248085 � 24���5 � co�au�8 xo......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thenndereignedhereby propoeeet,bemakingof tbefoIIowingpublioimprovement by the City ot 8aint Psul,vis.: Grade � Surface with bituminous s+aterial and construct concrete curb and �utter �.on HYACINTH NVENUE.from Park St. to�van St. Also construct a sewer for.storm . water.�u�osesa�_.GW173��.Also construct water service connections. ............... .....................�............._.... ........................�............ .............................. Dsted th ' 2i�..........day of...... March �� �9 70 ' . � Counoilman. PRELIMINARY O�tDER. 'QVHEREA$� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Grade b surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and �utter �_µ�on.HYACINTH AVENUE.froa� Park_St...to._Sxlvan St�. Also construct a sewer for�� storm water purposes. G-1735. Also construct water service connecttor�s. ............_................... ........................... ____................................................................................. ._.............................. hs►ving been preeeated to the Council of the City of i3aint Paul.......... .............._.....................................�.._,...... therefore, be it ftESOLVFD, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. Ta investigate the neceaeity for, or desirabilitq of, the makiag o#ssid improvemen�. Z. To inveatigate the nature� extent aud eatimated cadt of said impmvemeat, and the total coet thereof. • 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketah of eaid improvemea� 4. To stats whether or not said improvement ia aeked for on the peti`oa of three or more o�rnere. _ b. To report upan atl of the foreg�oing mattere to t�e Commiesioner of F'ina,nce. � 2 6 1970 Adoptedby the Council.................... .........»................................... . Y�as WIp1R 2 � y��� = ' Councilman Dalglish Car 1 son Approved..................�......_.............M.................... Sprafka Meredith Peterson � Tedesco - • - - Ms. PsEeia�x�r By rne Mayor. l000 7-64 • � , � : �uensHEO APR 41970