03-406(j�',��il�f�� Presented Referred To Date BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the April 14, 2003, decision of the Legisiative Hearing Officer on a Special Legislative Hearing far the following address: Properiv Ap�ealed Ap elp lant 1694 Ames Avenue Ann Henderson Decision: Appeal denied on the on the Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate dated April 11, 2003. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey J Bostrom J Coleman ✓ Harris � Lantry ,� Reiter � � 6 a Adopted by Council: Date � ,�, _ 4 �,3 � � � �r � Ado� By: Appr By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �� ,. �}O �. Green Sheet # 200655 3S Requested by Deparhnento£ � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � City Council Offices bNTACT PQ2SON & PFiONE Marcia Moermond, 266-8560 1U5T BE ON COUNCILAGBJDA BY (DAT� DATE INIf WTED April 16, 2003 ASSIGN MIIA�9t F'OR '0" TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET O 3 -�{,O( No 200655 ��.u,�,�� ��„�..! ❑ arcwnon�r ❑ anarnrz ❑li111111tJR1.aERVICFSGR ❑AilU1CJ11LfFRVIRGCTO ❑ WvortloRASmTMIi) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the April 14, 2003, decision of the Legislative.Hearing Officer on a Special Legislative Hearing for 1694 Ames Avenue. PtANNING CAMMlSSlON CIB COMMffTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION iS50NAL5ERVICE CONiRACiS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESRONS: Has this PersoNfiim e�ervrorked untler a mMract fw Mis dePartmenl'! YES NO Hes this personlfirm ever been a ciry empbyee') YES NO ooes u,is personRmi v�ss a sia�� no[ nwma�bryosse%sed bv any cument dH emo��`reev YES NO �S ihis peisoNfrm a tarpHed vendoh YES NO OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDfiETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMATION (IXPWN) �a •'��� MINIJTES OF THE SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE HEARING 1694 AMES AVENiJE Tuesday, Apri114, 2003 Room 330 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:41 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Teng Vang, Code Enforcement Appeal of Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate at 1694 Ames Avenue. Mazcia Moermond stated this is an appeal of a condemnation that took place on Friday, April 11. Ann Henderson, owner, appeared and stated the inspector was there once when she was present and once when her husband was present. Ms. Moermond asked is she saying the conditions did not merit a condexnnarion. Ms. Henderson responded she did not think so. Teng Vang reported that when he was there on Thursday, April 10, the bathroom was a mess. The bathtub, toilet, and sink were diriy, and both bathrooms were torn up. There was ground in dirt on all the floors. There were dirty dishes in the kitchen. Most of all, there were dog feces in the basement, and the dog or someone had stepped in the feces and spread it throughout the basement. This is why he condemned the property. Ms. Henderson stated that was dirt and not from the dog. Mr. Vang responded there was one pile of feces and it had been stepped in. Her husband said it was dirt. Some of it might have been dirt, but it had feces mixed in because someone had definitely stepped in the feces. Ms. Henderson stated both bathrooms are not torn up; the one downstairs is finished. Mr. Vang responded that is not what he observed. He did not take pictures, but he noticed both bathrooms were torn up. Some of the walls are also torn. Ms. Henderson responded stated the only thing torn up upstairs is the grout that they are hying to regrout. They took the wallpaper off because it was peeling. Nfr. Vang stated the general condition was dirty. There was feces in the toilet that had not been flushed. Ms. Henderson responded there are eight kids in the house, and there is always someone that doesn't flush the toilet. She cleaned the house, mopped all the floors, and cleaned away the debris. Ms. Moermond asked was there evidence of infestation. Mr. Vang responded it is difficult to look for infestation of small bugs, but he did have the opportunity to go to the school, talk to the school nurse and a teacher, and see bags full of bugs that he was told were pulled off the children. os-�to� SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJTES, 1694 Ames Avenue, 4-14-2003 Page 2 Ms. Henderson asked what kinds of bugs. Sbe was never told anything like this. Mr. Vang responded ticks, lice. Ms. Moermond asked has she had communication with the school nurse. Ms. Henderson responded not lately. Ms. Moermond stated the bathroom does not sound impervious to water. Mr. Vang responded it is not. Ms. Henderson responded Yhere is nothing wrong with the bathrooms. She is working on the one upstairs. The one downstairs is completely finished, and they aze now clean. Ms. Moermond asked the ages of the eight children. Ms. Henderson responded 19, 15, 11, 7, 6, and 5 years of age. Plus, she has a one yeaz old granddaughter. The 18 year old, mother of the one year old, moved out. Ms. Moermond stated the condifions did merit the condemnation if they are as the inspector said they were. It is good she is cleaning up the place. Ms. Moermond needs to decide if the conditions merited the condemnation, and if the inspector acted appropriately in doing the condemnation. From what she can determine, the inspector did act appropriately. She is going to uphold the condemnation. Ms. Henderson responded she has no place to go and cannot move out of her house. Ms. Moermond stated the next step is getting the house approved by Code Enforcement for habitation again. Ms. Henderson will need to get the condemnation lifted, which is when Code Enforcement feels, based on an inspection, that the house is habitable again. That may be the case today. Right now, she is looking at the conditions observed last week. Because there are so many children present, she would also encourage the Code Enforcement to have a short order to vacate, unless Ms. Henderson can convince them it is habitable again. She may need to talk to Social Services to find a different space if the house can't be kept habitable. Ms. Moermond is concerned because of the children present and the school nurse finding insects. Ms. Henderson responded she was never told anything about insects. Ms. Moermond asked did she not observe the insects hersel£ Ms. Henderson responded the lice have been an ongoing problem. She gets rid of it and it comes back. She has vacuumed the bedding, the rugs, washed their clothes, sheets, pillows. Mr. Vang suggested the problem may stem from the clothing scattered in the basement. Ms. Moermond suggested she schedule another inspection. Ms. Henderson responded Mr. Vang said he will come anytime he wants. She waited azound last Tuesday and he never came. She spoke to him on the phone, he briefly said a few words, and hung up on her. Mr. Vang responded that is not true. She talked to him on Friday after he had condemned the house. He had talked to her husband and told him why he was condemning the house. She came on the phone and was asking the same questions. b1-�O v SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES, 1694 Ames Avenue, 4-14-2003 Page 3 Ms. Moerxnond stated this is not the place to engage in an azgument about what did or did not happen on the phone with notification. Clearly Ms. Henderson was notified. Ms. Henderson responded she was not told why. Ms. Moermond stated Code Enforcement may be looking for the following in arder to lift the condemnation: 1) no dog feces in the house, 2) information from a pest control company because the situation is to the point that it does need the involvement of professionals, and 3) clean bathrooms and kitchens. Now is a good time for Ms. Henderson and Mr. Vang to sit down and put together a plan of action about getting the properry reinspected before it is deemed ready to be occupied again. Ms. Moermond will have a resolution prepared for the City Council to consider and she will follow up with the Mayor. Code Enforcement can move forward with orders to vacate as soon as the necessary signatures are obtained. This issue will be on the City Council agenda for Apri123, and it will be a public hearing. Ms. Moermond recommends denying the appeal of the Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate dated April 11, 2003. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m. rrn CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Dan¢/d J. Luna, Ciry Clerk 03-�oG CITY OF SALN'I' PAUI, Randy Ke11y, Mayor IIOCiryHafl Telr 651-166-8989 15 GY. KeP.o,;gBoulevord Fn:: 65I-?66-8689 Sair.t Pau1, .bfinnuota 35IO2 Aprii 11, 2003 Ms. Ann Henderson 1694 Ames Avenue Saint Paul, VIN 55106 RE: Appeal for 1694 Ames Avenue Deaz Ms. Henderson: You application for an appeal has been received and processed. Please attend the public hearin� befare the Legislative Hearin� Officer on NIonday, Aprii 14, 2003 at 10:30 a.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your appeal concerning the above referenced properiy. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officer will hear all parties relative to this acrion. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeal. Sincerely, ��:�%�2� �/�JL�O�/ Lucille Johnson � Clerk Typist III cc. Teng Vang, Code Enforcement Andy Dawkins, Director Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer AA-ADA-EEO Employer � 1-�PPLICAT`ION FOR APPE AL oz .�to 4 Prooercy Coce Eniorcnment Leb:sla�ve. F 170 Ciry Ha11 Sa17!S paLL, ti� �J � �z Teiephone: (6c1) 260-8989 l. Addr�s oi nro�erry be?ng Appe��e�_ I Z_ Nur.ber oi Dwelina TJnirs: � /104� e � ,�e � � � 3. Date of L�tte: Anpealed: ,l � . 7 �/ %DYl�eyni'1Qr -Ord er I L� VQCc�7 4. Name of Owner. /'t J�? !/2 � EY?��Y'S D/) � Aersess: ��p �? � �S C:ty: S J' Stace: M,� � Zip Code: .�',g /Of� �lnn's WorK� Phone �tumbe� Business '7 y 7 — / � j�+ (� Residenc� � � � � 793 — 7 � � Si�aturz: � 5. Nane oi Appellant / Applicant (if othe: th�z owner): Address: C:ry: Scate: Zin Code: Phene Number. Bus-:ness � Res:dence Si�narure: 6. Srate sped.fic�lywhat is being a�ne:ied as,d why (Use an atcacnmeat if nec�ss�ry): ��. ✓rn� ��,�z_ z� -('.�._ � �-e ��' . cd i.,��[. oz�- � � , �t0'Ir._ A 525.00 filing fe� made pay to the Ci'ry of Saini Paul must accampany this applicarion as a nete<sary cnnririon for filing. You must at`�ch a capy of the or,g*�al orde:s and any orher corespondeace relaiive io �his appe.sl. _ Any pe_son unsatisfied by the final de�:sion of the City Council'may obtain judicial review by tune?y fiIing of an action as provided by law in Dissict Courc. For Office Use Only I Date Received: � Fee Rec..ived: Recei�c Nunber: � ir-o3 5��'��2./ 3 a � �� Si98 IntemetaPF�"�"�" ��; 3o/�.,r�, . RPR-16-2003 . � 14�49 CIIY OF Si PRUL ENF 651 265 6y85 P.�2i�3 Danald.L Gunn, Ciry Gcrk DMStON OF PROPERN CODE ENFORC6Mb'NT -- ilrtdyDa�vki�ss,ProgiomDirector p��uQ� 1 CTIY OF SAINT PAUL RandyG Kc1fy, Mayor )lOOWhkc 1lcarAve N. Tel: 65l-I66-1900 SaiarPauLhfN551D6-1bn8 Faz:65l-366-192G April 11, 2003 NOTICE O�' COI�1D�iVINATION A� UNFIT FOl[2 HiJMAN �ABITATIOl� AND 012D]ER TO VACA7CE Emie R Henderson/Ann B Henderson 1694 Ames Ave St Paul MN 55106-2904 Dear Sir or Madam: The Citizen Se�vice OCfice, Division of Code Enforcement has determined that the dwcllin; and premises at 7 G94 AMES AVE is "Unfit for Human Habitation". In accordance with Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 34, Section 23, the premises will be placarded on April il, Z003 and ordered vacated no later than April 13, 2003. Xour attention is called to the following provisions of 5ection 3423, Subsection 6 entitled, "Vacation of Structure or Unit": "Any residenfial structure or residenfiat unit �vhich has bcen condemned or piacarded as unfit for hum�n habit�tion shall be vaclted ivithin the time sct forth in the ptacnrd and/or order. It shall be unl�wful for zny person to let to nny person for humAn habifation any structuie oY ttnit so condemned or ptne�rded, and nn person sh:�Il occupy the structure or unit after the datc sct forth in the pincard and/or notice." THIS DWELLIIVG SHALL NOT AGAIN Ti�'USED FOR I�IINTAIY HABITATIOiV UNTIL W12ITTEN APPRO'UAL TS SECURED FROM THE CITY OT SATNT PAUL; CITIZEN SERVIC� OT+FICE, DIVISION OF CODE ENFORC�:M�N"1'. Principal Vio(ations: Tltese deficieneies must be corrected before this condemnation and vacate order will be removed. I�louse is grossly unsanitary. Clean all flooring surfflces of built up dirt and clean feces. Disinfect downstairs floor. General clea��ing of kitchen surlaces and dishes required. General cleaning of all batluoom surCaces also required. Clean clutter in all rooms. AA•ADA-6E0 Enlploycr RPR-16-2003 14�49 CITY OF ST PqUL ENF 651 265 6985 P.�3iO3 '�+*'�;:'' 1694 AMES AVE . . ri Fage 2 � �.; O � -�lo� Authorization to reoccupy this/these dwelling unit(s} will not be given until it is demonstrated that all principai violations have been corrected and that no new conditions exist which could constitufe material endangerment or which threaten the peace, heatth, safety or we]fare of the occupants of this building. All repairs and new installations mlut be made in accordance with the appcopriate codes. Permit informauon may be obtained from the Bailding Inspection snd Design Sectioa, 354 St. Peter Street, Lowry Professionai Btd;. #300, (651) 266-9090. You may file an appeal to this notice by contacting the City Clerk's Oftice at (651) 266-8989. Any appeal must be made in writinc within 10 days of the date of this notice. It is the responsibility of the property owncr to keep al l buildings secured and to properly maintain the premises at alI times. lf yov have any questions concerning this matter, please cont�ct the Inspector, Teng Vang flt 551-2G6-1918. To arrangc an appointment or request an extension of fime to complete rcpairs, you will need to speak directly to mc. Sincerely, Al�D'S� DAWKiNS Andy Dawkins Division Manager dj c: Ramsey County Assessor's O�ce Public Housing Agency, Attn: Vera Iohnson Community Stabilization Project P}an.ning ��conomic Development - Attn: Stcve Rice uhh 04/03 AA•AD.�-LEO Emplo}�er TOTRL P.a3