248203 ORIGINAL'{O CITY CLHRK ������� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ,. c. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER 8obert F. Petersou DATF April 3rd. 1970 !lw..r ..F �.,1�7{.. wwrba •`' ��1r�� iif�RSAS, T�e foll�►iag �I'�t�IliOtIS G�1�RACTORS havisg met all 0f the �rovisiotts of Chapter 220 of the Zegislative Code of the City of St. Paal a�ad haviag made t�e proper applicatioa for a �IT�IIPOtIS QOrTRAC7'��R�S LICBI�S1�, it is herebq RF.S�LOED, That t�e said �ITtA�II1��S ('O�TRACT�RS upos grovidia�t a bosd and the pay�est of the Sixt� Hollars (360.�0) licease fee,ats hereby qranted � licease5ae�thorizing the� to eagage in the busiaess of BITt�I/tp�TS (�U�C'1'OR in the C.ity of St. Paul for the year 1970. Bituminuna 4urface Treati�g Ca. Bit�mi�aes Road�a's Inc. PenBig f�natruction Ce. APR 3 ��' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �c�--- APR 3 197� Dalglish � proved 19—_ Meredith _1n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka J ayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 'pUBIISHED �� I1 1� O �� ��,.��� DUPIICATH TO PRINTER C��( OF ST. PAUL � �����S � COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MM SSIONEQ �O�@Y� F @'�@'��OYL DATF A1���'�' '��d �'S,O �. wF '1�,.1�1 d rr_- id88�, 1'he follo�in$ DIT�I�Ol� t��A4'�+QR3 having �e� all of tFce provisions cf Cha�ter 224 of tbe �gi�Lative Code of the C�ty of 5t. Psul and hgving ma:de the pro�+or appli�utio� for a H�Z'!'ltI1A�U� GOIATBA��tS �ICBI�S, 3,C fa her�bq 9�S8L'Rl�, �`hat tbe sai� BZTt�tINE1�S f�A�TBACTFI� upon p+rovidir� a bond aad t6e payment of Lhe Sixty �11ar: ($6fl.a�) licens� f��,a�e hereby granted $ kicen���uthorizin� �Ch�am t+� �ngage ia t�xe ba�iness o# I�IT@[I110�S Ljt11iTBAC�A �a t�a City df St. 8au1 far th+e year 197n. l�itumiuous �urfr�ce Tr�ati�g Co. �itwa�iavus �tvad�ags Inc. �'��i� Cnaetr�ctinn Ca. ,- , . ;'�,�'�� v A�_a .> COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays� `` ;��. 6a�lson— Dalgliah � Approved 19—._ Meredith f � _�n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka � Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne 65