248058 . ' Orieinal to City Clerk ., � � ` � ORDINANCE �`�g��g OCOUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO � `f ��-� � AId ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO NORTH- WESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A HOIST BF.AM PROTRUSIOH FR�M THE HIJMBOLDT EXCHAAIGE ADDITION OVER THE ALLEY OF BLOCK 1, FRONT STREET SECOND ADDITION. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That permission and authority are hereby given to Northwestern Bell Te e'�ane Company to construct, operate and maintain at their expense a hoist beam protruding approximately 5 feet 2 inches from the building and approxi.mately 40 feet abt�ve the alley of Block 1, Front Street Second Addition as described i.n plans and specifications prepared by Haarstick, I.l�ndgren a.ttd Associates, Inc. marked 1d.W. BELL TELEPHOI�E COMPANY HUMBOLDT EXCHANGE ADDITION, sheets .�-1, A-2, A-3, S-1, S-2, dated January 15, 19Z0, copies of said plans and spccifications so marked. and on file in the o£fice of the Department of Publie Works. 5ection 2. That the Comraissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for the construction, operation and maintans�ce of said hoist beara protrusion upon and subject to the following 1� r¢ prouisions, terms and conditions: �?'' a. That said per�ittee shall construct and maintain said hoist beam pro- trusion at its own expense and in accordance with the pla.ns and specifica.tions o� file wi.th the Department of Ptiblic Works, which pla.ns and specifications axe subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works prior to commencement of constru,ction; � b. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineering and inspection i.acurred by the Department of Public Works because of this under- taki.ng. Said costs to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Projeet AIumber E-lOS4; c. That said permittee shall pay the cost for publication of this ordinance; d. That said permittee shall, during the term of this persiit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged dtie to the construction, operation, maintenance or pxesence of the hoist beam protrusion provided for herein; . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedeaco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By OriQinal wCity Clerk • , , " . � �' " ORDINANCE 248�i8 COUNCIL FtLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �'L��� - Paae 2. e. TYiat �sid p�rmi�tee expx�esaly agrees and wadertdc�s tA tu]1y in- demnify� hold har�].ess� a8d de�end� the City of Saint Pa�].� its agents� ofPicers and e�mploy�ee� fraa� any and a11 dau�ages, clsins, l�ese�, �judg�ents, suit� or expense� arisiag �ut ot or aceasioned by th� perPormanee oP the work coatemp�ted by this permis�icn and authority; f. That ssid pex�ittee shall indeanify, save bar�less and def'�nd t}ae City of Saint Paul fr� all liability, loss, �ud�ents, suit�, eosts, charges and expense that �ay accrue to persons or property oeeasioned by the making of the improv�men� or arising out of the sa�e, as long as the hoist beam protrusion or any pe�rt thereoP is maintained; g. That said permittee shall Pur�ieh the Depe,rtment of Pwb7.ic Works "as built" plans o� the hoist beam protrusion upos completicn of coaatruction; h. That saic� permittee shall remo�e said hoist besm pr�trusion or part thereoP in such me�nner �►s is satis�actory to the Cometissioner cf Public Works sthenever the City Council of Saint Paul shall so order; �,� i. That said per�ittee shaLt, �rithin thj.rty (30) days a�ter the pas�agee of this ordinanee, Pile a srrittea acceptance thereo� with th� City elerk. Section . �his ardivance shall t�ke ef'fect and bs in force thirty (30) days fro� and at'ter its paesage, approval and publication. -+� APR 9 1�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paased by the Council Carlson � Dalglish Meredith C} Tn Favor Peterson �' Sprafka Against Tedeaco ��!R � 1970 r. President (Byrne Appro _ At t: Ci Clerk May �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B PUBLISHED APR 111970 Saint Paul, Minnesota April 13� 1970 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gent lemen; We, the undersi�ned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 248058, being Ordinance No. 14458� adopted by the Council on April 9� 1970. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY � �� Q� �r' :� ; :� ..`�M1 f..... ��� L.:� . t (� �,>F ,�' �� ' �,�-�� � -_�' April �,3* 1 Nor�hrr��terrn B�s].1. ��s1.�rpi�4ne C . 7� �`. Four'�h St. St. Pa.u.li Mi��ota Get�tle�n: , Wr� ela�3.ase �, cc�r dir�nc� �.�P�$�. grantin� you ��a�.s��.can td con��ruct� +o►�a and me�.nt� a iae�.�t 'besrr► pratr��3.c� �"rom �h+� Hu�t3aa�.d� E�cs dd�.tion �h� ��w a� �lea�k l, Frant Straat �eao ti + in ti�e �um o�' �23.�+�f ta �� th� cdst �tion �r ordin+���r. �t� cs]1 a�t�isl �t��ti+c�n '�o P+��sp� i a�' Section 2 ahich r+�qul.�it ti�+� ��.13ng � �►cc�+qgta�cwe ca�` t�: �� af th3.� cxrdinsnce�. The 8�t ' es a�ust l9..�d iz� this +c�'t'i+�e,� Roe�n �86 , City 'H�11, �r9.thin 3 . crt ��a i�3.1�� �Ch� a�cd�nar�c+� be�c��s void. �'ery tru�,y yra�►� City C].�erk � � _ . Ist � , � � 2nd �/� Laid over to 3rd and app —.Adopted � Yeas Nays eas Nays Carlson Carison Daiglish ``'`Dalglish Meredith ��� � �eredith �C��� Peterson �eterson S rafka � � rafka p p Tedesco '`,,� � '�edesco � � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O