248227 Ord�insl to City Clerk , -. � ` ORDINANCE 24���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� � ORDINANCE NO � " — A.n ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: t'An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions in the Glassified Service of the City, i' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Arborist III and for Sanitarian II; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: ARBORIST III siCollege graduation in forestry or related field, and four years� professional experience as a city arborist, at least two years of which must have been as an Arborist II, or equivalent. (No substitution for education.}" S ANITARIAN II ='College graduation and two yearsf experience as a Sanitarian I, or equivalent. (No substitution for education.�t' Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserti.ng in their proper alphabetical order the following titles and specifications for Arborist I Arbo ri st II ..1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah T� Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approv Attest: , City Clerk 11 y °�� Form approved Corporation Counael By�.! O�inal to City Clerk � � ` �� ORDINANCE 2�8;��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirt�r days after its passage, approval, and publication. �'4�' APR 2 2 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council G�rtson � Dalglish Tn Favor � Meredith � Peterson �� A Sprafka gainst Tedesco aP� 2 � 19�Q Mr. P esident (Byrne) App Atte t l� . City lerk Mayor �O orm approved Corporation Counsel By pi1RLiSHED A�� 2� �9�Q . . . � 24��2`� T 4t1�: of class� 1�.RBORIST :t �uti.es arzd re�porz�ibilitie�: �;3nder su�ex•vision, ta �erform 1�e�innin� level prc�fess�onal work in the City's ai•bo�ictiltu,re, �roul�d rnaint�nance, ar�d land- scapinv p��o�rams; ar,d to perform r�lated work as assigned� E�amples o� �rork performed� To assiet in insl:rt:cting ,;rc�vs cngaged in tree trimmin�;, pruning, spra.y�in;, plant�ng, ca�ify tr�atmentY franaplantingx cablingr braczn�� felli�zg, anci removal or landscapi.ng. I'c� rnake in�pectiQns for di�eascd �.nd inseet-infes•ied tr�es� T'o invcsi:igate rorriplaints re�arding tre�s. `I'o assi�t in t�chnical phases of tree pla�ating and nursery oper�tions� 'To i�nake preli.m;,nary st�.dii� regarding proposed arbox•icttlture �nd lanelscapiz��; prograrns� '�o assi5t in thc: plannin� of vror.k sch�dulES., Tu mak<> re�urts and re�oznrrzc;ndation�; 1.•'finYrnum c�t�ali.fications� Collegn �;ra�uation in for�stry or rela4:cd field, {Na substitution ior c:ducatian� ; _L_ a . . . � � 248��'� ':(-it��. ��i cl.�.: ,. .. .E�1 i.S =J � .L .�.� �. J..4 lit:�iF��s ai�:1 �•Q�.���onril.�ilil:i�;: ?1iiCiC;i ��l?�r:.i"��7..alplli 'l�0 �C"t'1`JY'Y71 �1�'t1Ct�i1: dJZ'Oft:S!<>I'1t'1� W04'�C in th+� lr,li:VU�� �7'��pit�li.�f'i3?'�'; �1'RL�I�C� T?.:«111�Erirlril.'l-;i and land�caping pro�;x�.nz�; ;�t.n r.� pnw•toi•�r� z•�l.at:ed work as assi�;nedo , �..camp2es of woi•lc pc:r :;r�lr.c�: Ta ]zave ci�arr;e c�.z a �_re:�� c�� crc�v5 �n�aped i�z i rc;e triinrning, r?]°i121111i!, S;�:r""��'ll'<F?,. �7�r)Tt1:i2'1.�,f Cai'']�iJ ±7't:1'CI71t=?'1'', tran��lc'1.ritlTl�c c�ai�iir��;, �ra�ir��, i�clli.f��;;, .•�:=r���val or iand�:.at�in�.. To �na.c�. in�pec;;ons fc L �:,�,ea sec aT�d in��cc -:�.lafe�t�d tre.es� 7:"0 ;.��v,�s�:�atc_ �ornrl�!�n!:s re�ai-elino �r�cs< Tv insn���'; c;on�.t-���:���:.�s�� o�- �::�:�J.�t�� i.nstalla�sions wo cietermine if 4i•e��.. sv�ll 'n� ai1�,�:E:d. 'T'o <�.�si5;; �.� F'nc �t:pE:r.�•ri.sian of tri;c; pl�.�`�ir.� and nurs�ry operations� '1`o as�i�:'; :'.n �re 7cr��.t-�in� �p��i�.l formi:,lae fvr inscc�i�ides and {c;�i-iliz,e?•s,. 'i'u i•�commc:nri 'r,h�: ��r�has� Znd main;:�nanGe of. forestry equipment rznd cupplie:. To plazi worlc schcd�l�s, T� prcpar� spt�ial r�pori.� and ri�ords< �in+mum qLal;.fica'.iox�sa Colle�e gradt�aiion in forestry o3• relai:�d f�.eld� and two yeaxs' e�peri�nce as an. Arb�rist � oz �q�.ivalcnt: �:�'Vo suhstitution ior edt�cation, ; s,i_. . • ������ `T�.��1�. o f: �.�<�..�:� 1:�.�� � � � �s� � � � � � � i?;:i�;es and �es;aonsibilitie�° ��n���• a.�pe.�°4ision; t:o x�e:riorr� beginnin� Ievcl prufessional work in 1�e Cii:�-°� �i•i�oa•i��.�l.�tu.r�, ;;round ir,aint�nance, and land� �^,iC�.nI11� 1�iU�:�7.2'fl:_ c+.lxC� �:O f3�?TfOI'd11 T�tu"l".�� LVOT�C 2tS as�i�,ned,, r.x:a.rc��Ie�; of u�ork perforrr�r�d� T� y;;si.:t i�z in5i:�•�;a�r.ir.� .�a•e�v� e:ngageci in L-r.c;e r�1TI�Y11171f�, pruning, sp�-at.i:n�. x�?.axifi;�n�, ��a�-i�:y� tr�;atmc;r�ty yr�n�plan�ingX cablin�;,. l,ra.�zi�;;; �`.eilii�i�, ai�c� �e:moval or landc�,apznn� �"c� m��;:=�� i�-�snr c:�ian: fox• dis�zs�d �nd 'znsc.��:=-inf�s�e� �rees.: 1.'o tI1T'':::�i:i�at� cUZn�;lai.nti� r��;a�din; �rE��: `�'o a::�i��t iri t<.�hni.cai ph��es of �Er�e plantin�; �,nd nurs�ry o�t.�•��tion�.: T'o �r-;a�� Pr�•lin;;.naxy stt:di.e� ?•egardin� �acoposed c1Y'bOY•icul�:<<re ar.,� ?::���.clsc��.��i;i" Pa a�rai�s, �O a.^-,�_;�� 137 'C�IC: �31:)T2ri�.T1� Of WOT�CC EC}�e�1elG�.. �t� ?�.��.lc{�� s•�=,��r�:s �in�.] re�cornrnc:ndai:i�ns. �4'_`:�,r:i,;.�ra�A�Z c;ti<tli.zic�?tions� C:��l�;� �x•aduati�n in iorestry or reiaLc.a .�it;1d: �Na s�ibstittttion fc�� -:dtrcatiUn. ; � �y�n � � . ��C7��� Z'i�.',� c�f cl.ar=�: t1 �t .f� L� �: �r �� 1 � �1_i�1C S c"L11� :i C'.5�021:7t�?1�.1'C1L':'. �f;.ln�er �upe�•vi��ion; �ca �Erfc+*�rxz difficult professic:�nal �vork in the Cii:y°s arl�ai•i�,ultz�z°�., �round xz�air_i:enance, �nd landreaping . ns�o���an�s; �n�i �o p�r�orin rel�c�;,�d �vorl: as aesi�ned. E;;am�les o.i wo1•l, res�i:e3�rY�c;�?. `To ?��.�r� c?�a��;c af. a cr�:�;;+ or crewe en�a�ed in tree �rimmin�, �;riy.nin�;, ���-.��in�:� planti.T��,r ca�ri(�y trc�a�t:znen�, transr�lan�in�, cabline, 'qr�:��in�, f.cllin�, .r.c,rr�oval or. 3and�capin�;. To maZ�c; in���ec�.ion� fci• c;aeased and ;nsc.�:v-'_�fest�d trees� 'I�,� inv°�ctz��te ��•om�l.ain{.:s ��ega.�din� scre�::� 7u in��c�:: cors.rt�..:�iic�zz or .q�,:.lity� in��a�la:ions �co delerxnine iE �r��s Y�:i..tl �� a�'f��;:ed.. To t�.s�i.s�: F.n tnr� st.per.e,•i�iun o:f ir�c plan�•ir.g and x�ursery operaxions,: To as:i:,; En pr•�sc��°.bing sn�.cial form�tl�z� for inse���icidts anrl Icr�:ilizc?-s� To rc�commend '�lzr; pGr�hast and mainfenance af forestry equipment and supplieF. 7o plan ��ork s�hedua.l�s; To prepare spe�ial repor�s and records- Min'r_rn�.m qual�.fica�ian�e College gradua�tion in £or�strg or rela�i�d f�eld9 and two years' �hper.ience as an. Arborist I or eq�ivalent, �:No s�sbsL-itution for education, ; v;'s_. April 7, 1970 1+�. John Haider, Director of Personnel, City Civil Service Bureau. �- �ti� .c . . . _ '. �i'� . '},� 1/�� ►71i i � .. The City Council t ve t Resding r to>�be .: ; ;;.:,. following two ordinancea: - ' C. F. 2�8226 - Ame Or . 3250 by inserting in S�c. r "Prof. Group", title bori�t I" in Grad� 32, e� ti "Arbe�i�t II" in Grade 36. c C. F. 2 7 • Ameadi Ord. �'1'607 bY strf.king ou� the mi if'icatiot� in t�e epeci�i- Gdt30 !'Ox "AY'bOx'i1P�t SII" and for „S ian II" and by subetituting n�ew isl in lieu t�reo�; ALSO by ineert- ing in ite proper alphabet3cal arder t�e titl.es snd gpeaification� t"or "Arboriat I e�z'd II". hird ing an these ordina�ac�s will be April I.5th.1970. Very truly youra, City Clerk hp . This ordinance changes the minimum qualifications in the specifications for the titles Arborist III and Sanitarian II. It also establishes specifications for the new titles of Arborist I and Arborist II. � Ist � � 2nd � Laid over to �1 i6� 3rd and app�—Adopted !� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson f�risoir- Dalglish Dalglish Meredith Meredith Peterson ����� 0 Peterson Sprafka � Sprafka � Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O Duplicafs to Pzlnter � � ORDINANCE �����'� COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��{ �� � ^ Sectian 3. This ordinaace sha11 take e�e�ct and be fn force thirLy day� after its pas�age� appxoval,. and p�blfcatio�. -4- APR 2 � 1976� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �Ga�}sex_ Dalglish � Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka �' Against Tedesco ��'� � � �',��!j ik, Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By DP�lieate to Printor ORDINANCE �4���'� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO '''� An ordinanc� arnending C?rdinarice No. ?607, entitled: "a4n ordiaauce fixia�g the dutfes a�nd responsibilfties and the mfnimum qualifi�ation� far the var�ous �l.asses of poeitions in the Classif�ed Service of �he ��ty, " appraved February 13, 1935, a� arnended. THE COCTN�IL OF THE ��TY OF` SAINT PAUL ���5 ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7b07', app�raved Febrttary 13, 1935, as amended. be aad the Ba�ne is hereby further amen.ded by striking ont the minimurn qua.lffications ia #he specificatioa� for Arborist I� and for San�tariaa J3; and by substftutin� in lieu the�reof� respectively. the followutg: ARBOR�ST iY� "College graduation in fore�try or x�tated field, and four years' profe�asional e�cperi�n�e as a city �rboxist, at leaet two years of which m�st have beea aa an Arbori�t II, ox equivaleat. (No sub�tit�tion fo� educatian. )" S AN�T.�A�'Ai�T II "Callege graduaticn aaa►d two years' exp�ri�c� as a Sanitarian �, or equivalelst. (No aubetitutioa for educat3.oxs. )" Sectiaa Z. That said ordinance. a� amend�d, be and the �ame ie hereby further amended by inserti�►g in thei� proper alphabetical order the follawiag titles and specificatioas for Arbo ri st I Arboriet i� -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By. �.,_;:� _. �_ - - .+a�',r ara�. �s�Y� <.�.,r .Y.�x::. . _. .. � . �