248237 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK �4�`�3`� . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. ' OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK FILE OUNCI R S L 10 ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RES�LVED, Tha.t the proper City officials are hereby authorized. and direct�d to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Pa.ul, the attached "R�conveyance of Portion� of Forfeited I,a.nds to the State of Minnesota by Goverrimental S�.bdivision", as provided by Minn�sota Statutes, Section 281.25; the forfeited land being more f1a.]_ly described in the said attached copy of the docwnent of reeonveyanee. FORM PPR E . Co ti n oun 1� 7 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays APR 7 �� Carlson Dalglish � pproved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon �+ Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �UBLISHED APR 1 l 1970 0 r ♦ CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 2n pc��� s���� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Flouse 55102 April 3, 1970 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Covncil Gentlemen: The Land Committee has reviewed the joint request oi the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings and the Independent School District Ido. 625 asking for the realigbment of the jurisdictiona.l boundaries of lands under their respective control in that tract of land eammonly referred to as the Stees "80". The land in question is bounded by Sn�lling Aver�ue, Montreal Avenue and Edgcumbe Road and is pres�ntly beir� utilized for park and recreation purposes by the City of St. Pa�1 and as �n athletic field by the School District. The Department of Parks, Reereation and Public Build.ings requests the reali�ent of the jurisdictional boundaries to allow the.n to eonstruct a ne�r nine-hole golf eourse and they are hope�.l. of ca�encing construction of t�e golf course in the very near f�.iture. Insofar as the entire site is tax forfeited la.nd and under the control of the State of Minnesota, it will be necessary for the City of St. Pau1 and the Tndependent School District No. 625 to jointly reconvey the entire si-Ge to th� Stat� of Minn�sota. The City of St. Paul will then apply for a state deed embracing the area on which the new golf course will be constructed. Independent School District No. 625 will, at some ti�e in the future, apply in its behalf �or a deed embracing the remainder of the sit� for use by the school district. It is the reco�nmendation of the Land Co�mittee that the City Council �pprove the requested juri�dictional boundary realigriment of the tract of land known as the Stees "80" to allorArr the City of �t. Paul the right to utilize the referenced lands as a nine-hole golf course. • ��� � . Gy C is oner J s J. Dalglish Commissioner Vic r J. Tedesco ai , La. ommit�ee _ —� �. �� � �. G '` � C ' sioner Ro er a Co issioner Robert F. Peterson � O