248219 . }(�[� ;R161NA1 TO CITY CLHRK ��+�19 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE (�MMITTEE IL RES T N-GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE DA A 1'�I i I�ESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the fo11ow3�n� bersons at the addresses 5tated. e an same are hereby granted. K�rner-Dumont, Inc, 274 S. Snelling Beauty �hop App.14�08Re� Michael W. Godleski 2069 Ford 1'kwy. Beauty Shop " 1�+704�� 5�ella Anderson 2121 Randolph Beauty Shop '" 14808'" John P. Gartner 752 S. ^leveland F�t Shop ' 4 ` Hove's Fodd Market. Ine. 2083 Fortl Fkwy. F'].orist-N. " 74 • �nTinkelts, In^. 429 S. Robert Restaurant �-2 "' 707° " '" Off Sale Malt " " " " " Cigarette "' " " Albert L. Mullenbach 48$r.92 St. Peter Restaurant �-1 " 807' " " Tavern r, n n " " �ff Sale Malt " " " " " Cigarette " " " Albert �. Unise 380 Jackson Restaurant C-1 " 881 '" n '" Clgarette n n n Lu^ky Lanes, Ir�. 21�5 Ford Pkwy. Restaurant C.-2 " 1098" �2 '" Cf.garette n n a ° " Bowli.ng 24�! " 1099" Gerald J. Isaacs & Robert R. Dehart 2210 Hudson Rd . RPStaurant C•�2 " 1278'" " " Tav�rn " " " " " Cigarette " " n Pure OiI Co. 2005 Ford Pkwy. Gas Sta. 6P " 1380* Carl �. Swanson 90� E. Mar,yland Florist-N. " 142�'" Dri-Kleenette, Inc. 2207 Hudson Rd. Idy DC Plant • 1426" A1.Ten Margette 665-9 �, Snell�ng Qras Sta. �P " 1�42" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19.— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O !Rf6INAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL AIO.24�2�9 L2CENSE OQMMTTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 7, 1970 COMMISSIONER DATF �ontd. Pag� 2 Twin Star PoSt #885�+ 820 �oncordia Restaurant C-1 App.l�+64�en; " M On �ale M�lt " " " " " Orig.Cont.wDr r �i h " '" Cigarette " " " Horst of Austria, In.�. 2169 Ford Pkwy. B��uty Shop ' 1533" James J. Verhulst 2060 Randolph Gas Sta. 4 p " 15�3'" " "' Gen.Rep.Gar, n n n Romolo Monda & Jaoqueline Ruger 889 Rice Restaurant C-2 " 1584'" n n Cigarette w n n Marti.n Olson 108d Grand Bakery "B• p 1604" George W. Nelson 1446 R�.ce �atering B "" 1627' " � 1 V�1�16 M 11 t! Menard .fl. �wanson 1074 Grand Grocery A-2 " 1(29n w � BLitC�l@r n n t► " " Off Sale Malt " " " „ . c�.g�rettE „ �� �� Charles & 1Kaurene Hjelle 859 Front Grocery A-2 " 1638" " "' Froz.Foods " " n " �� �ff Sale Malt '� �� " " " Ci.garette " �' " George R. Herbst 600 N. Da1e Restaurant ��1 " 1654" � " Grocery A-1 " " " n tt �igarette "" " �� Grand �ve. Motors, In�. 850 Grand New M.V.Dlr. " 1656" " " 2nd.Hd.MV Dlr. " " " " " D1r.Rep.Gar. " " " " " Elec.App,Rep. n n n " " Cigarett� ►+ n f� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approveci 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �����9 LICENSF COMM'-TTEF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Ap2''1.1 7s 1970 Contd. Page 3 Snyder Drug Stores, In�. 2145 Ford Pkwy. Confectionery "B* .Q�pp.166! " • Hardware " " " " " Florist-N. n " u n " Cigarette " n a George Stoltzman 8$ 1rd. �ook Groeery A-2 " 1676" n " Froz.�'oods " " " n e� Off �al� Malt n n n a n Cigai'e tte a n n Robert D. Tr�ber 635 s. �nelling G�n.Ftep.�ar. '" 1712" �' � Cf��i`��1;e n n • �yis Tru^k Stop, Inc, 2205 University G�s �ta. 6P " 1713° i�i.11ows Convalescent & Nursing Center �420 Marsha.11 Rest Home-N. " 1762p Mrs. Evelyn Mangan 2044 Ford �kwy. Beauty �hop ' 1?63" Donald Spiess & Peter �enf,son 1365 Pierce Butler �d. Gen.Rep.Gar. " 1792" n " Cfgarette n n n G�orge R� Bus�e 894 �. Lar�enteur Florist-N. " 1'�94� " n 1 Veh.#1o32 � n n Patrick Barron 996 Front Barber �' 1799" La,wztnce J. Kress 496�»8 Thomas Grocery �1•+2 " 1801" � n �ga2'e�te n n w General Electric Co. 2225 University E].ec.�pp.Rep. * 1803" Lawrence L. Fryklund 49�1 N. Snelling Florist-N. " Z$29n Harold P. Theisen 1.581 Ford Pkwy. Gas Sta. SP " 1832" n � (�en.Rep.Gar. u n n " " C�,gare�te n n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK ���J'�S��r� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ""''� Llc�rt�� coMr�tl� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ApI'I.�. �Ia 1�70 COMMISSIONER DATF Contd. Page 4 S & H Bev.�Multiclean Products, In�. v,M.I,oc„1M App.1849Rer� �� 2277 Ford Pkwy. 8 add.vm " " " p �J2tcob S�`hmidt BI`eWi1�g Co• 882 �� 7th V�M.Lo^�lM " 18fi�" '� n 6 �tdd.vm n n n Pure Oil r.o. 63�o.Snel1• �as Sta. 3P " 1902"' St. Paul Hospital & Casualty Co. 721 �. 5ne11in� �.M.Loc.1M '" 1920"" Harold Hallberg 1314 Whit� Bear V.M.Loc.1M " 1921" Dan T, Peterson 1630 University 2nd.Hd.M.V.Dlr. "" 1923" Kerner Dumont, Inc. 274 S. Snelling V.M.Loc.1M „ 1933p Sir Vend, Inc. 307 N. Washington Mpls. FdS.�M Oper. " 1936'" Battery Warehouse Service, Inc. 909 Selby V.M.I,oc.1M " 1943'" Weinhagen Tire Co. 2Qb S. Wabasha V.M.Loc.1M " 19�° Roy J. Deutsch 2?4 N. Snelling V.M.Loc.7�! " 1946" Chrzst Keller 193 N. Western Barber " 195�" " "' Elec.App.Ret�. n n n Eugene �. Nagel 832 Whi.t� Bear 2nd.Hd.D1r.Gen. " 19�0" M M Flec. Pp•Rep• n n n Julian M. Clemens 1459 St. �lair Butcher '"B" " 1975" Harry D. S�hwankel 896 Rice �onfeetionery '"B" I"976"' n " Cf.g�.'ette n n �� Joseph & Harvey Novick 298-300 S. Snell�.ng V.M.Loc.1M !� 19�" R.B. Whitacr� & Co., Zn.^. l05 State V,,M.I,o�. 1M " 19$5" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne . O OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � /7���jV Ll��ts� �aM���s CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ap�� rr� COMMISSIONER DATF 1-97� Contd. Fage 5 Ruben '�J. Carl�on 146-50 N. Snelling V.M��,oc.1M �.lpp.198E�n �1.R. Kolar 506 s�ith V.M.Loc.1M " 1991" Elmer Merkle 1040-2 Selby V,N'.Lo�.1M " 1993" Virginia �eber 1405 AmeS Beauty shap " 1999" Raymond T. Wessinger 360 S„ Snelling V»M.Lcic.1M " 2004" Willard L. Wh:itcomb 246 �. Snelling V.M.Lo^.1M " 2007'" 11 q 1 add.mach. " " " Gold Medal B�v.,�Vincent F, Strauss & Paul Rudolph V,M.Loc.1M " 2015" 1�36 Grand '" �rthur Shaffer 374 N. Lexington V,M.Loc.1M " 2�27" " �Horst of t�ustria, Inc. 2169 Ford Pkwy. V.M.I,oc.:LM " 2039n '" �Highcroft Nurs3.ng Home 391 Pleasant �.M.�c,1M " 2040� '" �Kroger �o., Inc. � Grand (,695) V.M.Lo�.ZM " 2047e " �Harold P. The3.sen 1s81 Ford 1'kwy. V.M.Loc�,1M " 206�" "' �National Food Stores, Inc. 30 "'. Fairview V.I�.Loc.1M " 2068" '" �Pure Di,l Co. 2005 Ford Pkwy. V„M.Loc.1,M " zo73" " �Phillips Fetrol�um, Inc, 1817 Randolph V.M.I,oc.1M " 2076' '" %>Red Qw1 �tores, Inc. 2020 Fard P"kwy. V.M.Lo�.1M " 2082" " �Royal 0ldsmobile �o. 734 Grand �,M.Loc.1M " 2084" " '" 1 add.vm �' " « "' �Kenneth I.. Baker 1580 Ford plcwy, V�M.Loc.1.I�i " 2p85• "' �Royal Qldsmob�Ze �o. ?33 Grand V�M.Loc.1M " 2086" " �kelly Oil �o. 2111 Ford Pk�ay. V.r�I.Lon,�t " 2087• ' �Ruben Zamansky 485 S. Snelling �.�.Loc.1M " 209$" Q �Ray B. Leland � Fiank Rolli.ng 90 N, Dale V.M.Loc.1M " 2099" Swnmit Manor Nursin� Home 80 N. Western V�M.Loc,1M " 2107" k'ing's, Inc. Municipal Airport v.�.Lo�.1M " 210$*' Lawrence G. Lindahl 1675 White Bear V.M.Loc.1M " 2115" • • n n n 2 add.vm COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O - 19T }RI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LzcENSE ool�tz� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� April 7, 197� Contd. Page 6 Highlan� Car Wash, In^ . 1985 Ford Pkwy. Gas Sta. 7P App.2Z28NNen " " Gen.Rep.Gar. „ n �� ° �' Cig��tte n u n Falph & James Ut�cht 1668 Selby V.M.Lo^.1� " 2132" n �� n i� n 1 add.vm r Reid N. Ray ilm Industries, Inc. ?_269 Ford Pkwy, V.M.Loc.1M " 213'�" James C. Kircher 1617 �ite Bear V.M.Loc.1M " 213g" Joseph �'rancis 2038 F'ord Pkwy. Barber " 2145« Highland �ar Wahs, Inc. 1985 Ford F'kwy. V.M.Lo�.1M " 2147" " " 2 add.vm " " " St, Paul's Church �ome 484 .�shland V.M.Loc.1M " 2150" " `� 2 �dd.vm n n ■ Fred R�..�hard 738 Se1by V.M.Lo^.IM " 2151" Matthew J. G�rafalo 245 Goodri^h Gen.Rep.Gar. '+ 21g7" Servomation TC �OLP H��h School 880 Portland V.M.Loc.1M " 2201' " " 14 add.mach. " " " �.n Ci.ties Vending co.�Hotel Co�odore, In^ . 75-9 N• Western V.M.Loc.1M " 2221n " �Economics Labratory, Ira�. 370 `"abasha V.M.Loc.l� " 2231"" �r '" I add.vm n n n " �St. Bernards Recreation �enter 197 W. Geranium V.M.Loc.11� " z233M 5ecurity Food, Inc. 181'j-9 �e1b�t V,M.Lo�,lI� " 2238" Gerald �andquist 61� Como Barber " 22�n P�oneer Vend.�St. Paul Counci� Arts & Scienee VM I�oc.l,�[ " 2243" " 30 E. 10th 5 add.vm N tl f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne � ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK ����19 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL LICENS� CQMM�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �P2'.1-1 �• Z.�J rT O CO M M I551 ON ER DATF Contd. Fage � Pione�r vend.�BM9a Club 2��45 E. 6th O.M.Loc.1.M App.2244�n, " �CIT Club 360 Robert V.M.I,oc„1� " 2��5" '" �Nietropolitan �utomotive Co. 588-�610 N. Robert V.M.��,1M " 22�7'" n �� 6 add.vm " " " " �Childrents Hospital, Inc. 311-15 I'leasant V.M.Lo^.1M " 2248" "' �David H. Vadnais 1428 Pacific V,M.Lo^ .1M " 22�+9" '" �Garri�k Ramp, Inc. 384-b�.90 st. Peter V.M.Loc.lM " 2250Z � ;�reenb�.er Home, Inc. 9�1 Birmingham v.M.Loc.1M " 2251n , `�HaroZd Theisen 1581 Ford Pk�ry. V,M.Loc.lM " 2253" " �Ruben Zaanansky 4$5 S. Snelling v.M•Loc.1M " 225�" • �Hillcrest Bowling, Inc. 1560 Wh�.te Bear �.�.Lo�.lM " 2255" u • 2 add*vm n n * " �i�a�alester �o�lege 1600 Grand A.M.Lo^.1M " 22Z8" n (Dayton H�11)'" 2 add.vm n u n '" �' (Kirk Hall) " V.M.Loc.2M " 2259'" " * 2 add.vm �� n n • �Don Marrone ForEl, Inc. 683 F. 7th V.M.Loc.1M " 2260" n n � add.vm u n u " �I.M. Hen�um 2178 Marshall V,M.Loc.1M r' 2261n " �National rntard Hangar Nol.man Fie1d �.M.Loc.1M " 2265" " �Northern Malleable Iron �o. 867 Forest V.M.Loc.l� " 2266" " " 6 add.mach. " " ' " `�Pha,len Fark Rack & Cue, Tn,, 1365 E. M�gnolia v.�.Lo�.1M " 22�T' " �Betty Frances, In^. 22�+5 Hudson Rd. V',M.I�oc.l� " 2269" n n a w n 7 add.vm • �Victory Auto Park, Inc. � Wabasha v,�.Loc.1M " 2270" " �Waterous Co. 80 E� r'illmore V•M.Loc.�.1� " 2271" " " 6 add.vm " " " � �i�[�i� 47 S Cedar •���.LOC.ZM �� 2272� a "� add.vm n n u " �YWC�I 65 E, Kellogg �.M•Loc.�+i " 227�'" " • 4 add.vm " " " Gopher Stazap & Die �o. 78 T°". Chicago V.�.Loc.1M " 228�i" The Sibley �o. 184 E. 6th V.M.Loc.1M " 2285" M N 1 add.Vm n n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O 'ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �����g � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LI�ENSE COMMITT�'E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER �Ar�-�. 7s 19�0 DATE Contd. Page 8 Nalpak Cflffee Shop, Inc. 333 SibZey V,M.Loc„1MI �pp.2286�en� " " 1 add.mach. " " " George Kline 1627 �ite �ear V.M.Loc.l� " 2288"' n n 1 add.vm �� n n Frederick Schweiger't 1820 St. Clair V.iK,Loc.1M " 2289" n u 1 add.vm n n o Ear1 Balzer 467 N• �nelling �f.garette " 2293" Charles A. Ra.uschnot 868 �ice V.M.Lo^.1M " 2295" John M. Scott�Three Si.Sters, Inc. 33 �. 7th V,M.Lo^.1M " 2299'" �rlington Recreation Center Rose & Greenbrier V.I4I.Loc.1M " 2306'" Beko-Pac, Inc. 516 Lafayette Nd. V.M.Lo�,1M. " 2311A � Williar.� J. Wheeler 1290 Folsom Mtr.��eh.Dr. " 233'rL Richard E. �1.son 1166 E. 7th �tr,Veh.Dr. " 2412"" �� 7 ��0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� 7 �� Carison Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka /�~' Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne IRIBLISHED �PR 11 1910 O