03-41Counoil Pile # �13 �� Resolution # Green Sheet # �0�� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 ?1 , Z Presented By Referred To NEIGHBORHOOD STAR PROGRAM GUIDELINE MODIFICATIONS WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program was established by the Mayor and City Council on September 9, 1994, by Resolution #94-1127, to promote partnerships through neighborhood revitalization; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood STAR Board was established for the purpose of making recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on matters relating to the Neighborhood STAR program; and WHEREAS, as part of its ongoing responsibility, at its December 11, 2002 meeting, the Neighborhood STAR Soard has recommended several amendments to the STAR Guidelines which require legisiative approval; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes include: raising the maximum Neighborhood STAR Small grant amount aliowed from $20,000 to $25,000; and delineating the circumstances by which faith based community applicants may participate in the program; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the Neighborhood STAR Board, the Councif of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the changes to the Neighborhood STAR Program Guidelines as delineated on Attachment A, and hereby made part of this resolution. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA \3 Committee: Date Requested by Department of: Flannin nomic Dev o �nen �- By ��� Approved by FinanCial SexviCes Adoption B} Approved B} 8y: FoYm AppTOVe 3y: by 3y: Adopted by Council: Date � �op',j DEPAI2TMEMTfOFFICE7COUNC[L: PED CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: Michele Swanson, 6-6574 MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGPiATORE PAGES D"''� ��`T`'TED GREEN SHEET 11i4f03� � RVTTLUJDATE 2 Darnizz�rasN1• �ut Mart ASSI�GN 3 CLTYATTORNEY a if�. NUMBER FINANCIAL SERV DIlL FOR 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) $OUTING — ORDER AT T T.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1vo.: 204959 �'3 -�4� INI7'(A[.(AATE 5 crrv covrrcn. _ crrY ci.� i nDt�3srssxvDm. Hammer wccouKr.vvz ncTTOxxEQuES�n: Approvaf of Neighborhood STAR Program Guideline Modifications RECOMMBNDATIONS: Appcove (A) or Reject �) PLANNING COMMTSSION � CIB COMMTTTEE � CNII.SERVICECOMMISSION PERSONAT., SERVICE CANTRACTS M[FST ANSWER TIiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONSc 1. Has tttis person/firm ever worked under a contract for tl�is departlnent? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfum ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this pessonlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any werent ciTy empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach to green sheet INI1'IATING PROBLEM,ISSUE, OPYOR'PONITY (Who, Whak WLen, Wllere, Why): The changes to the Neighborhood STAR Guidelines will increase the maYimum small grant request from $20,000 to $25,000, will increase the mnumum large grant request from $20,001 to $25,001 and will clarify eligibiliry language for religious arganiza&ons. A^� VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Sxnail gant recipients can receive grants up to $25,000. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: nT:� ffiSADVANTAGBS IR NOS APPROVED: Guidelines stay the same. ����. ��� � � '�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $O.00 FUNDING SOURCE: FINAI3CIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST{REVENUE BUDGETED: AC'CNITY NIJMBERS: N/A � � ��\ - Attachment A - 2003 Neighborhood STAR Program Recommended Guideline Changes: 1) Increase the Small Grant Program Funding Limit PART 1, STAR Program Cycles, Paragraph 1: The STAR Small Grant Program cycle occurs each February through May, and provides matching grant funds for non-profit and public entities. The minimum funding Request for this program is $5,000, with a maximum request of �28;886 $25,000. Appendix: Acronyms and Definitions, Definitions, Page 15: Small Grant Program - The Neighborhood STAR Program that awards small grants of $5,000 to $29;666 $25,000 for programs and projects. 2) Increase the Minimum Amount Availabte through the Large Loan and Grant Program. PART 1, STAR Program Cycles, Paragraph 2: The Neighborhood STAR Large Loan and Grant Program begins in May of each year, and funding recommendations occur in late September. Non-profit and public entities may request matching loan and(or grant assistance of $�8;6A�- $25,001 or more. Individual businesses qualify for requests in excess of $50,�00. There is no maximum loanlgrant request. 3) Clarify Eligibility of Religious Organizations. Include the following language: PART 2, ELIGIBILITY, Paragraph 1, Eligible Applicants: Ghurches and religious organizations are eliq+ble to a�plv when in partnership with a neighborhood and\or communit�proup with respect to a project that is non-sectarian.