251297 �51�9'7
Counoil FYIe No.............. _
T6eundernignedhereby propoeeetheme►lcingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City oi aeint P-��N, .:�� �.,�
Open; widen and extend WACOUTA STREET - S.E. Corner at 7th St. (City Pro,ject
fto. P-0552 R) by condemnin� and taking for street purposes the paxcels of
land as shown on drawing Ro. 3011, drawer 4, on file in the Department of
Public Works and as described as follows: The southwesterly 15 feet of Lots
11 and 12, Blk. 6, Whitney and Smith's Addition; also that part of said.Lot
12 bounded by the follawing described line: Beginning at a point on �he
northwesterly line of said Lot 12, said point being 15' northeasterly of the
most westerly corner of said Lot 12, thence sautheasterly a distance of 5
feet along a line parallel to the southwesterly line of said Lot 12; thence
northerly along a atraight line to a poi.nt on the northwesterly line of said
Lot 12, said point being 5 feet northeasterly framn the point of beginning,
� thence to the poiat of beginniag and tliere terminatiag.
Open; Widen and extend WACdUTA STSiEET - S.E. Corner at 7th St. (Cfty Pro3ect .
fto. P-0552 R) by condemning and taking for street purposes the parcels of
land as shown on drawing fto. 3011, drawer 4� on file in the Department of �
Public �lorks and as described as follows: The southwesterly 15 feet of Lots
11 and 12, Blk. 6, Whitney and Smith's Addition; also that part of said,Lot
I� 12 bounded by the following described line: Beginning at a point on the
'� northWester]�y line of said Lot 12, said point being 15' northeasterly of the
� most Westerly corner of said Lot 12, thence sautheasterly a distance of 5
Yeet along a line parallel to the sauthwester�y line of said Lot 12; thence
northerly elong a straight line to a point on the north�esterly line of said
i,ot 12, said poi� being 5 leet nor�heaster�r frami the point of beginning,
thence t�o the point of beginaing ead there terminatiag.
a. -ro report upon e�ll of the foregoing mattere to the �mmaseioaer of Finanoe.
Adopted by the e:ouncil................................`y�!.V..�..�..��7� ......_....
Gounc i lman But l er NQV 2 k 19�
Carlson �PProve�.................................•-•-•-----.......--•--......._..__._..---
Tedesco ............................................... . .w_. __..
Mr. President McCarty . Msyor.
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