248212 . ♦ ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK ��]���`,� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. `''�` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE Lzca�sE cor���r��L:�; OUNCIL ESO UTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 7, 1.97� COMMISSIONE DATF ��rT'��iS; Eischen-Aekerman Post i�o. 1715, V.F'.L�J. holders of I,icense No. 1735, and Eischen- l�ckerman �'�u�ciliary iVo. 17i5, Y.F.��1. holders of Zicense No. 1736, both pez�nitting them to conduct �n.go Ca.mes at 454 Onega Street on certain evenin�-s� and �EAS: Both organizations reauest the amendment of the address of the license from 454 Onega Strezt to 770 East Seventh '��reet and the post change the day from Tuesday �venings to Friday Evenin�s� a,n.d the auxil.iary ch...nge the day from Thursday �veninss to Suxiday �'venin�;s, for the remaincler of the respective licen.se years, therefore, be it RLSOZV"r�D: That above amendments be and the same are made to e�ch lice•r_se as requested, �nd a�proved. Amendments to Bingo Licenses Znformally a;,;proved by Counc;l April 2, 1970 Post No. 1715 VFW Appn.1364� Aux. No. 1715 VFGi" Appn.�3649 l�llR 7 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 7 19�a Carlson Dalglish � pproved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka D Mayor A gainst , Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED APR 11 1970 O � . �� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ���� I� // � �e a�tinec�t a ablic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTBCTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FiAE ALAItM ROGEB At. CONWAY, Depoty Commis�toner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, License In�peetor March 31� 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Sa,int Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently the Eischen-Akcerman Auxiliary �ost No. 1715, Veterans of Foreign Wars 3nolds Zicense No. 1736, expiring April 9, 1970� permitting them to conduct Bingo Games on Thursday �`venings, between the hours of 8:00 �a.m. and 12:00 p.m. at 454 Onega Street. SevePal weeks ago transfer was made by this organization to a new location, 770 Ea,st Seventh Street and changed the days from Thursday Evenings to Sunday ��renings. Therefore, applic�=tion is made for the following amendments to their current licalse. �.. Change the address from 454 Onega Street to ?70 East Seventh Street. 2, Change the day from Thursday Ever_ing to Sunday Evening„ Such application was made by this organization by letter at that tine. However, the letter was lost and a second request is made at this time. Attached is a copy of their second letter of application. Very truly ours, ��%Y�t.GG/ ,�v� , . I,icense Inspector O ♦ N r Mr. Daniel PicLaughlin, Licens� Inspector Public Safety Building ^ � ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 �'��`''°�/-�%�` � %� ` � � ; Dear Mr. McLaughlin, The request we made for transfer to the halls at 770 E. 7th must have besn lost, so on your advice we are now requesting tnis change. At the present time our Post has bingo on Fridays and should have 24 sessions left to the termination date of September 4,1970. Our auxiliary has 2 dates lef t - Narch 29 and Aprll 5 ,1970. The auxiliary is presently making application for renewal for 21 sessions to begin April 12 and end August 30,1970. . This would coordinate the post and auxiliary renewal dates. III� Vrould like to apologize for the letters we mailed which stirred up such a hornets nest. We mailed 100 letters two diff erent weeks. We wou2d like you to know we would not knowingly break any ordinance and this was only our intention to crzate some business for our games as they initially were really having problems getting started. We think that at the present time we have begun to work the problem out and that the people are giving us their patronage. Enclosed is a copy of the letter we mailed November 24,1969 re- questing the transfer. We hope that the request can now be approved. � Sincerely, � , ,. � � � � r � l i � ;��� Jj, Ben Votel-Manager � �222324 252s�j- `�.�`i' •�'�a �'�� � ���i j� `� C� . � ��1�� �:> .� I;`^ (J ;J� � l C n ,,.. (,���, � � p. � - ! ���� �� VSF �j� ti ,� F�h,,�o�v �, �/ Sa�ery 'O �1����Dl 6 a La� • , CITY OF �AINT`PAUL Capital of Minnesots �e a�t�e�t o ab�ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTA FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER l[. CONWAY, Deputy CommiMioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inayeetor March 31, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, rti.nnesota Gentlemen: Currently the Eischen-Ackerman Post No. 171.5, Veterans of Foreign Waxs hold License No. ��35, expirir� August 25, 1970, permitting them to conduct Bingo G�,mes on T uesday Lbenings� between the hours of $:00 and 12:00 p.m. at 454 Oneoa Street. Several weeks ago transfer was made by this organization to a new location, 770 �;ast Seventh Street Gnd chan=ed the day from Tuesday �venings to Friday �'venings, which w�3�lextend the expiration date to Neptember 4, 1970. Therefore, application is made for the followinb amendments to their current licelse. 1. Change the address f rom 454 Onega Street to 770 East Seventh Street. 2. Change the day from �'uesday E;venings to Friday Evenings. 3. Chan�e the expiration date from August 25, 1970 to September 4, 1970. Such application was made by this organization by letter at that time. However, the letter wss lost and a second request has been r�ade at this time. Attached is a copy of their second letter of applic«tion. Ve�y truly /yo�ur � � // � . U License Inspector O � . • � . < Mr. Daniel McLaughlin, Licens� Inspector Public Safety Building -- / , St. Paul� Minnesota 55101 =�'J�'�' � �� ����, J %± ' � Dear Mr. McLaughlin, I' The request we made for transfer to the halls at 7?0 E: 7th must have been lost, so on your advice we are now requesting tnis change. At the present time our Post has bingo on Fridays and shouln have 24 seasions left to the termination date of Septe,�nber 4,1970. Our auxiliary has 2 dates left - March 29 and April � ,1970. The auxiliary is presently making application for renewal for 21 sessions to be;in April 12 and end August 30,1970. This would coordinate the post and auxiliary renewal dates. n� would like to apologf.ze for the letters we mailed which stirred up such a hornets nest. We mailed 100 letters two different weeks. We would like you to know we would not knowingly break any ordinance and this was only our intention to create some business for our games as they initially were really having problems getting started. We think that at the present tlme we have begun to work the problem out and that the people are giving us their patronage. Enclosed is a copy of the letter we mailed November 24�,1969 re- � questing the transfer. We hope that the request can now be approved. f � Sincerely, �� ,'L_l� �-�-� Ben Votel-Manager ��222324252s�j� � �P�,9. ��� ���;i:�. � � �� ,� ` �/�, ::? r� (�`I C', 1♦ � _ � /L�r• y`���` � � V � v !. ��F��/,, D�� W dl �Sa�e� Y � �l��<<Ot 6 � 1,�'� L.��� . V � -.� y, � �'�, / 2- � � .r����.� � _�«� �� I��n. ',�n. E. CarS.st�n (;rir.'i�Y`. 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