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• In the Matter of s�aMMe#�s�stl� #� sl��I�tl1t w1 I�e art t#�i� �f ll�wiis i1�rIE.
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� under Preliminary Order �1� approved J�IMrta'I�� 2�7l— �
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� Intermediary Order approved �
F A public heaxing having been had up�n the above impxovernEnt upon due notice, and the Couacil �
� having he.�rd all persons, objections and recommendationa relative thereto, and having fully considered �
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na.ture, extent and kind of im- �
provement to be made by the said City is
: pr �rtrw�t tiM ��Msl1t � dNr �sR �!#'�! �irr ali�i. t�n�r �Mat� �t. trr �
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and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and apecifications for said improvement, and aubmit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pra
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
Adopted by the Council
Yeas �<�r1��� NaYs AAAR 2 5 1970
!�;��!1��i��1 � � � Approv � � �
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�., � Mayor
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� E.S. Mounds Blvd. - Cherry St. to Plum St. �'"�
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Jan. 22nd. 19 70
To the Commissioner of Finance of the Citq of St. Paul:
Th� Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Council File No. 24707� approved
Jan. 20th. 19 70 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the east
side of Mounds Blvd. from Cherry St, to Plum St. and by doing all other work which
is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk
5 ft. wide and $4,60 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wideo
2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
made a part thereof. ;,�,
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X ��`"��
� .,,'� _';
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � ,n
� F'�
Commissioner Pub or
�, .
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MarCh 19, l97Q
E. W. Nystram
1$� Mounds Ba�levard
St. Paul, Min�e�oCa SS10b
Fil• S8990
Sidewalk or� �h$eas� side c��
Mounds Blvd. bet. Plum e�d
Cherry Sts.
flearing D�t�: M�rch �5. 1970
Dear Mr. Nystram:
Thank you for your le��C�r wiCh referenc� to the abuve pro�ect. Itt
�xas bee�n forwarded to th� City Clerk for consideration by the Ci�y
Council at �he �e�r��� �r��i ta th� Depar�ment of Fublic Worlcs.
Jawe� �. Aal��.iah
L'csm�ission�r of Fi��a�c�
cc. �'itq Clerk
: Public Works
� S'�5'9 0
^ . gt. Paul, Minn. 3/�S"/70
• D�a�ch 13 , 1970
Department of Finanee
113 Court. House
3t.Pau1 ,lV�inn. 55102
In regard to Preliminary �rder 24'70?7 pertaining to
sidewalk work on Eaat aide of Mounds Blvd. between
Plum and Cherry Sts.
The poured slabe are in good condition but some have
raised at one end making the walk uneven.
Last year the City leveled up uneven places with
Black-top and it weathered the hot summer weather
and also the eztreme cold wintertemperature uY the
past winter and is in fine ahape.
The present condition oY the sidewalk I would sa�
'ia in good shape and Mo doubt will be so for some
time to come , but it is up to your inapectors to
decide that.
I would like to attend the meeting but � wife
suffered a stroke a year a�o and is conf ined to
a wheelchair and requirea my attention �1.1 da�.
Very truly yours,
�, °�y�
E. W. strom
182 tulde Blvd.