248244 . � 24�;�44
co�� �e r�o..............
: Theundereignedhereby gropoeeeti�emakingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement bq the City af SainL Psul,via.:
� Im�roving Kellogg..Boulevard. (City Project K-0439) from Sibley .to�John Street_�µ�
b�r. constructin��an.Ornamental L�i�ht�ing System and by doing all other work
......._ ... ....... .... ........ .................
which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement.
........................ ...... ...... �....................�
Dsted th 'is..�:.�...�.�........daq of........w....�...�..... , 19 �
WHER,EA$� A written propose►l for the making of the�followiag improvement, vis.:
Im.,,,p_rovin�Kell�_Boulevard �Ci� Pro ject M-0439��.from Sibl� to John Street.��i
by eonstructing aa Ornamental Lighting System and by doing all other work
......................... ....... .......»....»....._..__............. . .............................. ........................................................
wl�ich is,�}�cessarx,and_in�den�al,.to,.comp,lete_,said�ia��,ro,yement.
............ ........... .. .......» ._.. ..........................
t�aving been preseated to the Council of the City af Saint Paul.. ..........................................�..
therefore, be it
BESOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publia Worke be aad ie hereby ordered and directed:
1. To investigate the neaeeeity for, or desirability of, the making af eaid improvement�
2. To investigats tbe nature� extent and eatimated coat of esid improvement� and Lhe total ooat thereof.
• 3. To furnieh s plan, pmfile or sketch of eaid improvemenL.
4. To atate w�ethetc or not eaid improvement is aeked for on the petition of three or more aaners.
_ b. To seport upon ail ot the foregoin�mattere to t,be Comrniesioner of�oe.
APR 7 1910
Adoptedby the CounciL.......................�.......................................�......... �
Y�as AP'I� � �.�►��1
' Councilman Dalglish
_ Ca r 1 son APProved._............»......__.................._.................
Meredith -
Tedesco � . . ........._..... .... . ............
M8. PBEBiD�NT By rne Mayor.
a000 T.a� � ,
� G
'�UBLISHED APR 11. 1970