248084 � �48(��4
. co�aa�e rro.............
T6eundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpabliaimprovement bq the Citq of 8aint Paul�vis.:
Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessar� for the slo�es, cuts and fills,
including right of removal of lateral su ort frar+ sub'ect land or remainder thereof
.................................�....�__.............................. ..................................�..............._ �
occasioned by excavation tfiereof or construction of slo�es in the radin � surfacing with
""6T�um nous ma'�terTa�"f�and consf"ruct concrete cur5'wb gutter on H�1fT'�:�om�l.�. � E.
�,�,,,,Fro„nta e Rd. to We tmins,�,er St�,,,, 1 f '„�,g,�,,,,,,,
Dsted t�h '�........day o�..... Ma rch .... 19 0 :
• � Couno�msa.
WHER,EA$, A written propoesl for the making of the followiag improvement, vis.:
�Condemn i n� and taki ng_ an easement i n the 1 and,nece�sa�,fgr ��„;l,gpg���,��f i 1 1 s,
�,,,�i n.c 1 ud i.n,g„r i gh t .2f..re.r�4Y.�.L...4.f..l.s�.�g C.�.l...�.til[t&4C�.:f.XS200...�?,d.��...l.dAtS�..�x...C�IAd�..�L�of,
occasioned by excavation the�eof or constru.ction of slopes in the grading and surfacing
""'t�i'Yhi�'g't'C[8�'li'tSiSiJg'"fi���YT�T"�'n�"con"s"�'ruc�'conc're'fe'�cu'r'[i"�:'gu��e'r'on"HDY'T"7xVF.""'f'"rom T:S. 35 E.
_„F ronta9.e..Rc�:..�s..Wes������,e�,..��,,..__Al.�Q.�Qn�tr.us�...�xQr.m.ar�x�x..�x:�:�_f�.i.Lit�.i��.�..._
having been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..........._..............•---..................._.........�.�.
therefore, be it
RF50LVED, That the Commissioner of Fublio Worke be and is hereby ordered and directedt
1. To inveatigate the necee�ity for� or desirability of, the making of 8aid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature, ext�nt and eetimated coet of asid imprnvemeat, and tt�e total eoet theseof.
• 3. To furnieh a plan, proSla or sketch of said improvemen�
4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is aeked for on the petition of three or more ownera.
_ b. To report upan ail of t�he foregoing msztere to the Commiesioner af I+�nanee.
� 261970
Adoptedby the Council........................ ............................................ �
� Councilmat� Dalglish � 2 � 1��A
. Ca r 1 son Approved......._.�......_....._.............�........._...........
Meredith .
7edesco � .--..�.. .. ...... :=
Ma. PaESin�x�r By r�e Mayor.
a000 �-a�
, � �ueusHEn APR 41970