03-402ORiGfNAL WHEREAS , Council File 277510, dated October 1,1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To WxExEns , Council File 28ll41, dated November 10,1983, did esWblish that Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer construction projects; and WxexEns , SAC revenues in excess of SAC e�cpenses in the amount of $328,490 were received in 2002; and WxExEns , Addifional spending authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Funds where construction payments will be properly disbursed; and WxEREAS , This net 2002 SAC revenue over expense was closed to Sewer Utility retained earnings on December 31, 2002; and WHExEAS , The Department of Public Works has Sewer Availability Chazge funds to finance sewer mnstrucfion projects in the Capital Improvement Piogram Budget; and WxExEnS , Confracts have been awarded to do this construcrion work in variocs areas of the City; and Wxexeas , This resolurion is intended to transfer the SAC funding to the 1999 Sewer Construcflon projects in the CIP budget; and Wx<a�as , The Mayor recommends that the following addifions be made to the 2003 budget; and WxExEas , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Chazter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze available for appropriation $328,489 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 2003 budget; and 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 � 43 44 45 46 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund FinancinQ Plan 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fvnd 9925 Use of Retained Earnings All other Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Council File # 0.� � �{Q�_ Green Sheet # 102594 RESOLUTION � Committee: Date Cuxrent Budget Change $9,379,545 $325,490 $42.369,450 � $51,748,995 $328,490 Amended Budget $9,708,035 $42,369,450 $52,077,485 SQendine Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget 260 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 22217-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund $1,691,382 $328,490 $2,019,872 All other Spending the Same $50,057,613 � $50,057.613 Total Spending Plan $51,748,995 $328,490 $52,077,485 Now, therefore, be it RESOtv� , That the Ciiy Covncil adopts the above addi5ons to the 2003 budget. Page 1 of 2 03-��� ORlG(NAL 47 4S 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6S 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 QRIG��AL Now, therefore, be it RESOLVe� , by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $328,490 is available for appropriation in the 1999 Capital Isprovement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby fiirther amended in the Impzovement Budgets, in the following pazliculazs: CaniW Improvement Budaets Financine Plan Highwood Sewers C99-2A010 PFA PIA Water Utility SAC Assessment Total Financing Plan SpendingPlan Highwood Sewers C99-2A010 Construction & Plans Total Spending Plan CurrentBudget $1,500,000.00 $30,000.00 $106,293.50 $125,000.00 62 395.00 $1,523,688.50 Current Budget $1,823,685.50 $1,823,658.50 Page 2 of 2 Ctiange Amended Budget $0.00 $0.00 $o.00 $328,490.00 0.00 $328,490.00 Change $328,490.00 $328,496.00 $1,500,000.00 $30,Q00.00 $106,293.50 $453,490.00 62 395.00 $2,152,178.50 Amended Budget $2,152,178.50 $2,152,178.50 ':�ztw 6`.'. ?'"�`3. �F3�` - E'qn°J.CS� �ti.�cuy.??�Si xs:'iz,:r�': �`�f..�:" �-%yt%Y u:s%"`.�.Z�".',S�:�C' Z8i:01Y�F'c 4:`�..: - a;� ' / ' _ "vii�:+SC .,... ���6. ¢�� ° _.,..._.-, ..� �-�v .��� - v ��p�� ��. / . .., . _ �, m �; P� s�� Yeas enanaS v — � a e� � os rom ,/ Co ema� ,/ Harris ,/ Lantry ✓ ei er i Absent Adopted by Council: Date �,T � a. a a0Z Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved By May�rf/ Date ° � (�1 U� Requested by Dep� Public Works g jm/be Approval Recommended by Office of Financial er✓' irec or: By: Form Approved by City Attorney: i .. i .-,� __ , Mayor for to � DEPn DAIEINITIATED (�REEN SHEET No. 102894 � Pubiic Works 3/28/2003 � - n , � Na � oa e Joe Mueller, 265-6149, Paul Kurtz 266-6142 MU5(BEONCOUNQLAGENDABY(DAT� DE'lAR"if.EM D1AE�:• OR A ❑ CRYATTORNEY � ❑ CRYCLERK NUMBEBFOR - �� ❑FlNANCIALSEFVICESDIR ❑FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG °"DE Peter Butler ❑ MAYOFt(OfiASS1STNfT) ❑A°a^hMarta9er l � 6 � SawerUflflvManacer V �� ❑ oeoartmeMAC�u�tam!/Y� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nenoN aEOUesreo , Approve Resoluuon transferring excess Sewez Availabiliry Chazge (SAC) revenues from unreserved retained eamings to Capital Projecu Fund C99 for sewer construction. ftECqMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) o� ReJec[ (R} A CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Sewer Util�ty Staff PERS�NALSERYICE C�MRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F�LLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever worketl untler a convact for Nis tlepartmeM? YES NO 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever been a crty employee� YES NO 3. Does ih"s peSONfirtn possess a skiil not normalM M��� by any curreM cM1y employee? YES NO 4. Is Nis persoMrtm a �arge�etl ventloR YES NO F�cplain all yea ansvrers on separete sheet and attaeh ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSL'F., OPPGR'fUNIT'/ (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WH1�: Since the 2005 Bu2cet wus adopted, additionai spending needs have azisen. Ttus proposed amendment is in accordance with Council File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC expenses should be nsed for sewer construction projec,s. SAC revenues exceeded SAC related spending by $328,490.00 during 2002. Funding is needed for additional sanitary sewer in the Highwood azea. The Highwood azea is primarily served by individual sanitary treatment systems. Over the last three yeus we have constructed public sanitary sewers to serve some of the area. Additional projecu aze necessazy to provide the azea witli public sewer. Tl�ree of those projecu, Skyway Drive, Point Douglas and Winthrop/Hadley need additional funding to proceed. lOVANTAGE5IPAPPROVED. Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be able to be used for sewer construction in accordance with Ciry Council d'uection. The transfer of remaining SAC cash can be accomplished within the 2003 Ciry Counci? adopted budget� pISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: None. DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: The idenufied sewer projects will either not be conshvcted or will be deferred. It wiil be more difficult to comply with the intent of Council FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPIAIN) fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S 328 �48�•00 CAS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIFiCLE ONE) YES NO 260-22209-9910 pC71VflY NUMBER 260-22217 and C99-2A010