248001 'TY CLERK ����"�-+L CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C it SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �MISS�IONE DATF MAr�nh ZjE� 197Q WHLR�AS, the Finance Department presently has scheduled a number mf public hearings before the City Council be�inning with the week of April 7, 1970, and continuing on through April 17, 1970, and WHEREAS, the above hesrings involve apgmximatelq 1200 individual no�ices to affected propertq owners which must be mailed a minimurn of ten-days prior to said publia hearing in compliance with the City Charter, and IN AS MUCH as the current work stoppage bq the Postal Emploqees precludes the delivery of mailed notices as requirad, N(7W THBREFOxE BE IT RESOLVED, that all public heariags be cancelled and suspended until anch tiffie as the Finance Departffieat �an ascertain that nornal �nail delivery can be made in order to complq with the require�ents of the City Gharter. � 2 4 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 2 � �9�� Dalglish Approvec� 19— Meredith �� Favor Peterson � Spr�fk� U Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pU661SH�D MAR 2 8 7�7� ��� �u��a� ����"�\ � / ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA I13 CourF Hou3�,6b102 J�(��f JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiuioner �,,� LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Deputy Commiuioner Phons:223-4646 March 24, 1970 To the Honorable Maqor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The Finance Departuaent presentlq has scheduled a nuaber of public hearings before the City Council, the first of which is set for April 7, 1970 and continuing on through April 17, 1970, camprising approximately 1200 individual notices to pro- pertq awners. In order to camply with the City Charter, mailed notices mnst be sent not less than ten-days prior to the date of the proposed public hearing. In as much as the current work stoppage by the postal employees precludea the sending out of mailed notices, it is my recoa�endation that all public hearings be cancelled and suspended until such ti�e as the Finance Department can ascer- tain that normal mail delivery can be made in order to coffiply with the requirements of the City Charter. I would anticipate that even if the mail were to begin to be processed i�ediatelq, it would take a minimum of two to three weeks for a conpleCe retura to normal. Y rs very tr y, � '�/ ame J Dalg s � Co�n s ioner of inance � �� DUP4ICATE TO PRINTER ��JixU� CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER Jamea J. L�$1 1�.8�1 � $ DATF MArch 26�, 1 70 WHEREAS, the Finance Department preeently has acheduled a number of public hearinga before the City Council beginniug with the �eek of April 7, 1970, and coatinuing on through April 17, I97�, aad WHBREAS, the above hearings involve appcmimately 1200 individual natices to affected property awners Which must be mailed a miaimum of ten-daya prior to aaid public hearing in cempliance with the City Charter, and IN AS MUCH as the current work stoppage by the Postal Employeas precludes the delivery of mailed notices as required, N�+T THEBEFORE BB IT RESOLVED, that all public hearings be cancelled and euspended until euch tim� as tha Fiaance Departmeat can ascertain that normal mail delivery can be made in order to comgly with the requirements of the City Chascter, � � 4 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ���� �� � ���� Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco �—Against Mr. President, Byrne ��