248013 y Orieinal to Cit7 Clerk , . • . . ' , t i � � ��� -� �ORDINANCE 24��,�3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � � ��2=�li/�s� ORDINANCE NO. f��� An ordinance �amend ing th� Zoning �ode, �hapter� 6� to 64, inelusive, of the Saint Pau1 Legislative �ode, pertaining to IIse Di�tri�ts, Height Diatricts ar�d Rezoning of eertain prop�r- tie� in the Ci�y of Saint Pa�l, a� amended . TT�IE �4�N�It, OF �HE CITY OF SAI1�T PA�I. D4ES ORDAIN s Seetion 1. That the Zoning �ode, �hapters 60 �0 6�, ir�cslusive, of the Saint Paul Legi�la.tive �ode, pertaining to ��e Distriets, Heigh� Dist�°iats ar�d R�zoning of aertain propertie� in th� City of Saint Pa�l, as a�ended, be a�d the sa�e 3s he��by fu�thc�r amer�d�d so as to rezone t�e f'o11o�i�g desaribed propert� on �h� terms a.�d Qonditions expre��ed he�ei� from "�" �esid�n�e Distric� to �ommer�ial Diatriet, to-wits Lots 13 and 1�, Blov� 2, �imonitsch�� 3ubdiv3.sion of Blo�ks 11 & l� �iyde Park, exeept for tha� par� taken for Lexington Avenue; situa�e on the southeast �o�ner of Sherb�zrne Avenue and �Tortt� Lexington Parkway in the Ci�y of Sain� �'aul. Seatio� 2. Th� property described above is sub��at to the followir�g terms and condition� s 1. Tha.t, sub���'� to an.p fur�her reclassifieation of the hereinabove de��ribed real estate by virtue of proceedings therefor hereinaf�er ins�itu�ed, cor�d�cted and eo�npleted acaord- ing; to the applieable provisions o� sa3.d �onin�; Code, eff e��ive a.a of �he date of said pet��ion for recla��ification and the appli�able provisions of the s�a�ut�� c>f the State of Minnesota, hereby, the employme�� of �aid real estate henceforth i� re�tricted and limited to th� following specifi�d use, to-wits Gomme��ial District for� the operation of a mediQal and dental offiee, sub�ect �o all appliaable sta�utes, ordinances, rul�s and regula�ions prescribed and p�omulgated by governmental agencies having Qognizance. 2. Tha� the owne� of said real estate, within the period of �ixty (60) days next su�eeeding the publieation of this ordinanae, shall file �►ith the �ity �1�:rk, in �wo (�� fully Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka Against - Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk � .� O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � OriQiaal to City Clerk � , . , � , . , � .�� - �ORDINANCE 24�� - - �.3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 1�`�� 2 ex�cuted eounterparts, said own�rts writter� aaeeptanee of this o�dinanee, incorporating, among other things, said owneris grant unto said City of Sain� �'aul of a negative easement affe�tin� �aid r�al esta�e, for the imposition, �naintenanee and �nfor�em�nt of th� afor�said eondition�, res�riati@na and lim3.tations c�pon the er�ployment and �se of the pr�operty de�cribed h�rein, approved as to form and execu�ion by the �oPporation Counsel and reao�dabl� 3.� the office of the Regi�ter of �eeds and said nega�ive ea�er�ent and resi��ietive conveyance sha11 be dr�.wn to exalude �.11. use� permitted in "B�:' Re�idenc� Dis�ricts, "C" Regide�nce District� and "C-1" �tesidenee Disi�riets . 3. That, in addition to other reqaireia�r�t� t�erefor, said own�ri� �ritten ae�eptanee and grar�t of negative ease- ment shall inaorporate a eer�ified copy of thia ordin�.nae, and immedia�ely upon the afore�aid filing of �he �arne the Cit�r C1e�k sha11 cause one of sueh eo�nterparts thereof to b� filed of record in the offiQe of the Reg3.s�er of Deeds in and for Ra�sey County, Minnesota. Seetion . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thir�� �30) day� from. and after it� passa�e, approv�,l and p�blication. � ���� �� ,�., :����°:: etc., �� . #1'� �M li� - q '�'lNtd'�I�ts�# Paic t+title�p �''�� ' t,fia�tt fah8t` �Irod at���se. � �►�'a � �a;nwn � °f�- 4 to °� �y ;:�4� � �fet �e iDo�uo�`��=+ii� �iY, -°!�; / t Wd�me�`� �. ,�� � ���,. tive to�ai . t. �� �����8'Fe�xuaRy.�Y;i��'e,;,�, I , C'�ty�Cl�ark�'' ��bru�r7 1+,�j: : .`. � , APR 8 1�70 Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counci� Carlson .� Dalglish Tn Favor � Meredith /l Peterson v C� Againat , Sprafka Tedesco �P� � 1„� r. President (Byrne) A ed: Attes : � , ' C' y Clerk Mayo �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By pl}BLISHED �R 1 9�0 . .� ' ' . . . - .. „*. � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' .�� . ' PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE �� Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses peraiitted under the new classi�o� fication before signing this petition. For further inforaaation about the � ,o rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. � (PLease type or print) Date: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 af the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal description and street address) Lo�s 13 and 14 in Block 2 of Simoneitsch's subdivision of blocks 11 and 14 of Hyde Park, except for tha.t part taken for Lexington Aoenue; according the recorded file of record�:in the Office of th�::_Reg3ster of Deeds from C Res i dence District to Commerc i a l District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) To convert my residence and dental office to a medical and dental office. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; ,.� � � .�. � � �� e�,�`�' g�4 � �. , < �� � / � ; ,, F � ,, �� i � �r� �° . :..�- . : .� /6-y irtt P�UI, MItltleec ,��,� �y ' c��-=--<<' � a � � u� �� � ,^v. State of Minnesota ( '�j/"�1�1��G �r�,,,E �,� County of Ramsey ( SS j�.����� Sa I vador E. Va I ento being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the ots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parti� so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me �,����L�>°� ����-Gc� , this "? �'�� day of �4'� ; /j6� • /� !' Address; C - ��.�'-c�2��2�"£�-�---,. Telephone No. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. • My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 � .� � � f�io` ,, e: C f�F('���^AP!�J � ���'�i �a,,, ,. _. _ � , .. .. .;� n i r R�; �",Ctir,ar:L�r :� '` �'i` � � _ �. � ^ . � � ... 7��fi.. �'�� �.. .,.,,...�� _� • .,�, �.;:�i - , � .. � . _.... ..V� -....iJ / . .t ' • ' • • � ' , �•. - CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ' PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For furtl�er information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property• (legal description and street address) Lots 13 and 14 in Block 2 of Sa.moneitsch's subdivision of blocks 11 and 14 of Hyde Park, except for that part taken for Lexingtcn Avenue; according to-t1�recorded file of record in the �ffice of the RegiSter of Deeds from C {2es i dence District to CommerC�a� District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) To convert my residence and dental office to a medica� and dental office. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; �l' � � , � a. .�:� � � ' � /� 5�/�r�u +�5� /✓�j s� (d o,�r � ! a iY!to �� • � �U � i 1J 1/ • 1 � i3/oc.�a �/ s v�// c l�/J E�l� _. Y P�;reO;� Divis�on ` I°1, 18, S�monit,c.h's Su�-0�u�5i�;� e� �e� 0� a Biocks i *1►F ofi H de� , ✓" ' � � _ a. � _ ' �/�y d/ 4r � I. t S�MQ ��eh's - Sut3Piurs,c.tJ • � W �Q� � ��Ir&cekc +1 ef HyD� (7ARe � �/� N p i `O/1 . , � � � _ � � -�� ✓ " u. �lfivis r1 0 6L f /1N/ O� OcC' ,d� �l , S , �l 13}�y , �. . . � � . ..ry; .f. ,j A M1; � Stateyof Minnesyta ` ss �0���� �'�� ��.» � ' ���'u� �Aa�O Count of Ramse ��'' � 1� DV int Pae�, Minrt�� Sa�vador E. Va I erlto being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition cons:tsting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the ots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties .�o described. Subscribed and sworn to before me ��fj � �� 5' ��.Z,.r � this � �' day of ��T _ /96� �.��� � ,� � Address; , • ��' �z���. Telephone No. Notary ublic, R.amsey County, Minn. My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 ` �.::a' ;:j � . C �'ECNMA���y �, T�d09"tri!f L!�' r � °� � t ' �'".'!lf�/� �fjl"lfl. � .,. �.;ii � . . i r� � l�i� � • � t . i � 00 DEED OF NEGATIjTE EASEME1dT AND � ACCEPTANCE �F ORDINANCE � � � THIS INDENTT�IRE, made and exeeuted �his�_ day of , 1970, by �,r�d b�tween D�. Salvador F. Valento �.nd Eileen D. Valento, husband and wife, of the Co�nt�r of Ram�ey, Stat� of Minr���ota, hereinafter designated " the � fir�t parties", and City of Saint Paul, hereinafter desigr�ated c�— � "the seeond party"; � � WITNTS�E�it � WHE�tEAS, TMe first partie�, on and For a consider�.ble M a period of time next preeeding the� t.i ¢�� day of� 1 i,r � • 197�, � � we�e and �ver �inee said date have be�n the contract owners of a11 of the following d�scribed real �state situate in the City of Saint Paul, Co�znty of Rams,ey, Sta�e of Minnesota, to-wits NOTED BY AUDITOR Lots 13 and 1�, B1o�k 2, Simonitsch�s ��-,�3 lg� Subdivision of Bloeks 11 & 1� Hyde THOMA►S �• KE�� ''Y P$r k, excep t for t ha t par t ta ken for ��;�� msey nty, w.� � .�t' Lex3.n�ton Avenue, situate on the south- � east co�ner of Sherburne Avenue and gy North Lexi�gto� Parkway in the Cit�r of Saint Paul; and � "�"� WHEREAS, Said real estate on said date and for a consider- GO w � able period oP time �ext preceding �he �ame, was zoned and � elas�ified in "C" Residence Distric� under and by virtue of C�2 � �hapters 64 to 6�, inclusive, Zoning Code, Saint Paul Legislative x 0 � �ode, as affiended, and pursuant to the petition of �he first pa�ties the Council of the s�cond party, according to the provisions of said Zoning �ode, as amended, and the Statu�e� of the State of Minnesota, in �ueh ca�es made and provided, wi�h th� written ac�uie��enee of the owners of twv-thirde of the several descriptions of�eal e�tate aituated within 100 f'eet of said real e�tate, duly ena�ted �ity of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 14448 , C. F. No. 248013 , approved April �th , 1970, a�d publis�i�d in the Official Plewspaper of the seeond par�y on Deed �ax hereori due $�'�`��pT i5 ✓ � � � J. � L` SR'�f � � � . • . • � the llth day of April , 1974, amendi�g eaid Zoning Code, .e°-I � as amended, so that aaid hereinabove deacrib�d real est�.te �as � � � thereby and thereunder rezoned and �ecla��ified from "C" � Re�idence Distr�ict to Com�ereial Distriat, �ub�ect to eepeeial C�2 o �x�eptions and conditions in the nat�re of especial restrictions 0 m upon the use of the sam� whereby the use and employment of said hereinabove de�eribed real estate was re�tricted to �the follow- ing uaes and employnents, sub�ec� to further rezoning and re- ela�sifieation of the same by virtue of proceedings the�efor thereaftep inetituted, eond�aeted and eompl�ted, aecording to applicable provisions of �aid Zoning Code, as amended, and of statute� of the State of Minnesota, to-wits Commereial District for the operation of a m�dical and dental offiee, sub�eet to all applicable sta�ut��, ordinances, rules and regulations p�escribed and promulgated by governm�ntal agencies having eognizanee; and T�REAS, The first parties, for themselves , their heirs, admin3strators, exeaut4rs and assi�ns, intend Y�ereby to accept said Ordinanee No. 14448 , and to provide for the 3mposi�ior�, maintenane�, and enforce�ent of �uch especial restriction� upon the use of said hereinabove desc�ibed real estate to run with the lar�d and to gra�t unto �he second party, in further co�- pliance w3.th th� �onditions of said Ordinana� No. 14�+�+8 , a negative easement �herefor; NOW, THEREFORE, the first part3.es, as st�ch owner� of s�id hereinabove described real estate, for them�elves, their heirs, admini$trators, exeaut4rs, and assigns, do hereby covenant and bind the�nselves, �heir heirs, administrators, execsutors a�d assi�ns, unto the �e�o�d party that, in ac�ordance w3.th $aid Zoning Code, as amended, partieularly as the sanne has been amended by said Ordinanee No. 14448 , said real estate has been effeetivel.� restricted and limited in �e�pe�t of its �se and employffient and 2 • � , . . � shall henceforth b� restriated and limited in aueh partieulars � q0 as followa, to-wits W � 1. That, �ub�eet to any further recla�si- � � ':t2 fication of the hereinabowe desa�ibed r�al estate ,:�2 � by �irtue of proeeedings therefor here�r�after � Q Q � instituted, condueted and compl�ted according to the applicable provi�ions of said Zonir�g �ode, effective a.s of the date of �aid petition for reclassifi�ation and the applicable proni�ions of the statute� of the �tate of Min�esota, hereby, the employrnent of said real �state henaefor�h ia restrieted and limited to the following specified use, to-witt Commereial Di�trict for the operation of a medical and den�al office, �ub�ec� to all appl3.cable sta�utee, ordina,nees, ru1�s and r��tzlati.on� pre�eribed and p�omulgated by gov�rnmen�al agencies having cognizance, and the �aid first parties, for themselves , t�ieir heirs, adrnin- istrators, ex�cutora and assigna her�by �rant, convey and warrant unto the second p�.rty, said �ity of Sain� Paul, as au�h municipal corporation, in trust for the ben�fit of the public, a perpetual negative ease�ent in and to said hereinabov� d�s�rib�d real es�ate and all thereof, for the i�po�ition, maintenanae and enforcement by the second partg, a� s�ch m�ieipal corporation, of the aforesaid re�trietiona ar�d limitations upon the use and employment of said hereinabove deseribed real e�ta�e, to ru.n with the land, and for good and valuable eonsiderat3.on, the receipt and su�'fiaiency wher�of by the first partiee hereby a�e acknowl- edg�d. FtTRTHER, .�he fir�t p�.rties �ake ref�rence to said Zoning Code, as an�ended, and by peferen�e incorporate the sa�e herein; as pa�t heaa�eo�, �rith the same intent, purpo�e ar�d effect as if �sid Zoning Code, as am�nded, w�re fully ��t forth herein; and 3 � , • , . . make further �efere�ce to said amendatory Ordinane� I�o. 14448 ; � � and said first parties for themselves, tk�eir heirs, administrators, � executors and assigns, h�reby accept said am�ndatory �rdinance � No. 14448 , and every provision, ter�m and eondition of the �ame � �vithou� reaervation or �xa�ption. � 0 ° IN TES�IM41�+T�' �ERE4F, said first parties, Dr. �alvador E. Valento and Eileen D. �Talento, husband and wife, have set the3.r hands to this ins�rument as of the day and year fi�st above written. In Pre�ence Of: � . �, v � /�1_tr,� �l ^�-9�s�� �� Dr. alvador alento _�� ; 4��c��� /v`(I•.���� een . a ento r I 3�ATE OF M[INNES�TA ' �$. C�UNTY �F RA�ISEY On this �day of , 1970, before me, a notary public within and for aid �ounty, personall� appear�ed Dr. Salvador E. Valento and Eile�n D. �Talen�o, to me l�nown to be the person� described in, and who exeeuted the foregoing instrum�nt, a�d acknowledged that t ey executed � ' s�.me as their free act and deed. �� a -; �a�ns ey,�:'op.;y�-9�c�. ' :,�� • ;`t�� �t.s� .�•�*,, � �.' sY' ����' , My eommission exP��d ��.�"'' �E MY G'OfiRi` � � O�A�'�,fs'(r��i • 'I�S:�A ,,'?�f+�s Cepi .�'S: 1_4%1 r� ,�',� +� + 1 �/I?SE'� � /� °° �"` ,�, � ��� oo� �i �,, '�. ��, ���I� a,;�. r�osq„� A,e;� � ;` .. ...t:'. � ' City Clerk' �` - CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 February 13, 1970 File X836 Pag� You are heseby notified that a public hearing wfll be held ia the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on February 26� 1970, on the petition of Salvador E. Valeato to rezone from s Clasa "C" Resideace District to a Commercial Diatrict oa the follow- iag described property; Lots 13 and 14 in Block 2 of Sfmonitsch's Subdivision of Blocks 11 aad 14 of Ryde Paxk, except for� that part taken for Leaington Avenue. The Qroperty is locsted on the southeast coraer of Sherburne Avenue and Lexington Parkway. For further information coatact the Planning Board, Roaa 1010 Commerce Building or phone 213•4151. 3A1�S J. DALGLISH Caiomisaioner of Fis�anca O ARo 5ALVADOR E, VALENTO (2-5-74� (Continued): Mr. Mafetta stated r_hat Lexingto� �venue is busy, there is no parking o� it, and that 14 parking areas should not cause a problem. Mr. McPartlin �nqnired as to the possibility of working this out without rezoning. �r. Mansur inquired as to the possibility of the extenaion o£ any use-type conversion as he was disturbed that in the event o� the aale of this property at a future date there might b� co�version to same other use. Mr, McPartlitt suggested either Iaying the matter over for two weeks �n ask the Corporatio� Counsel if there is any �ther salution or if the Zoning Boa�d could recoum�end rezoning with a negative easement filed with the Register of D2eds st�ting that if this property is �sed for any other purpose, it could revert back to its original use. Mre Maietta felt it was unlikely it would be used £or some other purpose and if so, the owner or user would have to ab�de by L-he parkin g rules. Mr� Sorenson stated that an extension of use fs not pos�ible in this case and the proposal would require Co�nercial zoning. Moved by Mr. McPartlin and seconded by Mra Ma�etta, the Board unanimoasly recounnends approval subjec� to Corporatio� Counsel approval that a negative easement be filed and that if the property ceased to be used as a clinic, it would revert back to its original use. Upon inquiry by Mr. Ames, Dr, VaZento agreed this was satfsfactory. Submitted by: ColoneZ L� Sorenson Robert Lo Ames, Chairman -2- MINUTES OF TH� PUBL�C iiEARING BE��RE � BOtf+Rt3 OF �ONxNG on 2�.ursd�y� Febru�ery 58 Ir709 at 2s00 P,,N�� PRESLri�': Messrs� Ames s Gauger�, AicPa�ct13.n9 Ma�.ett;a�, and Mansux af the Boa�d and Messrs� Br•owa and Sore�sora and Miss Sch�.stner of the staffo Mr, Maie�ta requested the minut�s a� the Jar_uary 2�, 197U, meeting be �mended on Pag� 4, psragraph ��, in r�egard to the appea�. of �or-Son Construction, Inc, Mr� 1��aietta s�id he wished thE mi�ate.s to sha�• that he also r�cognized th� fact that th�r� ia a need fox m�re housin.g units but he fFlt Ctne request was extremeo Moved by Mr, McPa�tlin and secox�c�ed by Mr, M�iCe�t� t�►at the minutes be approved as amended9 the motiar� c.arried unanamously� DR, SAL�'ADOR E� �IAIvENTOo � petition to zezone f��m "C" Res�.den�e to Commercial properCy located on �f�� s��utheast co�ener o£ N'Qx�th I,exingeon P�ikway and Shex�burne Avenue to enable hfm to convert his residenc� and de�t�l of�ice to a med:Lcal and dent$1 officee Mr, Sa�re�son sumsn�:eized ti�e staff retsort stat;Lng that an October �.7, 1945n there was aiz agpeal to re�.ax the setba�k �equfrements far thi� prapertya No €inal ection w�s taken on th� �eppeal since builda:n.g ��rmita caere �1�°eady issued for the property iA a�ccorda�re with Citi,� Counc�� act£on� �ro Valen,to wishes to convert �iis residex�ce �and dental o�fice to a m�dical and dental o�fic� that d�es not qua�i£y as � t�ome orcvap�tion.a Zaning fn th� area �.s I�i�ht Xndustcry south a2ong Univers�ey Ave�uee "�" Residence east an.d we�ti and a m�acture of "B'� and "C" itesidence northo �'�ae Campr�he�a�ive Pl�n :-ac��en�s the a�es be classified R-7 (3 �nd 4�-famiAy residen.cesA tc�wn a�.d rosa tious�e�;�.. On tlx� west9 north, �nd east th� site is surrot�nded �,y mixed low-dens�.�y resic�enti�l as�s in goud condition; North Lex�.ngtnn Parkraay -ri�ht-of�way �baat� th� si�te orn the �rest; mixed commercisl uses front on University ,Aven�se tc� the s�e�tho S�aff con.elasions nated �h�t t�e p�.���osal re�r�s�nts co�ercial, encroachment into ,e r.esidentiml �tr�ea, the Compref�extsiv� Plan recorr�ends rQSidezt�ial. use fo� this s�te, the prop�sal mm�y be detr�m�ntaL to residential ares9 cumm�ercial zoning wouYd allow uses more intense tha� now proposed, �oth off-stz°eet and on-atreet par&ing is �rer� limited for �ny cam�merci�sl use af this ei_tep ��d one doctor's or dentist`s o��iEce is �l�owed �rith �he res�.d�nc� aa � '°�am� (]�:cup�tinn"� Dr, Valento, the petitione�9 st�ted that park.ing worsl� he prowided for l�+ cars by comin$ 14 feet int� the �.�wn� The building wo�uld �eemsin the same9 and the yard will be kept up� With only twa physxci.ans in th� buildingq �;,�}sose hour� tare ap�roximately 1�� p,�z, , mesns parking may run frc,n � d�al� houx to 45 minuteso The area would be blacictopped �an� the sc�rrc�undin� �re� �oe�ld ve le�pt up as neatly as it ia po�sible to doo `T�ere wouir,i be ns� residential. useo '�kher� are 3 filling st�tions on the coruers now so t'rte srea is pr�tty well t�l�en up with filling st�etirns nQ��o Mro A�es inqc�ired iL �here w�s anyone appea�ic�g �ra oppc�si.tiona °�'here w�s na r�s�onseo �-1�• � BOARD OF ZONIN� •REPART AND llCTION February 5, 1970 °1at Map �22 � ' Actin�; under Le�islative Code Ch3pter 6� thru 64 nassed Aupust 22� 1922 as am�nded to April 6� 19GA 6932 1395 1• �?�':'L1CAt�T'S NA'�� ; Dr. Salv�dor �. Val�eto �. �1,A;;IFICATION � u AaNwi�rwt � App�al �P�e�i! u Oth�r X-836 Rezase fro■i "C" �esi�nct to Co�aerci�l to enable ''' "���Rr�s� ' �tia to conv�rt hi� tre�idenc• and dent�l office to 4- L'ICATION s • �iCal �sd d�ot�l Olfict. Soutireast coreer of M�rtA Iwxi�ton llcvr. and SherWrne Ave. 5. LEC',AL DESCRIATION s �t� 13 snd 14, Bloclt !. Si�aaft�ch'• Sa�ivi�ion of Blocka ll asd 14 ot Yyda lark� �xcrpt for that part t�ken tor Iw4cinston Avaw. 6. PR�Srt7T ZONZNGi "C" Resid�nce �1 . Pt�kSUANT TO Zonir� C�d• Chapt��l �► l�ati�1 .Q6 ParaRt�pht -3 . STACF INVESTIGIITION i �PORT� Datst 1/29/70 gy� ATB A. SUFFICIENCY: In o lettes dated 1/6/70 tM Co�seisaioner of linance declared the petition sufficient vitl� the o�ar• of 8 of a po�aible 12 (66 2/3X) tracts having signed the Ntitios. B. HISTOitY: An �ppeal to relax the �etbsck r�quire�enta for this property was filed 10/17/45. Ifo final �ction, hwrevtr� va• t�ken upon the appeal, since building permita were already i�sued for th� proptrty in occordalce with Council action. C. PROl06ED USE: The petitioner nisi�e� to convect hia residence and dental office to � medical �ad d�nt�l offiee t4at d�q �ot qwlify aa � houe occupation. D. FRONTAGE AND AIt�:A: The s#te !� s front,�e of 103.78 feet along North Lexington Avenue� and • fronta=� of 70.41 fNt alon� Sh�rburn� Avenu� �rith an �rea of 7,307 equare feet. E. AREA ZONING: To the •outh •lon� Univ�t�ity Avenue is Light Industry; to the we�t and eaet is "C" R�sidtnce and to th• eorth is a mixture of "B" and "C" Reaidence. F. CQ�tPREHENSIVE P'LA11: The Coaprel�enaive Plan reco�nds the erea be classified R-7 (3 and 4-feeily =eaid�ncea� towa and row houses). G. SITE CONDITIONS: The �ite ia �ov occupied by a eingle-atory structure that •erves as a re�idenc• and deuti�t's office. The site is level end at etreet grade. H. AREA CONpITIOlt3: Mlx�d la+•ienaity re�idential u�es in good condition surround the site to the West� north� aa� e��t. No. Ltxin�toe Pkvy. right-of-way abute the _ aite on the �+e�t. Mixed Ca��reisl u�sa froat on University Avenue to the south. � Council Letter�`- 90 HOARD ACTION; To Recommend LJ Approval �Denial pated I 2/25/70 "7oved by; McPartlin Yeas Nays Date of Hearin�= x Ames Seconded by: Maietta Cohen 2/26/70 _ Danna (Alt) Council Actfan Gadler X Gaugor Secretary' s remarkss x Maietta Date Subject to the Corporation Counsel's x McPartlin (Alt) approval that a negative easement be x Mansur (Iri1!) filed, and that if thL�rLpe��YC��a��d,�E �K OF THIS SHEET to be used as a EGII TI clinic, it would revert back to its original zoninQ. \ . ; ' �i/23/l01 , . � =� � � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; � MINNESOTA I 13 Court Hou:s,66102 JAMES J. DAL6LISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Dsputy Commissioner Phona:223-4646 December 23, 1969 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Salvador E. Valento, filed in the mai�r of rezoning, Lots 13 and 14, in Block 2, of Simonitsch's Subdivision of Blocks 11 and 14 of Hyde Park, except for that part taken for Lexington Avenue. The property is located on the southeast corner of Sherburne Avenue and Lexington Parkway, from a Class "C" Residence District to a "Commercial" District, and find that said petition is insufficient. Yours very ly, � � ' � . James J. alglis �'� Commissioner of Finance Re: X-836 cc: Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Frontage: 0% .,, Parcels Eligible - 12 � � � � � (� � Illl Parcels Signed - 6 or 50y, �'� «� Needed - 8 or 66-2/3% ���• �' ���� CITY PLAfV�VING BOARD Sair!t Pauf, MfMG+�r Z�P11NG F1LE �? �� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA ii I 13 Courf�House,bb102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner i LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Dsputy Commiuionsr Phone:223�4b46 January 6, 1970 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have rechecked the attached petition of Salvador E. Valento, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lots 13 and 14, in Block 2, of Simonitsch's Subdivision of Blocks 11 and 14 of Hyde Park, except for that part taken for Lexington Avenue. The property is located on the southeast corner of Sherburne Avenue and Lexington ParkwaY, from a Class "C" Residence District to a "Commercial" District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very t uly, � f , i'� . f � �. • ,�..C� ,;�/`James J. algli�� � Co�niss ner Finance ` ,,,,, ,� Re: X-836 ZfJNtNG FILE ��.�. cc: Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Frontage: 100% Parcels Eligible - 12 Rarcels Signed - 8 or 66-2/3% � � � � � �. Needed - 8 or 66-2/3% � � � � J��: 3 #97�1 C1TY PIANNfNG BOARD Saitrt P�ul, Minne�� �� • •• ' � . DR. S. E. VALENTO, D. D. S. - 506 NORTN LEXINGTON PARKWAY ' 3T. PAUL. MINNESOTA 33104 PHONE 646-8968 /���. `�j �- � C�!��,f�c,C �J. c�� / / �� %�. �� ' � C��/ � � , c�. � �i` ��`�',° �`����eJ �� � .n 3 ��_ 4 ��� E' ��� �'�� ��< r � � � � � o �`��, � � ��� �,�„, �� � � G' �G� � , . _�f� . `��/�J • . .. � ����� -i7G� ,�jj . � � �� �� � � �.�;�G�� , : � - // �' / 5� a� � /�a�y G�� �� /1� �/ °� , � . ,� .�, � �� � jS/�/ ��� . � � � 1� � � � � �A�! 51910 CITY PUINNING BOARD $air�t pplul,Mint�� . � <----. Zt��V t NG FI LE .�.��- !t�' . • � � , � . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 February 25, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the petition of Dr. Salvador E. Valento to rezone from "C" Residence to Commercial property located on the southeast corner of Sherburne Avenue and North Lexington Parkway. This property is further described as: Lots 13 and 14, Block 2, Simonitsch's Subdivision of Blocks 11 and 14 of Hyde Park, except for that part taken for Lexington A�renue. This matter was considered at the February 5, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the petitioner currently has his residence and dentist office at this location and desires the rezoning so that he might expand the medical office use of the structure. The proposed use for two doctors and no residence would not qualify as a home occupation. Staff conclusions noted that the petition represents commercial encroachment into the residential area and that if rezoned, the property would allow more intense commercial uses than that now proposed. The staff also noted that both on-street and off-street parking would be limited for the site and that the combined use of a dentist's office and his residence could continue in "C" Residence as a home occupation. Dr. Valento, the petitioner, stated that he felt he could provide parking for 14 cars and that the site and structure would be maintained as it is presently. The Board discussed the problems that future, more intense commercial use of the property might cause and the possibility of allowing the proposed use without the Commercial zoning. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning found that the petition should be granted subject to the Corporation Counsel's approval that a negative easement be filed, and that if the property ceased to be used as a clinic, it would revert back to its original zoning. The Board, therefore, by a 5-0 vote, recommends approval of this rezoning, subject to the above condition. Very ly yours, � /,.� ,� _ �, i � r .t,/L % � ETER J. ETTA ` Secretary, Board of Zoning �� :�; �, �� PJM:gaf i� �� � � W�,t s CLS � (�j '� Z.F. �k6932 � -� , � ,�,, , Harry E. Marshall • . cITY oF Albert B. Olsoe + City Clerk and �``� s, Couytoil Recorde�r ' Commissioner of Registration � � � �;;,,����� �S M1� OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK �� I .� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � BUREAU OF RECORDS �86 C%ty Hdll St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� _ _ _ - � Feb. 26, 1970 Mr. Daniel A. K1as Corporation Counsel Dear Sir: The Cit Council tod re uested that � y ay q you prepare �.n ordinance grantin� the attached petition of Dr. Salvador E. Valento to rezone to Commercial I7istrict property at the southeast corner of Sherburne Ave. and N. Lexington Parkway, described as Lots 13 and 1�+, Bloek 2, Simonitsch's Subdivision of Blocks 11 and l�+ of Hyde Park, except for that part taken for Lexington Ave.� SUBJECT to the filing of a negative easement. Very truly yours, _ ;�J>-� City erk � ng < • � f � I i . . ..,,�L ,o ^ -. .ct-., /, i. /t1.4,t��i.^ �`�.0,Fr t @_...�e�. �. �,�.,.! �t�'°.fi?-w-� ."� � '�— �`t '���-?,y.��.f.� ��^ "'f � � ,-f..� � 7 �� C � � � � ,:,� �� _ � ` .!„i b �.,'� ;,u � /�� , �/ � '�� � ����� . _ ,1' x a �� �����t ! i 4 / .y � {y k�: -+ �. C"'; �.t����� M���� ". f'� � r�� � STATE OF MI �o�t � �"�'��� Coun �ESOTA tY of Ramsey se �tw�,; eo' y w �g ; � , `�,' C� OF 3AI1VT PAUI, 49�•� `q ql�g . d �� � � � R j+----------------------•-Harr � ,. �t � _ of tbe � .Y.'.E�..Mars hall� . ......... .............. � ;� i�..;; t3' of Saint Paul � - - -..Ct�' Clerk .��- ¢ t�'�, compared �8$ ' Minn�ota do hereby cert�fY that � , ,, r� ;y , , � Ordina,nce t��� COPY of Co I bave � No 8 uacil F � ' .� � °,�� ' ae adopt� by the C ' �e No........---?4801�a..bein� . , itY Cou _ . . y ��----_... ril .. , �. 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