248086 � ;�48U�6
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Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpublioimprovement bq the Citq of 8aint Paul�vis.:
Co�demnin and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including
..�......... ................---...........»...... ...............� ............................................................................_......
right of removal of lateral. support from sub'ect land or remainder thereof� occasioned by excavation
.�..».......... ..... �__...... .........................r .......�......»....a...
thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bttuminous material a�d construct
........_.�..........�__.___................................. ........................................
concrete curb and gutter on HYACINTH AVENUE from Park St. to Sy van St.��so construct a sewer for
storm wat.€C.,Rux ....... ,...., �
Dsted thie. �2�...day of.............Ma r ch ...,,.... .,,...., 19 � .
. �� Cot�na`l�an.
WHEREA$, A written propossl for the making of the�following improvement, vis.:
Condemning_,and takin�an easea�ent..in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and itlls, including
�ight of removal of �a:teral . support from subj�ct la�d or remainder thereof, oc��asiot��.d by �eyc�avation
................................. ............................._...___..........................._.................... .....................................:..............
thereof or construction of slopes.�in the�raai��.and�surfacin� with bitua�ir�ous �aterial and constract
concrete curb�8 gutter..on�HYACiNTH AVENUE from Park St: to S�rlvan St� Also construct a sewer for
storm �rater purposes. G-1735................._...�.�.__. ..... ....�.._.. ............ ............. ......
h�ving been presented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul.......... ............................_................
therefore� be it
R�'SOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direcfeci:
1. To investigate the neaeesity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvemen�
2. To inveetigate the nature, exteat and e�timated caet of eaid improvement, end Lhe total cost theraof.
• 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or aketch of said improvement.
4. To atste whether or not said imprnvement i�aaked for on the petitioa of three or mat+e ownere.
-. b. To report upon aU of the toregving mattere to the Commiesioner of�nanoe.
�p� 2 6 ���C
Adoptedby the Council..._............... ........................_..................... �
Y�►s .
' Councilman Dalglish � 2 � I910 -
. Ca r 1 son Approved.................._.._...................._..._..........
Meredith ,
Tedesco � ..._. ..._.._..... . ' . ..
Ma. PsEStn�rrr Byrne or.
a000 �-a�
� pua�isHE� APR 41970
. � .