251285 . �+ /� ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �r���f6�� '�; �,,, ` CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL N0. V �;;� ` �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, with the approval of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, with the �inancial assistance of the United States of .America, has undertaken a Redevelopment Project designated Seven Corners Urban Renewal Project, Minn. A-1-6; and i WHEREAS, as part of the proposal for said Project, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has acquired and cleared cer- tain real property for conveyance to the City for redevelopment by the Civic Center Authority; the City of Saint Paul� by its Resolutions , Council File Nos . 251111 and 251123, has vacated certain streets within the project area; and the Civic Center Authority, with the approval of the City Council , has awarded construction contracts for the Civic Center Multi-Purpose Arena, including a connecting concourse on said real property; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redeve_lopment Authority has ten- dered a contract for sale of land fo r redevelopment by a public body and deeds of conveyance of land for redevelopment to the City and Civic Center Auth ority; and WHEREAS, Laws of the State of Minnesota for 1g6g, Chapter ' y 923, authorizes the City of Saint Paul to issue general obligation � bonds for certain urban renewal development projects and fu rther v authorizes the City of Saint Paul to issue a portion of those � c general obligation bonds, not to exceed ten percent of the total o � authorized issue, for additional urban renewal projects ; and x `o � o Wf�REAS, the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul has requested v the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to further assist the City � �; and the Civic Center Authority in the development of the Seven j i Corners Urban Renewal Project by making payment of the sum of L �881,775 to the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Account for the benefit of the United States of America under requirements of the funding agreement between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the United States of America, which sum represents the fair market value of the real property to be conveyed to the City b�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _�� Favor Meredith Sprafka Maqor Tedesco A8'��►$t Mr. President, McCarty � � ��1��5 . 'DRI6INAL TO CITY CLCRK . � �., ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FO`EUNCIL NO. ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. the Housing and Redevelopment Authority� and which sum is to be paid in accordance with Section 1, Subdivision 2 of Chapter g23, , Laws of Minnesota for 1g69; and WHE REAS, the provisions of the redevelopment plan, Seven Corners Urban Renewal Area Projecty Minn. A-1-6, provide for pub- lic improvements, including the dedication of certain lands for public streets, Now, TY�epefore , be it RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul ; 1. That the appropriate city officers are hereby author- ized to execute , on behalf of said City , the contract for sale of land for redevelopment by a public body. 2. That the City hereby authorizes the acceptance of the deeds of conveyance of land for redevelopment for the tract of land in said deeds described. 3. That the City will pay to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, from Urban Renewal Bond Fund 7030-461, the sum of �881�775� to be used by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for payment to the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Account. 4. That the Council hereby determines that the Houaing ' and Redevelopment �_uthority has satisfied all provisions and requirements of the City of Saint Paul with relation to street vacation in the Seven Corners Urban Renewal Area. NOV Z o 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays NOV 2 0 j�� Butler Carlson PP 19— Levine / T� Favor Meredith Sprafka J qor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED NOV 2 81970 � � ;o��.,�,�,��„� 25��� . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO ., � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIV—GENERAL FORM .���� COMMISSIONFt ^A� Ii�SLAB, rith the sppro�al oi the Connoil oi the C�ty o! 8aint Paul� tti• Hour iaa� and Asd�velopaieat Authorfty oi the Qity oi �aint Paul, Mitb the fiaaaoi8l a��irtanoe oi tbe IInitsd 8tats� o! A�erioa, ha• undertaken a $ede�e lop�ent Pr�,�so� deoi�atsQ 3even Corners IIrban 8,�neNa1 Pro�eot, Minn. A-i-6; and �BEAS, as part oi tho proposal ior �aid Pra�eot� th� Housing �►nd Bedevelop�ent Authority hss aoqnired ead olsared oer- � "' tein re�l proper�ty ior con'�i�"�anoe to �h� City ior redsvolopsent by tDe Civio Ce�tsr Anthoritq; the Ci�ty oi 3aint Paul, by 1t� Rssolution�, Conaoil File IPos. a5iiii ana 2g�is;, has raoated oertain �treots wi�hia the prn�eot area; aad the Civio Centor Authority, Mit6 ttis approval oi the City Qow�cil, has srardsd oonstruotion oontraotr tor the Civio Csnter Mniti-Pnrpose Arsna, inoluding a oonneoting eonaoursa oa �sid r.al proper�y; and i�SEA3, �he 8ousina ead Sede�r�e lop�ent Authority ha� ten- dered a oontrao� ior salo o! laad io r rede�alop�at by a pnbiic body sad de�8• o! oonvayanoe o! land ior redevelop�snt to ths City �nd Civio Cest�r Auth arity; and 1i�RBAB, LsMS ot the State oi Minn•�ota !vr 1969, Ch�pter 9Q3, anthori�e� t�he City oi Saiat Paul to is�ns Seasral obli�a�ion bond� tor osrtain urban reneMal developaent pro�ea�� aad itirtber anthorl�ss the City o! Saiat Panl to i��ue a portion of tho�s general obligation bond�, not to ezo�ed ten peroent o! the �otal aathorised i�sne� ior sdditionsl urban reneNSl pro��o�ai an�d i�iHB8EA8� �Ehe Couaoil oi the City ot Ssint Pwl has requested ttis Hou�in� and �detr�lop�eat Authority to iurthsr a�aist the City and the Ci�io C�n�Csr Authority 1n the d�s�elop�ent ot the Sevsa Cornor� IIrbaa A�ns�ral Pro�eot 'by sakin� pay�ent ot the �na ot �88i���s to ths Pro�sot Te�porary Loan Bepa�r�ent A000nnt ior tbe b�netit o! the Qnited States oi A�erioa und�r rfqnire�ont• oi the tunding asree��nt betMesa ttie Hon�ins an.d �dowlopaent Autboxit�► and the Oni�ed Sta�e• oi Merf oa, rhioh �• repre ssnt• th• ieir �arket vslue o! the resl property to bo oonveyed to the Cit� byy COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approv� 19— Levine T++ Favor �Ieredith Sprafka MsYor rodA;N(;t Tedeaco Mr. President, �cCarty �� : � } _ e DY�LICATR TO�RIIiT�R , � ■��� . � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� -i►'`��' . ' ' � OFFICE OP`THE CITY CLERK w� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���� COMMISSIONER �A� Psge !t. the Housins and Redevelop�ent Anthority, and wbioh ru� is to b� peid in a000rd�aoe xith Seotioa i, �nbdivision Jt ot Cbspter 9s3, LsNS ot Minne�ots !or 1969i ead 1�HEBEAB, the pro�isioas o! t•6� r�detelop��ni plan, S���n Corners IIrbas BeneMal Area Pro��d� Mina. A-i-6, provid• tor pub- � lio 1�prov��snts� iaoluding tbe d�dioation oi oertais landi !or publio strssts, - �� xoM� Ther�tore � be it BE�OLVED, by ttie Counoii oi the Ci�y oi 5sint Psnl; i. That the spproprla�e oitq oiiioers sre herebq antbor- i$ed to e:eoute, on bshali oi •sid Ci�y, the oontraot io r sals ot . land !or red�velopvent by a publlo body. 2. That the City tiereby anthori�es tha aooeptaao• oi the deedr oi oonveyanoe of land ior rsds�elopa�ent !or the traot oi � isnd in raid deeds de�oribed. 3. That the City rrill pay to �he Hc►noing and Bed�velop�ent Authority, iros IIrban BBneMal Bond Fund ?030-46i, the omr oi �881,7?s� to be uaed by the Housin; and �edevelopeent Authority ior pay�eat to the Pro�sot Te�porarg Loan Sepay��nt A000unt. 4. That the Couneil hereby datersins� that ths Hon�ing. and Bedevelop�ent A�thority tiaa satioiiod all provi�iosu and reqnirenents ot the City of" 3aint Paul rith relation to �treat vaoation in ths 3even Co�ners IIrbon 8snawal Area. N�� � � 19�D COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�n� 19— �eaa Nays AIOV 2 0 1�7D Butler Carlson Appmv� 19_ Levine Favor Meredith � Mayor Sprafka A o�uinwt Tedesco Mr. Preeident, McCarty .. �6