251279 25I�79 co��� xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereigaedhereby proposeef,hemal¢ingof thefollowingpubliaimpmvement by the City of 8sint Paui,vls.: Onen, widen, and, extend DALE STREET fra� �r'est riinnehaha Avenue to Como Avenue (City Pro,�ect No. P-0�+90R) by condemning and takin� for street purposes the parcels of land as shown on drawing rlo. 3009, draiaer �+, on ' file i.n the Department of Public Works and as described as follows: � � That pa.rt of the south�•rest qu�er of Sec�ion 25, Township 29 PT. ,Fange 23 ���., �our.c:ed on the south by the north street line of Minnehah�. Avenue; on the west by tne e�,st street line of Dale St. ; on tlie North by a line 728.73 feet nor-th of and parallel to the south line o� said Section 25; and on the east by a line described as �ollows: Beginning at a point on -the last described line, 60 feet east oP the wes� line of Section 25; thence southerly, parallel to the west line of said Section 25, a distance of 3�8.73 feet; thence souther�y to a point on ° the northerly street line of Mirli�ehaha Avenue and 72 feet easter]�y of � . the west line of Section 25 and there terminating. The westerly 41 feet of Block 7, Foundry's Addition. The ��ester�y �+l feet of Lots 28 throu�h 3�+ inclusive of Block 3, . "Denslows Addition" to the City of S-t. Paul. i � All of Lot 1 and those p�xts of Lots 2, 3, �+, 35, 36, and the vacated a�1ey in Block 3 of "Denslows Addition" to the City of St. Paul ]tiying , westerly of a li.ne parallel to and �+l feet east of the east street line • of Da1e Street. Also that part of Lot 2, Block 3, "Denslows Addition" to the City of St. Paul except the west �+1 feet thereof lyin� west of a line para11e1 to and 20 feet southeas�erkjr-of the northwesterly lot line of said Lot •2. �� Also cond emn and take easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills (as shown on said drawing No. 3009), including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction oY slopes in the gradirig and paving of said Da1e Street. ' The Vrester]�y 41 feet of Lots 28 throu�h 3� inclusive of Block 3, "Denslows Addition" to the City of St. Paul. All o� Lot 1 and those parts of Lots 2, 3, �, 35, 36, �nd the vacated a]�.ey in Block 3 of "Denslaws Addition" to the City of St. Pau1 lyin� westerly of a line parallel to and �+l feet east of the east street line of Dale Street. Also that part of Lot 2, Block 3, "Denslows Addition" to the City of St. Paul except the west 41 feet thereof lying west of a Line par�il..lel to and 20 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly 1ot • line of said Lot 2. Also condemn and take easements in the land necessaxy for sl.opes, cuts, and fills (as shown on said drawing No. 3009), including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction o�' slopes 3n the grading and pavir� of said Da1e Street.