248042 � )riainal to City Clerk . � . ORDINANCE ������;� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� ��� � An inance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: t'An ordi.nance fixi.ng the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions i.n the Classified Service of the City, _' approved February 13, 1935, as amended, THE COUNCSL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi_n.ance No. ?Fi07, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the followi.ng titles, and specifications for Community Development Coordi.nator Project Director-�Information Systems ..1.� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk y r �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . / , , . �rIYinal to City Clerk , � � � � ORDINANCE �48�,�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._ � -r`� — Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. : -4- APR 8 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish �In Favor Meredith � Peterson �% Against ' spra�ka AP R � 197� Tedesco . President (By e) ' j App ed: Attes : c� � Cit erk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED APR 111910 . • • , - � y �`�8�4� �- 5' � .t itic. of C1�.JCr; / � � PI:C�J�CT �ig�CTQR� ;(.�1F'ORI1�:���CON cycTl:.IvtS Ptiti�^ ancl re5�;.�n�-ibilil;i���: �'.IncJLr �h� adrnii�i::t�ativc ci:re.ci'ion of tize Niayur, �� aC4 as proje�t zrana;��• far tt�:: s•c�;ea.��.1, and dc:veloprrtei�l: pro���.f f�r a:� inrc��-afi�:c; �nu�.zicy�al inEo�rnat�i.c�n human xesour�e dev��lopmunt Ut;i� sys�em� and 'co r�.r�orrn a•�l.at:c;�l ��ark a� a�;si{�ue�i� �.��mp1L� o:t w�l�'.c ;��rf��•ri�:er�; To ;�larer vi�e and coo�d.ii7ate tlie wz�rlc of t�Z� 1'�z i.e� _'�.Iid�ve st Coalsox•ati.c>r�� thn �.�niv^zsil:y cf i�-�innesota; t�he Hybrid �omputez• Cent��• oa ti;.e [Jnivez•si'r:y� a�' ���tirzntisot�., und ihe s�,e�ial consultant: i•e,�,'z�dinU i�ii, pra�ect,. To ��sta�?lish �z•t�,iect �.cfi.vii.i.es and prioziti�:;.. '�o pxepaz•c an oper:.ai:ian�1 �nd financir�l pJ.an� 'T'o �;lan thL tr��.inin�; ans� i.ntinctri��at�.on of p�.i•sonnc;l ixZVOlvecl in the �.t�c of �ata ��s•�ces�inh. 'To ::�1'inc th� oi�jectiv�� �?iat an inf.or.rr:ltion systerri can help �O 3C:C0I'T)��.517.5�'1: 30 4fii;���s10�] �(3�::f:li1C�:Z7.Qi13 IOl" c�ach US�F'u Y'Ltt'(U11C'177Crit5: To i��'c�are �ecF�nical �zncY .£iT:anc:aal �ro�reJ� rcpor�s re�;ardin� "�i1� i�7'��E.C'.`: FUr tieC: 1'C'C��Y•�l� �GV'i;t'Y1TX:�i1C. �j0 COOi:CiLIl'Lt�: ti2�: 1c:�L'�f�?2�� i7��t'�'l'�14i1� p{ C1j:yT, CC�Ui11:�, SLc�tG, and A�ri�at:e ar�rzni�ai;�an� -.vit�� th�: ob,;^ctive: �.nr_1 fur.c±ions of t:he ��o��i•am, and aci: �zs liz:.c;on wy.�ll t.�ie�� orucl717.'Lc'1Li0T15. '3'o e'�:v��lop �ine' i.rx�1�1:�;iYic:rit a13���opa°11i:C, e:ommunzca'�ion� �a t�at alI z�-c�er��;t<,d �c�':?OT711E',�. ?I•c inft�r.mecl of pxojec� activi�:ies. I���ini:��t�rn �ual:ifi�.a`..ion;;� C_'a'����c: �3-a,c1•�;�ti;ic>>Z iz1 �x�a'�;l1�ma:i�,�s ur tngine::rin� and v'en v'ea.rs° prot;x•i.s��i��cly rc;7�un��bl� v�o���� �_n d.a''r.a pro�essra�g�a�t `ea�F ;,hree �r,•a7•s a:f.' w1�1.c:ii mus�: iza�r�, bec�� ;n th�. cie��c�l.opm�aic of d���<< , pri,W�sSi:t�; sy: :uir��. +?�1U s,;I;�';,:'i:,_;`,i.vr, tGP c�tlt.ca�;:ioTMz> j .,a.. �� . �• � 2`�8G��2 ::'itl� of c�)���� /��5� C:�Ji•✓rT�,al1�I7x't� L�'VEL��'2.���:����!' CUURD�:NA1:'€��? .Uufies 'enc] z°�:sn�L��;il:ilij:ze,:;; ��ru.er t:'.a.; ai;-��c�;iou «f ti�e T�.!I��yor, to cootcEi.ii�i:e ihL work involved i:: t���:, c::ifyQS .i�'eiL'z'�o�•��c�ocl T�`�vc:l��rxl�nt Pi-o�ram:r �111Cj t'O ??c'�'iC);:,:; S'c:Z71C•:ta �:JCa1'�ti %!:? �S:FnTIr•C�. . �, '' "� t'a O{ CVO i ;�rc^. I�i�r..YY]��. �3: � 1.�:�C11�":L-;C�. '�'� *_r�.?c� ��;���i.ociic a•�2,�b�tc: rt�;:�rciirit tya.e cit;r"s Neighborhood 1�>c��-:�?o�r����rt �-'i•��Y�.•��r.��� �o ti�:; Cot�t�cil. a��.anz��:mc�nt Corntnitt�e: �:Cc� ��o�•'�; cIo��:l.y �,�itE, ci�:y�� county, :t.�t� an�i f�d�ral agen�ies 1.12��`O�.Yr'::il in tlic; city"c ��T��i�h��orh�ocl �e;veloPrncnt �'x�ga•arn� inclu��i.n.� :i�,%�r�ciel �`�i.ti.s;;c.- `To G�sist. in t.,re:��r•i.?Zr �;�1e�si1 �s•:-z_xt an,�Ii<�<ztionsj bud�;et� �t�zd ��r��;r�r���< - 'J"c:� i;rc:'��r.� thc� ciiy"s ,-.�cc:�•tifi4�t�:ior� a����lication for its w�rkablc; pt���;raz�: fc�1• ei.i�il�ji.ii:y i,.�� fe��E��tll Yuncie.. �'U :'V11i��1�[� S3i'.:�+y�t1'lI7� �;;'�J`;?'11TI8 7.11 i'l-'1TYl:i tJ:� �;17.G1I QeJ��.�'tIV'C'i c3,TiC� • i.i"1 1 �"�., � ::3{;2.� C 2 i� �'O 2 i Ei. �L�1.__� Ol. 1t1�. � Z O :°�t�I':l1712'I:� E�2u^ Ll�I7::C10P;c� �'_'t1 T'?'lli: V'ct3'IOLIS t;1��� dep�,�'1�171f;I1C5 S6 ��1�;.�y r�.:1a�e to i�ze:1.���i�aa•��cir�d ��rc��.-�,�-n�, '_�'o rn�icc. rc�c�or::inv.naa�ir�:as to tike 2tit��+ox .•c:�;�uaclin�; feasibility, . n�t�ci, �:��:�,�.y,�ti.on <�z�.c� tiz-�,in� fs�x new prr.�;rams: .�:c� oi•�;<.�izi<,� :y-�;�:Lt;,;� lo�� inf����x,:�a�:.on r?i.ss�minaY.ion and resi.de>n� p���i�i�ipz�ci.��n. I'o assiat ir_ �i:':zu cl�ci�;� o� nr;;:� anc3 :�cldiiional �ro��an7s as ne�de�., �o ^i�al;r��c: r�_i�;x:,'an��l��a�c' �,j•c7h1_.•�rz7s in �_re�r s�ch as cdt.cation� 17i:4:1t:2k 111�::U':"[]`.', t:'L011�1S1;(, �:':�:':. .�U Cl.�il.;��L?:.:�=; :111iCi'ZLSC:� ��..Y1C� COCJ7.'C12il,l�:i� ^uj,t:iV<?�T':i tG �C�ermin� z't;s'ic'.eiit�u r;-��d" i�:i.a:;�.,_ ;��itl att�if.t�deu.. ��.0 S� i4i_ �`S �. l.zc?l:;�i7 �2E:j'�VC�f�i2 C0:2'11_.'1.i111�:�r` liltl.2C;b't �I'QU�'3G.. To �zEr:;�ii:::-� �•if�i-r.,��zY;�: �.n o=_°ele�� t:v }.�.c;??; t�ae��rz �rj:icula�r ttieir n�eds. C O a'�'i-c�1�d n-t�.�1 i n�;:,= �t rict :].Cl Ci Y'��t,S �;ro�.t27 ca� 'To n~;w��cc r;-:�sori�s ant? :ke;c:c�aA-r�?�r�.e�.<.;^`:i;�n:�, i';;i��imcz�w� c�,aalifi,�-�.tior.e;� �"ollrre graclt�ai:zon with �z r:n����• il� � �c�cial scicncc or ��lated field; ancl ,�c,ven y*c_�s-�� t�rof.c.:,.�ional �3��e�•ir;ne� in vrark involving public cant�;e�. a�. 1�va�� �l���ec ycaz•s or wia.ir� lxt�z��t havc� been in communit:y r�x•s"�:r�izational ��e>:ri: ',s•?c;� r�c..�s�.ii:r_;�(•;.,n fo�• �ducatior_, ; �Z._ 248��� This ordinance defines the duties of Mr. Payne and the Project Director--Information Systems, which title was established by emergency ordinance early this month. �.� . � � I st ' • 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app �% ` _.Adopted L: Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison �Carlson Dalglish �,Dalglish Meredith eredith Peferson } � �eterson ����:� Sprafka prafka Tedesco � `Zedesco � Mr. President Byrne �r. President B rne Y O