-
tion fail to reconstr�ct the eame to the sati�faction of the City Engineer on or before
the above mentioned date.
_ t — _ — — _
' ? �� of Univeraih Ave. fron Albert St. to Pascal St. together cvith all areaways,
coal-lioles� trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description,
? and provided that all permits heretofore granted by said City of St. Paul for the
installation and/or maintenance of such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and
� other underground facilities of every description will be and the same are hereby re-
; voked unless said areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground
facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a
j date which is 90 days after the date of fiaal approval of this order; and that
further, the Department of Public Works, through ita Chief Engineer, is hereby author-
ized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels
and other underground facilitiea of every description, the permittees of which area-
' ways� coal-holes, trapdoora, tunnels and other underground facilities of every descrip-
� tion fail to reconstruct the same to the sati8faction of the City Engineer on or before
� the above mentioned date. ,
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Councilman Carlson
Da1 g 1 i s h Apptoved..........»_............_........................................
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���� Meredith
Peterson �
Tedesce -�---�--°-�--••-- - •• -
Mr. President B�t�rre Mayor.
�oon �.s4
� � �' PUBLISHED APR 11 1970