248025 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK 24g�(;25 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RE�p}UT ON—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF P.�SOLV:'D, �3y the Counci.l of the: City o� Saint Pau1, upon recornmendatior� of the Sai.nt Paul Lon�; R�nge Capital Improv�menr r3ud�e�c Committee that tha Public l;orks Department 1967 l��s�lricte� Use Accr,unt be reducec; by $58,229.40 :�nd �h�t � project en}i-cle�. C,riggs-St�nfard Relief System (Public �.lorks Projpct iVumber 70-S-y92) be cre�,ted with an Gllocation of $5d,229.40. Tnis resolution affects oniy moneys previously �11oc�teci to Publa.c t�lorks and has a net effect on tne total buclget of zero. � w � a a� v � n c W � 2 �F 197d COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Carlson �� 2 4 197� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith ,��n Favor Peterson ' Spra�ku � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne � ' PUBLISFl�D MAR 2 8 »�� 0 �/2 � �� � Reply To: , _ Terry L.Virta/Executive Secretary � �`�����. I. J .. Long-Range Capital Improvement 1010 Commerce Building Budget Committee St.Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone 223-4151 Februaz'y 24' 1970 rianornble Thcmas R. 3yrna, I�Say�r ar:d Honorable i�eml�ers c.f the Citv Council c/o City Clerk � 3�6 City tiall and Courthcuse Saint I'aul, :��innesota 55102 D�ar '�layor �3yrne: Th� members of CI;3, at their February 17, 1970 meeting, revie.wed and approvad a request of the llepartment af Public G�orks ta allccate monays from their 1967 "Restricteu Use Account". As a rAsult, CIB urges your favorable ccnsideratian to tne following: RESOLVED: That the Public i,lcrks Department 1967 Restric�ed Use Account be reduced by a58,229.40 and that a project Pntitled Griggs-Stanfcrcl Re1ie:� System (Public Relie�' Syste.m (Public �dcrks Prcject =lurnber 70-S-992) be createcl with �n ul_locaticn of $58,229.40. This re- solution affects only moneys previ�usly allocated ta Public Works anu has a npt e:Efect or. tne. total bud�et of zero. This project was greviously aporovQd ns G part of the 1969 Capital Imprcvement Budget and the remainder of the projQct is financari threu�:i this original allocation. SiriCarely, � / /�� � v Terr�r�a �:xecutive Secrataryr TV:j� cc: Mr. Kelly, Corporatian Counsel ' "� :� committee members: --�.� � ��" Samuel H. Morgan/Chairman Timothy P. Quinn Wallace Martin Joseph L.Shiely, Jr./ Vice-Chairman Dr. Fredric R. Steinhauser William Woodward Darrell Butterwick Adolf T. Tobler Thomas R. Byrne/ Mayor Arndt Duvall Otto H. Hummer Joseph J.Mitchell/Comptroller O Mrs. Robert Michaels William E. King James J. Dalglish /Commissioner Feb. 25, 1970 i� � y 1 , a � �-�e K�-.:���v_�_ �, ,, Mr. D�niel A. Klas, ��,\`,� Corporation Counsel. ;'. t% .. �. ,�A�£n: Mr1. 1 J:�ul J. K�e11y Dear Sir: � � �� � ;� ... ,� ;, , The City Council reque�t'�.,,�'t�"t you pr.epare the proper resolution pertain-ing _to the �ecommendat:ion of the Capit�tl Improv�mex�t '�3►z'c��� � �tee ts� an amendmez�t to the 1�? �IT3 k�ud�A� ,�.�v'olvin� �b1. Works Restricted Use Account in the �ount o�' �58��29.�n. I �� � � � �� ' � ---_- �.,;`�� �'�kry truly yours, .__ ,: �___ ,,�. � � °`s City Clerk ' � ; '1 hp ; .� 1 1;! �'� ,%,✓ .,•, - __ __N_..�-: