248034 � 248���� . co�o� �e xo... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement bq tihe City of Saint Psul�vi:.: Construct or reconstruct concrete s idewal k in the 3-�'9�� al leyr in POR.T,�A�!ID TEI�R�CE, frar+..Kent St. to _the Mest�Line of Lotml P�ortland. Terrace and from the E-West al.le� to the So.. 1 i ne of.,Lot. 7 P�1 and Terrace��.���� �� ��M ...�....»........�...... ............�....... Dated ih�»......day af March � � . Counw'lman. PRELIMiNARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A writtcn propossl for the matcing of tha follawing improvement, vis.: Construct or reconstruct concrete sidewalk In the 3 f'oet allery�in PORTLAND TERR,�CE f rqn� Ke n t S t. to t he We s t�,L i ne of_�o�,;t�q r����d,„Z�;,��„�,�r,�„�,,�„�„�t,�,e� to .the So:.�1.i ne .of�Lot�.��Por t 1 a nd�Te r ra ce�.........,�._��........,,.__....,q....�..�._�.�._..�.�.. .�.......» having been preeented to the Co�nci� of the City o#Saint Paui........................................................................�......» t6erefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for� or deeirability of, the making of eaid improvemen�. 2. To inveetigats the nature, exteat and eetimated caet of ee►id impmvemeat, aad the total eost thereof. �.u'� • 3. To futrnish a plan, proSle or eketch of eaid improvemenL. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is a�ced for on the petition of three or more ownera b. To report upan atl vf the foregoing ma�R 2���;ppnmiesioner of F'inaace. /U Adoptedby the Counail................................ ............._.....----._........ � Y�,►s �IPt � � 19�� ' Councilman Dalgiish _ Ca r 1 so� Approved.w......................................_._..._.......... Sprafka Meredith Peterson 7edesco � ._..._. .. . .. '... Ma. PsEaia�x�r Byrne Mayor. a000 �-s� � PUBLISNED MAR 2 8 ���� �( � .