248089 �48��9 co���ue xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEME1vT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' T�eunderei�nedherebv ro themal�ingofthefolYowingpublioimprovement b�►the Citq of Baint Psul,vis.: �ar��all L�r�'ses on and ac oss tha foll.� n aescri��i�e r�oad b condemn n and takir.g a� easement y open r.�, w1 ening an epx�eendi n� the Short i bed tract c� larid: `I'ha� part oi L��t h, St�tuiivi sio� �f A d�s �arin� 1C0 acs., lYW-� of 5.11, T.2�� �.23, b.,,�nded b�r the foliow�riR described lines: ginning �,± �, �oir�t on the NEly yine cf �h�.t ces�taii. h �:asemer_+ as sfiown on the l.an filed �° ord Jan. 1�+ 1 6 fi ��.� � � P 9 iil the of ce oi' the ke�;{ster of' Uee3a S.r. az�d �or R:3r.►sey �Q I�ii^n. in i�,00k t�2 J P18.PS pg. ��'F sa d ��int bei.��q 152.C9 ft. r:wly. r�f the e�,st lire �f �aid lot tS�as me�,sUr�;u along the said nely l�ine of �he hw��. ea.sement,� tnerce nwly along said n��l_y iinr� �, distance of 20p.�1 f`}:.; thence nelv. perpendicui�.r +o the last aesc.ibed line a distance of 1�.0 ft• thence sely. alon� a st��,i�ht l�n� � d.$,���a�ce of 21Q.� ft, tc� a, poir.t 20 ft. r.ely oi the �oint �' be�innin�; tj�ence sw�y. �. uzs ance o� 0 r ,, o the pcin of be�inn3r.g, as shown on Drawing �o. 20�1, ih�awer r�n, !+, on _°ile ;n #�� D�artment of Public Works. __ Dstedthis... ...........»....day of................................................................................, lg ....... .............................Rober�..�r...�terso�a.. ................... .......__ Counailme�n. PRELIMINARY ORDElt. WHEREAS, A writtea propoeal for the making of the followin�impmvement, vis.: 'artiai.l.-,y operiinr�, wid.�ning anc� extencll.r;g the 'oh�rt L1°�e i�oaa b e�t�ciemnin , �,nd takinu� a� e?sez�ent E'��r hw�. �>>���c�c�3 �a�� �..Yr� ac�ous rh� f�l]���,:n�� cxr�scrLhed tract c� la���: `rha� part,��f' L��t � , :�.�b�l�v�.sio7 7f Ayu s T�'arm, 1C0 �,es�. , T1'w,, of �.71., I .�t; �,2�, bc�t,nc;;ed t_��- t.he foll.c�w�n�7 �iescrit,ed 1ir.ee: ��i.i;�in�; a± a. p�i�t otl"the NEl �. �_j.ne cf �h�t ce��t�i�: lis��y. et;,sement as s�owTi on the glan i'i1e� ^° r�c ord Jan. ?�± l�b� i�� the of�ice �i' thc, ke�;i ster_• of Deeas i� aTici �o?• R;�.r�sey CQ I�!i.^.n, j.ri L,���'.���' �f Dla.:��s p�• ���� sa d i�:�:.rt be:j �Q 1j2.19 �t. r.wly. ��f the e�,st line o:. said. lb� LS�as raeasurt�. aJcn�Z, �he said neJ_�� 1�nE of' �tie �w��. =asemCi�„� t�er.c� nwl�,� along sa�d nel.y �ia;.� t� ci�sta,nce of 20G,�7 f:. ; .ner_ce nelv, ;.�er en�tcul�,�� +c the last uesc_i��d line a distance of l�. .b ft• *hcnce se�y �lc-� a �t�;�,i.�ht l�r� � �i -tancc uf 210.� f't. t� �, poirt 2�` ;'t. nEl; ��: the �o�nt �' re�itmir.�; t�r,�q�„ ;�„ly. i u� s�ance ��� 0 f�. �o the pcin . �f ber�,un3n;, as �hown on Drawin;; l�o. �0�1, llrawer i:�. -+, c:. rile , � �r. the Derar�tment o�'_.�'�;blic Wor�ks _ having been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.........................................:......................................_.... therefore, be it � ftE$OLVED, That the Commieaioner of Publia Worka be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or deairability of,,the making of said improvement. C� 2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total eoat thereof. G. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. • 4. To stste whether or ao�eaid improvement ie aeke�gor on�,he petition of three�r more owner�. 6. To report upon all of f,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finanoe. .� 2 6 1970 Adopted by the Council..._......---•........................ .._........................ Y�wwe � � � Y��Q Councilman Carlson Da 1 g 1 i s h APProved.........................._..........---........................ ������ � Meredith Peterson � Tedesco ......_.. . . ........ . .. ........... ...... Mr. President BXtrre Msyor. �000 9-64 ! 1�1TBIlSHED aPR 41970 �