248018 . � OR161NAL TO CITY fiRK • ���■,:,�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���` •., . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE Na. QU CIL ESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, �'hat upon �.nd pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, bg Fisher Real Estate, Ine. , own�r of the sub�eet r�eal esta�e, sit�aate in the City of Saint Pac�l and dea�ribed ass I,at 26 ar�d the we�t�rly 12.3 feet of bot 25 in Block 69, St. Anthon� Park, l�i�. 3 a�d loeat�d on property on the west side of Br�.dford Stre�t between Wycliff and Eutdicott Streets, that the provis3.on� of said �oning Code hereby are�determined and va�ied a� and to the extent necessary tl�erefor to permit the Qonstrtza�ion of a new 95-foot nt�t storage bin to�rer at a total height of 55 fe�� � above the di�trie� limit; sub�ect to the Qondi�ion �ha� said applicant-permitte�, arad i�s successor� and as�igns, shall ma.ke � due compliance with a11 appli�able p�ovisions of municipal � � ordinances, state sta��at�s and rul�g and regula�ions of publ3.c 0 o aut�iorities hha..ving eogni2anae. �,::. r � � �. � � � d ° � � � ' � � �•� J t�� �yR 2 4 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 2 4 1��� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka Mayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBUSHED MAR 2 81970 0 .� . • '� BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 10]0 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 March 11, 1970 �r.��,. � ��� Mr. Harry E. Marshall r City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal of Fisher Real Estate, Inc. to vary and waive height requirements to construct a new nut storage bin tower on property located on the west side of Bradford Street between Wycliff and Endicott Streets. This property is further described as: Lot 26 and the westerly 12.3 feet of Lot 25 in Block 69, St. Anthony Park. This matter was considered at the February 19, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the appellant wishes to construct a 95-foot nut storage bin tower. The Zoning Code, however, limits the height of structures in this district to 40 feet. The request, therefore, represents a variance of 55 feet or 137.3 percent. The staff noted that a previous height variance was granted for a similar 72-foot high structure in 1966. The site, it was noted, is within the South St. Anthony Park Neighborhood Development Program area, and communications were received from the Project Area Committee group and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority noting no objection to the variance. Staff conclusions noted that although the requested variance is large, it would not be detrimental to adjoining properties. Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the variance represents a reasonable request and, therefore, the Board recommends approval of this appeal by a 5-0 vote. Very t.rQly yours, � � . '-- .-�-:_ ✓� ,1 .;��` �v'��/lJ� � �U.�� ,•: ,� �ETER J. MLkIETTA Secretar}�; Board of Zonin PJM:g a f � � CLS � Z.F. �k6944 �`"'� � ao . � '���'� � 4 _� l • • � �{i. �'M:.�[lt�� 1 �{1�" �� � , ,+— `*n�m � .�"� , . .a 1�� ;�`, ��, �/[//f' � �-s� s'=- .•�'..� r/ ` • OPPENHEIMER, HODGSON, BROWN, 4;�`~ ��k r.i��/ � � �: zat� ��� i H; WJLLIAM H.OPPENHEIMER ATTORNEYS AT LAW$�yr�� 1a.��♦��,..� � � .�URMENT (1917) MONTREVILLE J.BROWN W�+,�d�g w� � _ �' � ORE (182i) BENNO F.WOLFF W1781 FIRST NATIONAL BANK �� ♦�'&,,�,��,� ���, � ROBERT F.LEACH y.a�,' �-�wisy �g�}� '��� � AUPT (1923) WOOD R.FOSTER SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 1���p� . f �. .�icKSON (�9at> GORDON SNEPARD '�" �i�....�{„,� �� �� NELLY (1948) JAMES R.OPPENHEIMER ��y�""��.�+���`Q' �" i . ER (f962) JOHN G.ROBERTSON December �� � -�����: * ���Y IOTT,JR, (1987) DAVID 0.DONNELLY I �� {�e�',� +���� RICHARD G.LAREAU � �..�� k � SHERMAN WINTHROP . . � DGSON (1968) ROBERT 8.HAWKINS � -� — ��. . � ��� � EDWARD N.DENN JOHN D.HEALY,JR. RIGHARD H.MURRAY TELEPHONE: 227•7271 LEON R.GOODRICH AREA CODE 812 ELMERB.TROUSDALE LEHAN J.RYAN PAUL W.HETLAND JOHN H.WOLF STEVEN J.OLSON LEO J.HARRIS JAMES L.WALSN LAWRENCE M.JOLLIFFE STUART W.WELLS, III WILLIAM F.ARCHERD RICHARD B.TYLER HARRIS RAVINE THOMAS P.KANE WILLIAM M.BURNS CRAIG W.GAGNON JACK W. HANSON EDWARD W.SPRING DAVID F.MCEL.ROY,JR. OF COUNSEL To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul c/o City Clerk Room 386 , City Hall and Court House Fisher Real Estate, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, the owner of the property at 2327 Wycliff Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, respectfully appeals from the application of Section 61.02 of Chapter 61 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul with respect to a proposed new nut storage bin tower to be constructed as an addition to one of the buildings on its property, and in support of its appeal submits the following information: 1) a) The name of the applicant is : Fisher Real Estate, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation. b) The telephone number of the applicant is : 645-0635. c) The legal description of the property is : Lot 26 and the westerly 12.3 feet of Lot 25 in Block 69 of St. Arithony Park, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota. d) The street post office address of the property is : 2327 Wycliff Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. e) The property on which the construction is to take place consists of a building used for industrial operations, leased by Fisher Real Estate, Inc. to Beatrice Foods Co. incident to its Fisher Nut Company division. , ���f�� ���� ��� -r----.-_.__ �.� ,� -- , • . . -2- December 31, 1969 f) It is proposed to construct an addition to the building which will be a nut storage bin tower. The structure will be built of structural steel frame with an enameled metal facing exterior to house the bins. The roof of this new structure will be 95 feet above street level at the corner of Wycliff and Bradford Streets. As constructed, it will be appropriately set back from the exterior building lines of the present building 15 feet on Bradford and 11 feet on Wycliff. The use of the structure itself will be for the storage of nuts incident to processing and packaging operations. g) The purpose of the appeal is ta procure a waiver of, and variance from, the application of Section 61.02 of Chapter 61 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul. h) The appeal is needed, because although the property afore- described is zoned "heavy industry" it is within Height District I, and the height of the proposed addition, as above indicated, is in excess of the height permitted in Height District I under Section 61.02 of Chapter 61 of the Legislative Code. 2) There is submitted herewith a Site Plan prepared by Ellerbe Architects which contains the following information: a) Property lines and dimensions. b) Status of present and proposed grades in relation to street. c) Location and size of the proposed structure. Further information relating to plans and construction may be ob- tained from Ellerbe Architects, and if further supporting data is required, requests therefor may be addressed to the undersigned. An Artist Sketch showing the tower addition will be available in due course. Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of Zoning recommend to the City Council approval of this appeal and that the City Council, by resolution, vary and waive the application of the provisions of Section 61.02 of Chapter 61 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul with respect to the real property hereinbefore described and, in the best general welfare of the City, permit the construction of said nut storage bin tower addition to the existing building on the property substantially as indicated on the plan submitted herewith. Respectfully submitted, FISHER REAL ESTATE C. By ������ ���.��� enno F. Wo of Oppenheimer, Hodgson, Brown, Wolf and Leach, Attorneys for Fisher Real Estate, Inc. BFW:dh Enclosure t��-r . . , , [3�A(ZDJOr 70PZIN� REPORT AND ACTION Februery 19, 1970 , • Plat c9aP #�28 . Actin�? under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 ' . nassa:l Au�ust 22� 1922 as amanded to Ilpril �� 1968 - _ _ 6944 5972 . . '':'� 1 '.�I'I''.'; tlA'1t� ; Fi�her Real Eatate, Inc. 3386 " �:;,',;;;i i'ICA'1'I�N . [� Am�ndmtnt C� Appeal ❑ Permit � �ther 1��(�C� Vary and waive height requirements to construct a �' ' ''"` ��'�' ' new nut ytorage bin tower '+ • ��'��-�+�1•'���� : West side of Bradford Street between Wycliff and Endicott Streets ::. ;.i.c;A:. DL�C�IPTION : Lot 26 and the westerly 12.3 feet of Lot 25 � � in Block 69, St. Anthony Park ,. I'';LSf;'1T 'I.�idltl;: Heavy Industry % . -' ;�:,,.�,',;;T 'C� IoninF Cod� Chaptsr.t 64 S�ctiona .03 Paraaraphs , ± , ;.�'I��['f L�JV�STIC,ATION � RCPORT: Dat�s 2/11/70 �ys ATB A. 11ISTORY: An eppeal to relax the height di�trict restrictions to permit construction of an addition to the edjoining property was granted on 2/17/66. B. PROP(�AL: The proposal is to co�struct a atorage bin on one of the existing buildings. The roof of the new structure ia to be 95 feet above the street grade. C. NEED FOR APPEAL: Expansion of the facility requirea this size end location of the storage bin. . D. PRESENT STANDARD:, Height Distrfct I limi[s the height of buildings to 40 feet. . E. VARTANCE: The ptoposed height is S� feet above the diatrict limit or 137.39a vari�nce. I�'. AftLA 'l.ONING: The area is zoned Heavy Industry and the CanpreheASive Pl�n recoimnenda 1leavy Ind�istry for the area. c�. NllP: The St. Anthony Park Aesociation (NDP) reviewed the proposal and in a letter dated 2/3/70 stated they have no'objection to the appe�l to waive the height restriction on thia property. ' H. SITE CONDITIONS: The site ie developed witti � l�rge induatrial building with three loading docks abutting the etreets and a �mall parkiog lot behind the building. � , I. AREA CONDITIONS: The area is inteneively aeveloped With indus�rial uses. The streets are unpaved and sidewalke and cutb� ere non-existent. Parking on public street right-of-way adjecent to buildis�gt is deaignated ae-teserved for the occupants of the :ibutting buildingR. p�rkiqg lptq -pp privato preperty are nor in evidence. Council Letter 9. 30ARD ACTION; To Rsconunend `� • �Approval LJ Denial Dated 3/11/70 "loved by: Gauger Yo3s Nays Date of Hearin� X Ames 3/12/70 Secondsd byt Rutzick �i�w� . Council Action X Gadler x Gauger Secretsry' s rema,rks s x Maietta Date McPartlin (Alt) x Rutz�ck���� LEr,AL NOTICES ON TH� DACK OF Tt-IIS SIiEF:� __ , , � . . � . \ .Y . .. . 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O \ ��:;•.. / \ / <,- • . �� � � � l Y r'r!� � , `\ ��� � Jd •N y �; �•��r � , ����.: � / � , I �-, •Q � �. � � � �:. ``� , ': o , V o � n� ,, �`� �' /Li �,L ,� ,, � , ,� ' , , "'U �� �� �'S �; ' `„ � `Y �, � �<'' ��/ ��� '�-//� ♦ , �� ' � f�. �� 1, '+ ( �, \ �-� ��� ., �, �J; ,y 'L- '`' , l� �, � �-,,` • � , : ,.�, �-4 '� i-: t > V�, Cl /� , � `� :;` % •� ,`�� �� �\ . /s' ..-.. �� ,� �' �i , ��.\ � ..� _ e�. � ��/ �?. � �v , .. '��. ti c � r, / � ��'� i � {. . .�f�'" � � , . �; � ,. � �� _ �('� �\ � . . � , i �/ �r'\ � / '.'i( ! � \ �" . e 7 � !f G:� k �,�� ��� / �\/ ) ' ;� \ '�1,` � ! j�j� � ; . % \ l f� f .~`� � �\ , \\ � ' __ , � ,-�. � , � � � ' _ / i``1.,- . APPLICANT Fisher Real Estate, Inc. LEGEND PURPOSE Vary and waive height requirements LAND US� to construct a new nut storage bin tower O ONE-F�`-�R�91LY PRESENT ZONfNG xeavy Industry -C�- TM�fO-F�t.;91LY � THREE° F���:�ILY PETITON SIG�'�E�S -�?- FOUR-F��r1�L'� �Q MULT�°���°.�.��!_Y FILE No 6944 R ` � o p n Cd��t��1f�F�ClAL NoRT"' n /� IND'IJS�'i;l,�L u VAC�lVT' 9 , 2/io/�o `� �Pro St. Pau I Plannin 8oard Date� perty Under Ca�sid�ration . ' .� • •• , MIPN'TES OF �`IiE PtTBLIC H�.�,f2.7NG BEFORE TfiE BOARD OF ZONING an xrau�saay, Rebruary 19, 1970, at 2.:OQ P,ri, PRESENT: Messrse Ames, Gadler, Gauger, riaiet:t�, and Ru�zick of the Board-- (Mro ricPartlin was prese�a� bu� did not vote7; Messrs, Brown �na Scre�son, Mrs. Fraatz�n, and i�iss Sperr of the staff; and Danie�. Klas, Corporation Counsel< FISHER. REAT� ESTATE, TNCo : A� appesZ tU vary and wa�ve the height requirements to canstruct a new nut storage bi.n tower on property locr�ted on the west side of Bradford Street between Wycliff a�d Fn.dicott Streets. Mr. Sorenson s«nnmariz�c� tl�e st�ff reporr st�ting �hat �n appeal to relax the hef.ght di�t�:ict restrictfons to pez�n:.t coustruction of an addition to the adjoinin.g prop�rty was grante�] on Febru�ry 17, I36f�. 'ih�s proposal is to constrnct a storage �in on one of the existing buildings. The roof of the new structure is to be 95 feet abave tk�� stixeet gr�de. The proposed height is 55 feek a�sove the di.s�rict limit, or 137.3% vari�nce. The St, Anthony Park Associatfon (I3�P) reviewed �he propasal ar_d in a letter da�ed February 3, 1970, §tated they have no ob�ectior_ ta ehe ap�eal to waive the height restriction, A letter from Lavid Caope�, Project ISirectar for the I3a�usix�g and Redevelopment Authority 3.n the West Mfdw�y-South St, An�hony Park area, not�d that this appeal would be ��: conformanc� with their development objec�ives and would have no detr:tmen�al effects upon th� surround�Lng districte Mr. Sorenso� ex��aa.ned that St, Paul is ciivided into he3.ght districts, a�►d this business is in aIIa industrial area �rd Height Distric� One which limits buildings to 40 feet. Mr. Gauger mo�ed far approva�l of the appesl, which caas seconded by Mro Rutz3ck, �nd carried unanimousl}�. Stzbm�.tted by: Calonel Lo So�rensQ� Robert �,� Ames, Ghair�an -F3- , City•Clerk ' � � ,� ' ,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 Februaty 27, 197Q File X860, Page You are hereby notified that a public hesring will be he2d in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Coart Aouse at 10:00 a.m. on Msrch 12, 1970, on the application of Fisher Seal Estate, Inc. for a permit to vary aad waive height requirements to construct a new aut storage bin tower oa the property described as follows: Lot 26 and the westerly 12.3 feet of Lot 25 in Block 69, St. Antho�ciy Yark. The property ia located on ehe west side of Bradford Street between Wycliff and Endicott Streets. For further informatioa contact the Planning Board Roaa 1010 Cowmerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. JA1�3S J. DAL�t.I�l Commissioner of Ff+nance O