248216 OR161NAL TO�CITY CLHRK � � ������ , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �zca�sE cor�rz�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RE LUT N—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ApZ'11. 7� I.97O COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLV�"�;D: That ap�licr.tions for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor Licenses, app�ied for by the following applicants who are holders of Qn Sale Liquor Licenses at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted �.nd in compl�,ance with C. F. No. 235531 which amends OrdinG:nce Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code G,nd Ordinances. Chickett's Ba,r, Inc. 171 W. Seventh St. App. 499 Renewal .Albert I,. T��iullenbach 488-92 St. Peter St. " 806 " �1lbert �1. Unise 380 Jackson St. " 880 " Lucky L:.nes, Inc. 2155 Ford Pky. " 1087 " Tom's Bar, Inc. 417 University �ve. " 1914 New Initial A�pn. Infornally approved by Council �:s shown on each appn. � 7 ��0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Carlson A�R � ��� Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith _„_In Favor Peterson _ ' Sprafka � Mayor ��A gainst Tedesco PUBLISHED ApR �� �g7p Mr. President, Byrne O .� ' � � � . CITY OF 3AIN'� PAUL Capital oi Minnesota �z Y � ��.� �e a�t�sce�t a u�`ic �a et .AF-r`"".`�` � � �� POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, CoItIMI881onCT POL[CE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, DeD�ty Consia�ioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Insyeetor Maxch 12, 1970 Honorable Ma,yor and City Council Saint Paul, rLinnesota Gentlemen: Currently Tom's Bar, Inc., 417 University �venue are holders of an On �ale Li:�uor License at that loca.tion. ihey have so been licen sed at this address since November 1966. Application is made at this time for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License in connection therewit�i, effective Sunday, March 15, 1970. ktta,ched is a copy of their a��blic� tion for such a license. Ve�y truly yours� �� �h,�` ' . License Inspector , � �'. c/'!� ( � O w I• � � AFFIDAVIT F�R SUNDAY i.IQUOR ZICENSE APPLICATIQN � , Na7� � . . . _ C �� .�.. . Tteaidenae �,ddres� � �Z/ Liaensea - Addx°eas of Buainess � / ' �c����� �L� ���" l� I herab� apply fop e� $pec5.a1 Sunday Liquor licsenae. I have a Resfaurant - ) license with aeat�;ng oapaoity for � geoplee $igned �� / Sfate oP Ad'S.nneaota) )SS C oun.ty f Rameey ) � s-,vrL - v being Piret duly sarorna depoeea an says upon ua h tha he ha� rea th.e fcreguing a�fidavit bearing his aignature and �l�i e t �ontents thei•aofa that the same ie true of his aRn l�c�v].edge, exoept ae to tliose matters there�n sta�ed upon information and belief an.d as to �hoae matters he bel.ieves them �o be true„ Signa ure of applieant Subaeribe�, and awo to befar�e me this /o� da� of 19� Notary bli aey Countya ota My oa�►.isai apires � � �� ' 19� DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commisslon Expires Oct.25, 197_0 > � l�arch 12, 1qTQ Hon. i/illiam E. CarUoa, Camsr. o! Pu�blic Safity, 'hntb and ldima. 8tr., St. Psttl, Minti. Attnt 1�. Daaiei P. N�cLaugtil.in Dear Sirs Tl�e City Caurcil tod�y into�aally appraved the spplication of T4oe's Beur, I�c., 417 tTnl.wsrsity A�mtie, hold�ers of Oa Sala Liq�or Liaease at thst location, !oT • Stim�y-�S-Sa].e Liq� t.icens� ia camnecti� th�rfxitb, ett�cti�re 8undey, March 15th. 19?�0• Will yau please pactpar� tt� cuitc�ee�ry resolntion! �`Y �'�,Y Y�'�s City Cl,erk �