251282 ` � �1��2 �ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK , CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ObCTt • S I'BfIC$ � COMMISSIONE ATF �AS, Paragraph 1.63 of the 3peeifications for Street and Sewer Con�truc- tion provides for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of all guarantees incu�bent upon the contractor the retention of a reserve amount for the period of one ye�r fro� the date of the Final Estimate, and WHffitIIAS� The entire physical Work on the following contract was co�pleted well over one ye�r ago, alt�ough the one year period fro■ the date of the final estimate has as qet not espired and nc� a�ount has been expended by the Citq for any �aint�nance repairs therato, therefore be it RBSOLVBD, That the Reserve a�ount withheld on tbe following listed project be released at this time -��� ro�eaent No. Description Amount Coapletion Dat! � J� � 67-F-0493 Riverview Industriel Froject $5000.00 Deceaber 6, 1969 � and FURTHER RBSOLVE, That the contractor for the above listed project be and he i� finallq released froA this contract. }-_v:'.':,i ,�--''"-•,,-;, /� �f:. `�t �:i(�:`�r ij'fl C.�:. :l .j__. NOV 2 0 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naqs ��1u 2 0 1�70 Butler pd 19— Caxlson - Levine n Favor Meredith , `� Sprafka ll yor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty p�gt�SHED NOv 2$ ��' �� - �51��� . -°nu�ucwre ro MaN�me , CITY OF ST. PAUL ry uNC�� N�,. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ���M�oN� Rob�rt F. StiraLkd nA�e W�E1tEAS� Zara=raph 1.63 ot th� Spacif ications tor Str��t and Sw�: Con�tsv��e- tion provid�s fo�r t!a purpos�s o! �orcins th� provisions of all austarttNs incmab�nt upon t6s cortractor tb� r�teation ot a r�a�rva yoant for t�e ptriod of one y�ar l�s� tL� dat� o� t6t linal 8atl.�at�, and WH�REA3� Th� �ntis� pbysiaal �rk oA th� �ailovins contr�ct xas co�pl�t�d wll ovsr one yaas a�o� althonsb th� ons �ar p�riod lro� tbt dst� o! tiy tinal astisatt l�as as �nt not �xpirnl aral no a�cunt Las beae �xp�nd�d by tht City !or aAy �slnt�nanc� s^�paira th�r�to. therefot� b� it �OLVED, ?hat tlue R�s�rve a�ount withlrld on t�a iollovl.ng list�d pra��c! b� r�l�aaea at tbi� t!M Iwpi^o��tnt No. Deacription ll�urt Co�p�itioa Datt 67-P-0493 Riv�rviev IAdaatrial Froj�ct $5000.00 D�c�b�r 6, 196f aad tORTYE1t RESOLVE, ?bat tre coatsa�tor !er tlM abs�� listsd proi�at 0� a�d � is fie�ally r�ltas�d fs� t6is contract. N�V 2 01�� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays N(�� � O ��O Butler l Carlaon Appro� 19— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �y�r � AvOA1TAt, Tedesco Dlr. Preaident, McCarty a��