248217 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � ,���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO,, Llc��rs�; Coz�Y�im'�.�: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 7, �.97� COMMISSIONE DATF lr,���: Proper notice has been received �,s to change of officer in the Midway LiGUOr Store, Inc. 1944 University �venue, hoTders of Off Sale �iquor I,icense No. 2415, expiring January 31, 1971� therefore, be it Rc;SOZV:r;D: That due to the death of Frank A. Rigali, Geraldine Ann Rigali becomes the S�cretary and also a stockholde�e, be �,nd the s�.me is hereby approved. Off Sale Liquor �stablishment Change officers Informally a�proved by Council Apri1 2, 1970 A;�pn. L-740 � 7 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays +�R ? ��� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon � Sprafka Mayor ��gainst ��«SHED APR I1 i97() Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O . � G � _ CITY OF �AINT,PAUL � ` Capital ot Minnesots � ���� 7 �e a�t�e�t o ab�ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTBCTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, CORiRl188tOIIC[ POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,DeDaty Comsls�tower DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Impeetor April 2, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, 2�Tinnesota Gentlemen: Currently the Midway Liquor Store, Tnc. at 1944 University Avenue, are holders of Off Sale Licuor License No. 2415, and miscellaneous licenses, all expiring on Janu�ry 31, 197!�. The officers oi record are Geraldine M. Ri�ali, President; Frank 1�. Riga�i, Secretary; �x�.d Dolores Ba,rrett, Vice-president. The three officers are also the stockholders. Due to the death of Frank A. Rigali, Geraldine Ann Rigali becomes the Secretary and also a stockholder. " Attached are copies of applic�,tion m-=.de by the corporation for the change in officer and stockholder. �Very truly yours� �'�,✓�C%�%Gr.r�C�/�/�/�'( ` License Inspector � ,/ , �� � .� o � �� ' �ta4-�ass � . ' a10HN E. DAUBNEY � ATTO R N EY AT LAW � 73B MINNE90TA BUfLDINO — , 9T. PAUL, MINNEBDTA 66f01 � March 9, 1970 . Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin � License Inspector Department of Public Safety lOth & Minnesota Streets � St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. McLaughlin; Re: Midway Liquor Store, Inc. Please be advised that Frank A. Rigali, who was formerly Secretary and Director of Midway Liquor Store� Inc. is now deceased� and his place has been take by Geraldine Ann Rigali, who was the sister of the decedent and���ie daughter of Mrs. Geraldine M. Rigali, the president and principal stockholder in the corporation. It is requested that you submit the name of Geraldine Ann Rigali as a replacement officer and director of thia corporation to the License Committee and to the City Council for their approval. ' Miss Rigali will be happy to appear at such timea as requeated for . purposes of identifying herself and providing such in�ormation as - is required. ���- Ve truly�yroura, ' • �� �r�".; 1 r�;��` ..... ,..�^'°��0 E. �AtJBNEY JED:pr Enc. �,,�9���)��,�, h '� . N r l� �� � ��i� 70 � !` �r R E('F� �,, U F � �, O �evt ��SF 0/��� �o c�'d' �a�c � c' saf e,.y '�,,� ���7 �Z��?�� ,.,, � ,u . erry ��s��� PA�n n�p�R�rtT � �Lre s���ey Li(�ASE DNISZdN Da te ��•70 19 _.__._...� 1. /�pPlioatia�. for L�i.�,a. ofr�le.e�._ n0�,+.�i�., k..�a� s na�o �e��_ TA..,.�� I,iaense . . ..:�--•...-...�..r.-.�.l..:-�-�_-�� 2, Ha�e oP e►pp].ie�►nt �+raldins tl�m Bi�aalit ,S�or�tary for 2lidva�r Liq�or Stor�, Inc. 3. Buaineea addresa ��'4 �P'�'e�'�+T e'�'�• Re�idenae 1500_9._Missi_s$ippi River Blvd. - - s . , . �. Trsde x�ame, 3.f aay bo xetail Beer Federal Taa 3tamp Retail S�iquor Federal Tax Stamp �i.11 be usedn _ ......__ _. _ __ 6. Cn �rhat flaor lacated �lumber/ of ron�ns used`�: 7. Betw�sen �at cros� strsets llhich side of streat 8, dre premi.aea nrnv oocupied l�hat busine�s HvR long ,,_.e. _.. _ __ _ . 9. �,re premiaea nrnr un.00aupied Haw long Qa�ant Frevious use . _,,,.e.. _ ._._ 1�. �re y�u a ne�r v�m.er Have you been in a similar busine�s before� �__.. __ '�here '�Phen 11. dre you goisig to operate �hia buaineas perssonally If not, who �rill oparate i� 12. Are you iu any other buaineea at the p�resent tim�s 13, Have there been any Qomplainta againat yuur oparation oP thia type of place lihen 111here � 14, Ba�e �rou ev�ar had a��y lioena� re�olasd l�hat rea�on and date 15. Are you a aitisen of the IIx�tsd S`tatea Ye8 Nativ�e X Ne�turalized __.�__.... _... .�,..__..___ 16. 1lhere w�ere you box°n St. Pa�ul, Mirui.. Date of birth Dec. �8, �938 17. I am. � married. MY {�riPe'�) (hus'band 4 s j name and addre�s is � � � 18. (If inetrried femsle) my maiden name i� 19, Hrner long hsve you lived in St e Paul lifelong - �0. Have you e�er been. arre�ted �O Violatioa oP what ariminal ]s�r or ordinancse —_._._—�. 21. Are you a regie�hered voter in the Ci�y of 3tt I3�u1 x Yes Nt�d (Ans�aar full�r ax�d oompletelye Theae a 'liaatio�.s are thorou hl ahecsked an�i an faleifiQation �.11 be cau�e for eniala i � 2 , l�umber oP 3,2 places �rithin two blooks � 2 . Closeat intaa�3.aating liquor plaoe, �i Sale flPf Sale 2 . Neareat Churah Nearest Sahool _ E�e Nt�mber of b�otha Tables Chaira Stools ?,�6, '�t oQOUpatiun ha'v'e you Pollowed for the p�at five y�earso (Give namea of empl��x°� � and date s a o emplo�red.) i Secretary for Real Estate Research Corp., l�t National Bank B1.dg., St. Paul, Minn. _ . _ _ . . . _ � . ?, Giv�e� �mea and addresses o� t�ro persons, reaidents of 3tQ P4�uls M�.nnp, who oan giv+e it�o�me►tion Qoncarning you, __ _ i �� Joaeph P. LaRssa ,�aareae 13� S. Cleveland Ave., 8t. Psul� Mivn. i� John F. Daubne Aame Y �ddress 1798 Colvin Ave., St. Paul, Minn. � , �.,�. • si��u� o� �1�8� State of Minnsaota� Gera dine C ounty of �mse� �ss j Geraldine Anu Rigali _ _ _ _ being first duly s�worn, dap6�es aral say� upon ost �t he ha� read the o�g sta�ement bearing hi� signature and l�oxs the ecn�eata thereof� and th�t-the .eama is �rue- of his a�n l�iowledge eacept aa to thoee mattera ther�in etated upon. inPorBation and belieF and as t0 thoae mattex°� he believ�eb tham to be true. i � �- . Signature of Applicant �18ine Aan Riga13 ,! bl�bsaribed and elrox°n to before ma ' I t�ie 9th day of Mar ��19 70 � .�..a.ae �..� ;��r ...,. �, t a ,�...�.,,.: ., � N��°y� cs, ey , o ty, , e s a ohn �, De�ubn�ey � � ' �" M3r Cc�mi.saion e��iree%` Au6• 9, 1975 _ _ ��. � j (Note� Theee �stateme►nt furms are��5.xi �duplioate.��� ��Both Qopies must be Pully fi�led outa ! notarized9 and returned to the Liovnse Divisione�i � i � I . ' AFF IDAV IT 'B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IT, BEER UR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: OYP Sa1e Liqua� Lioense Name of applicant Ge e S e Bu�iness addx�ess 19�14 �Versity Aw. Are �ou the sols owner of this business? nO o If not9 is it a partnership? corporaticari? yes , ot�her? Others in�erested in buainess, include those by loan �f m.oney, praparty or otherwiees � River Blvd. Nam� Geraldine M. Rigali Ad��ss 1500 S. Mississippi g� O�ficer, Director 8a �����e��e� Dolores T. Barrett 2571 Crown Hill Court Officer & Director , • If a corporation, give its name Midway Liquor Store� Inc. no Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Besr or Liqu�r businasa? Aa aole a��vrser? P�rtner? Stockholder? atherwiae? (Through loan of moneya etc8 Explain) Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same ' �'-V' ^ li Signature of applicant State of' Minnesota� �9 3 County of l�msey Geraldine Ann Rigali bei.ng first duly srovorn, deposes and says upon oath that he haa read the foregoin� affidavit bea ring his signature and l�.aws the contents there�f; that the same is true of his w+m ]�ovu�ledge, except as to thoae matters therein. atated upon inf orn�ation and belief and as to those matters he b�liaves them to be �rue. � ^ li Signatura of applicant Subeoribad and sworn �o bef ore me this 9th day of March �7� 70 � � .j;���`�''� � ,� a .�r�n�� +��.�,��� � =�,�.,�. Notary ublic, Ram.se Courrty, Bdinnesota John E. �aubney My oommzssion expires�'� Aug• 9 19 75 � , � ` . s�� � �nvrr�so��) � ss Ct)UNTY QF RAMSEY �o���� ��S�i being firat duly s�rnrn, doth depose and say that he �kea this affidavi� in connecstion �rith application for " Off ,�le" liquor license (" Sale" mal't beverag;e licenss� in the �ity o� Saint Paul, :Minnesota; that your affiant i� a resident �f the State of Minnesot� and hae resided therein f or �2 years, months, snd is n� and has been for the tiuvs �bove mentioned s bona fide raaident of said S`tate and that 8he no�rr resides at 15U� S. Missisaippi River Blvd. ` Aaare�s st. Paul , Mit�nes ota, City or Town � � . r ne ga Subsari.bed and swrorn to before me this��_day�of M�'ch �.g 70 t , "°��-- �'�� John E. ...__ _. ' � ' � y "� '.," V.- �. . Daubney o,tary �b1io, Ramse �unty, �i.nnesota ..t �y �o o'h�(is s i on expire s A'�8• 9, 1975 �'; Apr11 2, 1974. fs ;' i i `- 4 € 1 k � Hon. WiLliam E. Carlson, i � Cosnsr. of' Public 8efety, :._._._�=^.w��'. '`��� lOth. and Minrt. �te., '', `', St. Paul, Minn. __..__ `�. '�� Attn,'b�':_.�n3.el P. MeLa'�hlin Dear 31r: %� ��'', '� �� ��� � � The City CounciX tcx�ay�\inPc�m�"L�jr approved �he applfcation of the Midwey Liquor., tor��;�tnc., at 194�+ University Avenue, holder� of Of��'Liquor Lieense No. 2�S15, and miace7la�eo�.:liGense ``�,�.1. e�cp3ring on Jan. 31, "lq'Tl, Por a !E�,nge i��,d�`fic� a'�,�e de�cribed in yaur letter of Apri�' 2nd., due �+a`�,tha c�i�ath of k'rank A. Rigali. � k` � � ,, ; �l � Will you gl�e�e BrePaY`e� the cu�tc�z'Y resolution? � ; ` _.i,, , ", -------� ��� Yery truly yours, �` 4 ; ���`�, ,'�; City Clerk , , hP ° -_._